Unit 3 The Land Down Under语言点详解(人教版高三英语上册教案教学设计)

发布时间:2017-10-28 编辑:互联网 手机版


1. Modern Australia is made up of six states and two territories现代澳大利亚是由六个州两大区组成的

be made up of =consists of 由……组成

The Grade Three in our school is made up of 17 classes.我们学校高三年级是由17个班级组成的。

17 classes make up the Grade Three in our school.

The solar system is made up of a star and nine plants. 太阳系是由一个恒星和九个行星组成的。

make up 和解,和好; 虚构,编造; 化妆; 补偿,弥补; 凑钱

It is very hard to make up the quarrel between the couple.很难调解这对夫妇之间的争吵。

Don’t make up any excuse to cheat me.不要找任何借口来欺骗我。

I find no time to make myself up every day.梳妆打扮

Because you were ill, you will have to make up the final exam.补期末考试

Hard work can make up for a lack of intelligence/the lost time. 弥补智力上的缺乏/损失的时间(用其他方式)

Have you made up the money for your class? 凑钱

2. Australia is surrounded by many oceans.澳大利亚周边有两大洋

surround 包围 surround sb./ sth. with sth

They have surrounded the town with troops.他们出动军队包围了该城。

surround 常用于被动语态中 “被……包围

The house is surrounded by/with high walls.房子周围有高高的围墙。

When he came back ,he found himself surrounded by his family and friends.当他苏醒后,发现他周围站着他的家人和朋友。

surroundings (周边环境) environment (与人类相对的环境)

3. but the capital of Australia is Canberra,a city located between Sydeny and Melbourne



4.Six of the points represent the states and the seventh stands for all the territories.六个角代表六个州,第七个角代表区。

represent 代表,象征; 表现; 描绘,塑造; 声称

In a love song ,people will tell his lover that the moon represents his heart.月亮象征他的心

I’d like to thank you representing my whole family.我代表我的全家谢谢您。

=I’d like to thank you on behalf of my whole family.

The girl representing all the new students gave us a speech on the school opening ceremony.


He represented himself as a wealthy man, but in fact he was as poor as a church mouse.声称自己是个健康的人而其实

representative n.代表 adj.典型的, 有代表性的

stand for 象征,代表; 支持; (多指代字母、符号等的替代作用)

What does WTO stand for? WTO代表什么? It stands for World Trade Organization

Before we elect him, we want to know what he stands for.

5.These peoples came to the continent at least fifity thousand years ago and created complex societies.


people 的含义

相当于persons (一个以上的人) There are many people in the room

指persons in general 人们。What will people think of this?人们将如何看待这件事?

指all the ordinary members of a state 人民(与the连用)serve the people heart and soul

指those persons who live in a particular place or have a particular nationality 某一地的居民或具有某一国籍的人民。the people of London 伦敦居民,the British people 英国人民

指nation (民族),race (人种),tribe (部落)等,此时people为单数,其复数形式为peoples

the peoples of the world 世界各民族;Europe is made up of many peoples.

典型例题:The Chinese people are a hardworking and brave people.中国人民是勤劳勇敢的人民。

6.live in a similar way to their ancestors……过着与他们祖先相似的生活

A be similar to B 。。。和。。。相类似

My new dress/bike is similar to the one you have. 我的新衣服和你的那件相似。

8.while others live in cities,towns and the country in the same way as their fellow Australians……而另外一些人像其他澳大利亚同胞一样住在城镇和农村。

▲fellow n.(常用复数,用以构成复合词)同伴;同志

school fellows同学 bed fellows同床者

Her fellows share her interest in computers.她的同伴跟她一样对计算机感兴趣。


fellow creatures 同类动物 fellow countryman 同胞 fellow traveler旅伴;同路人


Poor fellow!可怜的小伙子!



They arrived while we were having dinner.他们来的时候我们正在吃饭。


He is a worker while I am a doctor.他是工人而我是医生。


While I understand what you say,I can’t agree with you.尽管我能理解你所说的,但却无法赞同。


There will be life while there is water and air.只要有水和空气,就会有生命。

9.In 1770,Captain Cook claimed the east coast of the continent for the British Crown.1770年库克船长生称这个大陆的东海岸属于大不列颠王国。

claim vt. & n. n.(根据权利提出)要求, 要求权, 主张, 要求而得到的东西,vt.(根据权利)要求, 认领, 声称, 主张, 需要,索赔

You can claim your money back if the goods are damaged.货物有损坏,可以要求退钱。

Did you claim on the insurance after your car accident?汽车出了事故后你向保险公司索赔了吗?

