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  与朋友吵架高中英语作文 1

  I had a big argument with my good friend yesterday because of the baseball teams.During the break time,we argument about which team is the best in the league big.I thought it is yangqi and he thought it is redsocks.After the argument,he went of to say goodbye to me and close the door loudly.I was so angry with him.

  Then he still didnt talk to me during the next break time.He didnt even look at me.I started to feel sad because he is my best friend.When it was time to go home I asked him if he wanted to go with me as usual.He looked at me with a strange look and still turned away.But this time,he did say goodbye to me quietly.

  In the end,while I was watching TV the phone ring.It was him and he said he was sorry about what he did,he felt childish.I said never mind we are still good friends.Now I feel much better I hope we wont argument any more.

  与朋友吵架高中英语作文 2

  Weeks ago I witnessed the quarrel between my two roommates. It shocked me the two good friends fired out just for a very trifling matter. It was in the morning at weekend when I was washing my face in the bathroom. Suddenly I heard Ann and Sue shouting at each other. I hurried to come out to see what happened. It turned out that the noise of Sue’s closing the door waked Ann, whose bed is just beside the door. Ann thought Sue deliberately closed the door heavily. Sue didn’t have made her fault and said Ann was making trouble out of nothing. So their argument became ambits of quarrel. Though later they stopped quarreling under our persuasion, neither of them would like apologize to the other.

  Such a quarrel leaves me to think a lot about dormitory harmony. If either Ann or Sue can be a little tolerant or take a better way to express herself, this quarrel, I think, can be avoided easily. It is no doubt that a harmony dormitory life benefits all the members. But it needs our common efforts to build it.

  与朋友吵架高中英语作文 3

  I had a big argument with my good friend yesterday because of the baseball teams.During the break time,we argument about which team is the best in the league big.I thought it is yangqi and he thought it is redsocks.After the argument,he went of to say goodbye to me and close the door loudly.I was so angry with him.

  Then he still didnt talk to me during the next break time.He didnt even look at me.I started to feel sad because he is my best friend.When it was time to go home I asked him if he wanted to go with me as usual.He looked at me with a strange look and still turned away.But this time,he did say goodbye to me quietly.

  In the end,while I was watching TV the phone ring.It was him and he said he was sorry about what he did,he felt childish.I said never mind we are still good friends.Now I feel much better I hope we wont argument any more.

  与朋友吵架高中英语作文 4

  There is a little dog hanging in my room, with a gold medal carved on it. Every time I look at him, a moment of regret comes to my mind.

  Two years ago, on a night, I was immersed in a bad mood of scoring 85 in mathematics. On that day, Zhang Yifu came running with his math book bouncing around and asking me math questions. Mathematics, its mathematics again!

  I didnt know what was going on with my anger just now, and it all rushed out like a flood: "I dont know how to do it, Im so stupid..." I scolded him. He stared at me blankly, then lifted his head and glanced at me, his eyes filled with grievances. He suddenly rushed out of my room door. I was taken aback and thought to myself, will he ignore me? Why did I say he? Isnt it just asking me for a math problem, as for? It really shouldnt be!

  I used to run with him, but I couldnt run with him. He practices with me whenever he has time. I also taught him how to draw hand in hand, learned from each other, and compared our exam results, we always ranked in the top five.

  In October 2004, I wrote a letter to him. Three days later, he replied to the letter, telling me that he had long forgotten that we were still friends. He also presented me with a poem and a small dog pendant, wishing me progress in my studies. That poem is "Du Shaofus Office in Shuzhou". "The city gate supports the Three Qin, and the wind and smoke look at the Five Jin. We are both eunuchs who bid farewell to each other. We know each other in the sea, and the ends of the world are like neighbors. If we dont do anything, we will go astray, and our children will share the same cloth." I have always remembered this poem in my heart.

  与朋友吵架高中英语作文 5

  I have a very close friend. We go to the bathroom together, play together, attend classes together, go to school together, and go home together. However, one day when we were returning home, something particularly angry happened to me.

  That afternoon, we still went home together as usual. When we passed by a stationery store, she said, "I forgot to bring the money. Did you bring it?" I asked her in confusion, "What are you doing? What are you buying?" She rightfully said, "Hurry up and lend me five yuan. I want to buy a eraser!" I reluctantly replied, "Okay!" I took out ten yuan from my backpack, and I havent handed it to her yet! She took both five yuan coins and hurriedly ran away. Seeing her like this, I was extremely angry.

