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  美国独立日英文作文 1

  Independence Day is a day of family celebrations with picnics and barbecues,showing a great deal of emphasis on the American tradition of political freedom.Activities associated with the day include watermelon or hotdog eating competitions and sporting events,such as baseball games,three-legged races,swimming activities and tug-of-war games.

  Many people display the American flag outside their homes or buildings.Many communities arrange fireworks that are often accompanied by patriotic music.The most impressive fireworks are shown on television.Some employees use one or more of their vacation days to create a long weekend so that they can escape the heat at their favorite beach or vacation spot.

  Independence Day is a patriotic holiday for celebrating the positive aspects of the United States.Many politicians appear at public events to show their support for the history,heritage and people of their country.Above all,people in the United States express and give thanks for the freedom and liberties fought by the first generation of many of todays Americans.The Statue of Liberty is a national monument that is associated with Independence Day.

  The first description of how Independence Day would be celebrated was in a letter from John Adams to his wife Abigail on July 3,1776.He described "pomp and parade,with shows,games,sports,guns,bells,bonfires,and illuminations" throughout the United States.However,the term "Independence Day" was not used until 1791.

  “I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America,and to the Republic for which it stands.One nation under God,indivisible,with liberty and justice for all.”

  Happy birthday,America.

  美国独立日英文作文 2

  This past Independence Day, I saw two things that disturbed me greatly: First, people bashing America and its shortcomings; Second, people defending America blindly, while giving no thought to others’ criticisms. I’m a liberal and I more than acknowledge that there are problems with our country. Our executive branch is larger and more powerful than I’d like, our education system is broken, and our economic policy is not optimal for growth. I also know America has a lot of ugly secrets in its past. From the genocide of Native Americans to slavery to our foreign policy nightmare with Latin America in the early twentieth century, it’s easy to see why so many are angered by the jingoistic attitude that July 4th celebrations can incur. But I also recognize how remarkable of an achievement it was for those few men to break away, in the name of independence, and take a risk by establishing a democracy back in 1776. I also recognize that although the sins of our Founding Fathers were great, their accomplishments were greater, leaving a legacy of democracy and national sovereignty that would spread like wildfire throughout the world.

  The revolution was important and the ideals that this country was founded on, ideals of equality, respect for one another, and a commitment to progress, are ideals to be proud of, even if we don’t always live up to those ideals. I know many liberals hate to hear it, but the majority of the world is worse off than us, from third world countries to dictatorships, the world has got a lot of bad in it. And the much longer, more troubled histories of nations such as England have more mistakes and terrible acts in them than ours do. America has ideals and a commitment to democracy and freedom you can find nowhere else. Our spirit is strong and even if our government doesn’t live up to that spirit all the time, our citizens strive for it. Independence Day isn’t about petty squabbles and historical smear campaigns. This day is about celebrating our achievements and our ideals, acknowledging our mistakes, and reaffirming our commitment to make this country better so that, one day, those principles that the men who drafted our Declaration of Independence put forth, will be fully realized.

  美国独立日英文作文 3

  In the annals of history, few dates resonate with as much significance and national pride as the Fourth of July, a day etched in the hearts of Americans as Independence Day. This day commemorates the signing of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, an act of audacious rebellion that severed the thirteen American colonies from British rule and marked the birth of the United States of America as a sovereign nation.

  The story of this monumental day begins with a quest for liberty, a desire to break free from the shackles of tyranny and establish a land where freedom, democracy, and equality would reign supreme. The Declaration, drafted primarily by Thomas Jefferson, eloquently articulates these ideals, declaring that "all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." These words, though not yet fully realized for all inhabitants of the new nation, set forth a profound vision that would guide Americas development for centuries to come.

  As the dawn breaks on July 4th each year, the spirit of 1776 is rekindled across the country. Towns and cities awaken to a festive atmosphere, adorned with the stars and stripes of the American flag fluttering proudly against the blue summer sky. Parades march down main streets, a vibrant spectacle of marching bands, floats, and local heroes waving to cheering crowds, embodying the unity and diversity that define America.

  The afternoon skies become a canvas for spectacular fireworks displays, a dazzling symphony of light and sound that captivates millions. Each burst of color symbolizes the sacrifices made by the founding fathers and countless others who have fought to preserve the freedoms we cherish. Its a time when families and friends gather, sharing barbecues, picnics, and stories that bind generations together, reminding us of our shared heritage and aspirations.

  Yet, beyond the celebrations and fanfare, the Fourth of July also prompts reflection. It is a day to ponder the ongoing journey towards a more perfect union, acknowledging both the progress made and the challenges that persist in realizing the full promise of the Declaration. The fight for civil rights, gender equality, and social justice continues, echoing the revolutionary spirit that sparked the nations birth.

  For many, Independence Day serves as a reminder that freedom is not a given; it must be cherished, nurtured, and defended. It is a call to action, encouraging every citizen to engage in the democratic process, uphold the values enshrined in the Constitution, and work tirelessly to ensure that the blessings of liberty are extended to all.

  In essence, the Fourth of July is a celebration of the American experiment—a bold endeavor to create a society founded on the principles of self-governance, individual liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. As the nation gathers to celebrate this historic milestone, let it be a time of unity, gratitude, and renewed commitment to the ideals that have guided America through its tumultuous past and will continue to illuminate its path forward.

  In the words of President Ronald Reagan, "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didnt pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same." On this Independence Day, may we honor the past, embrace the present, and with unwavering determination, forge a future that upholds the timeless principles upon which the great American experiment was founded.










