英语作文:国旗 The national flag

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英语作文:国旗 The national flag(通用30篇)

  在平时的学习、工作或生活中,许多人都写过作文吧,通过作文可以把我们那些零零散散的思想,聚集在一块。怎么写作文才能避免踩雷呢?下面是小编精心整理的英语作文:国旗 The national flag,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。

英语作文:国旗 The national flag(通用30篇)

  英语作文:国旗 The national flag 1

  It is the duty of every citizen to honor the national flag. Why?Because the national flag is the symbol of a country. To respect it means to respect the country. In other words,if a man loves his country,he must love the national flag.

  In school,the national flag is usually raised at a certain time every day. Then the principal,teachers,staff and students are to (must) stand before it and sing the national anthem. It is indeed extremely meaningful to attend such a ceremony.

  英语作文:国旗 The national flag 2

  Its sunny today. Its the first time our class raises the national flag on behalf of our school.

  Our class raised the national flag team a total of 9 people, we received the order to line up neatly standing in the corner of the square, all energetic, standing straight. At this time I was very excited, also very nervous, hands are sweaty.

  Then with the sound of music, we 9 people holding the national flag held high, walked neatly onto the flag platform, and began the sacred activity of raising the national flag. In the solemn national song, we salute the five-star red flag rising slowly. At this moment I am more excited, because I love the five-star red flag, love my motherland. The national flag waved, the national anthem stopped, followed by thunderous applause from the whole audience, and the presidents speech under the national flag and praise for us.

  The flag raising activity is over, but my heart is still very excited.

  英语作文:国旗 The national flag 3

  Today is the first day of school, we put on the school uniform in accordance with the practice, wear a bright red scarf, everyone is very excited, because teacher Liang told us that today there will be Peoples Liberation Army uncle to raise the flag for us.

  A neat team upstairs, standing in the hot sun looking at the red flag that has not yet unfolded, waiting for the Peoples Liberation Army uncle to raise the flag for us. After a while, the three Peoples Liberation Army uncle took a uniform step and came to the national flag platform. I admire them very much in my heart, we look at them now, thinking that the training is very easy, in fact, it is not, it is how long it takes to practice under the hot sun to make the movement become so neat.

  See next to the class some boys a little disdain, my heart is a little uncomfortable, protect the country they first, disaster relief flood they first, what things are they lead, you why disdain!

  Let us love the PLA uncle!

  英语作文:国旗 The national flag 4

  Monday morning weather is particularly clear, the light blue sky a clean, today is our class the most nervous and excited day, because today is by our eighth class five to preside over the flag-raising ceremony. Everyone unified white sports shoes, unified wear white gloves, quickly tidy up the team.

  Facing the brilliant sunrise, the team came to the national flag with a sonorous pace, and the audience was quiet. In the impassioned national anthem, the flag-raiser waved his arm and the bright five-star red flag unfolded slowly.

  Facing the nine o clock sun, the five-star red flag rising slowly, the students solemn salute, accompanied by a powerful national anthem, the national flag flying in the wind above the campus.

  After the solemn flag-raising ceremony, the principal made a speech, he hoped all the students to establish lofty ideals, clear their learning goals, step by step step to learn, live up to their parents expectations, develop good learning habits, and achieve the most successful themselves.

  英语作文:国旗 The national flag 5

  On Monday morning, after the morning reading, the students filed into the playground in class order to begin the weekly flag-raising ceremony.

  The national anthem sounded, the flag-raiser on the stage began to pull the flag rope, and the five-star red flag slowly rose upward. Several flag-bearers raised their hands to salute the flag, as did the students lining up around them, who began to sing the national anthem in unison. In the national anthem, the five-star red flag rose to the top of the pole, fluttering in the wind, and under the flagpole were the students brilliant smiling faces.

  Several flag-bearers must have felt very proud, and they were happy to go back to their classes. I must study hard and strive to be an excellent young pioneer. I hope I can have the opportunity to be a flag-raiser in the future.

