
时间:2024-06-09 02:51:58 美云 节日类英语作文 我要投稿




  端午节粽子的英语作文 1

  It is said that people ate them in the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476 BC). In early times it was only glutinous rice dumplings wrapped in reed or other plant leaves and tied with colored thread but now the fillings are more diversified including jujube and bean paste fresh meat and ham and egg yolk. If time permits people will soak glutinous rice wash reed leaves and wrap up zongzi themselves. Otherwise they will go to shops to buy whatever stuff they want. The custom of eating zongzi is now popular in North and South Korea Japan and Southeast Asian nations.

  On Dragon Boat Festival parents also need to dress their children up with a perfume pouch. They first sew little bags with colorful silk cloth then fill the bags with perfumes or herbal medicines and finally string them with silk threads. The perfume pouch will be hung around the neck or tied to the front of a garment as an ornament. They are said to be able to ward off evil.





  端午节粽子的英语作文 2

  Last years Dragon Boat Festival, my grandma and I wrapped a big pot of fragrant rice dumplings, we ate them with relish, so a large pot of dumplings was eaten in a few days.

  We prepare the material first, the material has red date, glutinous rice, meat, zongye, cotton cord. The material is ready for us to begin! I jumped up and down, left and right, like a little monkey. See grandma put two pieces of leaves together first, and it became a triangle, and then put a little bit of glutinous rice, meat, and then put a big in the end, grandma hand and mouth, the zongzi are "bound" rise (first package ohyes, grandma is my favorite flavor of meat reed) after a while grandma see all wrapped the meat, sweet package now see cough up! Of course its called me, so I came out. Let me learn to the appearance of the grandma get leaves into a triangle, and then put a little sticky rice, then add two big jujube, put on some glutinous rice again, finally, to put online, but I will learn to grandma is like brothers and, zongzi is not obedient, the inside of the m love running around, I thought to myself: this rice dumplings to not set, my hand was wrapped in first! This is, grandma came to help me, she quickly made the rice dumplings wrapped in cotton thread, and I looked at my "spoils" and I saw a sweet smile on the corners of my mouth.

  It reminds me that everyone has their own first time, we have to practice, we have to experience. I eat zongzi and I keep giving this in my mind.

  端午节粽子的英语作文 3

  The Dragon Boat Festival in my hometown is there are a lot of cultured.Zongzi, leaves a request, the fresh bamboo leaves; Green green; Sending out thelight faint scent. If use dry out after the dumplings boiled bamboo leaves nobamboo fragrance.

  One afternoon before the Dragon Boat Festival all rawmaterials ready, white glutinous rice soaked in water, full of red bean, peanut,have already ready, or chopped pork belly, have already with good ingredientsflooded system. With deft hands industrious goodwife is left folded right, thenuse the rope layer upon layer, a delicate rice dumplings was born soon.

  Cookedpot and the house was filled with the fragrance of bamboo and rice dumplings. Inaddition to eating zongzi and eggs is little not. This two kinds of food are puttogether, even if you dont eat just looking at is to enjoy, the red oval eggs,meat green irregular shape of the dumplings, from color collocation to thecombination of shape, it. Smoked, hang mugwort on the lintel on the Dragon BoatFestival day. Hang sachets, various shapes of decorations, cloth make it brightput spices on the inside. Every year my mother to help me buy a hanging in hischest.

  端午节粽子的英语作文 4

  I want to eat zongzi today, let mom pack zongzi, but I want to try myself, and let my mother promise me to pack zongzi.

  My mother took some bamboo leaves out. I thought I had to pack the zongzi. I was ready to pack the zongzi. But I didnt think my mother put the leaves in the pot, pressed it with two bowls, then poured some water into it and burned it. I think we must remove the harmful substances above. My mother told me to make the bamboo leaves soft and disinfect, so that it can be done.

  It was not easy for the water to open. My mother took the two bowls out, poured all the things in the pot into a large basin, and then carried the big pot to the table, and mother told me to wash the bamboo leaves before the dumplings were wrapped.

  Finally, I can pack zongzi, I pick up a piece of dumplings leaves, learn the appearance of mother, close to the petiole of the place with two hands to hold, and again, become a conical thing, I used a slightly flat spoon to get some rice, down inside, not good! The funnel incident, the hand did not hold steady, the following a mouth, the result of the rice dropped out, I made a few times "day" will have holes, "Tianhe" like rain leaked out like a mother wrapped a zongzi, I was very anxious in the heart. It was difficult to complete this step. My mother almost wrapped five or six dumplings. Then, when the bag came up, there was a funnel incident again. I finished it very hard, but I would not tie the rope. Let mommy help you and wrap it up.

  Anyway, this time I feel very tired after making zongzi, and I want to help my mother do something later.






