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  英语作文:我喜欢向日葵 1

  Sunflower is a kind of beautiful flower.It has golden color and a round face. It looks like the sun, that is why people call it sunflower.Besides, it looks like a warm smile, too.

  When you look at it, it seems smile to you.It can bring warm to people.So, I like sunflower very much.During the day, its face turns to the sun all the time.When autumn comes, it is ripe.Therefore, we can eat its seeds. They are very delicious.




  英语作文:我喜欢向日葵 2

  I love sunflowers the most, and now I will introduce them to everyone.

  In spring, sunflowers sprouted and grew emerald green leaves. After many days, they grew new green leaves, and after many more days, they grew taller and their leaves grew bigger. In summer, it produced very small flower buds, like tiny buns. In a few days, the flower buds also grew bigger, and he grew much taller. I thought to myself, when will I be able to eat melon seeds? He has already bloomed half of the petals, and sometimes he waits for the petals to finally fully open. Its so beautiful, and the best thing is autumn. The fruits are ripe, and I stand from a distance and look like they are fruits, which makes it difficult for him to lift his head. In winter, sunflowers only have dry and dehydrated stems left, and their leaves are not as green as before. Moreover, their stems also grow pointed thorns.




  英语作文:我喜欢向日葵 3

  I remember once I planted a sunflower, it was very beautiful and I really liked it.

  In spring, it quietly emerged from the soil and after a few days, a few leaves sprouted. A few days later, it grew very tall and several large leaves. Summer has arrived, it has bloomed a little, with a little yellow inside and more leaves. After a few days, its flower plate has grown bigger and bigger, as if happily clapping its hands. Finally, it has grown a little bigger and bloomed beautiful flowers. In autumn, it bears fruit, which is melon seeds. I asked my friend to come and eat melon seeds, but we couldnt reach them. I called my mom over and asked him to take down the sunflowers. We happily started eating again, and we ate a lot. In winter, it becomes curved, like an old man, bending down, and its leaves become very brittle, breaking easily with just a pinch.

  This is sunflower, do you like it?




  英语作文:我喜欢向日葵 4

  My favorite flower is not the beautiful morning glory or the fiery phoenix, but the golden sunflower.

  Sunflowers are also called sunflowers because they resemble a sun. Spring has arrived, and sunflowers have grown a small green bud. After a few days, they have grown several small leaves. A few days later, a thin and long stem grew out. Summer has arrived, and a flower bud and a few large leaves have grown. Soon after, the flower bud slowly bloomed, and a few days later, the flower disk slowly turned yellow, eventually becoming a beautiful sunflower. In autumn, many fruits, such as melon seeds, grow in the flower bed, densely covering the entire flower bed. Winter has arrived, and the petals have fallen down, causing the sunflowers to wither. Except for a few sunflowers whose leaves are still growing on them, others have become bald. However, by this time, the leaves have already turned brown.

  This is my favorite sunflower, do you like it?




  英语作文:我喜欢向日葵 5

  My favorite is not the beautiful and noble morning glory, nor the fiery red rose, but the sunflower.

  Spring is warm and sunny, and the sunflower seeds have just sprouted, like a small mushroom. After a few days, it has grown four more leaves, which are very cute. A few days later, the little sunflower grew taller, and in summer, the sunflower slowly grew up. In autumn, sunflowers ripen and a small jade plate is covered with fruits one by one. We can harvest the fruits now. Sunflower fruits are really delicious. In winter, heavy snow falls heavily, and snowflakes seem to coat the earth with cotton. Sunflowers have withered, and some leaves have turned gray. They fall off at a touch and shatter at a pinch,.

  This is my favorite sunflower, do you like it?




