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  四级作文:社团招募 1

  Welcome to English Club!Here is a platform toshow your outstanding abilities,and at the sametime to help you develop a range of great skills.

  In the club you can enjoy a variety of activitiesincluding staging musical dramas,holding groupdiscussions and watching Oscar-winning movies.Youwill have a lot of opportunities to take part in these extra-curricular activities.Your activeparticipation is helpful to your communication skills and managing interpersonalrelationship.And through various activities you could raise your level of proficiency in English.Agood command of English empowers you to enjoy decided competitive edge over your peers.

  Our office number is xxx(whatever).and Our email is xxx(whatever).The deadline for entriesis oct.23rd.Come on,join US and enjoy yourself now!

  四级作文:社团招募 2

  I have only heard of kiwifruit, but what is this strange fruit.

  This happened during a club class on Thursday afternoon, and we are still watching some videos about scientific principles. However, our team leader Zhou Jinlin brought some strangely shaped fruits, some of which are quadrilateral and some are triangular, with strange shapes and a variety of colors.

  It looks disgusting, not to mention eating. But after the team leader peeled off the outer shell of the fruit, it turned out to be white and still spherical. Seeing this scene makes my mouth water! Grab it and stuff it into your mouth. I didnt expect it to give me a bitter taste. At that time, it seemed as if time had come to a standstill. I didnt say anything, not that I didnt want to say it, but that I couldnt say it. In desperation, I had to swallow it forcefully. I was about to argue with the team leader when he took out a piece of beef jerky and stuffed it into my mouth. At that time, I realized that beef jerky was not salty, but had a strong sweetness. I was thinking, "Am I poisoned or have I lost my sense of taste?" Suddenly, I felt like I had been hit by an arrow in my knee. When I was feeling hopeless, the team leader said, "Its okay, its all right in one go.". Fortunately, I have hope now.

  In fact, this fruit is like my life, its sweet after hard work.

  四级作文:社团招募 3

  The new semester has begun, and the school has added many new clubs, such as the artist Hulusi, Ivy League essay, Molin Xuan calligraphy... Its really colorful! After discussing with my parents, I joined the painting club.

  Today is Friday, and our club activities have officially started! During class, Teacher Zhao, who taught us, gave each of us a bag, which contained a large piece of paper and a small piece of paper. Teacher Zhao said, "Today is the first day of the club activity. Please draw the most beautiful picture in your heart on these two pieces of paper." I enthusiastically picked up the paintbrush in my hand and drew the little princess in my heart on the small paper. I dont know whats going on, but I cant draw it well no matter what. Either my face is crooked or my body is overweight. Just when I was feeling a bit discouraged, Teacher Zhao came to my side. He looked at my painting and said, "Little girl, your imagination is very rich. Dont worry, you can definitely draw well!" After listening, I started drawing with confidence again. Finally, a lovely little princess leaped onto the paper. Ah, how beautiful! I showed the painting to the teacher, and the teacher praised me for drawing so well!

  After hearing the teachers praise, I was extremely happy! I believe that in the painting club, my painting level will definitely get higher and higher!

  四级作文:社团招募 4

  In our school, everyone has chosen their own club activity classes, such as food class, calligraphy class, football class, table tennis class, and so on. I enrolled in a computer drawing class.

  I really enjoy taking club classes, which can help me learn more about computer drawing. Every time I attend a club class, I cant help but feel happy because during class, the teacher asks us to imagine drawing a picture ourselves. After drawing, the teacher will come to check. If you draw vividly and beautifully, you can draw a few comic books next time and create a small story by yourself. In this process, I can unleash more imagination. So I really enjoy taking club classes.

  The business teacher who teaches us computer drawing is very gentle and kind. She is humorous and witty in class. When her classmates listen to her lectures, their faces are full of smiles. Her classes are always lively and interesting, and she always attracts the attention of her classmates. Everyone likes this teacher very much. After finishing my computer drawing class, beautiful paintings always come to mind before my eyes, and I am the little painter who adds color to them. I can let go of my emotions, freely depict those beautiful paintings, and let them tell people various stories.

  I love our club classes!

