Unit 3 The land down under(人教版高三英语上册教案教学设计)

发布时间:2016-3-14 编辑:互联网 手机版

Period 1 New words and expressions

1. fellows at school 同学 fellows in arms/crime战友/同案犯

a follow member同组织成员 one’s fellow countrymen同胞

2.①claim knowledge of sth=claim to have knowledge of sth=have idea of sth__________T他们知道所发生的一切。

②Has anyone claimed thao lost watch? 有人认领这块丢失的表吗?

③a claim for damages赔偿损害的要求make a claim to sth认领某物


the criminal scene犯罪现场 Criminal Law刑法

4.govern____________ governor_____________ governm

5.resemble each other in appearance or nature在外表或本质上相似

They resemble each other in shape but not in color._____________________________________

Resemblance n.

There are striking resemblances between the two sisters.这姐妹俩外貌惊人地相似。

6.diverse--diversity(n) --- diversify(v)--diversely(adv)

offer diverse suggestions提供不同意见

She has a great ___________ of interests.

7.transform-transformation-transformable (adj)

transform one form of erengy into another把一种形式的能量转换为另一种

Success and wealth transformed his character 成功和财富改变了他的性格。


immigrate into a country___________________

Irish immigrants爱尔兰移民

9.differ-difference-different –differently

differ from sb (about/on sth)和某人持有不同意见


I’m sorry to differ from you on that question.

Make a/some/no/any/much difference 有(颇有,没有,有何,有很大)重要性


It won’t make much difference whether you go today or tomorrow.

10.braek out爆发

break away from脱离,革除

break down 崩溃,出毛病,(精神或身体)衰弱

break in(imto) 迸发/强行进入

break off折断,中断

break through突破

break up碎裂,(身体)变弱

break (up) with与…绝交,放弃

break up with an friend___________________

11.feed…on Feed the sheep on grass.

feed on Sheep feed on grass.

12.pointed 尖的

point V. ①指,把┅对准

point to

point at

point out

point one’s gun at the enemy________________

②弄尖,削尖point a pencil with a knife 用刀削尖铅笔

③使尖锐,强调 point an argument with facts用事实来加强论据

n.①点,小数点,标点six point two five2.5

a full point句号

the boiling/freezing/melting point________________

②(特定)时刻,瞬间 a turning point in revolution__________________

③要点,要害,论点 to the point中肯,切中要害 off the point离题

④意义,目的 There is no point in doing sth.________________________

⑤尖(端),尖状物the point of a needle/knife/pen____________________

12.medium___________ maximum最大量的,最高点的(反义词)minimum最低值(点)

a maximum and minimum thermometer 可显示最高温与最低温的温度计


Television can be medium for giving information.电视可成为传播消息的媒介。

The theater is his favourite medium.戏剧是他喜欢的艺术形式。

Period 2 Warming up,listening&speaking(略)

Period 3 Reading(一)

Step 1 Answer the following questions.

1) What do the symbols on the Australian flag represent?

Six of the points represent the original states (Western Australia, South Australia, Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania) and the seventh stands for all the territories. The other stars on the flag represent the Southern Cross.

2) Who were the first people to arrive in Australia?

The Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders.

3) Why were prisoners sent to Australia after 1788? Where were they from?

The American War of Independence made it possible for England to send prisoners to North America. They were from America.

4) What happened to the original Australians when the European newcomers arrived?

The newcomers changed the way land was managed and introduced new plants and animals that were harmful to the Australian ecosystems. As a consequence, the original Australians suffered.

5) What was the problem with Australia's Constitution?

The Constitution governing six states stated that men were free and equal, explained their base civil rights and described the new government.

6) How did the two World Wars change Australia?

After the First World War, the country experienced social and economic unrest and suffered from the Depression of the 1930s. After the Second World War, Australia began to transform itself into the modern country as it is today.

7) How does Australian English differ from British English?

Australian English differs from British English in pronunciation and some of the vocabulary.

Read Part One THE PORTRAIT OF A NATION and answer question 1-3.

1.What oceans are around Australia?

