unit 22 a world of fun(新课标版高一英语上册教案教学设计)

发布时间:2016-9-15 编辑:互联网 手机版

Unit22 A world of fun


Period1: Warming up, Listening

Period2: speaking

Period3: Reading

Period4: Language study, Grammar

Period5: Intergrating skills ,Writing,workbook

Period1 Warming up and listening

Step1 Lead-in

This world is full of fun. All of us like to have fun. Most of us have ever been to parks, zoos. Today we are going to learn something about amusement parks.

Look at the four pictures on page 64,and then answer the following questions.

1.Have you ever been to an amusement park? What did you see?

2.Have you ever tried sitting in a roller coaster?

3.How did you feel?

4.Do you like it? Why?

Step2 Warming up

1.Look at the pictures and fill in the blanks.

Do you like these activities? Why or Why not?

2.Do an interview to find others’ ideas. Students may go around:

The dialogue can be like this:

Student A: Hello. Have you ever been to an amusement park?

Student B: Oh, yes. I have tried…

Student A: Do you like it?

Student B: Sure.I like it because it’s really exciting and …

3.Some students tell about their interviews.

Students tell about other activities, such as rock-climbing, rafting, skiing, surfing, skydiving and so on.They can draw simple pictures to describe the activities.

Step3 Summary:

Everyone may experience the things in the pictures in our daily life. I hope all of you can do what you like!

Period 2 speaking

Step 1 Pre-speaking

Watch the map and find the way. Suppose we are at the main entrance of this theme park and we want to go to some places: the Ocean world, the History Land,the Bungee Jumping…Please write about how we can get there, according to page 65.

Step2 listening

Look at the map on page65.Student A is at the restaurant and he/she wants to go to the roller coaster. Student B is using the map to help Student A find the place he or she is looking for. Listen to the dialogue and answer the question:

How can Student A get to the roller coaster from the restaurant?

Step3 practice

Look at the useful expressions on page 66 and make up a dialogue using the expressions.

Step4 Telling the way

Workbook page 125 and 126.

Period 3 Reading

Step1 Lead-in

Ask two questions:

1.Have you ever been to The World Under the Sea in Beihai?

2.What is a theme park?

As we all know, a theme park is a wonderful park. It has its own theme. It has a collection of rides, exhibitions and other attractions.

Step2 Pre-reading

Answer some questions:

1.What do you think you can see in a theme park?

2.What do you think about adventure sports?

3.Do your town or city have an amusement park? What can you do there?

4.Is a theme park different from a traditional park? Why?

Step3 Reading

Task 1 Skimming


1.How many theme parks does the writer tell us?

2.What are they ? Where are they?

3.What are the themes about?

Task 2 Scanning

Listen to the tape and do some True or False statements

(F)1.The World Park is the largest park in the world.

(F)2.Every year,there are more than five hundred thousand students visiting Ocean Park.

(T)3.Ocean Park is divided into two sections,including the Headland and the Lowland.

(F)4.New Disney parks have opened only in the US.

(F)5.Disneyland in California was the first theme park to become popular around the world.

(T)6.At Universal,all the rides and activities are based on Universal Pictures movies.

Task 3 Find the meanings

Find words in the passage that mean the following

1.To make someone laugh or to entertain someone (para1) amusement

2.sth that makes people want to go to a place (para2) attration

3.a small national group of people in society (para1) minority

4.an exciting feeling (para2) thrill

5.activities that entertain people (para2) entertainment

Step4. Language points:

1. base sth. on/upon sth. else

be based on

eg. This story is based on facts.

2. in common

have sth. in common

in common with


eg. Some films combine education with recreation.

4.divide v.

1).分,分割,把…分成(若干部分).常与into 或 from 连用。

After the war the country was divided into three parts.

Divide 侧重于把原来的整体分成若干部分。Separate 指把原来联合在一起或靠近的人或物分离开来。(多与from 搭配使用)

(1).The worlds is divided into five continents.

(2).Separate your things from mine.

