
时间:2024-04-07 17:35:25 许清 节日类英语作文 我要投稿




  清明节的英语作文 1

  Another year tomb—sweeping day, also called sweeping tomb festival, also is our reaction to the dead relatives, to give them the day of the grave.

  I got up early today, because I want to go to the countryside to grandpas grave, grandpas grave in a county town, next to us its about one hour by car, unconsciously shaking all the way there, got off the bus, wow! So many people! The county, rural are together today. We go to the street bought a few small paper went up the hill, it is said that, as this years tomb—sweeping day is not the same oh, sunny, all can see graves on the hill, we came first to the old mans grave, according to our customs, to get rid of the weeds, next to the grave, then the ancestor—worship celebration this year because of government regulations can not point in the mountain burn incense, lest cause a fire, so we just symbolic in the grave the paper money, beside the grave around our hand—picked azalea.

  Sweep out grandpas grave, we have to sweep grandpas grave again, to the climb over a mountain, grandpa is ill died, so pretty young, to grandpas grave, grandpa grandma reminds many recollections, wail aloud to weep aloud, influenced by her, everyone some sadness, not the same we also sort the grandpas grave, pressure on the incense paper, went down the mountain.

  Thus ended the grave activities of a day, there are some difficult to climb the mountain, but I still follow the team successfully completed this activity. I like ching Ming festival this day.





  清明节的英语作文 2

  The tomb-sweeping day as a holiday, are different from pure solar terms. Solar term is a sign of phenology change, seasonal order in China, and it is more a festival of custom activities and some memorable.

  Tomb-sweeping day is Chinas traditional festival, is also the most important memory of ancestors and the grave. This grave to commemorate the dead mans a kind of activity. The han nationality and some minority are mostly in the tombs. Grave, people to carry goods such as especially fruit, paper money to the grave, will be food for offering in the family tomb, to use paper money on fire new soil up to the grave, fold a few branches pale green branches ed in the grave, and then kowtow worship salute, finally eat especially home. The tang dynasty poet tu mus poem "qingming" : "rains fall heavily as qingming comes, and passers-by with lowered spirits go. Restaurant where? Boy pointed apricot blossom village." Write the ching Ming festival special atmosphere.

  Ching Ming festival, also called TaQingJie, according to the solar calendar for, it is in every year on April 4 to 6, between, it is beautiful spring scenery spring-out of season, also is a good time to people spring outing, so the ancients had qingming outing, and carry out a series of customs sports activities.

  Until today, tomb-sweeping day ancestor worship, mourning the late relatives customs still prevail.





  清明节的英语作文 3

  Today is April 5, ching Ming festival.

  My father and I went back to the countryside hometown for ancestors grave. We came to the ancestral grave, dad with his shovel the tombs to repair, and then put the tribute to the grave, took me to the ancestors on three head, got up and down a bowl of wine, spilled a circle around the tombs. In the grave, we walk in the mountains Youll also be able to contribute, on a mountain high, there are lush trees, there are green grass, there are clear lakes, beautiful!

  On the way home, winter jasmine, plum and cherry blossoms are scrambling to in full bloom, fragrance of flowers floating around, a lot of visitors to take photos in front of the flower, laughing faces as beautiful as flowers, how happy ah! Dad told me: tomb-sweeping day is our memory of martyrs, ancestor worship festival, festival is blooming, play for an outing. He told me the martyrs brave fight, fear no sacrifice revolutionary story. I listened to the very touched, it is our predecessors bloody sweat, hard working, just have our good life today, so we should cherish the happy life today, study hard, healthy growth, grow up contribution strength, serve the country!




  清明节的英语作文 4

  Last Qingming Festival,I return home to worship my grandfather.Qingming Festival is a folk Festival.In the past,the Qingming Festival was called “Arbor Day”. But Today, Chinese visit their family graves to tend to any underbrush that has grown. Weeds are pulled, and dirt swept away, and the family will set out offerings of food and spirit money.

  Unlike the sacrifices at a family"s home altar, the offerings at the tomb usually consist of dry, bland food.

  One theory is that since any number of ghosts rome around a grave area, the less appealing food will be consumed by the ancestors, and not be plundered by strangers.

  With the passing of time, this celebration of life became a day to the honor past ancestors. Following folk religion, the Chinese believed that the spirits of deceased ancestors looked after the family.

  Sacrifices of food and spirit money could keep them happy, and the family would prosper through good harvests and more children.






  清明节的英语作文 5

  The tomb sweeping day is one of the traditional festivals in China. On April 5th, people start to visit their ancestors’ tombs. Generally speaking, people will bring the home-made food, some fake money and paper-made mansion to their ancestors. When they start to honour their ancestor, they will light up some candles and incense, put some flowers around the tombs. The most important thing is to put the home-made food in front of the tombs.

  The food, also known as sacrifices, is usually made up with a chicken, a fish and some pork. It’s a symbol of the offspring’s respect to the ancestors. People believe that the forbears will share the food with them.

  The children dedicate the food and money to their forbears in order to show their love and caring. The young offspring will go down on their knees and pray for their ancestors. They can say their wishes in front of the tombs and the ancestors will make their dreams come true.

  In some provinces of China, people use different activities to commemorate this day, for instance, spring-outing, swinging, tree planting and making special food. One special food is Ay Tsao rice balls. It looks like Tang-yuan, but its colour is green. Mix the ay tsao juice with the rice powder, then make it into small balls.

  The Ay Tsao rice ball is done. People believe that eating ay tsao rice balls can get rid of the bad luck and everything will go smoothly.

  Other activities such as spring outing, tree planting are the other ways to commemorate the forbears. For one thing, it is a sign that people should look into the future and embrace the hope; for another thing, we do hope our ancestor rest in peace.







  清明节的英语作文 6

  "Qingming Festival rain in succession" this sentence was confirmed by the wonderful nature, yesterday, the rain of patter of patter, my heart is as heavy as a stone, because I want to give my master and old milk the tomb, before, I do not understand the true meaning of the Qingming Festival, until after the tomb, I know the true meaning of the Tomb Sweeping Day!

  At seven oclock in the morning, we are going to sweep the grave for the old man and the old milk. Its a new thing for me to go to the grave. We set out with tools.

  I cant wait to walk on the winding mountain road for about an hour. We came to the tomb of the old man and the old milk. After a year, the graves were full of barren grass. After the division of labor, we began to be busy. After all, we began to burn the paper money. With the curl of smoke, I seemed to look at the smoke. I seemed to look as if I would see the smoke curling up. To their shadow, they told me, "study hard and cherish life.

  Yes, a mans life is short and happy to live every day. To surpass self, transcend oneself, dream will come true; transcend self, dream into power; transcend self, create a beautiful life! I think life surpasses self and transcends dreams! On the mountain, the house of the city is full of eyes, the mountains are full and the mountains are full. The rape flower of golden golden light is deeply breathed, the faint fragrance and fresh air, and those flowers interpret the meaning of life with the force that cannot be resisted.





  清明节的英语作文 7

  "In the Qingming season, there is a lot of rain, and the pedestrians on the road want to break their souls." in the Qingming season, when they are sacrificing to their ancestors, their diet is also different. Let me introduce it to you.