Australia is surrounded by many oceans: the Indian Ocean, the Southern Ocean and the Pacific Ocean.

2. What’s the capital city of Australia? Is it also Australia’s most famous city?

Canberra is the capital city of Australia, but it is not the most famous city. Sydney is Australia’s most famous city.

3. How many stars are there in the Australian flag?

There are six stars.

Read Part Two THE FIRST AUSTRALIANS and answer question4-5.

4.Who are the first Australians?

The first Australians were the Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders. 澳大利亚最早的居民是土著居民和托雷斯海峡的岛上居民。

5.Do they have their own culture? .

Yes, and their culture was highly developed.

Read Part Three A NATION OF PRISONERS? and answer question6-10.

6.When European explorers began arriving on the continent?

In the seventeenth century.

7.Who claimed the east coast of the continent for the British Crown?

Captain James Cook

8.Why so many prisoners and criminals were sent to Australia?

Because of the American War of Independence, it was impossible for England to send prisoners to North America.

9.What day is Australia Day? What happened on that day?

January 26. The British Governor landed on the continent on that day.

10.Why many Aborigines and islanders were moved?

The newcomers came and introduced new plants and animals that were harmful to the Australian ecosystems. As a consequence, the original Australians suffered.

Read the last two parts and do the following T or F exercises:

11.In the early twentieth century, Australia was a “new world” society without a ruling class.

12.Aborigines and other non-Europeans enjoyed the same rights.

13. The First World War had a great influence on Australia.

14. In the early 1960s, the government passed laws to strengthen the rights of Aborigines and Islanders to improve their living condition.

15. French is the official language of Australia.

16. Australian English is different I spelling from British and American English.

17. “Down under” means “in Australia”.

18. Some of the Aboriginal language have been lost.

keys:T:11,13,17,18 F: 12,14,15,16


1.Answer the questions.

1. Why does Australia have so many plants and animals that can not be found anywhere else in the world?

Because Australia has been separated from other Continents for millions of years.

2.Why do kangaroos carry their young in a pocket of skin on their stomach?

Kangaroos give birth to very small and weak young. They are carried in a pocket of skin for several months while they feed on the Mother\'s Milk and grow stronger.

3. In what way is Australia different from all the other countries in the world?

Australia is the only country in the world which covers an entire continent.

4. Compare the Climate in different areas of Australia with that found in different parts of China.

The climate in Australia is different depending on the area. The south has cool, wet winters and warm, dry summers. The north has warm, dry winters and hot wet summers.

2.Choose the best answer

1.The Australian flag shows________. D

A. the UK flag and seven stars B. the USA flag and a large star with seven points

C. the UK flag and six large stars with seven points

D. the UK flag, a large star and a group of small stars

2. Who were the first people to arrive in Australia? C

A. Spanish, Portuguese and Dutch.

B. Prisoners and criminals from England.

C. Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders. D. Asian explorers.

3.According to the text, Asian countries have _________ on Australia culture. A

A. great influence B. little influence C. no influence D. no effect

4.In 1770, Captain James Cook claimed the east coast of the continent for the_______ Crown. A

A. British B. Spanish C. Portuguese D. American

5.What does the word ‘‘claim’’ mean in Paragraph 3 of ‘‘A nation of prisoners? ’’ B

Australia A. need B. demand C. believe D. buy

6 It was ________ that made the original Australians suffer. A

A. the American War of Independence B. Captain James Cook

C. the English prisoners D. the first fleet of 11 ships

7.After the Second World War, Australia began to_______ B

A. form the commonwealth B. transform itself into the modern country as it is today

C. change its attitude towards immigration D. suffer from the Depression of the 1930s

8. The last part of the text tells us __________. B

A. Australian English is the same as British English

B. there are no differences between Australia English and British English

C. all the words in Australian English have a different meaning from British words

D. "down under" means the country of Australia to Australians

9. From the national flag of Australia, we can know________. C

A. there are 5 states altogether in Australia B. people of Australia like American society

C. people of Australia think they have something to do with the English people

D. Australia suffered from immigration

10 From the text we can infer Australia came into being ________ the continent began to exist. B

A. long before B. long after C. at .the same time when D. shortly after


Answer the following questions.