  英语作文:国旗 The national flag 6

  Every Monday morning after the first class, we hold a ceremony to raise the national flag.

  The whole school will gather on the playground for the flag-raising ceremony. With the teachers order, thousands of hands were raised, the flag-bearers are walking to the flag-raising platform, their expression is very serious, along with the national song, the five-star red flag slowly rising, I looked at the bright five-star red star, the heart is very excited, as if to see the 20xx athletes for the country to win the gold medal, for the countrys glory scene. We sang the national anthem with music, and the flag-raising ceremony was over, but my excited mood could not calm down for a long time.

  I looked at the five-star red flag and thought that the five-star red flag would always fly in every place in the world.

  英语作文:国旗 The national flag 7

  Today, I am in a good mood, because we are going to start holding the first national flag raising.

  After the second lesson, we ran downstairs to prepare for the first raising of the flag. After a while on the playground, the bell suddenly rang, and we immediately set up. After some time, the small reporter appeared, said the theme of our flag, we began to raise the flag, the flag hands and flag guards of the 54 squadron hung the flag on the flagpole, and then went up bit by bit. After that, we have to do an essential thing: after singing the national anthem, we visited the performance of the 54 Squadron, with poetry recitation, dancing... After the flag raising ceremony, due to the time relationship, Director Gong briefly summarized the flag raising ceremony.

  It was an unforgettable flag-raising ceremony.

  英语作文:国旗 The national flag 8

  Every Monday morning, our school holds a flag-raising ceremony.

  On Monday, we put on beautiful yellow and white school uniforms, bright red scarves and blue school cards, and came to the flag-raising platform.

  We stood there, eyes fixed on the flag. Under the national flag, four young pioneers walked to the flag-raising platform in the melody of music. The magnificent national anthem sounded, and the bright red flag flashed five bright stars, slowly rising against the rising sun. More than a thousand pairs of eyes looked at the national flag, and the firm eyes seemed to indicate that we must live up to the expectations of the motherland, study hard, serve the motherland, and contribute to the future construction of the country. More than 1,000 hands were raised to salute the national flag.

  After the flag-raising ceremony, the five-star red flag is still deeply reflected in my heart. Flag! You are a revolutionary martyr stained red with blood. We love you, respect you, and strive to make you brighter!

  英语作文:国旗 The national flag 9

  Today, we came to school early in the morning and went out to raise the national flag as before. But when the flag was raised, something bad happened. Let me tell you!

  Today, when I went downstairs to raise the national flag, there were several people talking in the process of raising the flag, which is very unsafe, raising the national flag should be a serious, solemn and sacred thing, should not speak, but there are several people in our class to speak, this is the least thing to do as a primary school student.

  In the future, we should not speak when raising the flag, todays beautiful life is the revolutionary martyrs with blood in exchange for, we must have a sense of collective honor, do not affect others because of themselves, let us work together, study hard, make progress every day, be an excellent primary school student!

  英语作文:国旗 The national flag 10

  Today is the first time for our class to raise the national flag, clap!

  Because it is the first time, so the children have little experience, and there are many people, they will not help but nervous.

  At the time of raising the flag, our little flag-raiser pulled a little slowly, although I whispered beside him, "Pull faster! Hurry up!" But after the end of the national anthem, the flag still failed to rise, back to the class I asked him why not pull a little faster? The answer was that the music was too loud and I couldnt be heard.

  After the flag is raised, its time for the show! The program prepared by the children in our class is the song "Autumn", singing again and again to do the action, really want to praise them, not only the singing is good, the action is also very beautiful.

  Although today is the first time for our class to raise the national flag, the children have little experience, but the children are performing very well!

  英语作文:国旗 The national flag 11

  Today is Monday, the weather is particularly sunny. I want to raise this five-star red flag for the school on behalf of Class 1, 3.