  英语作文:我喜欢向日葵 6

  Sunflowers that grow up are very tall, about three meters high, and can reach a maximum of nine meters. The branches of sunflowers are relatively thick, with a layer of white hairs on them. Sunflower leaves are also very large, with many serrations on the edges of the leaves. Sunflower petals come in many colors, including yellow and purple. The most common color of the petals is yellow, and sunflowers also have a very light scent that cannot be smelled without careful observation. The flower core of a sunflower is brown and contains sunflower seeds. When the sunflower first grows a flower core, there are very few sunflower seeds in the flower core. However, after a few months, the number of sunflower seeds in the flower core gradually increases, and in a few months, the flower core is filled with sunflower seeds.

  The seeds of sunflowers are the sunflower seeds in the heart of sunflowers. The oil content of sunflower seeds is high, and they can be eaten by peeling off the skin. They can also be roasted... Eating sunflower seeds can also treat symptoms such as dry mouth and mouth sores.

  I really like sunflowers.




  英语作文:我喜欢向日葵 7

  Sunflowers used to rotate with the sun when they were young, but as they grow up, they can no longer rotate. Sunflowers only have this flower with sunflower seeds, while other flowers do not have sunflower seeds. The growth period of sunflowers is 87 to 120 days. After flowering every year, it will die, and shortly after flowering, from August to September, sunflower seeds will grow. Sunflowers are a plant species in the Asteraceae family.

  Sunflowers are annual plants that usually grow a three meter tall stalk. The flowering period of sunflowers is from July to September, and their stems can secrete growth hormone. This means that it will continue to shine towards the sun until the flower plate is in full bloom. At that time, it will bloom golden flowers. Sunflowers, also known as sunflowers, are a type of flower that can reach up to three meters in height, with a flower head that can reach up to 30 centimeters. Sunflower seeds are called sunflower seeds and have a germination date of about four days. They can be used as free range melon seeds or fried with sunflower seed oil. Sunflowers are native to North America and yearn for bright flowers, bringing people beautiful and happy flowers.



  英语作文:我喜欢向日葵 8

  Today, with the crisp autumn air, my aunt, her friends, and I went to Tiantai Houan Village to see the golden sunflowers.

  We walked for a while and saw sunflowers dancing in the field with the wind. Some sunflowers are dancing, some are smiling towards the sun, and some are greeting the birds in the sky! As soon as I saw the sunflower field, I ran to a big sunflower and asked my aunt to take a photo of it. There were many sunflower seeds inside! I have observed that every sunflower has sunflower seeds inside, and there are small thorns on its roots that hurt when touched. How many bees are flying on a few sunflowers!

  After watching the sunflowers, we rented four bicycles and rode them together to the corner of the mountain. The feeling of rushing down was really comfortable, and we rode them three times before leaving.

  Watching sunflowers, riding bicycles, these activities are really fun!





  英语作文:我喜欢向日葵 9

  One day when my grandmother took me to buy noodles, on the way, I saw several households with sunflowers planted outside their doors. So I became curious about sunflowers. I quickly asked my grandmother, "Grandma, why is this sunflower tall and lush? But this one is small and not lush

  After a while, Grandma said, "The soil here is good, the soil there is bad, and there is sunlight and water. There are many reasons that make them grow differently." This sunflower plant is tall, has large flowers, and green leaves. And this sunflower is short, with yellow leaves and small flowers. This sunflower is very big and grows very straight. And this sunflower is very small, it keeps falling down and cannot stand up with the strength of nine oxen and two tigers. The sunflower seeds in this plant are very plump. And the sunflower seeds in that plant are very empty. This is what they look like.

  This is the sunflower I saw, several different looking sunflowers.




  英语作文:我喜欢向日葵 10

  Since I was in first grade until now, in my memory, there are many flowers, plants, and trees that I like, such as evergreen pine trees, tall and straight oak trees, and shy mimosa plants. Among these flowers, plants, and trees, my favorite is sunflowers.

  This sunflower was planted by me last month and has now bloomed. It is 1 meter tall and has several tender green leaves. There are also many sunflower seeds in the center of the flower. The green tree roots have many fine stripes on top. I have to look at it every day when I wake up and when I sleep, so that I can sleep. I almost look at it every day. Sunflowers change direction towards the sun and actively sell sunlight for growth. After sunflower seeds grow, they can be planted again. Does growing new sunflowers have a significant impact.