1) What do the symbols on the Australian flag represent?

Six of the points represent the original states (Western Australia, South Australia, Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania) and the seventh stands for all the territories. The other stars on the flag represent the Southern Cross.

2) Who were the first people to arrive in Australia?

The Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders.

3) Why were prisoners sent to Australia after 1788? Where were they from?

The American War of Independence made it possible for England to send prisoners to North America. They were from America.

4) What happened to the original Australians when the European newcomers arrived?

The newcomers changed the way land was managed and introduced new plants and animals that were harmful to the Australian ecosystems. As a consequence, the original Australians suffered.

5) What was the problem with Australia\'s Constitution?

The Constitution governing six states stated that men were free and equal, explained their base civil rights and described the new government.

6) How did the two World Wars change Australia?

After the First World War, the country experienced social and economic unrest and suffered from the Depression of the 1930s. After the Second World War, Australia began to transform itself into the modern country as it is today.

7) How does Australian English differ from British English?

Australian English differs from British English in pronunciation and some of the vocabulary.

Integrating skills

Period 4 Language Points in reading

1. represent:vt.

①=depict 描绘,塑造 The picture represents a hunting scene.②=state 陈述 represent sth. To sb.=represent to sb.sth.

e.g. The lawyer represented to the court that the criminal was mentally unstable.

represent …as… 称……为

e.g. He represents himself as a wealthy man, but in fact he was as poor as a church mouse.

③=stand for/symbolize 代表,象征

e.g. The moon represents my hearts

④=on behalf of 作为……的代表

e.g. I’d like to thank you representing my whole family.

The Queen was represented at funeral by the British ambassador.

representation n. make representations to sb.

representative adj.

2. come to:

①=arrive 到达,抵达

Go straight on till you come to a crossroad.

The answer came to me at last.

②=to concern 谈到;涉及

When it comes to tennis, you can’t beat her.

③=to amount to 总计;

The bill came to 5 million dollars.

3. claim vt.

①=to ask for or state one should have sth.提出要求;索取;认领;声称有……的权利

She claims the ownership of the land.

Has anyone claimed this watch?

A small terrorist group has claimed responsibility for the bombing in London.

②=state/declare to be true

Don’t claim to know what you don’t know.

They claim that they have discovered a cure for disease.

n. put in/make ~ for sth 提出损害赔偿,增薪等要求

 ~ to sth; 对某事物的权利

make a claim to sth要求得到某物;认领某物

have a claim on sb/to sth有(没有)对某人或某物提出要求的权利

lay claim to sth 声称对.有所有权

4. consequence cf . result n & v.

n.①.(pl) 结果,后果,影响

take /suffer/bear the ~s of one’s action



  It’s of no ~.   这无关紧要

③. as a consequence

1)由于...的缘故= in consequence( of sth)

2)作为...的结果 =as a result of sth

eg.1) He was found guilty and lost her job in consequence.

2).The tsunami hit the coastline around the Indian Ocean. As a consequence , thousands of people died and more became homeless.海啸袭击了印度洋沿岸地区.结果,成千上万的人丧生,更多的人无家可归

5.resemble sb/ sth( in sth)(不用进行时)与他人或他物(在某方面)相似 He resembles his father in appearance or nature.

resemblance n.

have little/no ~ to the fact 与事实相去甚远/根本不符相似,,相象

resemblance between A and B cf. similarity

6.have sb do sth.

have sb/sth doing

have sth done (by sb)

1)让别人干某事=get sth done


eg.1) Please have/get your hair cut.

2)Last night Mr. Smith had his house broken into

3) King Charles had his head cut by revolutionaries.

7. have an influence on/upon=have an effect on/upon

influence sb./sth affect sb./sth

e.g. I don’t think this kind of system will have a great influence on our school.

8.transform…into… 把……化作/变作……=change…into…

e.g The Greens have transformed their garage into a guest house.

A generator transforms mechanical energy into electricity.

Go over the language points and read the text again.

Finish the exercises in the workbook..