  Qingming Festival, also known as the outing Festival and ancestor worship Festival, is generally between April 4 and April 6 of the Gregorian calendar. At this time, the weather temperature rises, and everything is vigorous. The whole land is in spring and Jingming. When it comes to Qingming, the first thing people think of is to sacrifice to ancestors tombs, which is a custom of our Chinese nation that has lasted for thousands of years. At the same time, Qingming is also a good time for outings. At this time, rape flowers are most flourishing. In the bamboo garden, you can see the springing up vitality. The peas are just growing, and the broad beans are blooming The whole land is full of life, especially suitable for outing.

  The particularity of Qingming Festival lies in its diet. The typical one is qingtuan. It makes juice from the green wormwood that has just grown, and then put it together with glutinous rice flour, which can be put into the stuffing for dumplings or other stuffing. Because it is green and round in appearance, it is called qingtuan. And because of the wormwood, even though it is the same as the stuffing for dumplings, it tastes good Its a special flavor.

  I hope that in the coming Qingming, you can feel its unique characteristics and enjoy the delicious food that nature gives back to us.





  清明节的英语作文 8

  Qingming rain have, the pedestrian on the road." Today is the Qing Ming Festival, the cloudy weather seems to know our mood, we have a heavy heart to granny to the new graves.

  We came to the Xishan building, made some of grandmas favorite dishes, and then well go to grandmas grave, along the way, we saw the beautiful spring scenery here: a pink peach; there is a piece of yellow flowers; there are some beautiful cherry blossoms. We went to the grannys grave and put the dish in front of grandmas grave, and it was incense. Although I had a lot of words to say to grandma, I didnt know what to say before I arrived at the grannys grave. I hope grandma can go to heaven, and everything is good.

  A year after the Tomb-sweeping Day, I will give you to the grave, express to you my deep feeling of longing.




  清明节的英语作文 9

  Every year near the qingming, the heart will always have a faint and vague sadness, not very strong, but also lingering, so in the heart around, entanglement. The weather of these days is very good, I do not know, the qingming festival, whether the rain will come. As if with the rain, qingming is more able to appear it is pale and sad.

  And the smell of the silk. It was clear that the rain, but also this rain set off clear. Looking at the drizzling rain, it is more able to bring peoples heart that light sorrow and missing.

  On the aftertaste of the youth, qingming festival and rain, in my impression is just a beautiful picture. In the drizzle of the wind, a poor poet, riding on his horse, bent over to a young shepherd boy, who was standing by the road, with a whip in one hand and the other in the room. Over the hut, a red wine trail looms in the thin drizzle. This is probably due to the poem "qingming". "The rain falls during the qingming festival, and the passers-by want to be broken. Where is the wine shop? The shepherd boy means the village of apricot. In my carefree days, this poem has given me such a beautiful mood.

  The carefree days of youth are always short, just like a kite in childhood, when the thread was broken, it vanished without trace and could not be found anywhere. Gradually, the clear and clear to me, there is a little bit of sadness, more and more heavy, especially after the grandfather left, this feeling is stronger. In my impression, grandpa is a kind old man, especially good to me, maybe I am more good. After the grandfather left, every year qingming and his memorial day, I will be very sad. Some people say that the thought of others will fade with time. I think maybe the missing of loved ones is the opposite. Even after a long time, in every memory of their laughter and appearance, we always have a bit of acid in our hearts. Even in a decade or a decade, this feeling will not diminish or disappear, but will become stronger. Because of this, the qingming festival will become a thousand years of life; The drizzle of the qingming season will never stop coming, which is probably the feeling of sadness in peoples heart.

  Its clear again. "I cant shed tears, I cant shed tears. It is only the light rain that comes to me, and I hope he comes to me as the world is trying to shed tears.

  This is a good essay, the author through to the qingming festival description and introduction, write the author heart inexplicable come into my autumn plot, the full description is exquisite, the author will come into my autumn plot of his heart, drawing to kindle the thoughts of the heart, the article has a strong appeal.







  清明节的英语作文 10

  The Qingming Festival is a time when the sun shines brightly, the trees and grass become green and nature is again lively. Since ancient times, people have followed the custom of Spring outings. At this time tourists are everywhere.

  People love to fly kites during the Qingming Festival. Kite flying is actually not limited to the Qingming Festival. Its uniqueness lies in that people fly kites not during the day, but also at night. A string of little lanterns tied onto the kite or the thread look like shining stars, and therefore, are called "god‘s lanterns."

  The Qingming Festival is also a time to plant trees, for the survival rate of saplings is high and trees grow fast later. In the past, the Qingming Festival was called "Arbor Day". But since 1979, "Arbor Day" was settled as March 12 according to the Gregorian calendar.




  清明节的英语作文 11

  Qingming Festival, also known as grave sweeping festival, Guijie, joss Festival, and the Ghost Festival July 15 and October 15 of that section 3 Ha Yuen Ming Festival, and the worship spirits.

  Ching Ming Festival, called Ta-Qing Festival, according to the solar calendar, it is in each of 4 to 6 April between springtime vegetation Tulu is the season, it is also people Spring Outing (Ancient called Ta-Qing) good , so there are the ancient Ching Ming Ta-Qing, and a series of sports practices. March ancient Ching Ming festival is also called, has 20xx years of history.

  For the calendar before the Ching Ming Festival on April 5, is one of the 24 solar terms. In the 24 solar terms, is a cycle is the only Ching Ming festival. Ancient Chinese Tomb Sweeping Festival will be divided into three-designate: "Tong Sihwa designate a second designate voles into losing; Rainbow designate only see three." Means in this first season of Pittosporum open, and then the voles disappeared Hi Yam, all return to the ground floor of the cave, and then see the rainbow after the rain the sky.

  The 24-cycle comparison objectively reflect all year round temperature, rainfall, and other aspects of phenological changes, the ancient working people use it for farming activities. "Huainanzi astronomy lecture," saying: "after the spring equinox on the 15th, fighting means B, Tomb Sweeping Festival to the wind." By the "100-year-old, asked," saying: "At this time of things, are clean and bright, clean. So that the Qingming Festival. "Qingming one that elevated temperature, rainfall increased, it is a good kind of spring for spring plowing season. Therefore, "Qingming around point melon grow beans," "afforestation, Wu Guo Qingming Festival" were made by the farmers. This shows that agricultural production cycle and has maintained close relations.

  However, as the Qingming Festiival, and the cycle has simply different. Phenology is the cycle of change, seasonal sequence of signs, and festival includes a certain amount of customs activities and a commemorative significance. Ching Ming Festival is Chinas traditional festival, the most important festival of worship, and the graves of ancestors day. Commonly known as Shangfen graves, a deceased worship activities. Most of the Han nationality and ethnic minorities are in the Ching Ming grave-sweepers. According to the old custom, the graves, people carrying Jiushi fruit, paper money, and other items to the cemetery, food festival with relatives for the tomb, then incineration of paper money for a new graves pui soil, a few Nenlu% of the new sticks planted on the grave , and then kowtowing via worship, eat Jiushi final home. Tang Dynasty poet Du Mus poem "Qingming": "Qingming have rain season, the road to pedestrians powder. Asked by restaurants where? Vaquero Yaozhi Xinghua Village." Wrote the special atmosphere of the Ching Ming Festival. Until today, the Ching Ming Festival worship ancestors, deceased relatives mourning customs are still prevalent.