  Ah! Beautiful sunflower, you are my teacher, and your silent spirit is worth learning from.




  英语作文:我喜欢向日葵 11

  Winter girl has left, and spring girl quietly came to us. My favorite plant is sunflower.

  In spring, Spring Girl seems to wake up my sunflowers, which are growing day by day. One day, I noticed that it had grown taller and had many small hairs on its slender stem. In summer, many, many leaves grow and there is a flower disk in the middle with a yellow stamen inside. Within a few days, sunflowers seem to have bloomed. But it was still green in the middle, and after a few days it finally bloomed. In autumn, my sunflower matured and had many, many fruits. In winter, its waist bends low, like illuminating the white earth!

  This is my sunflower, do you like it?




  英语作文:我喜欢向日葵 12

  I have planted several sunflowers at home. When I planted them, I thought they could grow very strong, but when I returned to my grandmothers house, all of my sunflowers had yellowed stems, withered and lowered their heads, as if they were powerless and unconscious.

  But my aunts sunflowers grow tall, elegant, magnificent, and extremely beautiful. I feel a little unwilling. Why is my aunts sunflower planted so well?

  At this moment, my grandmother told me that the soil was not good, my aunt said you planted the sunflowers too late, and my grandfather said it was because you didnt water them. Which one is correct? This is all question marks in my head.

  In the end, I realized that I planted it too late. Next time, I will definitely plant my sunflowers in the appropriate season, which will be better than what my aunt planted.





  英语作文:我喜欢向日葵 13

  My favorite flower in my mothers garden is sunflowers.

  The flowers of sunflowers are particularly dazzling, golden in color, with a round flower plate in the middle. Inside, there are rows of light yellow small flowers, and around the periphery of the flower plate, there is a circle of golden, long petals, which are very beautiful. After maturity, the small flowers in the middle of the flower plate will grow into rows of sunflower seeds. As a little greedy cat, I love to eat them the most.

  Sunflowers and the sun are good friends, and the name sunflower comes from here! The sun rises in the east and sets in the west every day, and the sunflowers flower disk also follows the suns rotation? In the morning, the flower plate faces east, at noon it faces up, and in the afternoon it faces west. Look, the friendship between sunflowers and the sun is so touching!




  英语作文:我喜欢向日葵 14

  Sunflower, with yellow petals and black interior, will have small sunflower seeds when mature.

  Sunflowers love to rush towards the sun.

  Its leaves are like a round fan, with small flower clusters in the branches. The smallest persons little finger is half the size, slowly growing into a large flower cluster, like a small pineapple, gradually turning into a yellow small flower, like the cushion of Guanyin Bodhisattva. The petals are like eyes, and feel like silk. From a distance, the sunflower looks like a golden little sun, and up close, it looks like a little doll.

  Sunflowers are not as noble as peonies or as charming as roses, but they are very special. Every day when the sun comes out, they face the sun, which is why people call them sunflowers. No matter how much wind and rain it experiences, as long as there is sunshine, it immediately raises its head. I want to learn the positive and uplifting spirit of sunflowers, and not lose heart in the face of setbacks.

  Beautiful sunflower, I like you, and I love your upward spirit even more!






  英语作文:我喜欢向日葵 15

  I dont like the graceful lotus flowers, nor do I like the beautiful osmanthus flowers. My favorite plant is the sunflower.

  In spring, sunflowers are like little babies, as if they dont know anything. In summer, he slowly grew up and turned into a flower bud, growing green leaves. The small green leaves grew and matured, and finally it grew up and bloomed beautifully. In autumn, sunflower seeds grow inside, but the sunflower lowers its head as if it is about to burrow into the soil. The winter sunflowers are about to wither, and their leaves have turned yellow.

  This is my favorite sunflower, do you like it?