  端午节粽子的英语作文 5


  The Dragon Boat Festival! The Dragon Boat Festival is to commemorate the great poet Qu Yuans day, the dragon boat race is the day, but also eat yellows (cucumber, fish, eel, Yellow Wine, salted egg yolk) day, but what I like most is the zongzi!


  Today, was my first learning how to wrap dumplings with my mother. Mother prepared in advance has been made for 3 hours a night of glutinous rice, soy sauce pork, Meboshi Naboshi, wash dry leaves, twine, jujube and red dates, we are ready to open the package! I saw my mother to take leaves (a big can, small to two), the leaves of 1/2 turned up, and then the left hand Zongye right rotation, the leaves gently pinch, a conical funnel. Then, my mother put rice in the funnel out flat, then a lean meat, fat and dried prune a dish on the flattening of glutinous rice, and then covered with a layer of glutinous rice, hand pressed down pressure, finally put the dumplings is turned down by the rope, a triangle on the meat made. In accordance with my mothers demonstration, also began to carefully wrapped in leaves, but in my hand is paralysed, not leakage meter is broken, the leaves, I can help my mother to help her to cut the rice dumplings, twine and stuffing. After we finish with meat bag, pack the jujube rice dumplings.


  Wrap dumplings, to cook dumplings. Mother put the dumplings into the pressure cooker, 30-40 minutes later, just out of the pot of dumplings! The dumplings delicious, the whole family are filled with dumplings incense, I already so he swallowed. We can taste and rice dumplings. Wow! I package dumplings is really not a good feeling!


  Today I did not only eat the delicious dumplings, but also learnt how to make dumplings "craft", good fun ah!

  端午节粽子的英语作文 6

  Every year, when Dragon Boat Festival comes, people will have their special food-Zongzi. I like to eat Zongzi so much. It is so delicious for me. When I grow up, I start to realize that people in different places have different flavors. The south zone people prefer salty while the north zone prefer sweet. Both are special and favored by me.


  端午节粽子的英语作文 7

  Today is the Dragon Boat Festival, I quickly go home and want to learn to make dumplings with grandma. When I got home, grandma was already washing rice. I hurried to do my homework.

  Suddenly, I hear grandmas shout: "the lemon, the homework is done, and grandma with the rice dumplings!" As soon as I heard it, I jumped three feet high and rushed to the kitchen. In the kitchen, I see, my grandma have packed a few dumplings, they like soldiers lined up neatly stand, thought: "grandma pack so well, there must be a trick." So I learned how to look like grandma, wrapped up in a decent way: grab a piece of dried bamboo shoots and roll it into a dipper. And then add a little rice, spread a bit of red bean in the above, the side of the bamboo leaves on the concave bucket, laps with a rope, tie a knot, a rice dumplings wrapped. Then I used the same method to wrap up several zongzi. Grandma wrapped the zongzi, squinted, and complimented me.

  When I had dinner, I looked at a tray of dumplings on my desk and I couldnt say how sweet it was.

  端午节粽子的英语作文 8

  Zongzi is an essential food of the Dragon Boat Festival. It is said that people ate them in the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476 BC).

  In early times, it was only glutinous rice dumplings wrapped in reed or other plant leaves and tied with colored thread, but now the fillings are more diversified, including jujube and bean paste, fresh meat, and ham and egg yolk. If time permits, people will soak glutinous rice, wash reed leaves and wrap up zongzi themselves.

  Otherwise, they will go to shops to buy whatever stuff they want. The custom of eating zongzi is now popular in North and South Korea, Japan and Southeast Asian nations.

  端午节粽子的英语作文 9

  端午节到了。我们一家人在包粽子,材料也很充足,有花生、有绿豆、有红枣、还有一些江米和粽叶。开始包粽子了,其实包粽子很简单,先把粽叶窝成一个漏斗形状,放一些江米,几粒花生 、绿豆和一个红枣,最顶上再放一些米,然后浇些水,妈妈说这样粽子可以更实在一些,水漏完之后就可以包起来了。我们包了很多粽子,粽子熟了以后沾着糖吃软软的`甜甜的很好吃,真开心呀。

  Dragon Boat Festival is here. Our family is making zongzi, and the materials are also abundant. There are peanuts, green beans, red dates, some rice and Zongye. Starting to make zongzi, in fact, its very simple to make zongzi. First, nest the zongzi leaves into a funnel shape, put some rice, a few peanuts, green beans and a red date on the top, then put some rice on the top, and then pour some water. Mother said that this way, the brown rice can be more real, and then it can be wrapped after the water leakage. We made a lot of zongzi. When the zongzi are cooked, they will eat soft and sweet with sugar. Its very delicious. Its so happy.

  端午节粽子的英语作文 10

  Not far away from the New Year, my mother suddenly remembered to make zongzi for Chinese New Year. So mom and I packed dumplings together, ready for a moment.

