
时间:2021-12-24 17:45:20 选择 我要投稿




  A recent survey shows that people who get higher salaries generally work longer hours than those who get lower salaries. Some people choose higher-paying jobs while others would rather take up lower-paying job with short hours. Which one would you choose when you graduate?

  Write on Answer Sheet Two a composition of about 200 words on the following topic:

  My Choice for Job

  You are to write in three parts.

  In the ? rst part, state speci? cally what your idea is.

  In the second part, provide reasons to support your idea OR describe your idea.

  In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.

  Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the instructions may result in a loss of marks.










  My Choice for Job

  Work is an important part of people’s life as they have to devote their prime time to it. What kind of job to choose has therefore aroused heated discussion. Some people favor higher-paying jobs with longer work time, but others, in contrast, think otherwise . In my view, I will choose a lower- paying one for the following reasons.


  One important reason is that money is not that all-mighty and doesn’t necessarily ensure happiness and well-being. It’s true that money can buy a lot of things, yet it can not replace the feelings when we are with our families and friends which requires more time. If we work longer hours and spare little and even no time for our aging parents, we will regret for our rest life when they are gone.

  Another equally important factor that supports my choice is my belief that health is more important than work and money. The jobs that pay well tend to be high-demanding and require full devotion. In other words, health is sacrificed as they have little, if any, time for exercises or even normal meals. As a result, people may suffer from various diseases and even die young from overwork, as is reported in many newspapers.


  To sum up, money and work are important, but they are not as important as health and time with one’s families and friends. Therefore, I prefer to take up a job with shorter hours even if it pays less.



  1. prime time: “黄金时段”;此处还可以使用golden age来替换。

  2. favor: “偏爱,支持”;在这里表示选择工作,与下文的choose,take up为近义词。

  3. higher-paying: “高薪的”;a higher-paying j ob与下文的a j ob that pays well为近义词,相对应的反义词为a lower-paying j ob和a j ob that pays less。

  4. think otherwise: “不这样认为”;比同学们常用的have other/different/various opinions要更为简练。

  5. all-mighty: “万能的”;此处近义词为omnipotent,powerful,influential等。

  6. ensure: “确保”;注意与insure,assure和reassure的区别。

  7. spare: “抽出(时间、精力等)”,表示这个意思时,常用搭配为spare time for sb.(抽出时间陪某人)。

  8. aging: “变老的”;比简单使用old更能体现变老这个过程。

  9. high-demanding: “高要求的”;此处可以使用challenging来代替。

  10. in other words: “换句话说”;也可以使用to put it in another way来代替。

  11. if any: “如果有的话”;常用作插入语,是if there is any的缩略形式,表示一种让步。

  12. die young from overwork : “在还很年轻的时候就过劳死”,也可以译为“因工作劳累英年早逝”。“过劳死”也可以直接用karoshi来表示。

  13. take up :该词有很多意思,此处表示“从事(某工作)”,与上文的favor和choose为近义词。