  清明节的英语作文 12

  April 4th is the Tomb-sweeping Day in China, which is one of the most important traditional festivals. The young people will come back home and sweep tomb with their families.

  The meaning of Tomb-sweeping Day is to honor the ancestors and it has more than 2500 years history. Chinese people pay special attention to remember their ancestors, so no matter how far they are, they always know where they are from.

  When they are old, they will return to the place where they are from. It is a good tradition. The sense of belonging makes people feel safe. Whats more, the relationship between relatives makes the whole family become stronger, because people are united by the same ancestors. Thus, they treat each other as families and give support all the time. What a great tradition it is.




  清明节的英语作文 13

  On each Qingming Festival, all cemeteries are crowded with people who came to sweep tombs and offer sacrifices. Traffic on the way to the cemeteries becomes extremely jammed. The customs have been greatly simplified today. After slightly sweeping the tombs, people offer food, flowers and favorites of the dead, then burn incense and paper money and bow before the memorial tablet.

  This is the most important day of sacrifice. Both the Han and minority ethnic groups at this time offer sacrifices to their ancestors and sweep the tombs of the diseased. Also, they will not cook on this day and only cold food is served.



  清明节的英语作文 14

  Tomb-sweeping Day that day, my mother and I went to the wild side of the river for the passing of Grandpa paper money.

  Along the way, the Grandpa courteous and accessible face always appeared in my eyes, remember there is a Grandpa take me to the sea fishing boat to play, as I have fun when suddenly a few big wasp, in my head around, I burst into tears, Grandpa see. No, the hands are dry, ran, waving his hands as I drive wasps, finally the Hornet is away, but Grandpa face was stung several... But now you are away from us. Grandpa, I really miss you.

  After the sacrifice, I picked up a little flower and put it in the river. I wish the little flower would bring endless thoughts to me, hoping that Grandpa would walk in the heaven and grandpa will always live in our hearts.




  清明节的英语作文 15

  The Qingming Festival is a Chinese holidays. In solar term, it is one of 24 solar term.

  In China 2000 years ago during the Qin and Han Dynasties has basically formed the 24 solar terms. 24 solar astronomy and meteorology etc. comprehensive knowledge, arranged a "spring cleaning day at spring, summer manwang summer. Autumn dew autumn frost, snow snow winter chill "ballad. The Qingming Festival is ranked in the fifth songs. Is lunar calendar in fifth solar term.

  At this time, the weather gets warmer, Spring returns to the earth, the recovery of all things, a vibrant, every door willow, sweep tombs and in the countryside. Farmers proverb there is "clear and bright in favor of millet" argument. Huaxinfeng as marked by florescence. The flower is a Hou Aegiceras, Rohmer spent two, three Hou Liu Hua pointed out, full flowering and Flower Festival air. "When the hundred year old question" that "all things are growing at the same time, clean and bright and clean, so that the Qingming festival".




  清明节的英语作文 16

  Qingming Festival, a sad day full of nostalgia, I came to the martyr cemetery with a heavy and reverent mood with my teacher and my classmates.

  We came to the high monument to mourn to the martyrs. The monument of great momentum, tall and magnificent, write eight characters: "vigorous life to the revolutionary martyrs!" Behind the monument is the lush pine and cypress, the ancient trees are all over the sky, and a glorious martyr is resting in the woods of the economy. Standing in front of the martyrs tomb, it is not caused by deep meditation and nostalgia for them.

  They are in a time of war, in order to protect our homes and defend our country, to people from the mire in life, dont shed, shed blood...... It is the comfortable living environment they exchanged for us. Todays peace is their life, and todays happiness is what they expect.

  In fact, the people did not forget them, put them buried here, is to be able to see them often, let more people remember them, so we can remember their generation after generation of descendants.

  Reverence is a dialogue, remembering the shock and indelible memory of the history of a baptism of blood and fire. The spirit of their hard work and the quality of their dedication will be our most valuable spiritual wealth, and will encourage our continuous efforts.

  "The heaven and the earth have a positive atmosphere, and a mixed flow form. It is special, it is Sunstar." From our martyrs who, we can see the development of our Chengcheng, bones and spirit of these players and our passion, inspiration and vitality.

  Students, let us cherish the time, in front of the study hard, grow up to serve the motherland, let our martyrs in the lower in the rest! Let us hand martyrs passed the baton, for the future of the motherland and often new, not to look back, one after another!








  清明节的英语作文 17

  Qingming Festival is one of the most important traditional festivals in our country. It is not only the people of the worship of ancestors, cherish the memory of their ancestors Festival, is also the Chinese nation renjieguizong ties. The Tang Dynasty poet Du Mus poem "Qingming": "Qingming, the pedestrian on the road. I ask where there are restaurants nestling amidst Xinghuacun. "Write the special atmosphere of the Qing Ming Festival. People with bright fruit, paper money was.

  Go up the mountain and sweep the grave. On the day of the Qing Ming Festival, every family door is plugged in willow branches to tell people the Qingming Festival arrived. The most interesting thing is to eat eggs and cut the hair. On the day of the Qing Ming Festival, you must eat eggs, and there should be some onion in the egg. Because the onions and tcong are homophones, so the egg in the onion people called "clever egg" is also a clever egg. There is also the Qing Ming Festival must be cut on the day, cut the hair will become smart, so people call the "smart head". Its strange that you say it.

  This is our Qingming Festival, and I love the history of the 2500 and the unique Qingming Festival.




  清明节的英语作文 18

  This years tomb-sweeping day is off, and our family goes to the wild.

  I was very excited along the way. I was always talking, laughing and wriggling in the car. My mother said that I was happy and crazy, haha... The spring breeze blew us, the birds sang in the sky, the willows waved to us, they also told me how beautiful spring is.

  In the fields along the road, the wheat sprouts were green and green, and the yellow rapeseed flowers were all smiling, like pictures of yellow and green. We came to mt. Mausoleum, and there were many people on the mountain, and people were very comfortable between the trees and the red flowers. I like the roadside dandelion, golden petals, fluffy flowers heart, how lovely. I like the peach blossom like the red cloud, there is a piece there, my mood also like this flower, become pink. I like the shiny green leaves that smell like moms cooking...

  We also came to the mausoleum cemetery, there are many people to burn paper graves, father said this is called ancestor worship, qingming festival in the ancient also called the ghost festival, is to commemorate the deceased relatives of the festival. Listening to the distant sound of crying, my heart can not help but some sadness, I can not help thinking of the classical reciting of the poem, "the rain in the qingming season, on the road people want to be broken." Its a bittersweet holiday.





  清明节的英语作文 19

  Today is tomb-sweeping day. The ancients cloud: qingming season rain in succession. The weather is overcast, and our family is visiting cihu.

  We walk on the road, see that a strong grass and by its tenacious perseverance speared out, to meet the spring is not to be outdone, it changed into the greens new clothes, patches of green grass flowers, red, green, yellow... The walk again, we came to a field, the eyes is a feast for the eyes everywhere golden yellow, rape spirit stood, seed pearls of dew slide like rolling around on the golden flower... On the lake, the willow braids are decorated with green leaves and buds, which is more beautiful than any girls headdress.

