
时间:2022-08-30 07:58:18 其他类英语作文 我要投稿
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学英语作文 篇1

  dog,it is our good friend.It also is our good partner.It helps us to look after our house when we are out.It can listen to you when you want to pour out some borings.It has a very ingenious nose.It can smell many scents.It often help the policeman to find the stealing.Dog is very clever.

学英语作文 篇2

  Memories of My Mother

  "long, long ago, there was an island in the distant sea,where lived a fairy who was said be able to make a child lovely and bright. one day, ..." as the story went on, mumps voice grew fainter and fainter, when she gently looked down at me.then a melodious song came into my ear as if music made by the angels flying in the faraway sky. gradually, moms smile dimmed, and her glittering eyes were just like the brightest stars on the dark blue curtain of night...

  countless nights had passed in this way during my infancy. in my naive heart, mothers voice was deeper and softer than the nightingale. even now i still remember quite clearly that cradlesong she used to sing before i fell asleep. those old melodies still sound so good to me, as they melt the years away.to me, mothers companionship was the most important thing in my childhood.

  mother is an incurable romantic, passionately in love with life and with the mystery of the universe. she taught me to open up all the channels of my senses to touch and feel what lies all a round me, and discovered with me the beauty of nature, the joy,ecitement and mystery of the new and the unknown. she is quite at home in literature because of her active and imaginative mind. every new eperience, every new discovery concerning the world could delight her.

  i went off to college, but mum is still always in my memory. i could hear her voice every time i fell short in anything.from breast to cradle to reassuring hug, mum has shared all the happiness and depression of mine. however, she never epressed herself. upon my entry into university, when she and father were going back home, she hurriedly turned back to run along, even without a look at me. i knew she dared not, for fear that tears should fall down in my presence. this separation would last nearly five months during which she could not see me. she was just trying to stop me from seeing her crying. i was refraining myself, too, because the long time living with her had made me an eact person like her. later, father told me she kept wiping her eyes on the bus to the railway station. i knew that, because i love you, mum, and you already knew that too.

学英语作文 篇3


  hobbies are very important to a person. without having any hobby, life wont be as colorful as it should be. i have a variety of hobbies, such as collecting stamps, playing musical instruments, reading, and doing sport activities.

  when i am free, i will spend time on my hobbies. when i am in a blue mood, i will also do my hobbies to cheer myself up. hobbies can help us improve our moods. many hobbies requires devotion. for eample, when you play a musical instrument, you have to practice over and over in order to perform good music. after a period if you still enjoy it, gradually it will become a hobby of yours. but, remember: a hobby is like gold under the ground; no hobby will come to you unless you dig it out yourself.

  if you can treat study as one of you hobbies, learning will be more enjoyable. i hope all of you can find your own hobbies and also have fun from them.

学英语作文 篇4

  "No Spitting !"

  With SARS gradually passing its peak, more and more people take off their gauze masks. They feel released and have more freedom to breathe in fresh air. However, a certain number of people have restored their bad habit and start to spit everywhere. Now and then, whether in the street, or on the bus, or in city gardens, we will see some people, the fine ladies and gentilemen, spitting without feeling a bit ashamed as shown in the picture. When shown the" NO SPITTING !sign, they just turn a blind eye to it. Still worse, people around have to be on guard against the sudden attack of 'spit

  shot" from the spitters.

  Spitting is a terrible habit. For one thing, it is-entirely uncivilized. The world has entered the 21st century and human civilization has reached a more advanced stage.Why can't those people remove this ugly habit? Is it because they think the earth is a gigantic spittoon? For another thing, spitting does great harm to public health. According to chemical laboratory test, one sputum contains thousands upon thousands of germs and SARS viruses if the spitter is a SARS Sufferer. As was reported, the Beijing Municipal Government once mobilized an army of a thousand sanitation workers to clean out the mess in Tian An Men Square.

  For people to get rid of this uncivilized behaviour, we suggest local authorities strengthen education by publicizing the harmfulness of spitting, and at the same time, enforce the law of punishment.

  Finally, we, citizens of the earth, must he self-disciplined, love our Mother Earth and don't dirty her.

学英语作文 篇5

  Jiuhuashan(also called "Mount Jiuhua", literally "Nine Glorious Mountains")

  Mount Jiuhua is one of the four sacred mountains of Chinese Buddhism. It is located in Qingyang County in Anhui province and is famous for its rich landscape and ancient temples.

  Many of the mountain’s shrines and temples are dedicated to Ksitigarbha (known in Chinese as Dìzàng, Traditional Chinese:),

  who is a bodhisattva and protector of souls in hell according to Mahayana Buddhist tradition. Pious Buddhists often come to this popular attraction in Anhui to climb to Greater Tiantai peak, which is regarded as Jiuhuashan’s most important peak, although it is not the tallest.