  The next day, we didnt say a word and neither of us glanced at each other? No one pays attention to anyone? At school time, we didnt take the same path. She took a small path. Although I didnt want to take the same path as her, I had to grit my teeth to get my ten yuan back. When I walked up to her, I angrily said, "Give me back ten yuan!" She took out five yuan and put it in my hand, saying, "I only lent you five yuan. Do you like it or not?" After that, she took big steps. I pulled her back, she gave me a push, and I also hit her, and so on, spinning back and forth for a long time. I left because of this incident, I lost my friendship and was extremely sad.

  Through this incident, I realized the importance of friendship and learned to be tolerant and understanding. I will no longer haggle over trivial matters.

  与朋友吵架高中英语作文 6

  On Thursday, this sunny afternoon. My good friend Shi Zhenglin and I jumped rope together, with an endless interest.

  I was so happy that I didnt notice that Shi Zhenglin was staring at me intently for half an hour, and I felt a bit impatient. She pouted and said, "Youve been staring at me for half an hour, are you tired? Im not a beauty, do I need it?" She regained her composure for a while. I am already very dissatisfied. At this moment, she burst into laughter. I was about to explode, followed by my loud roar: "You guy, Im asking you a question. Why are you laughing foolishly?" She covered her painful belly and stuttered, "I... I think... youre special... dont look like youre long... ears... monster cultivator." "Im not a monster, Im not a monster, youre talking nonsense, youre lying." I retorted with a flushed face. I said again, "You dont have the right to say Im like a monster, youre going too far." I ran home angrily. Feeling very sad in my heart, I thought we were the best friends. She must be angry with me now.

  I had an argument with my good friend and stopped talking to each other. I deeply regret it now. If I could come back that day, I would definitely not let this happen again

  与朋友吵架高中英语作文 7

  Chen Ming and I are good friends. One day, we came out to play with the small wooden boat we made in the handicraft group. Chen Ming accidentally broke my small wooden boat, so I had an argument with him. In the dispute, Chen Ming stepped on it again, and I was very angry. The anger in my heart suddenly ignited. I snatched his small wooden boat, threw it hard to the ground, and then stomped on it hard. I said, "You dare to destroy my things!" Chen Mings tears burst into his eyes.

  After school, I kept thinking about this on my way home, so the more I thought about it, the more I felt guilty. So I ran home and told my mother about it. After listening to it, my mother said to me earnestly, "First of all, he broke your small wooden boat. Maybe he didnt mean to, and he broke your small wooden boat. You dont need to break his small wooden boat either. If you come to school tomorrow and apologize to your classmates, they might even forgive you.".

  The next day, I arrived at school and saw Chen Ming in my seat. He seemed to be waiting for me. I walked slowly over, unsure of what to say. At this moment, Chen Ming lowered his head and said softly, "Im really sorry about yesterday. I shouldnt have broken your small wooden boat first. Please forgive me. Chen Mings magnanimity touched me and said," Its okay, its my fault. I shouldnt have stepped on your wooden boat. Im sorry. "" I hope we can always be good friends. "

  From then on, the two of them regained their former friendship and helped each other in their studies, becoming a good and close pair of friends.

  与朋友吵架高中英语作文 8

  "Break up!" "Break up, break up!" My good friend and I argued like this, swearing never to talk to each other.

  The incident happened a month ago, it was an exam, and the grades came down. The teacher asked us to correct our mistakes. But my good friend Lili still has a question that she wont change. She wanted to take a look at my paper, and I said, "Ill show it to you when I finish correcting this question." But Lili was impatient and suddenly reached out to grab my paper. I pressed my arm and only heard a "hiss" sound as the paper was torn. She panicked and withdrew her hand. I said angrily, "Look! You tore it up!" "What, it was clearly you who tore it up yourself." Lili pouted and said defiantly. So we started arguing with each other, and thats why the previous conversation happened. Finally, I looked at my paper sadly and cried.

  After returning home, I told my mother about this matter. My mother said, "Good friends cant have conflicts over one thing, as long as you communicate more." The next day, I used the method my mother told me to say to Lily, "Im sorry, can we reconcile?" Lily said, "Its my fault. I should apologize to you and ask for your forgiveness." My mothers method was indeed effective.