  We couldnt help walking through the cihu cemetery. Looking at the graves of the martyrs, looking at a wreath, looking at the pure white flowers, my heart is not undulating. I think a lot of things: our happy life today was created by the revolutionary martyrs, and they were bought with their blood. Therefore, I have an idea in my mind: to inherit the martyrs, to study hard, to become a pillar of the country.

  Then, we went to huangjiaoao, the mountain is also a sea of people, everyone is full of memories, looking at this scene, I have some regret in my heart. I hope my elders can live long and healthy lives.

  This qingming festival has given me more feelings, and I once again learned about the soft beauty of nature, my harvest is so big!






  清明节的英语作文 20

  During the Qingming Festival, it rains heavily, and pedestrians on the road feel like losing their souls. Time flies by, and the annual Qingming Festival has arrived again. Every household has to go up the mountain to sweep graves and worship their ancestors.

  On this day, with the bright spring sunshine, my family and I went up the mountain to sweep the grave together. Along the way, my brothers and sisters and I chatted and enjoyed the beautiful scenery in the mountains while chatting and laughing. From afar, one can see the tender green wheat fields, pink peach blossoms, golden cauliflower, what a beautiful spring scenery! After a while, we were sweating profusely, and the mountain road was winding and bumpy. If you were not careful, you would fall and face the sky on all fours.

  We climbed mountains and finally reached our destination. We divide work and cooperate, each doing their own thing. Dad picked up a hoe to remove the weeds, Mom and Auntie served delicious food on the grave, and the children mischievously picked up paper money and scattered it in all directions. A gentle breeze blew by, dancing like flowers in the air. Grandma placed the lit candle in front of the grave, and suddenly, with a "plop", she lay in front of Grandpas grave, crying and muttering. "Clack! Clack!" Big tears kept slipping down one by one, as if expressing our grief for our loved ones.

  Qingming Festival is not only a traditional festival, but also a long-standing "living" cultural heritage of our Chinese nation.





  清明节的英语作文 21

  Qingming Festival is coming soon, and the teacher has explained the origin of Qingming Festival.

  Today, my parents are taking me to worship my loved ones, and my grandparents are also going together. Our family embarked on a sad journey of worshipping our loved ones and arrived at the grave. My mother and I found a burning pit to burn the candles and banknotes prepared by my grandmother and grandfather for worship. A wisp of fragrant tea and two red candles, accompanied by the burning coins of the underworld, the familiar faces of loved ones appeared before my eyes. The old friend goes like this, and the heart aches and cannot be broken.

  Then my dad went to buy some fruit again. Do I think it was for us to eat? Oh! No, its also used to worship our ancestors.

  The wisps of green smoke and dust express boundless grief for loved ones, while the dripping red candles are clearly the sad tears shed in memory of loved ones. We bow down to the graves of our ancestors and pray: May all the souls of our loved ones in heaven rest in eternal peace! May loved ones live happily in heaven! May they bless our whole family with peace, happiness, and contentment in heaven.

  Undoubtedly, it is a traditional festival of our Chinese nation, which is so meaningful and much more interesting than Western festivals, with profound significance.






  清明节的英语作文 22

  Yesterday, April 4th was the traditional Qingming Festival in China. It is a day to worship ancestors and sweep graves. Expressing respect and nostalgia for our ancestors. Our school has also organized some teachers to take students to the Martyrs Cemetery to pay tribute to our heroes and martyrs.

  Our mood this time is not as happy as before, but rather with a sad heart to worship our heroic ancestors. When we arrived there, we lined up neatly and entered the cemetery one by one. Upon entering, I saw a tall hero monument standing in the center at first glance.

  Then our ceremony officially began. First, the fourth grade representative laid a wreath forward. Then, we observed a collective silence for three minutes. Finally, we laid small flowers and bowed to the martyrs in front of their graves. After paying homage to the martyrs, on the way back, I couldnt help but think that they seemed to live by our side forever. I am grateful to those martyrs for giving their precious lives for our beautiful today and selflessly dedicating themselves to our country.

  Through this tomb sweeping, I have come to understand that our beautiful today is the result of the precious lives of those heroes and martyrs.





  清明节的英语作文 23

  "During the Qingming Festival, it rains heavily, and pedestrians on the road are about to lose their souls..." People arrived at the cemetery with a sad mood. That willow also hangs its head down... Ah! Qingming Festival is really heartbreaking!

  Our whole family came to the cemetery with firecrackers, paper money, and a sad heart.

  Dad lit a candle and placed it directly in front of the monument. After a while, he picked up a clean towel and carefully wiped the monument, making every word shine brightly. I suddenly noticed that someone elses tombstone was tied with a strap, which made me feel strange. So I went to ask my dad, "Why do people tie red ropes to tombstones?" Dad said, "This is to express our remembrance of our loved ones." Then, Grandpa burned paper money and muttered words, hoping that Grandpa would live well and bless our whole family with happiness! Finally, we kowtowed.

  On my way home, I thought to myself, "I must study hard and not let down the expectations of those who have passed away!"



  爸爸点燃了蜡烛,正正地放在碑的前方,过了一会儿,爸爸又拿起一块干干净净的毛巾认认真真地擦起了石碑,把每一个字都擦得闪闪发光。我突然发现别人的石碑上都系着一根带子,我觉得很 奇怪,所以我就去问爸爸:“人们为什么把红绳系到墓碑上?”爸爸说:“这是为了寄托我们对亲人的怀念。”接着,爷爷烧起了纸钱,口里还念念有词,希望老爷爷过得好,并保佑我们全家幸福!最后 ,我们磕了头。


  清明节的英语作文 24

  Today is the traditional Chinese festival - Qingming Festival.

  On the morning of Qingming Festival, while I was still immersed in a beautiful dream, the noisy voices outside the window woke me up from my dream. I checked the time and realized that it was time to wake up after 7 oclock. I stretched lazily and got up.

  Today is Qingming, and we are usually very peaceful here. But today, after finishing breakfast, I always set off firecrackers outside while doing my homework. I couldnt even do my homework seriously because of the noise, so I took out my phone and played music. Upon hearing this, I forgot that I was going to pay respects to my ancestors. When I went down, they all left, and there was nothing I could do, so I didnt go.

  Qingming Festival, as far as I know, is also known as the Spring Festival, Xingqing Festival, March Festival, or Ancestral Worship Festival. The festival falls between mid spring and late spring, usually around April 5th. At this time, people will go to sweep graves and offer sacrifices to commemorate their ancestors, which has been a fine tradition of the Chinese nation for thousands of years. Qingming Festival, together with the Spring Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival and the Mid-Autumn Festival, is also known as Chinas four traditional festivals.

  The Qingming Festival is not only a way to worship ancestors, but also to treat it as a spring outing to see the beautiful spring.






  清明节的英语作文 25

  China has many traditional festivals, including the red Spring Festival, the bustling Yuanxiao (Filled round balls made of glutinous rice-flour for Lantern Festival) Festival, and the round Mid-Autumn Festival. But my favorite is the rich and interesting Qingming Festival!

  On Qingming Festival, when you come to our community, you will see a scenic line. The children sitting on the swing, as well as the little brother pushing behind, were as happy and free as many little swallows dancing in the wind when the brother pushed! Of course, you will also see someone playing football, look! Someones serving! The ball flew past like a flying knife from Xiao Li, and his teammates cheered for him, "Ah! Its a goal!".