  In the afternoon, my mother went to buy some of the dumplings. Mother first put glutinous rice and meat in a big basin, pour some salt, soy sauce, old wine inside, begin to make dumplings. My mother taught me how to do it first, and then I began to get impatient, and I started working on myself.

  I took two of the leaves and tried to surround them, but I couldnt get around. Just as I was confused two zhangs monk urgent like a cat on hot bricks, but mother laughed, smiled and said: "ha ha, dont listen to my main point, the consequence is like that." "Well, Ill give up," mom taught me. "I have to ask my mother for my own dumplings.

  My mother always told me the main point, this time I heard it all and began to do it. I immediately put the two pieces of leaves, first put a little bit of millet, and then put a little meat in the middle, and finally cover a layer of rice in the meat, so meat was caught in the middle, then cover the rest of the leaves on the meters, that takes up the dumplings with a brown line, fasten, made a summary.

  My first work was done. I looked at my good work, my heart was very angry, and suddenly I was smiling, and I asked my mother, "mom, mom, does my dumplings look good?" "Your dumplings are the best." My mother smiled and answered.

  I really want to get to the next day, so I can have my own homemade dumplings!

  端午节粽子的英语作文 11

  Today is Saturday. I am playing with games in my grandmothers home.

  Suddenly, I heard a strange voice, always rustling, and suddenly alerted. I sneak into the kitchen, look left and right. Oh, it turned out that grandma was making zongzi. Hey, theres something fun to do! I immediately flew over and rushed forward, grabbed a leaf of rice dumplings, and began learning the package of zongzi.

  Its hard to make zongzi. The first step: it is a rare group for me. Grandma said, the leaves should be kept a little, or the rice grain will fall out. I calculate the angle, roll, fold, fold and fold again and again, and finally make the ideal shape.

  The second step is the simplest - waxy rice. To put it simply, it should also pay attention to "flat, full, and many". I put a little rice in the folded cone, and put it in the meat soaked with soy sauce, and sprinkle some rice until the meat is covered. Grandma wrapped up one and taught me, "Oh, look at you! All the glutinous rice is sown into the seams. " I looked carefully, and one or two grains fell into the leaves outside. I hurried with my little thumbs to help me pick up the rice grain and continue to make rice dumplings.

  Start the last step! I grasped the strength of my hand and swam for a while. Oh, the rice grains are popping up all over. Thanks to grandmas quick eye, she picked up a big basin and caught the rice grain. Oh, Ive done it all the time.

  No problem!I patiently wrap up again...

  After a long time, I finally got the basic idea of how to pack rice dumplings. Its really fun. Its fun to pack zongzi!








  端午节粽子的英语作文 12

  "Little slacker! Get up, today is the Dragon Boat Festival, mother zongzi together with you, why are you still in bed?" Mother cheerfully. Rare holiday, I really want to take a good sleep, have been mom goofing around. But yesterday I promised mom and her rice dumplings together, can eat delicious dumplings, think I still get up quickly, learn to pack dumplings with my mother.

  Mom took out the leaves of bubble in the water, and glutinous rice and soak the streaky, the two of us ready to "operation". First, my mother taught me about zongzi four steps: (1) material, choose the appropriate leaves; (2) put the glutinous rice in folding leaves, wrap; (3) put the pork belly into a glutinous rice dumplings; (4) corresponding to the package dumplings wrapped tight knot. Such a rice dumplings wrapped. I think the original zongzi and learning?

  Mom started to pack, she look serious, very careful. Layer upon layer, a and a, two hands like butterfly wings hovering skillfully, its not, soon a chubby meat dumplings wrapped, angular, unexpectedly appear a little tall and strong. Really not the kui is a practice makes perfect, mom this package dumplings, have already package dozens of zongzi, neatly lined with. My progress?

  And see - follow the steps mom has said earnestly practice step by step, but the zongzi seems to see I was a child, must make a small temperament, is not to my own heart. A souffle a good didnt explode the little zongzi seem to laugh at, and said, "oh... you... want to give me to tame... that is harder than ascend heaven." I can "defy spirit", this small dumplings can beats me, this is also too look down upon yourself. Mother also hand and taught me patiently, I took some vanity is hard to learn. If everything comes to him who waits, I aha, thats great! I finally finished the first rice dumplings. Look at the hands of the little rice dumplings, although there is no mother package so good-looking, but in my eyes is like a hand holding a small shiny pearl, more precious, words cant describe the joy and excitement.

  Rice dumplings wrapped, began to boil the dumplings. The pan mother a lot of water, and began to cook, cooked for a long time, rice dumplings, everywhere filled with the fragrance of rice dumplings at home, finally can eat the delicious rice dumplings.

  Today, I not only learn the "craft" of rice dumplings with mother, also tried zongzi with happiness, true a memorable and happy day, let this happy to share with everyone, happy Dragon Boat Festival!