  We have become as good friends as before, talking about everything.

  与朋友吵架高中英语作文 9

  Have you ever had any conflicts with your classmates? Have you ever had an argument with a friend? This kind of thing has happened between me and my friends.

  Once, at noon, my friend Yang Ruyu downstairs came to play with me. Coincidentally, I drew three lifelike snakes on my blackboard at home, and it took me a lot of effort to draw them. Yang Ruyu said to me, "Lets draw something on the blackboard to play!" "Okay!" I readily agreed. So she quickly wiped off the snake I had painstakingly drawn. I didnt know she would wipe it off, so I was both sad and angry. I hid in the room and sulked, and she also went down. I looked at her on the stairs, and from her eyes, I could see that she was very ashamed. I really wanted to say to her, "Im sorry, I was wrong. I shouldnt ignore you for a small matter. Lets reconcile." But this sentence couldnt be uttered.

  The next afternoon, I thought Yang Ruyu wouldnt come up to play with me. The result was completely different from what I had imagined. She came, and I was very happy. Suddenly, I had the courage to say to her, "Im sorry, I was wrong yesterday. Lets reconcile." Yang Ruyu said, "Yesterdays incident should have been my mistake." Mom looked at us and said, "Alright, Alright, Yezi, you see how sincere they are." I shouted, "Did I apologize too?" She and Mom couldnt help but laugh at my funny appearance.

  Each of us should be tolerant and understanding towards our friends, so that you will have more and more good friends.

  与朋友吵架高中英语作文 10

  "Little rascal, little rascal! Lalalalala, you were scolded last night! Hahaha!" "You leave, leave, I despise you, my mother doesnt let me play with you, leave!"

  Although I pretended to drive others away and even pulled my mother out, I still felt guilty. Alas, I must have caused trouble again.

  Last time I had an essay class, I was talking recklessly and got caught by my mom. I was also scolded. Its all my fault. Last class, I had a wild idea and changed my name in various ways.

  All right, lets go back to class today. Oh my goodness, I have become a prominent figure in todays class on the popular topic of "Is it Zhang Bobo or Zhang Baobao?". I found that in the comment section, all the comments were from Hu to me: "Zhang Baobao was scolded by his mother!" "Little rascal, where are you running? Eat my teachers accusation stick!" "Who is Zhang Baobao?"

  I cant bear it anymore. Hu was my close friend from the past, but today he is here mocking me so much. Most importantly, there is also a female classmate in the class, and I feel so embarrassed! No, I need to revive the crowd. I quickly typed out the words "ding ding dang" and argued with him word by word. My computer is about to be knocked out, but I am satisfied. Although I know I didnt pay attention.

  "Stop making noise, class is coming!" the teacher shouted loudly. Oh no, Ive been criticized again, cough cough cough, really, why does Hu want to argue with me?

  与朋友吵架高中英语作文 11

  Last week, I had an argument with my good friend, which made me very angry. The situation is like this.

  Last week, while we were playing together during break time, she suddenly asked me, "Have you brought money with you?" I said, "Yes, whats wrong?" She said, "How much did you bring?" I said, "I brought ten yuan." She said, "Can you lend me five yuan first? My pen is broken, and I bought a pen. One pen is exactly five yuan, and I will pay you back tomorrow." I said, "Okay!" As I said, I gave her five yuan.

  The next day, I arrived at school and she gave me three yuan. I asked, "Didnt I give you five yuan? Why did you only give me three yuan?" She said with a puzzled expression, "You only gave me three yuan, where did you get five yuan?" I said, "Yesterday I brought ten yuan and gave you five yuan, leaving five yuan. Now you only give me three yuan, which adds up to eight yuan. There are still two yuan left to reach ten yuan." I gave her a push and said, "Why are you so unreasonable?" She also gave me a backhand push, and I kicked her again. She also kicked me heavily, knocking me to the ground. She said, "Break up!" I patted the dust on my body and said, "Break up, break up, no one is afraid of anyone." After saying that, I carried my backpack and left without looking back.

  After returning home, I felt very angry and somewhat regretful. I felt that losing money was not a big deal, but without friendship, everything was gone.