I claimed the coat that the teacher found. 我认领了老师找到的外套。

Has anyone claimed the watch? 有人认领这块手表吗?

He claimed that he hadn't done it, but I didn't believe him. 他声称没有做这件事,可是我不相信他。

He claimed that he had done the work without help.他声称没有得到帮助而完成了这项工作。

Don’t claim to know what you don’t know.不要不懂装懂。

Fishermen and sailors sometimes claim to have seen monsters in the sea.渔夫和水手有时声称看到过海里的妖怪。

10. Later, when the American War of Independence made it impossible for England to send prisoners to North America, Australia was chosen a new place where prisoners and criminals were sent.后来,美国独立战争使得英国不能向北美输送囚犯,于是澳大利亚被选为一个新的囚犯和罪犯的流放地。

11.The British Governor landed on January 26,today as Australia Day. 英国总督于1月26日登陆,这一天就是现在的澳大利亚日。

The Constitution governing six states stated that men were free and equal, explained their basic civil rights and described the new government.当时统治六个州的宪法表明人是自由平等的。它还说明了人民的基本权利,也描述了当时的新政府。


In Britain elected representatives of the people govern the country.



Self-interest governs all his actions.


n.government 统治;控制;支配

州长;省长;总督someone who rules a state or province

12.The newcomers changed the way land was managed and introduced new plants and animals that were harmful to the Aistralian ecosytems. 新来的这批人改变了这里的土地管理方式。引进了新的植物和动物,这些动植物破坏了澳大利亚的生态系统

be harmful to/do harm to/harm sb.or sth

13. As a consequence,the original Australians suffered. 结果原来的澳大利亚人吃尽了苦头。

as a consequence 结果,后果

as a consequence= in consequence/as a result

After graduation, he became quite lazy. As a consequence, he lost what he owned.


in consequence of =as a result of/because of/due to/owing to

In consequence of his rudeness, he was fired by his boss.由于他的粗鲁,他被老板开除了。

14.Many Aborigines and Islanders were moved had their land taken away from them许多土著居民和岛民被迁走了,他们的土地被剥夺了。


15.In the early twentieth century,Australia resembled the USA of the eighteenth century在20世纪初期,澳大利亚就像18世纪的美国一样。

resemble vt.(不用于被动语态和进行时态)

resemble sb./sth.(in sth.) 与(他人或他物)相似;像……

She resembles her brother in looks.她和她弟弟长得很像。

He strongly resembles his father in appearance.他非常像他的父亲。

n resemblance(between A and B)相似;相像

There is a degree of resemblance between the two boys.这两个男孩有某些相似之处。

16.The First World War had a strong influence on Australia.第一次世界大战对澳大利亚有强烈的影响。

have an influence on/upon 对…有影响

have an influence on/upon=have an effect on/upon influence sb./sth.=affect sb./sth.

I don’t think this kind of system will have a great influence on our school.我认为这种体制不会对我们学校产生很大影响。

SARS has a strong influence on human.对人类影响很大。

17.After the war,the country experienced social and economic unrest and suffered from the Great Depression of the 1930s.



His leg was broken and he suffered great pain.


常用于短语suffer from...,意为“受……的折磨,患某种疾病,有某种缺陷”。

In the old days,peasants suffered a great deal from cold and hunger.


18. Australia began to transform itself into the modern country it is today.


A fresh coat of paint can transform a room.


A generator generator (发电机)transforms mechanical energy into electricity. (把机械能转变成电能)

A steam engineer transforms heat into power.蒸汽机把热转化成动力。

adj.transformable 可改变外观或性质的


His character seems to have undergone a complete transformation since his marriage.


19.The economy grew and Australia benefited from the immigration.经济增长了,澳大利亚人从移民中受益。

benefit n.

He has had the benefit of a first-class education.他受益于第一流的教育。

The new factory will be a great benefit to the town.这个新工厂对这个市镇将会有很大的好处。(=be good to)

benefit v.

This medicine will benefit you.这药对你有好处。

I benefited from my father’s advice.我受益于父亲的教育。

20. pass laws to strengthen the rights of ……通过法律来加强……的权利。

strengthen v.加强;巩固;变强

The current strengthened as we moved down the river.我们顺流而下时,水流更急了。

This latest development has further strengthened my determination to leave.最近事态的发展更增强了我离开的决心。

strength n.力气;力量;强度

He is a man of great strength.他是个强壮的男子。

The fence was strengthened with wire. 这堵围栏用金属丝加固了。

21.It would be many years until Australia learnt to respect Aborigines and recognize the importance of diverse society.