  今天我不但与妈妈学到包粽子的“手艺”,还尝试了包粽子其中的快乐,真实一个难忘而愉快 的一天,让这样的快乐与大家共同分享,“端午节快乐”!

  端午节粽子的英语作文 13

  From the reflection that eats a zhongzi to cause

  "May 5, it is upright midday. The door is ed moxa, sweet full hall. Eat a zhongzi, scatter white sugar. Dragon boat enters the water jubilant. " annual dragon boat festival arrived again. Our family is surrounded happily sit beside dining table, tasting the zhongzi that the grandma wraps with ones own hands with pleasure, wear a little in those days Qu Yuan...

  Father says, be being bent in those days is formerly cannot get put sb in a very important position because of talent and by banish, full day is sullen, cast river take ones own life finally. Heard this story, I was immersed in contemplative: After all he is this kind of behavior correct? Although his of one mind is a country, brilliant, but, jump river representing him to abandon to everything, oneself ideal, aspiration casts beyond the highest heavens, he faces this world, escape only, his this with one action is moved, it is to make person disappointment clinking really, a person, if treat a thing to have despair only, not any rise heart, how does he accomplish great exploit then? Fall 1 secondary climbs from the 2nd, fall 2 secondary climb from the 3rd... fall 100 secondary climb from 101. Qu Yuan fails to insist to come down, he was not certain oneself sooner or later wont again " fall " , can be like hill general stand erect, he is flat no longer " climb " , namely such, he failed. Stayed merely in that way " from coquettish " , through the ages of the peak of poetic perfection, writing the regret of his lifetime.

  Bend former grandfather, your talent mixes my admire devotion, but me not approve of your jump river behavior, if I am you, the life that I am exiling is itinerary in continue to give off light calorific, I believe: Gold gives off light with respect to regular meeting, where be no matter this gold is.

  端午节粽子的英语作文 14

  From the reflection that eats a zhongzi to cause "May 5, it is upright midday. The door is ed moxa, sweet full hall. Eat a zhongzi, scatter white sugar. Dragon boat enters the water jubilant. " annual dragon boat festival arrived again. Our family is surrounded happily sit beside dining table, tasting the zhongzi that the grandma wraps with ones own hands with pleasure, wear a little in those days Qu Yuan... Father says, be being bent in those days is formerly cannot get put sb in a very important position because of talent and by banish, full day is sullen, cast river take ones own life finally. Heard this story, I was immersed in contemplative: After all he is this kind of behavior correct?

  Although his of one mind is a country, brilliant, but, jump river representing him to abandon to everything, oneself ideal, aspiration casts beyond the highest heavens, he faces this world, escape only, his this with one action is moved, it is to make person disappointment clinking really, a person, if treat a thing to have despair only, not any rise heart, how does he accomplish great exploit then? Fall 1 secondary climbs from the 2nd, fall 2 secondary climb from the 3rd... fall 100 secondary climb from 101. Qu Yuan fails to insist to come down, he was not certain oneself sooner or later wont again " fall " , can be like hill general stand erect, he is flat no longer " climb " , namely such, he failed. Stayed merely in that way " from coquettish " , through the ages of the peak of poetic perfection, writing the regret of his lifetime. Bend former grandfather, your talent mixes my admire devotion, but me not approve of your jump river behavior, if I am you, the life that I am exiling is itinerary in continue to give off light calorific, I believe: Gold gives off light with respect to regular meeting, where be no matter this gold is.

  端午节粽子的英语作文 15

  Dragon Boat Festival is a Chinese traditional festival. It falls on the fifth day of May in the lunar calendar. A day before this festival my mother and grandmother began to make zongzi. Of course I would act as assistant. But it turned out that I was more of a hindrance than a help. When they finished they started to cook them. This process needed a long time because I could have them in the next day. Zongzi was very delicious. On the day of dragon boat festival our family prepared for dinner after having breakfast. Everyone of my family will come back home for the solid diet. Chicken is indispensable on the dinner desk in Chinese traditional festival. There were many delicious foods which made me watering. I ate lots of them. It is a wonderful festival.


  端午节粽子的英语作文 16

  The Duanwu Festival is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth month according to the Chinese calendar.People always eat rice dumplings and watch dragon boat races to celebrate it.


  The festival is best known for its dragon-boat racesespecially in the southern places where there are many rivers and lakes. It is very popular.


  The rice dumpling is made of glutinous ricemeat and so on. You can eat different kinds of rice dumplings. They are very delicious.


  And Dragon Boat Festival is for Qu Yuan. He is an honest minister who is said to have committed suicide by drowning himself in a river.


  Overall the Dragon Boat Festival is very interesting!




端午节粽子照片 [初中端午节作文:粽子飘香]04-02