5.Having enjoyed the rides at the headland, visitors can take the shuttle to the lowland.

Having… 现在分词完成式作时间状语(enjoy 动作在take 之前发生)

Having finished the work, he went back home on foot.

=After he had finished………

6. Go on

1) (时间)过去pass

As time went on, things began to change.

2) 继续下去continue

We were all tired out, so we couldn'’t go on.

3) 发生,进展(get on / along)

How is the work going on?

Go on with sth. 继续做(同一件事但一度中断)

Go on doing sth. 继续做(同一件事)

Go on to do sth. 继续做(另一件事)

Go on / go on with / go on doing / go on to do

1.I couldn't finish my homework, so I have to _go on with it tomorrow.

2.I went on to tell (tell)a story just after I read the passage.

3.How did you _go on in your examination?

4.I hope it won't _go on raining_(rain) all day.

5.After the lecture he _went on to talk(talk)about the world situation.


1.Finish the following passage according to what we learned today.

Now Theme parks are popular around the world. Unlike traditional amusement parks, they can both _entertain_ and _educate_ visitors to make sure they leave knowing_ more about their theme. What they all have in common_is that they combine_ fun with the opportunity__ to learn something. A good _example_of such parks is Ocean Park in Hong Kong. Visitors to Ocean Park will find all the rides and attractions_ that can be found in most parks. Besides_, they can also learn about life_ in the ocean.New theme parks are being built across the world. They are becoming more advanced__and new technology_ allows us to experience almost everything without actually being in _danger__or risking injury.

2.Answer the questions from question 1 to question 3 in Post-reading.

Period4: Language study, Grammar


Answer the questions according to the passage about theme parks.

1.Which park is China’s largest theme park?

2.What can you do at the World Park in China?

3.What can we learn at the China Ethnic Culture Park?

4.What's the theme of the Disney parks?

5.Which section of the Ocean Park,in Hong Kong should you go to if you want to learn about the giant dinosaur’s footprints?

Step2.Word Study

In this passage,we have learn some important words.Now please read some words in Word Study.First try to think of their meanings and usages.Then finished the exercise.


Now,please look at the two sentences on the blackboard.

1.He stood there. He read a newspaper.

2.After he graduated from the college,he went to a factory.

How can we join these two sentences into one?

1.He stood there,reading a newspaper.

2.Having graduated from the college,he went to a factory.

Attention :1.When two things happen at the same time,or almost at the same time in one sentence,we often use thefollowing structure:

v.-ing(phrase)+main clause/main clause+v.-ing(phrase)

2.While one thing happens first,the other happens later,we usually use the following structure:

Having done, +main clause/main clause+having done


Do exercise1 and 2.

Step5.改写下列句子。 1.The moment she heard the news,she burst into tears.

____________,she burst into tears. (时间状语)

2.If you stay here for some time,you will the people here friendly.

____________,you will the people here friendly. (条件状语)

3.As I think he might be at home,I telephone.

____________,I telephone. (原因状语)

4.He sat in the armchair,and read the newspaper.

He sat in the armchair,____________ . (伴随或方式状语)

Keys:1.Hearing the news 2.Staying here for some time 3.Thinking he might be at home 4.reading the newspaper

Period5: Intergrating skills ,Writing, workbook


We have learnt much about amusements and the theme park. We have known that a theme park is a collection of rides, exhibitions and other attractions that are based on a common theme. There must be all kinds of rides not only in an amusement park but also in a theme park. Now we are going to read a passage about rides in the theme park.


Read the passage quickly and then answer some questions.

1.What kinds of ride are mentioned in the passage?

2.What's the feature of today’s roller caster?

3.What's the feature of the thrill ride?


June lst,1995

Dear Peter,

We're so glad you're coming to join us on Sunday. Here is how you can find us. We'll have our picnic in the People's Park. You know where that is, don't you? After you enter the park by the main gate, walk straight on till you come to a stream. Cross the stream and turn right. After walking for a while you'll come to a hill. Walk around to the other side of the hill. There you'll see a lake. We'll have our picnic there in the small woods by the lake. I'm sure you'll have no trouble finding us. Do come!