  The flag-raising ceremony began at 7:30, and the students of the whole school were dressed in neat uniforms and stood neatly on the playground. Under the guard of two students, I held the national flag in my hand and walked to the national flag platform with the melody of the music. I was very nervous at the time. I learned how college students used to raise the flag, and slowly raised the flag with the solemn national anthem. At this time, I saw all the students were saluting, and could be chosen as the flag-raiser from so many students. I feel so proud and so proud. Next is the students under the national flag dedication and leadership speech.

  The flag-raising ceremony was very successful, watching the bright five-star red flag fluttering in the wind under the blue sky, I excitedly shed tears.

  This is the first time I will never forget to raise the national flag!

  英语作文:国旗 The national flag 12

  It was a sunny Monday morning. I put on a clean school uniform, wearing a bright red scarf, came to the beautiful school, to participate in the campus grand flag-raising ceremony.

  The students of the whole school lined up neatly and stood on the playground and began to raise the flag. Six flag bearers holding the bright national flag, along with the powerful drum beat, walking to the flag-raising platform, two flag bearers handed the flag to the flag-raiser, the flag bearer solemnly took over the flag hanging on the flagpole, with a "salute" command, all the young pioneers raised their hands to salute, the grand national anthem sounded, the flag raiser slowly agitators the rope, the national flag slowly rising with the song, Up to the top of the flagpole, the bright red flag fluttered with the wind.

  Looking at the flying flag, listening to the majestic national anthem, I thought: I must study hard, worthy of the neck wearing red scarf.

  英语作文:国旗 The national flag 13

  Happy weekend soon came to an end, Monday morning the school will hold the flag ceremony, the teacher said that the flag is to cultivate our patriotic consciousness and collective sense of honor, so the flag is very sacred.

  Get up early, my mother gave me a good school uniform, wear a red scarf, tidy up the bag, happy to go to school. When the bell rang, Mr. Fan took us to line up and gather together neatly on the playground. The students were enthusiastic. Soon all the classes are gathered on the playground, the flag guard team members on the flag platform are also ready early, when the time is up, the team members begin to raise the national flag, the students are singing the school song, the national flag slowly rises, this moment is really solemn. After raising the flag, the school teachers and students on the stage to speak, their speeches are very wonderful, let us learn a lot of knowledge.

  After raising the flag, we began to study for the day!

  英语作文:国旗 The national flag 14

  Today is Monday, we all wear clean uniforms into the school. The flag raising ceremony is held every Monday after the first class.

  Ring, ring, ring... After the bell rang, we lined up in order to the playground under the leadership of the teacher, the music sounded the flag raising ceremony officially began. Xiao Hong pulled a corner of the national flag and threw it into the sky, Xiao Ming slowly pulled the rope, the five-star red flag rose slowly, we stood straight to salute the national flag, the national flag rose to the top of the flagpole. We sang the national anthem loud and clear!

  The bright red flag flies in the blue sky, it is really beautiful! I love our motherland, I am proud that I am a Chinese! We want to "bloom youth, flying dreams"!

  英语作文:国旗 The national flag 15

  Aaargh! Today is the day I have been looking forward to! Because Monday is the flag-raising of our class, I can speak proudly under the attention of the whole schools classmates, teachers and leaders!

  I was so excited in the morning that I got up at 6:30, finished cleaning up at 7:15, called my partner Cui Can, and we happily came to school together.

  We came too early and rehearsed it over and over again. The flag-raising ceremony finally began, and I felt uneasy in my heart, just like fifteen buckets of water - seven up and eight down. Im afraid I forgot my words in a moment of nervousness, which should affect the class honor. "Number three, the speech under the flag! Speakers Cui Can and Shen Yikun; Speech title: Exercise spirit, I can do it!" Its our speech, I said the first word, as if thousands of pairs of eyes are staring at me, but I think: must win glory for the class! Then we spoke fluently and won everyones applause.

  I made a contribution to the class, I completed a glorious task!