  四级作文:社团招募 5

  There are various clubs in our school, including Colored Stress Relief Club, Screen Flower Club, Badminton Club... Among them, my favorite is the Food Club.

  The food club is held by Mr. Gao and Mr. Chen of our school. They will prepare food materials for us and teach us to make Dim sum hand in hand.

  Once, in our food club, we made a fragrant cake. Teacher Chen said, "Fruits need to be laid thin so they taste like marshmallows." Now we start applying cream, and halfway through, we hear laughter. Who is it? I thought to myself. After some questioning, I found out that it was a funny brother who applied cream to his hair and pretended to be a white haired grandfather. At that time, I burst into laughter. After the cream is applied, we decorate the cake with fruits. Some are like incredibly beautiful sika deer; Some are like colorful flowers; Some are like dancing butterflies. After hard work, we finally finished the cake. I took a big sip and felt like dancing and playing in heaven on earth. All the sadness was taken away by the fragrant and sweet creamy taste.

  "A hard work, a harvest." Next time I will apply to this club, learn more knowledge, will do more Dim sum.

  四级作文:社团招募 6

  There are many clubs in our school, and these club activities add joy to our campus!

  The class bell rang, and I followed her to Teacher Gui. I carefully examined and realized that this was the dance studio where Teacher Gui trained her dance. The teacher saw me in a daze and waved for me to come over. I walked gently to the teachers side, and the teachers gaze swept over each of our faces before silently nodding. Kind words to us: "The teacher has chosen you!"! You have come to learn dance from me. This dance program is prepared for the Childrens Day. Time is running out. Please remember the knowledge I taught you and take some time to practice, OK? Jump to our motherland this time. Upon hearing this news, I was so happy that I almost screamed. I quickly covered my mouth and stretched out my tongue. Then, I stood straight and waited for the teacher to teach us how to dance.

  Time flies! When I was fully immersed in dancing, it was time for my first activity and I reluctantly left the dance studio. And the teachers kind face and beautiful dance left a deep impression on me.

  I love dance clubs! Love dance teacher! Love our beautiful campus even more!

  四级作文:社团招募 7

  This afternoon, when the bell rang for the end of class, we were like birds out of cages, heading straight to the computer room on the fourth floor, because today is the weekly time for the Little Journalist Club activity.

  As soon as we arrived at the scene, the teacher played a game with us all called "Nine Nine Multiplication Table". Our team is composed of Chen Yi, Chen Guanyi, and me. The name of our group is "Tianba Dongba TUA". Just hearing the name of this group makes it feel very interesting, doesnt it?

  The long-awaited game has finally begun. Our teams deputy general, Guan Yi, will be the first to play. At the beginning, he answered fluently, but unfortunately, the good times didnt last long. In the end, there was a small mistake and he was eliminated.

  Captain Chen Yi and I were very dissatisfied and both wanted to seek revenge, so we confidently joined the battle together. But somehow, my reaction was slow, and in the end, I couldnt withstand the tests of my teachers and classmates, and I was also eliminated. At that time, my heart was really a bit unwilling.

  The game quickly came to an end amidst the laughter of the classmates. But my heart still cannot calm down for a long time. In the future, I will practice and memorize multiplication tables more, and I will also train myself in reaction speed to strive for good results next time.

  四级作文:社团招募 8

  In our school, besides classes, the most interesting ones are extracurricular activities.

  After class, all the students rushed out of the classroom and ran towards the playground. When you arrived there, you would see many students moving around, some jumping rubber bands, some running, and some playing basketball.

  Among them, I love playing basketball the most because it can exercise my body, improve my aiming ability, ask my classmates for advice on basketball, and even chat with them. Its truly beautiful. I think there is no sports that can be more fun than playing basketball.

  There was a physical education class where we played basketball. I, Li Renjun, and others were on the first team, while Zhang Chenggong, Chen Tiannan, and others were on the other team. The game started, and we first grabbed the ball. Unexpectedly, they took advantage of our carelessness and took the opportunity to steal the ball. They threw a ball and the score was 0-1, and we didnt want to fall behind. We also scored a goal with a score of 1:1. We continued to work hard and scored another goal with a score of 2:1. They didnt want to be defeated by us. They took advantage of the free throw opportunity to score two goals with a score of 2:3, and we didnt want to fall behind. We also scored two goals with a score of 4:3. In the end, we defeated our opponents with a score of 7:5.