Li Hua

Unit22 A world of fun预习材料部分答案


1.Talking 2.arguing 3. not having told 4.cheating 5.Having finished 6.Having been showed 7.followed 8.seeing 9.Being 10.Not having received


1.which改为it 2.so改为such 3.watch改为watching 4.to be divided改为to divide 5.danger改为dangerous 6.keep改为prevent或在playing前加from 7.country改为countries 8.funny改为fun

Unit22 A world of fun


I. Answer some questions:

Task 1 Skimming

1.How many theme parks does the writer tell us?

2.What are they? Where are they?

3.What are the themes about?

Task 2 Scanning

Listen to the tape and do some True or False statements

1.The World Park is the largest park in the world.

2.Every year,there are more than five hundred thousand students visiting Ocean Park.

3.Ocean Park is divided into two sections,including the Headland and the Lowland.

4.New Disney parks have opened only in the US.

5.Disneyland in California was the first theme park to become popular around the world.

6.At Universal,all the rides and activities are based on Universal Pictures movies.

Task 3. Find words in the passage that mean the following

1.To make someone laugh or to entertain someone (para1)

2.sth that makes people want to go to a place (para2)

3.a small national group of people in society (para1)

4.an exciting feeling (para2)

5.activities that entertain people (para2)

II. Fill in the blanks:

Now Theme parks are popular around the world. Unlike _________ amusement parks, they can both _________ and _________ visitors to make sure they leave _________ more about their theme. What they all have in _________ is that they _________ fun with the _________ to learn something. A good _________ of such parks is Ocean Park in Hong Kong. _________ to Ocean Park will find all the rides and _________ that can be found in most parks. _________ , they can also learn about _________ in the ocean.New theme parks are being built across the world. They are becoming more _________ and new _________ allows us to experience almost everything without actually being in_________ or risking injury.

III. Choose the right phases:

1.Go on / go on with / go on doing / go on to do

(1).I couldn't finish my homework,so I have to ____________ it tomorrow.

(2).I ___________(tell)a story just after I read the passage.

(3).How did you ____________ in your examination?

(4).I hope it won't ____________(rain) all day.

(5).After the lecture he ___________(talk)about the world situation.

2. divide into / Separate from

(1).The worlds is ____________ five continents.

(2).______ your things ______ mine.

IV.改写下列句子。 1.The moment she heard the news, she burst into tears.

____________, she burst into tears. (时间状语)

2.If you stay here for some time, you will the people here friendly.

____________, you will the people here friendly. (条件状语)

3.As I think he might be at home, I telephone.

____________, I telephone. (原因状语)

4.He sat in the armchair,and read the newspaper.

He sat in the armchair, ____________ . (伴随或方式状语)


1.____________(talk)is easier than doing.

2.It's no use ____________(argue) about it.

3.I must apologize for ____________(not tell) you earlier.

4.The teacher was angry at some students' ____________(cheat) in the maths exam..

5.____________(finish) his homework, he went to bed.

6.____________(show) around the factory, they returned to school.

7.The teacher came out, ____________(follow) by a group of students.

8.____________(see) those pictures, they couldn't help thinking of his mother.

9.____________(be) blind, they could not see an elephant.

10.____________(not receive) a reply,he decided to write again.


1.They bought a new house but which will need a lot of work before they can move in.

2.They are so interesting books that I want to read them once more.

3.There were so many people in the street watch the fire.

4.They found the cake difficult to be divided.

5.It's danger for women to walk alone at night.

6.Lacey has a back injury that may keep him playing in tomorrow's game.

7.The girls come from a variety of different country.

8.It is no funny to be working inside when the weather is nice.


假定你是李华。你和几个朋友约定星期天在人民公园野餐(to have a picnic)。你们的英国朋友Peter也应邀参加。请你根据下面的示意图,给他写封短信,告诉他进公园后如何找到你们。词数80─100。