  英语作文:国旗 The national flag 16

  Today is the first day of the National Day, the sky is still floating drizzle, because it is Monday, we held a flag-raising ceremony, composed of 40 elite students of the school honor guard dressed to stand in front of the national flag platform, began our weekly flag-raising ceremony.

  They were dressed in white military uniforms, holding a long gun and wearing a military cap, walking majesously, the host announced the start of the national flag to play the national anthem, the young pioneers salute, looking at a serious face of students, looking up at the five-star red flag flying in the sky, the heart is very excited.

  Then the representatives of Class 4 spoke on stage, telling their love for the motherland and calling on everyone to love their country and nation. The students were deeply inspired. Then the school praised some excellent classes and golden childhood winners, the whole school teachers and students are so serious, and finally, Chen Hongna, the principal and director of the flag-raising summed up the flag-raising ceremony.

  英语作文:国旗 The national flag 17

  The teacher asked us to go home and make the flag, I thought: otherwise, go home and do it with my mother.

  Back home, my mother bought me red card paper and paper shell, and then sealed the paper shell, and then wrapped it in red paper, coated with glue, took a yellow paper cut into a five-pointed star, and stuck it on the watered national flag, so that a bright five-star red flag was made.

  When I got to school, the teacher said my flag was well done. The flags of the students are made of paper and rice grains, and some are made of paper and flowers, which is beautiful.

  The teacher put our works on the playground, and the students saluted the national flag and took pictures. At this exciting moment, we are all proud because the red flag is dyed with the blood of martyrs. Therefore, we should cherish our national flag more and cherish our hard-won good life.

  Through this activity of making the national flag by hand, I gained success and joy.

  英语作文:国旗 The national flag 18

  On Monday morning, the students dressed in green school uniforms, wearing bright red scarves, lined up neatly, ready to hold a solemn flag-raising ceremony.

  The flag-raising ceremony began. The senior brothers and sisters stood on the flag-raising platform and began their speeches. After the speech, the flag-raiser said in a serious voice: "Raise the national flag, play the national anthem - salute!" After a while, the bright national flag accompanied by the solemn national anthem slowly raised by the flag-raiser. Under the blue sky and white clouds, like a flame, the earth is red.

  I looked up at the five-star red flag, the mood is very excited, silently determined: "I must study hard, grow up for you honor."

  英语作文:国旗 The national flag 19

  In the morning, the campus is very quiet, the students dressed neatly in school uniforms, with bright red scarves, the spirit came to the playground, lined up neatly, waiting for the national flag ceremony.

  At eight o clock, the rousing national anthem blared over the speakers and the flag-raising ceremony began. With the rhythm of the national anthem, the flag-raiser slowly raised the national flag on the flagpole, and all the students saluted the five-star red flag. At this moment, the national flag is flying high in the wind, the red scarf is flying slightly in the chest, and I am closely linked with the motherland.

  After the flag-raising ceremony, the sound of the national anthem seemed to reverberate in my ears. I love "March of the Volunteers", I love the bright five-star red flag, I love our great motherland.

  英语作文:国旗 The national flag 20

  It was sunny today. When I first woke up, I looked at my watch. It was only after six o clock. I felt sleepy and slept for a while. The next time I woke up, it was about 6:30. After a while, I ate and went to school.

  I entered the class, put my bag on the seat and went out to line up. We walked to the flag stand, lined up, and waited for a while. They started raising the flag. The raising of the flag below is a long wait for me. But this is the first time the flag is raised in fifth grade, so Im gonna stand. When all the students saluted, they watched the five-star red flag flying high in the sky. I looked at this five-star red flag, how it is shining, it is flashing light. When I put my hand down, I was ready for the new day and the new semester. Next came the speech of the brigade counselor. After the presentation, the score was announced, and we are going back to class.

  Raising the national flag is the beginning of every week and hopefully I can do better week by week.

  英语作文:国旗 The national flag 21

  At this time, the whole school teachers and students on this flying five-star red flag line eyes. Everyones eyes are full of desire, everyones eyes are full of yearning.