  We arrived at Baoquan and saw the beautiful mountains and waters there. It was a good season for hiking and admiring flowers! I came to the side of "Money River", why is it called Money River? It should be! We need to walk by with huge copper coins.

  During the Qingming Festival, it rains heavily, and pedestrians on the road feel like losing their souls. By the way, I ask where the tavern is, and the shepherd boy points to Xinghua Village from afar. What a beautiful poem! Although not as good as his writing, I have the courage!





  清明节的英语作文 26

  "During the Qingming Festival, it rains heavily, and pedestrians on the road are about to lose their souls." Thats right, today is Qingming Festival.

  Early this morning, my grandmother went out and I asked her why she was going? My grandmother said to me, "Im going to sweep the grave of your great grandfather, who is my father. Stay at home!" I had dinner at home, finished my homework for a while, and flipped through my phone. There was a hot search topic on my phone that read, "Confessing on April Fools Day is not a big deal, confessing on Qingming Festival is the right way." Send me a message that I like you, and the other person will say, "Ah," and youll say, sorry, I was possessed just now.

  On this day, I met a friend online, but her home is not in Zhengzhou. She told me that she went to sweep the grave and the chrysanthemums offered in the cemetery formed a huge battle. The children at the doorstep have all followed their elders to the cemetery, and I have also gone to find my grandmother. My grandmother is kneeling in front of the grave, whispering something. I went to the grave and called my grandmother. My grandmother asked me to kneel down, and I knelt down. She said, "Call my great grandfather and tell him some small things to get to know you. He passed away before you were born and hasnt even seen you." On that day, I saw the other side of my grandmother and the importance of my great grandfather to her.




  清明节的英语作文 27

  Qingming Festival is one of the twenty-four solar terms in China. It falls between the fifth and sixth days of the fourth lunar month each year. It is a very traditional festival and has always been valued by the Chinese people. During the Qingming Festival, it rains heavily and pedestrians on the road feel like losing their souls. On that day, people carry alcohol, food, fruits, and paper money to the cemetery to mourn their deceased loved ones. I dont know when the Qingming Festival has been getting closer and closer to us, because it is the season when the spring scenery is bright and the plants are turning green. You can also go out for outings and play, so it is commonly known as the Qingming Festival.

  This years Qingming Festival, our whole family, along with our grandparents, grandparents, and uncles, came to the outskirts for a spring outing. The air in the suburbs is filled with the scent of spring, and the traces of late winter are swept away. Everything is peaceful and vivid. I took out the prepared kite and set it up with my uncle and dad on the green field.

  Flying a kite also requires skills. The tighter and more flexible the string in your hand is pulled, the easier and more confident the kite will be in swimming. When you manipulate it and see it about to fall, dont panic. As long as you calmly pull the string in your hand, the kite will be pulled and fly obediently. A kite is like a mischievous child, as long as you understand its temper, no matter how you pull the thread, it will perform for you in the air to the fullest.




  清明节的英语作文 28

  Today is Qingming Festival, so our family went to the mountain behind my grandmothers house to sweep the tomb.

  Along the way, we chatted and laughed, picking delicious wild vegetables while walking. My mother also taught me how to distinguish between fresh bamboo shoots and bitter bamboo shoots... As we walked, we arrived at the tomb of the Grandmother of the Great Patriarch Association. We are not happy at all. Do we always feel a bit sad when we see the graves of our ancestors!

  After uprooting all the wild vegetables on the tomb and burning a lot of paper money... After sweeping the tomb, we went to dig bamboo shoots. Among some of us, my grandmother was the best at digging bamboo shoots. She looked at the ground and stepped on it to know if there were any bamboo shoots underground. Before an hour had passed, there were as many as a bag of snake skin bags for bamboo shoots.

  After digging the bamboo shoots, we went to dig wild vegetables. Along the way, the scenery was like a beautiful painting. I picked shepherds purse while picking wild flowers, and I even made a wreath of wild flowers. Suddenly, a thin water snake passed in front of us, and we jumped down in a big jump! But as long as we dont harm it, it wont bite us either

  It seems like celebrating Qingming Festival again!






  清明节的英语作文 29

  Today is Qingming Festival, or is it my dads birthday! Since the beginning of spring, my dad has been telling me about how many blooming camellias, newly sprouted tender buds, and the chicken coop my grandfather built in my hometown... Thats why I am looking forward to it so much. On Friday after school, I set off with my parents. The next day, I woke up early and after breakfast, I eagerly urged my grandmother to leave early. Grandma quickly packed up the wine, Qingming dumplings, fruits, and paper money used for going to the grave and set off. We went to the graves of our wife, father-in-law, grandfather, and other deceased relatives.

  The air on the mountain is fresh, and I see many tender green leaves and small flowers everywhere. Fortunately, we brought hoes and baskets. I wish I had dug up all the bamboo shoots I saw, but my father wouldnt let me, because there would be no bamboo shoots next year. Even so, we still returned with a full load, but my uncle was not satisfied. We had to go to pick fragrant spring buds. So, I went with him. At first, I helped to pick them. Later, I turned my eyes to several tea trees on one side, so we picked tea one by one, and finally it was a Dafengshou (Salad of assorted fresh vegetables). We had a happy and meaningful Qingming Festival like this, its hard to forget!



  清明节的英语作文 30

  Today is Qingming Festival, my dad said, its a day to commemorate the deceased loved ones. When we got up in the morning, we started to take the bus in the thick fog to go home.

  The road was filled with people, who hurriedly rushed home to Qingming. Some are buying paper money and firecrackers, while others are buying flowers and fruits. On both sides of the road, there are large patches of rapeseed flowers in the fields. The golden rapeseed flowers are like a golden carpet laid on the ground, extremely beautiful.

  When I returned to my hometown, I went to sweep the grave with my niece Zhang Siqi and my father. Dad told me many stories about his childhood. He said that his family used to be very poor, always without good food or new clothes to wear. It was his grandparents who worked hard and found ways to earn money for him to go to school and study during the difficult days, until he was admitted to college and started working. Dad said he will never forget the kindness of his grandparents to him, so every Qingming Festival, he goes back to his hometown to sweep the grave. After listening to my dads story, I gained a lot and thought that my grandparents were really great.

  Arriving at the graves of my grandparents, I quickly knelt down four times, bowed a few times, and burned them a lot of paper money. I want to wish them happiness and happiness forever.





  清明节的英语作文 31

  On Qingming Festival, we will go to the Martyrs Cemetery.

  Entering the Martyrs Cemetery, I immediately felt a solemn atmosphere here. There are tall pine and cypress trees, clean roads, cloudless blue skies, and people walking lightly here.

  The Martyrs Memorial is a huge and powerful hand that raises a rifle high, making it easy for people to think of the scene of soldiers fighting bravely back then.

  Following the high stone steps, I walked to the martyrs tomb and remembered the martyr sacrificing his life for our current life. I stood in awe. After passing through the small path lined with pine trees, passing through the Blood Sacrifice Xuanyuan Pavilion and the Small Arch Bridge, I arrived at the artificial lake. The artificial lake is so quiet that you cant feel it flowing; The water in the artificial lake is so clear that you can see the small fish swimming around at the bottom of the lake; The water of the artificial lake is really green, as green as flawless agate.