  与朋友吵架高中英语作文 12

  "Are you crazy? Why did you bump into me when you had nothing to do?" "I didnt mean to argue with you! I had a particularly hard fist today." "Why should I listen to you! Tell me not to scold you, then dont scold you?" "Youre so annoying! Youre clinging to me, like a pig, Ill break off with you!" "Hmph! Who cares. Youre not a human at all!" World War broke out again! Its really scary, every time theres a lack of friendship, just like me.

  One day, my pen fell under the table and I was about to pick it up, but my desk mate stepped on it. "Oh, hello!" I screamed in pain, "Im sorry, I didnt see it. Ill give you a pen!" "You stepped on your hand, not a pen, unless I also want to step on you!" My bad attitude angered her, and he angrily turned to the table and said, "Everyone said they would give you a pen as compensation. Are you still arguing with me?!" "Just arguing with you, okay?" "Breaking ties, Ill draw three lines now!" "I was just trying to draw! Can you help me?" "Let me draw!" I sat on the chair and lost my temper. I havent paid attention to him for a few days.

  After a few days

  I found a note and two pens on the table, which read: When you saw the letter, I had already left. Im sorry! These two pens are given to you as compensation, please forgive me! My face was hot and I couldnt help but feel sorry.

  I hope the world war will not happen again.

  与朋友吵架高中英语作文 13

  When I was in first grade, I had an argument with my good friend, and thats what happened.

  During an art class, my good friend borrowed crayons from me and I readily lent them to him. When he was drawing, the crayon suddenly broke for some reason, so he returned half to me and continued drawing the other half himself. When I saw these half crayons, I thought to myself: Why did he break the crayons without telling me, keep the other half, and only return the other half to me? I just glanced at him a few times and saw that he was still drawing with my crayons? Still drawing with relish. At this moment, my heart is particularly sad. Why is the other half of the crayon I lent him still in his hand? I said unhappily, "You broke my crayon and didnt even mention it, leaving half in your own hands. I want you to compensate me for my new crayon." "If you compensate, whats the big deal," he said loudly. So we started fighting, and after that, no one paid attention to anyone.

  After school, I returned home and told my mother about this matter. My mother criticized me and said, "You should be tolerant of your classmates and not argue over a small matter." After listening to my mothers words, I regretted it very much. On the second day of school, as soon as I met this good friend, I went to apologize sincerely to him.

  We classmates should unite and love each other, help each other, and resolve conflicts. We cannot let a small matter ruin our friendship.

  与朋友吵架高中英语作文 14

  Everyone has something they want to say, and today I want to share with you the most important thing I want to say.

  I performed the piano while participating in the Asian International Competition. The competition was held at the Hongshan Auditorium, and it started. My first few children played very well, and I thought: if I play simple music, I wont win the prize. I thought to myself again: the teacher said that as long as I sing, I will definitely win the prize if I am different from others! These two people sink into my mind. As it approached me, my heart became increasingly nervous. Its my turn, I sang and played the whole piece of music in its entirety. Watching the judges keep nodding, I am extremely happy. The competition is over, and Ive been watching until the end. Theres really no one like me singing and playing at the same time!

  The competition results are out, I won the second prize and can participate in the finals. The venues include Macau, Hong Kong, Singapore, and so on. Hearing so much good news, I jumped up. Mom said, "Dont be too happy too early! Its so far away, and you cant even play. Dont go!" I immediately changed my face when I said these words.

  I had an argument with my mother, and I thought to myself: Moms energy, even if we argue, we cant go. If we dont argue, we cant go. Its really annoying. Later, I said to my mother, "I know something is not something that depends on me, nor is it perfect! Im sorry, Mom!" My mother said, "This is my good baby!" We looked at each other and smiled.

  与朋友吵架高中英语作文 15

  "Why dont you care about him?"

  Today, I had an argument with a friend because Xiao Yeran in our class had his name taken down by my friend. Xiao Yeran was already a bit unhappy, and with the words that those boys and she said to him, and even hitting him, he went completely crazy. He rushed down with our classs broom, and Xiao Yes words were different from those of our class, and he rarely spoke. He was beaten and cried by those boys below, and I was very angry.

  When I returned to the classroom, we started arguing. The gun next to her was speaking for her! She also said that its not good or good for us to play with her. She mentioned a good friend of mine, and I really got angry. She said that anyone can do it, but not her. That gun was like adding fuel to the fire, but I still held back because I didnt want to make things worse, but she hit me in the stomach with her knee. I really couldnt bear it anymore. When she left, I slapped her back hard, and I knew it hurt, but I was really angry. As a result, we had no end... In the end, we broke up.