  The national flag rises with the eastern morning glow to meet the light of the rising sun. The big rooster with the red crown is singing with a mellow voice, calling for peace and freedom!

  Bright red flags are flying in the air...

  The motherland needs that atmosphere of solidarity and mutual assistance; I need a strong body full of confidence and strength. Need that passion, that passionate passion; Need the peace and security of life!

  We pledge to the fluttering five-star red flag: "Sincere mutual assistance, truth-seeking innovation, tempering the will, and serving the motherland!" We assure the red flag that the sons and daughters of China will always be united and strong! We are taking firm steps to the brilliant tomorrow to continue to move forward!

  英语作文:国旗 The national flag 22

  Its time to raise the national flag again on Monday. The weather is so fine today. The sky is so blue and the trees are so green. We wore a uniform, wearing a bright red scarf, a neat team came to the playground ready to raise the national flag.

  The flag-raising ceremony began. The flag-bearer raised the national flag high, walked neatly to the flag-raising platform, and hung the national flag well. With the grand national anthem played, the five-star red flag rose slowly, and all the students stood at attention and saluted the national flag. Looking at the flag flying in the wind, I seemed to see the soldiers on the battlefield, brave to kill the enemy, without their blood sacrifice, which will have our present happy life!

  I love the five-star Red flag! I love my country more!

  英语作文:国旗 The national flag 23

  In the past semester, my most unforgettable is to take part in raising the national flag. Our school will hold the national flag raising ceremony every Monday morning, then we will line up neatly to the playground to participate in the national flag raising ceremony.

  The flag-raising ceremony began, and the flag-raising hands came to the flagpole with neat steps and fixed the flag on the flagpole. At the commanders command, we stood at attention and saluted. The national anthem came out from the loudspeaker, and a flag-raising hand slowly pulled the flag rope, and the flag rose slowly to the top of the tall flagpole, fluttering in the wind in the blue sky. The national anthem also stops at this time, and the flag-raising ceremony is over.

  Every time I attend the flag raising ceremony, I will be very excited. Looking at the bright five-star flag, I will think in my heart: I must love the national flag, love the motherland, add color to the national flag, add color to the corner of the national flag - red scarf!

  英语作文:国旗 The national flag 24

  On Monday morning, we had a flag-raising ceremony.

  The students are wearing clean and neat school uniforms, wearing a corner of the national flag came to the playground. The small host strode to the podium and announced: "The flag-raising ceremony begins now." The majestic and loud national song came to mind, and we raised our right hand to salute the solemn and bright red national flag, and we turned our eyes to the flag dyed with blood. The small flag-raiser gently pulled the national flag, expired slowly rising, rising in the air fluttering in the wind, brilliant. At this time, I think of the TV to see a lot of heroes sacrificed on the battlefield, and think of Dong Cunrui sacrifice to smash the bunker scene, they use blood in exchange for today this beautiful day.

  The national flag rose to the top of the flagpole and flew in the air, like a flame shining red on the earth. Flag, flag, I love you. I will study hard, make progress every day, and contribute to the motherland.

  英语作文:国旗 The national flag 25

  Whenever the sun has just risen on Monday, the students have been dressed neatly in school uniforms, wearing bright red scarves, waiting for the start of the solemn flag-raising ceremony on the playground.

  The flag-raising ceremony had begun, and each bearer was seen walking to the flagpole with a corner of the national flag. It was accompanied by the loud national song slowly rose up. Every time at this time, I can not take my eyes off the flag, because it is the most exciting moment, and the scene at this time can not be forgotten.

  After raising the flag, my heart can not calm for a long time, looking at the red flag, my heart issued a call, "I love the flag, more love the motherland." Looking at the red scarf in front of me, I suddenly respect, the red scarf is a corner of the national flag! From now on, should I not honor the red scarf and the national flag? I think I must perform better in the future and make a contribution to the motherland.

