Beauty of winter_高二作文

时间:2021-10-11 14:21:42 其他类英语作文 我要投稿

Beauty of winter_高二作文

  在平平淡淡的日常中,许多人都有过写作文的经历,对作文都不陌生吧,作文是经过人的思想考虑和语言组织,通过文字来表达一个主题意义的.记叙方法。你所见过的作文是什么样的呢?以下是小编收集整理的Beauty of winter_高二作文,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。

Beauty of winter_高二作文

  The arrival of the winter mean flowers can’t show her beauty to us, green grass can not be straightened. Alive and kicking animal also lost his excitement, only quietly in the hole. A few leaves on the branches of the very few, difficult to stand in the branches. The cold wind blowing branches, li long leaves can’t hold. Finally, it does not care to leave the branch.

  Today’s sky is not yesterday’s gloomy. Soon the sky filled with snow. A white snowflake like a lovely little spirit, from the sky calmly jumped down. Them by twos and threes together, dance, dancing, how leisurely comfortable ah! See the beautiful scene, I can not help but run outside hand, small so as to catch the flawless white snow. I see this scene to: the delicate six snowflake from who’s skilled? And who put their flying in the sky? Ah, snow, has been under a non-stop, as if to tell people: she most want to come to the world, on earth leave white marks. The snow like spring flowers as beautiful as summer, flying like butterflies, like autumn leaves as chic. Don’t underestimate the snow Oh, she also quietly for the winter dress: the house dressed as an ice house, the clear lake dress up into a big mirror.

  Winter is beautiful! A snow company, and can see the naughty cute child. I like winter, I am looking forward to the coming of the next winter, do you? Do you like it?

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