  The next day, I arrived at school very early and found a note on my seat that said, "Lets reconcile!"!

  At that time, I didnt want to forgive her. Seeing how sincere she was, I forgave her.

  At this point, I realized that if a persons heart is generous, just like her.

  与朋友吵架高中英语作文 16

  Friendship is a bright light in life, it can guide you on the right path and make your life rich and colorful. If a persons life lacks friendship, then life will be like a dry well, devoid of vitality.

  One day, my good friend Huang Sichao came to my house to play. As soon as he walked in, he picked up his phone and started playing. I asked, "Since youre here to play, why are you bringing your phone?" Huang Sichao said nonchalantly, "You guys have internet here." I suddenly got angry and said, "Im warning you, if you come here to play with your phone, Ill break up with you!" Huang Sichao said angrily, "Hmph, if we break up, well break up!" After that, he angrily left.

  A week later, my mother casually asked, "Why hasnt Sichao come to play recently?" I said, "Mom, I dont want to play with him anymore." My mother said to me earnestly, "Mingming, have you heard a sentence? A discord between friends is an opportunity for the enemy to attack. You are a good child. Go apologize to Sichao, okay?" I lowered my head and said, "Okay."

  I dialed Sichaos phone and said, "Hello, may I ask if its Sichao? Im Mingming." Sichao said angrily, "Do you dare to call?" I sincerely said, "Last time it was my fault, I should have told you well. Can you forgive me?" Sichao said, "Okay, Ill forgive you for your good attitude." I said, "Then were still good friends." Sichao said, "Of course." We all laughed happily.

  Friendship is the sun that never sets, allowing friends to enter your heart and nourish your soul.

  与朋友吵架高中英语作文 17

  What should we do when our teacher teaches us a lesson today and we argue with our good friends?

  The teacher gave us an example, and the reason is as follows. In third grade, they were good friends and inseparable every day. But they were separated in fourth grade. Once, one of my good friends was very eager to go drink water after physical education class, but another classmate happened to want to go to the bathroom, and the two collided. When going down the stairs, the person who went down did not see the person who went up. Thats why I fell.

  But when they saw that they were good friends, they didnt care and went to work on their own things. But after the second class, a good friends mother came knocking on her door. He said a classmate knocked over his child and didnt say he was sorry, so he wanted to find that classmate to judge, and that classmates mother also came. Its not his own childs business that he fell because he didnt see his own child.

  Of course, from then on, the two good friends will never play together again. Sometimes we also argue. At this point, I want to say to them that it is appropriate for good friends to argue, which can increase their friendship. However, it is not right to argue out of reason. Can you think of it together, if they all walk on the right, would this happen again? And if they had all apologized at the time, the current situation wouldnt have happened.

  So when you argue with your good friend, you should take the initiative to apologize. Otherwise, you will lose a sincere friendship.

  与朋友吵架高中英语作文 18

  Friendship is a bright light in life. It can guide you towards the right path and make your life rich and colorful. If a persons life lacks friendship, then life is like a dry well.

  One day, my good friend Huang Sichao came to my house to play. He picked up his phone and started playing as soon as he entered the door. I asked, "Since youre here to play, why do you still bring your phone?" Huang Sichao said casually, "You have internet here." I suddenly got angry and said, "Im warning you, if you come here to play with your phone, Ill break up with you!" Huang Sichao got angry and said, "Okay, break up, break up!" After that, he left angrily.

  A week later, my mother casually asked, "Why hasnt Sichao come to play recently?" I said, "Mom, I dont want to play with him." My mother said to me earnestly, "Did you hear a word?" The discord between friends is an opportunity for the enemy to attack. "Youre a good kid, can you go apologize to Sichao?" I lowered my head and said, "Okay."“

  I called Sichao and said, "Hello, is that Sichao? Im Mingming." Sichao angrily said, "How dare you still call?" I sincerely said, "Last time I was wrong, I should have told you well. Can you forgive me?" Sichao said, "Okay, I forgive your good attitude." I said, "Then were still good friends." Sichao said, "Of course." We all laughed happily.

  Friendship is the sun that never sets. Let friends enter your heart and nourish your soul.