  I enjoy extracurricular activities and prefer playing basketball.

  四级作文:社团招募 9

  I have always dreamed of letting children play with the toys I designed since I was young, so this semester I joined a science and technology innovation club, hoping that my dream can take off from here.

  Once, we made a model of a ship. Opening the box, I saw many parts. I first took out the bottom plate and main body of the ship, and with a gentle snap, they merged into one. Then, I will install the motor inside the ships hull. But something unexpected happened. There are two wires on the motor, and when I tried to install them too hard, I broke the wires. Finally, I put the wheels on and the ship model was ready. Because it cannot move, children jokingly refer to it as the "rundown machine god".

  The first toy model I made ended in failure, but I am not discouraged because failure is the mother of success. I believe that one day, I will make the best toy.

  Now, I still keep my collection of "broken machine gods" at home. Every time I see it, it reminds me of my club life. It makes me savor the joy of creation and yearn for beautiful ideals.

  四级作文:社团招募 10

  My class is a warm one. As long as there is someone in our class who needs help, everyone will enthusiastically help them.

  Once when I needed to buy textbooks, some of my classmates parents didnt have time to buy them. Wu Tianhao and Liu Jiales mother gave up their rest time to help those classmates buy books. Wang Yuxiao, Liu Jiale, and Wu Tianhao also distributed these books to the students who bought them.

  Another time, a classmate vomited while going to the designated room. Zhang Yike didnt feel dirty or tired, so he mopped up the vomit with a mop. Some students brought hot water, some sent him back to the classroom, and some went to report to the teacher.

  I also often help other classmates. When my desk mate or those around me forget to bring erasers and pencils, I always lend them out voluntarily. I will print more copies of the review materials that the teacher asks me to print for those who havent printed them. Although these are all small things, I am very happy to be able to help others.

  It is precisely because our classmates help each other, unite and love each other that our class was once rated as a "warm class collective". I feel proud to live in such a class collective.

  四级作文:社团招募 11

  On August 7th, 8 members of our Sunshine Club came to the ophthalmology department on the third floor of Kaifeng Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital to have their eyes examined together. We have checked our eyesight, and the aunt said that our eyesight should not be below 1:00, but between 1:00 and 1.2, with the best being 1:5. Li Renpus eyesight in our class is the best, I really envy him! I am also determined to protect my eyes.

  We have checked again for trachoma. Some students have trachoma, while others do not. Trachoma is an eye disease. Eyes are the window of the soul, so we should pay attention to protecting our eyes. If sand enters your eyes, use a damp towel to wipe your eyes or close them and let tears take the sand away.

  Aunt Wang also taught us how to do eye exercises well, and she said we should do eye exercises twice a day. It is best not to watch TV or play computer for more than forty minutes. Every half hour, go and enjoy the green color to give your eyes sufficient rest. This club activity has benefited me greatly. It not only taught me the importance of protecting my eyes, but also taught me how to use the correct methods to protect my eyes!

  四级作文:社团招募 12

  On a sunny Friday, with a happy heart, I came to the Rubber Brick Carving Club. Before coming, I was thinking: What is this club for? Is it interesting or not?

  The club counselor said, "When carving rubber bricks, you need to be patient. If they are broken, they will all be destroyed. If they are finished, they will be printed on paper."

  I think its quite similar to ancient printing techniques. The teacher taught us to first copy the pattern from the original painting onto acetic acid paper, and then print it onto rubber bricks. Secondly, carve the outline along the line, with the blade at a 45 degree angle to pick out the debris. Finally, carve out all the blanks. The most impressive thing for me was carving my eyes, so I had to be very careful. I almost forgot my eyes, so I need to be patient.

  I also watched the works of my older brothers, some were a huge dragon, some were a golden fish, some were a cannon full of barrels, some were a cunning fox

  My club is really fun. It taught me to be patient and careful when doing things. “




四级作文:Displaying Wealth Online四级(通用11篇)10-18