  英语作文:国旗 The national flag 26

  This morning I got up exceptionally early, perhaps this is the National Day holiday the first to raise the national flag! Last night my mother promised to eat fish with me, but it was put off until today, but he has not taken me with him today, I feel that he has forgotten about it.

  To the place where the national flag was raised, this time it was not our primary school students who raised the national flag, but brothers and sisters, like a group of soldiers raised the national flag, when they raised the national flag, the command shouted very loud. Some of them had guns. They looked scary. The flag began to rise, and the soldiers who raised the flag all stood in formation, the first row in front of them, a boy in the middle and two doctors next to them had guns in their hands, and one of them shouted and they went to the flag. The words seem to be: Walk in unison. After raising the flag, we went back to work.

  Raising the national flag today is really different from raising the national flag in the past, but I am so nervous, because the next national flag is our class.

  英语作文:国旗 The national flag 27

  This morning, the students came to the school early, returned to the classroom, began morning reading, after the end of the morning reading more than 3,000 people came to the flag stand ready to start raising the national flag.

  When the national flag was raised, the students sang while performing the salute, when the five-star red flag was raised to the top, the students became at attention again, at this time, the sky under the drizzle, however, this did not affect the spirit of the students. Because, I saw that every student did not wear their own clothes on the hat. Finally, the flag-raising ceremony was over, and the school leader asked the students to line up to go back to the classroom.

  In a word, todays flag-raising ceremony is a little tired, but we are very happy.

  英语作文:国旗 The national flag 28

  On Monday morning, our school raised the national flag on the playground. We were happy and excited.

  Todays playground is particularly beautiful, the sun is red like a ball of fire, the sky is blue, we are wearing bright red scarves...

  The host said: "All stand at attention, out the flag..." At this time, we saw the students who were guarding the flag come out, and we heard the sound of drums. The flag-raiser stood as straight as a soldier. The flag bearer also stood upright, like a pine tree. After a while, the national song began, "Rise up, you who do not want to be slaves..." The flag-raiser raised the five-star red flag rhythmically, and everyone was very serious.

  In the national anthem, the students saluted, and I also learned to stand straight like big brother. Keep your chest up, raise your hands, and salute the flag! The flag flies in the wind and I feel proud and proud in my heart.

  There is a country to have a home, I love my motherland.

  英语作文:国旗 The national flag 29

  On Monday of this week, I took part in the solemn flag-raising ceremony on behalf of Class 52.

  I arrived at school at 7:30 on time to take part in the arrangement, when the weather was very cold, I and other students were shivering, but when we really stood on the flag platform to raise the flag, but feel very glorious, do not feel cold at all.

  "Raise the national flag, sing the national anthem, all Young pioneers please salute!" As the hosts words fell, the solemn flag-raising ceremony began. We saluted and faced the flag with great pride. When our name was read by the host, the heart was even more happy.

  The national flag is raised only once every semester, and I can be one of the 12 students who raise the national flag, I am very honored.

  This is my first time to raise the national flag, I am very happy! Hope to have another chance to attend the flag-raising ceremony!

  英语作文:国旗 The national flag 30

  Every Monday, our school will gather all the students in the playground to raise the national flag, and hold a very grand flag-raising ceremony. At this time, our school brass band will play the national anthem for us under the national flag.

  We couldnt help singing the national anthem when it rang through the school. At the same time, as young pioneers, we all have to present the Young Pioneers ceremony to the national flag to show respect for the national flag. When the national flag is slowly raised, we always have a feeling of great pride in our hearts, which we have never had except to raise the national flag.

  After the flag was raised, each week an outstanding student representative stood under the flag and gave a speech for all of us. These big brothers and sisters are very good and will give us speeches on different topics. Every time I listen to their speeches, I will feel a lot of harvest, which makes me feel very meaningful. I hope one day I can be as good as them, standing in this solemn and sacred place to give you a speech.

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