  Continuing forward, I arrived at the Sino Soviet Peoples Blood Friendship Pavilion and the Sino Korean Peoples Blood Friendship Pavilion. Some flowers stand straight, paying tribute to the two pavilions; Some slightly bent down and bowed to the two pavilions.

  I walked through the bustling childrens playground, passed by the strange guessing walls, and passed by the small park shaded by green trees. I deeply felt that todays happy life is hard won.







  清明节的英语作文 32

  Its Qingming Festival again, and every year my mother leads me to pay respects to my great grandfather. This year is no exception.

  The weather is nice today, so my mother decided to take me to sweep the tomb of my great grandfather. After having breakfast in the morning, we drove off and soon arrived at the Han Mountain Pearl Cemetery. Although it was still early in the morning, it was already crowded with people holding flowers and incense and wax. People came to their loved ones graves, presented flowers, lit incense and wax, knelt in front of the tomb and kowtowed a few heads, while others stood in front of the tomb, shedding tears and sadness. We came to the tomb of our great grandfather and presented flowers. My mother also placed some delicious food in front of the tombstone. I asked my mother, "Will our great grandfather come to eat?" My mother said, "Of course not. They are no longer here and we dont know anything. This is just a way for the living to miss the dead."

  My mother also said, "Qingming is a traditional festival of the Chinese nation, and no one can forget to sweep the graves of their deceased loved ones today." I firmly remember my mothers words in my heart.




  清明节的英语作文 33

  My hometown is a beautiful small village with beautiful scenery. There are green mountains surrounding and lush trees. The Qingming Festival every year is a festival for people in their hometown to worship their ancestors. Therefore, every Qingming Festival, I will go to my hometown with my father and mother to sweep graves.

  Every time I come to the tombstone of my grandparents, I feel like crying because I always remember a story my dad told me: a little boy whose parents died at the age of seven, and he and his elderly grandmother have been living together ever since. Since childhood, he has never worn a new garment or had a full meal. He completed high school with the support of his relatives and school, and was admitted to a normal school with excellent grades, becoming a glorious teacher for the people. This little boy is my father. Dad is a strong person who never gave up his studies due to the hardships of fate and poverty in life. My dad told me this story when I had the least confidence in my studies. I knew he was trying to make me understand that I couldnt give up my ideals just because of a little difficulty.

  On Qingming Day, I came to visit my unseen grandfather and grandmother. I want to tell them, "Grandfather and grandmother, rest in peace! Your son is living a very happy life now, and he has exchanged his strength for a happy family. Your granddaughter will also be a strong person, fighting for her ideals!"




  清明节的英语作文 34

  Qingming has arrived, and for some reason, it rains heavily every year at this time. As Du Mu said, "During the Qingming Festival, there is heavy rain, and pedestrians on the road want to lose their souls."

  On this day, we happened to go to pay tribute to our deceased loved ones.

  When we arrived at Changguo Temple, sweating profusely, we looked at the road ahead and saw that the winding mountain road was muddy and difficult to walk! But considering the purpose of coming here, we still muster up confidence and walk cautiously forward. Oh, mud and water, the road between water and mud is really slippery! One may become a "mud bodhisattva" if one is not careful. After a period of difficult walking, I finally arrived at my destination.

  The sound of birds chirping and the fresh air here. Arriving at the grave, I saw my uncle take out the prepared food, set up chopsticks, then take out and light candles, incense, and paper money, and then kneel one by one in front of the grave. When it was my turn, I suddenly remembered scenes from my grandmothers lifetime. Tears filled the corner of my eyes, and now I understand what it means to cherish after losing





  清明节的英语作文 35

  Its another holiday Thursday, which happens to be Qingming Festival. In order for us to also worship our ancestors, the whole family drove to the countryside to sweep graves.

  We went up the mountain, carrying a heavy heart, to the grave to pay homage to our ancestors and pray for their blessings. Let us, the children with small lotus talents, achieve good results and not disappoint the expectations of your elders towards us; Also make the whole family healthy and happy

  We started burning incense and paper money for our ancestors as soon as we arrived there.

  We started setting off firecrackers, and my dad asked my brother and I to be responsible for setting them up. We took a long detour to finish setting them up.

  Dad said, "Im going to start lighting the firecrackers." Mom, grandmother, brother, and I quickly ran to the side. Dad started lighting the firecrackers, and my brother and I tied them together. But we broke off the firecrackers that were connected by several firecrackers, so Dad wanted to light them one by one.

  Today, I helped my ancestors sweep their graves, and our whole family went down the mountain together.







  清明节的英语作文 36

  When it comes to Qingming Festival, are you very excited? Youre in the same mood as me, right! Do you know what I was doing those two days?

  Let me tell you all! That day: I just woke up and saw the morning air so clear, feeling a warmth in my heart! So I took a breath, rolled over, and got up from bed. I quickly washed my face, brushed my teeth, and ate breakfast. I put on my beautiful dress, tied my little Fried Dough Twists braids, and put on my lovely shoes. All of them are ready!

  I walked out of the house with my mother bouncing around, and Hua Jiayi was waiting for me there! So, the two of us got into the car and stopped at our agreed location, chatting and laughing along the way. Chen Ruofei waited for us there, and we had a small meeting to continue driving forward.

  We finished lunch and went to the farm to play. We fed the peacocks, but I was a bit timid. I was afraid the peacocks would bite me, so I had to feed them carefully. We were also for the sheep. Although they looked so gentle, they were actually very aggressive. When I fed them, they bit me. Fortunately, my hand was not bitten by them. After leaving the farm, we reluctantly got into the car and went home!





  清明节的英语作文 37

  This morning, it was gloomy and even the flowers on the roadside had lost their usual energy. My mood was also very sad because I was going to sweep graves today!

  When we arrived at Dongting Cemetery, the first thing that caught our eyes were towering pine and cypress trees, like loyal guards guarding our ancestors.

  We came to Grandpas tomb, Grandma put fruit and Dim sum, lit candles and incense. Candlelight flickers, incense curls up, and we begin to worship devoutly, hoping that our ancestors can bless everyone with peace and happiness! Then my father took up a glass of Baijiu with a serious face and sprinkled it on my grandfathers grave. He murmured, "Dad, we have come to see you!" I found my fathers eyes were red and our hearts were very heavy. I picked up a bouquet of flowers with both hands and placed them respectfully in front of my grandfathers tombstone, then bowed deeply three times.

  On the way home, scattered light rain drifted in the sky. As I looked around, the pedestrians on the road seemed to be silent in grief. It was true that during the Qingming Festival, rain poured down, and the pedestrians on the road wanted to lose their souls. I also silently wish Grandpa peace and happiness in heaven!





  清明节的英语作文 38

  The annual Qingming Festival is here again. My father took me and my big brother to sweep my mothers grave. I held firecrackers, incense wax, and money paper in my hand, while my big brother held a pot of white chrysanthemums and came to my mothers grave. My father cleaned the weeds around my mothers grave, and the wax was ed on both sides, with incense ed in the middle. Then my big brother placed a pot of pure white chrysanthemums. I placed apples, mung bean pastries, and my mothers favorite big white rabbit candy in front of her grave. Finally, my father poured wine and worshipped my mother in front of the grave. We burned paper for her and knelt down.

  My mother passed away due to illness when I was 7 years old, and her departure dealt a heavy blow to our entire family.