Australian English differs in pronunciation from British and American English.


diverse adj. differing one from another; different 不同的;多种多样的

have diverse interests 有多种兴趣

differ from sb./ sth.与某人/某事物不同,有区别=be different from

We differ from each other in many ways.我们在许多方面不同。

In this aspect,French differs from English/French and English.在这方面,法语不同于英语。

differ with/from sb.about/on sth.不同意;持异议

I’m sorry to differ with you on that.对不起,在那一点上我与你看法不同。

“I beg to differ.”表示与某人意见不一致。


difference between A and B不同之处;差别;变化

It’s not very easy to tell the difference between sugar and salt.区别糖和盐不是很容易的。

make a/no/some difference(to sb./ sth.)(对某人/某事物)有/没有/有些作用或影响。

It makes no difference(to me)what you say:I’m not going.不管你怎么说(对我来说)都无所谓,反正我不去。

Integrative reading


The two cities are connected by a railway

The No. 1 trolly bus connects here with the No. 4 trolly bus for the East Lake.

connect with Beijing University.

connect A with B connect…with(by) join A to B/join…with(by)

We can connect(join)the two islands with a bridge.

The road connects Beijing with Tianjin.

The new highway has joined our hometown to the city.

The Pananma Canal connects the Atlantic with the Pacific.

(The road connects Shanghai and Suzhou.)


Although both these shops sell vegetables, they are quite separate.

The children all sleep in separate beds.

We’re sorry that you two should be separated.

England is separated from France by the English channel.

Let’s separate them into three groups.

Please separate the good apples from the bad ones.

They didn’t separate till midnight.

The good friends were glad to meet after so long a separation.

Cf:The world is divided into five continents.

You can divide the apples between you.


divide: 着重把一个整体按一定数量和大小比例分成若干份。

3.having been separated from…

*Arriving at the village(When he arrived at the village),he could not find his home.

*Walking in the park(When she was walking), she saw an old friend.

*Being blind(As they were blind),how could they see?

*Having been there many times, he offered to introduce the history of country .(As he had been)

*Having been rebuilt this way,these temples look even more beautiful.(As/After they have been rebuilt)

*Having put up the tent, they started to cook their supper. (After they put up/had put up)

(Right) Standing on top of the tall building, we could see the whole city.

(Wrong)Standing on top of the tall building, the whole city could be seen.

(Right)Having found the cause they continued the experiment.

(Wrong)Having found the cause,the experiment continued.

Fill in the blanks

(1).Who is the man standing by the door?

(2).The bell ran announcing the end of class.

(3).Austrlia is the only country covering an entire continent.

(4).Suddenly there appeared a young woman dressed in white.

(5).Those chosen as team members must be here before 7 a.m. tomorrow.

(6).He is a man liked by all.

(7).The man writing this English letter is my teacher.

(8).The letter written in simple English is from my teacher.

4.In area…the same size as/…more than 13 times as many as

China is large in area and rich in resources.

The TV tower is nearly 40 metres in height.

They built a fence 30 meters in length.

The area of Australia is 7.6 million sq.km.


A be x times the size/height/length of B

A be x times as big/high/long as B

A be x-1 time bigger/higher/longer than B

A be bigger/higher/longer than B by x-1 times


This room is three times the size of that one.

This room is three times as big as that one.

This room is twice bigger than that one.

This room is bigger than that one by twice.


6.give birth to/be borne

She has borne three children.

She has given birth to three children.

7.keep out

Danger! Keep out!

They closed all windows to keep out the cold.

We put a fence round the vegetable garden to keep the chickens out.

Please keep him out of trouble while he is studying here.

Please keep the dog out of the garden.


Keep up your courage/spirits.

They can keep up their normal temperature even in very cold weather.

The old man couldn’t keep up with the other people.

Dave was not good at maths and he couldn’t keep up with the rest of the class.

They used to keep watch at the top of the tree during the war.

Keeping a diary is very important to you.

You’d better keep cool when you are in danger.

She couldn’t keep back her tears at the news.

A newspaper can keeps one in touch with the world.

Nothing can keep me from doing so.

8.round up 聚拢;征集;搜捕

The guide rounded up the tourists and took them back to the coach.向导把游客们聚集在一起,又把他们带回到海滨。

The sheepdog rounded up the sheep and drove them through the gate.牧羊犬把羊群集中到一起,赶进栅门。