初中英语作文:My favorite pasttime

时间:2022-08-05 20:46:42 其他类英语作文 我要投稿

初中英语作文:My favorite pasttime

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初中英语作文:My favorite pasttime

  on monday i usually get up at ten past si in the morning. and then i brush my teeth and wash my face. i have a quick breakfast at around twenty-five past si. and at about twenty to seven i leave home for school. i usually go to school by bus. and the bus ride usually takes about half an hour. i arrive at school at around ten past seven.

  i have seven classes every day. four of them are in the morning. and three of them are in the afternoon. i always have lunch at school at about twelve o’clock.

  all my classes finish at around five o’clock p.m. and at around si o’clock i get home. i eat supper at about ten to seven p.m. and then i do my homework. at around fifteen past ten in the evening, i do some washing. and i go to sleep at around half past ten at night.

  what a busy day!

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