  This year is the second Qingming Festival after my mother passed away. Please rest well, mother. Your son will definitely study hard, listen to his fathers words, and become a useful person to society in the future.

  As I walked home, I remembered a poem by Du Mu: During the Qingming Festival, rain poured down, and pedestrians on the road wanted to break their souls. Tears involuntarily flowed out.





  清明节的英语作文 39

  The sky is gloomy, drizzling with light rain, and the whole earth is filled with greenery under the call of spring. The scenery is beautiful, but I have no intention of appreciating it. Today is Qingming Festival, my parents and I went to sweep graves.

  Seeing the grave sweepers with a solemn expression on their faces, their mood should be heavy at this moment. They placed plates of cold food in front of their ancestral graves. I asked my mother, "What is this doing?" She replied in a low voice, "They are worshipping their ancestors. Our country is a multi-ethnic country, and the way we worship our ancestors is different in each place. You can learn about it online." With curiosity, I searched online for "Qingming Festival" and found many contents: people should avoid using needles, washing clothes, and women in most areas should avoid traveling. Before evening, it is said that sprinkling a secondary line in front of the gate can prevent ghosts from entering the house... Of course, these are just traditional customs.

  Mom also said that due to the integration of Cold Food Festival and Qingming Festival, some places still retain the custom of eating cold food during Qingming Festival. For example, when eating cold pancakes and raw bitter vegetables in Taian, it is said that they have bright eyes. The Jinzhong area still retains the custom of banning fires on the day before the Qingming Festival.

  Having learned so much, although the customs vary in each place, on Qingming Festival, I believe everyone is remembering their ancestors with the same emotions and sending condolences together!





  清明节的英语作文 40

  Its another holiday Thursday, which happens to be Qingming Festival. In order for us to also worship our ancestors, the whole family drove to the countryside to sweep graves.

  We went up the mountain, carrying a heavy heart, to the grave to pay homage to our ancestors and pray for their blessings. Let us, the children with small lotus talents, achieve good results and not disappoint the expectations of your elders towards us; Also make the whole family healthy and happy

  We started burning incense and paper money for our ancestors as soon as we arrived there.

  We started setting off firecrackers, and my father asked my brother and I to be responsible for setting them up. We took a long detour to finish setting them up.

  My father said, "Im going to start lighting the firecrackers." My mother, grandmother, brother, and I quickly ran to the side. My father started lighting the firecrackers, and my brother and I tied them together. However, we broke off the firecrackers that were connected by several firecrackers, so my father wanted to light them one by one.

  Today, I helped my ancestors sweep their graves, and our whole family went down the mountain together.







  清明节的英语作文 41

  Qingming Festival has arrived, and I am extremely excited. Early in the morning, I eagerly went to see my grandfather with my grandmother, aunt, father, and mother. Today, I will wear white clothes, which is a kind of respect for my grandfather.

  In the Western calendar, we bought some paper, candles, and incense. These papers were "money" for our grandfather. When we arrived at his tombstone, we first placed food and wine in front of his tombstone, and also placed flowers in front of him. Each person bowed three times with incense and started burning paper. Dad brought a paper burning basin, and my aunt took out a lighter from her pocket, lit some paper, and put it in the paper burning basin. Then, we put it in one paper burning basin after another.

  After burning, before we left, I said to my grandfather, "Grandpa, I will study hard and make progress every day!" After finishing, I bowed and came to the hall. My father told me that here, we cannot shout loudly, it is a form of respect. Dad picked up the incense and worshipped Guanyin Bodhisattva three times, then ed it into a basin to bless our whole family with peace for a year.

  After these things, I have come to understand a truth: when going to the hall of the Western calendar to worship Buddha, one should not loudly proclaim it, but rather be quiet. After bowing three times, I drove home.

  Qingming Festival is really enjoyable!






  清明节的英语作文 42

  Its Qingming Festival again. I woke up very early that day because my dad, mom, and grandpa and second grandpa were taking me to sweep my grandfathers grave.

  I once again smelled the unique flavor of rural areas. The sky is particularly clear and the air is particularly fresh, far from the gray sky and polluted smell in the city. There are several white clouds hanging in the blue sky, and below them are undulating hills. Although they are earthen mountains, the rockeries in urban parks are completely incomparable. Wild trees on the mountain grow in the soil of the cliffs, stubbornly stretching their branches upwards. Various flowers and plants gradually awakened under the call of the spring breeze, as if reporting the arrival of spring to us. Coming here, you can feel the breath of spring rushing towards you, making people feel relaxed and happy.

  Up the mountain, the feeling of enjoying the spring scenery just now suddenly became heavy. Grandpas grave is on the highest mountain top. Looking at my grandfathers grave, I whispered to myself, "Grandpa, although you are no longer here to see me grow, I will definitely listen to my father and mothers words, study hard, achieve good results, and not disappoint your expectations of me." The willow branches on my grandfathers grave swayed gently, and I think it was because my grandfather understood the determination I had made for him. After the worship was completed, we retraced our way back home.




  清明节的英语作文 43

  The annual Qingming Festival has arrived.

  The Qingming Festival dates back to the Zhou Dynasty and has a history of over 2500 years. The Qingming Festival, also known as the Treading Festival, falls on April 5th.

  On Qingming Festival, I opened my computer and saw a story. This story is about a large supermarket in Urumqi (which has a total of 20 floors) that caught fire. Three firefighters died in this fire. Later, people in Urumqi mourned them on Qingming Festival.

  I was deeply moved when I saw this scene. We should learn from them the spirit of selflessness. They sacrificed their own lives to save others. Their noble spirit is worth learning from. Although they died, their spirit will always live in our hearts, and we will always remember them.

  Sacrificing oneself for others is a traditional virtue of the Chinese people, which should be carried forward and not abandoned. If everyone carries forward and inherits this great spirit, then the world will be full of sunshine and forever brilliant. Sacrificing oneself for others is recognized as the most admirable quality, and sacrificing oneself for others is an eternal virtue.

  I hope everyone can learn from these three martyrs and make the world a better place!







  清明节的英语作文 44

  On April 5th, Qingming Festival, everyone will go to sweep graves to show filial piety to their ancestors.

  Today, with the bright spring sunshine, we are preparing to go and sweep graves. On the way, small flowers bloom and grass wears green coats, sending sincere blessings for this holiday; After about twenty minutes, we arrived at our destination. There are so many people here, everyone holding tomb sweeping tools, offerings, and flowers. I found that they all vividly talked about their family ties and touching stories with their loved ones. At this moment, a drizzle began to fall in the sky, and I couldnt help but think of a poem: During the Qingming Festival, rain poured down one after another, and pedestrians on the road wanted to lose their souls. Excuse me, where is the tavern? The shepherd boy pointed to Apricot Blossom Village from afar.

  After a while, we arrived at the cemetery. I couldnt wait to take out my brush and makeup to start going with my dad. Next, we arranged flowers, fruits, meat, and some offerings. Later, dad took out colored paper to burn. Grandpa was still reciting some sentences in his mouth, bowing with his hands clasped together, tears flickering in his eyes. I think he was missing his departed loved ones. Finally, we also set off a long string of firecrackers.

  China is the "gang of etiquette", as the ancients said, "filial piety is the top priority.". Qingming Festival is a traditional festival in China. As descendants of the Yan and Huang dynasties, we should inherit this custom.





  清明节的英语作文 45

  In the blink of an eye, its Qingming Festival again, and tomb sweeping is coming. In response to the poem by the great poet Du Mu, "During the Qingming Festival, rain falls heavily, and pedestrians on the road feel like they have lost their souls." It was in the drizzling rain that we took a car to the cemetery.

  After more than an hours journey, we finally arrived at the foot of the mountain; The cemetery is located in a large bamboo forest, which looks like a sea of bamboo from a distance; A gust of wind blows, and the bamboo leaves make a rustling sound, like the sound of waves crashing; The young grandfather set up a tablecloth on the open space in front of the tomb, placed offerings, and began to worship his ancestors. After Grandpa finished sacrificing his ancestors, my uncle and I prepared to dig bamboo shoots with tools.

  I gently spread the thick bamboo leaves on the ground with a bamboo stick, carefully searching for bamboo shoots? Suddenly, I noticed a small bamboo shoot tip poking its head out of the soil, and I exclaimed excitedly. Uncle picked up a hoe and vigorously dug, and soon the baby bamboo shoots wearing a yellow coat were dug out. I put the bamboo shoots in the bag and started searching for the next target. One, two, three... more and more baby bamboo shoots have been dug out by us, and our joyful laughter is everywhere in the bamboo forest.

  The rain is gradually getting heavier, and we are taking our spoils of war onto the road home!





  清明节的英语作文 46

  "During the Qingming Festival, it rains heavily and pedestrians on the road feel like losing their souls." Today is Qingming Festival. In our rural areas of Guanzhong, regardless of whether people go out to work, do business, or do household chores, they all stop working on this day and rush back home from all directions. What are you doing? Go to the grave, burn some paper money, offer some fresh fruits, and pay tribute to the souls of loved ones!

  That morning, my father and I had breakfast and hurriedly rushed to my grandmothers grave.

  However, when my dad and I went today, we brought two green cypress trees, a few bouquets of flowers, a plastic bucket of water, and planting tools. As soon as we arrived at my grandmothers grave, we started planting cypress trees and presented flowers to express our grief.

  On the way back, a drizzle poured down my face, it was really refreshing! This year, instead of burning paper money or offering paper sacrifices like in previous years, we have switched to planting trees and offering flowers, which is not only environmentally friendly but also nostalgic for our loved ones. I am proud of my creativity.

  Ah! This years Qingming Festival, you are the most unforgettable!






  清明节的英语作文 47

  With the footsteps of spring, Qingming Festival has arrived. On Tuesday, I followed my parents to sweep my grandmothers grave.

  Along the way, I have no intention of appreciating flowers and grass; Birds chirping and insects chirping, I have no intention of listening, only focusing on arriving at the grave earlier. After a while, we arrived at grandmas grave, took out paper money, knelt on the grave, and scattered them all on the grave.

  This is, I suddenly remembered the lilies that were still in the car. I heard my mother say that my grandmother loved lilies the most during her lifetime, so I quickly took them off the car and ed them in front of my grandmothers grave, hoping that she could be comforted in the sky

  Although it hasnt rained today and the sunshine is shining on me, I cant feel any warmth, maybe its related to todays festival.

  The tomb sweeping has ended, and the sun has set. Everyone slowly walked back, perhaps feeling much more relaxed. Everyone laughed and talked as they walked back. I casually folded a willow stick and woven it into a small hat to wear on their heads.

  Qingming Festival is an important mourning for our ancestors for several years, expressing our longing for them.







  清明节的英语作文 48

  Qingming Festival, also known as the Spring Festival, is celebrated the day before the Cold Food Festival. Next, lets talk about the origin of Qingming Festival.

  According to legend, during the Spring and Autumn period, Prince Chonger of Jin fled abroad to escape persecution. During his exile, he was tired and hungry, and could no longer stand up. At this moment, the courtier cut a piece of meat from his thigh and cooked a bowl of soup for the young master to drink. When Chong Er noticed it, he shed tears.

  After Chonger became the ruler, he greatly rewarded the meritorious officials who had fled with him, but he forgot about Zitui. Zitui packed his luggage and quietly went to seclusion in Mianshan. After hearing about it, Chonger personally took people to find Zitui. Mianshan has high mountains and dangerous roads, with dense trees. Its not easy to find someone. Someone suggested setting fire from three sides and was pushed to death like this.

  In the second year, Duke Wen of Jin Chonger led his courtiers to climb a mountain to offer sacrifices and found that the old willow tree by Zituis tomb had died and resurrected. Later, he designated the day after the Cold Food Festival as Qingming Festival.

  Today is Qingming Festival, and our whole family came to our hometown to sweep graves. My grandparents used to hold me and play when I was very young. Whenever I thought they had died, I couldnt help but cry. On the journey back from sweeping graves, I kept thinking about my grandparents until I fell asleep.






  清明节的英语作文 49

  Every spring, when grass grows and birds fly and bamboo shoots start to emerge from the underground, my dad drives me to my hometown to celebrate Qingming Festival.

  My dad and mom climbed a mountain first, found the tomb of our dads ancestors, and put the things we brought there. Dad took out fish, meat, and other things and placed them in front of the grave. Then, he brought wine and lit incense in a small cup of Li, and we bowed a few times together.

  I asked my dad, "Why do we come to the grave every year?" My dad said, "Today is Qingming Festival, a traditional Chinese festival, a day for ancestor worship and tomb sweeping." I also asked how Qingming Festival came about, and my dad helped me search for information online and learned about the origin of Qingming Festival.

  According to legend, during the Spring and Autumn period, Prince Chonger of Jin fled to escape persecution. Once when I couldnt find anything to eat, I cut a piece of meat from my thigh and cooked a bowl of soup for the young master to drink. Chonger gradually regained his energy. Later, Chonger became the ruler and greatly rewarded the meritorious officials who had accompanied him in exile, but he forgot about Zitui. He quietly went to Mianshan for seclusion. Upon hearing this, Duke Wen of Jin felt ashamed and personally brought someone to invite him, but when he found him, Zitui was already dead. Duke Wen of Jin led his people to offer sacrifices and instructed the world to designate the day after the Cold Food Festival as Qingming Festival. This is the origin of Qingming Festival.





  清明节的英语作文 50

  Qingming Festival is here, spring is here, spring returns to the earth, all things wake up, and birds sing joyful songs on the branches; The grass poked its head out of the ground, singing in the sand against the wind, and the small trees sprouted tender buds. This is the perfect season to go out and play! My mother and I have discussed going to Fengqing Park to play.

  We first went to the lake in the park, which was very beautiful! The lake water is green, with small ripples swaying in the breeze, like the scales of a small fish. We walked onto a bridge, where there was a big fish tank. There were many small fish in the tank, swimming happily. However, a bad person put all these small fish in his small bag. The small fish struggled in the bag, and I heard the call of the small fish. Fortunately, an old man stopped him and asked him to put all the small fish in the bag back into the tank. The small fish finally returned to the tank, and the stone in our hearts finally fell to the ground.

  As we walked, we finally arrived at the amusement park. I played Rainbow Racing, and while playing, I remembered a saying: Little Rainbow is so beautiful. I swing on it, move forward, kiss the suns face, move back, and jump onto the moonboat! I had a great time playing!

  I feel like I had a great time today!














