
时间:2024-06-14 15:53:29 合作 我要投稿





  When it comes to competition and cooperation, some people always emphasize competition but neglect cooperation. Their reasons run as following: to begin with, they believe only competition can help them defeat their counterparts; in addition, they think competition is the only way to lead to success.

  But some others hold different opinion. They think cooperation is as important as competition. They base their opinion on the following reasons: on one hand, cooperation can build trust between each other and help to bring long-term relationship; on another hand, cooperation can turn a small and weak business into a big and strong one.

  From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw a conclusion that both competition and cooperation are essential to success and thus should be emphasized at the same time.


  Teamwork is increasingly important in modern society. It's known to all that nearly everything, such as every loaf of bread, every article of clothes,every house or apartment, every means of transportation, and so on, is the product of cooperative efforts. Thus, there is no exaggerating to say that only for existence, not to mention the pursuit and obtainment of happiness, one can't do without the ability to work harmoniously with others.

  We can benefit a lot from teamwork especially in the highly developed society today, one can almost accomplish nothing without joint efforts. What we have got through teamwork is not only self-improvement, personal success but also the satisfaction at both our devotion to common causes and the sense of collective honor. Therefore, to meet the needs of both personal improvement and the sophisticated society, we should learn to cooperate with each other and adjust to each other. Only in this way can we achieve success and satisfy ourselves as well as the society.


  In modern society, there is an eternal topic, that competition and cooperation, one can't live independently in the society, the competition and cooperation between people is the survival and development of our society. Tree length, water QingZhuo, sentient beings busy Yu Daqian world, they are inseparable from the competition and cooperation.

  So-called competition is two or more individuals or groups, in an activity naturally each other's behavior, also is the two sides compete for a goal, and only one party can win, and the cooperation is two or more individuals or groups, to achieve common goals in an activity the behavior of the joint cooperation, both sides have a consistent purpose, and the two sides Shared the results.

  For competition, you must present won't feel strange, without the competition of examination, we would not be standing here, to make a quarrel, however, the lack of cooperation, "north-south dialogue" "south-south cooperation" will become empty talk; The lack of cooperation, the establishment of the international space station will be nothing; The lack of cooperation, we will today still live in the shadow of the "SARS", in the midst of bird flu.

  But the competition and cooperation is not the opposite, some students are too opened, and they share some talk about competition not only talk about cooperation. When someone asked him a question, also don't go back to jilt a "don't know," think of other people's problems solved is to develop a rival, against their competition, so the person is selfish, will eventually be eliminated by the society, others think that the competition is not necessary, only pay attention to cooperation, which leads to the status quo, no enterprise miserable state, when he was a comfort in doing a dream, the world has forgotten them. So, the above two practices are not correct. We should put the competition and cooperation are equally important position, let them make, for me to use, to reach a higher level.

  If compare life to a scene, the competition is the audience pairs of discerning eyes, and cooperation is a friend with you. The classmates, let us treat competition and cooperation correctly, produce the most gorgeous flowers.








  In the twinkling of an eye, I can't forget our Chinese teacher, our immature but successful "cooperation"


  That day, school was over. I'm the only one left in the classroom, sighing silently - tomorrow, the school's blackboard newspaper, but I forgot all about this entertainment committee member. I wish God would send an angel to help me. Alas!


  I was tossing about on the blackboard when suddenly a figure flashed out of the window. It was Miss Li who was driving home. She seemed to see me and ran into the classroom. I said sheepishly, "Miss Li, I forgot the blackboard newspaper."


  Mr. Li didn't answer. He came to hold a piece of chalk and wrote a headline for me: the melody of spring. Then I drew it myself. "Teacher, you..." I don't know if I'm grateful or upset, but I'm stuck. "Why, my artistic level is low?" Mr. Li turned around and smiled at me cunningly, and two lovely braids of sheep's horns began to shake. My heavy heart suddenly relaxed. I seemed to have a lot to say, but I didn't say a word.

  我我俩配合得很默契,她管绘画,我管写字,各司其职。我的字写歪,写错了,她冷不防来一句:“pay attention!(请注意)”我都被逗笑了。“呀,糟糕!”原来我大意失荆州,原来应紧密相连的两段中间却被我空了大大的`一截,看看辛辛苦苦写下的两大段文字,我真是又气又急。我刚拿起黑板擦要擦,她又来一句:“且慢。”说着用粉笔在两段之间画了一幅山水画,恰与这篇“桂林山水”相辅相成,配合得无衣无缝,我暗自称赞。她也毫不谦虚:“怎么样,姜还是老的辣吧。”

  We cooperated very well. She was in charge of painting and I was in charge of writing. My writing is wrong. She said, "pay attention! (please note) "I'm all amused. "Oh, no!" It turns out that I lost Jingzhou in a big way, but the two sections that should have been closely connected were emptied by me. Looking at the two sections that I had written hard, I was really angry and anxious. I just picked up the blackboard eraser to wipe. She added, "wait a minute." Said with chalk between the two sections of a landscape painting, just with this "Guilin landscape" complement each other, with no clothes seamless, I secretly praise. She is also not modest: "how, ginger or the old spicy bar."


  Finally, we have achieved success. We appreciate our masterpiece. When I was excited, I found that the giant panda she drew lacked one ear, so I asked in a roundabout way like an old classmate, "Mr. Li, did you find the" one ear Panda " She looked at her panda thoughtfully and everyone smiled knowingly.


  In so many cooperation with teachers, I always feel that this cooperation is the most unforgettable, successful and sincere It breaks through the gap between teachers and students, transcends the generation gap between teachers and students, and achieves the state of mutual trust and intimacy between teachers and students.


 On Competition and Cooperation

  Competition is a common phenomenon in our social life. We compete when we play games, we try to do better than others in our study, and there is constant competition for jobs, customers, money, and so forth. We can say, to some extent,competition is one of the motive forces of the development of society.

  And we often find competition and cooperation at the same time. Think of a basketball game, each team is competing with the other team. But each member of the team is cooperating with his or her teammates. In most cases, we cant do competition without cooperation. Thus they are equally important.

  While we are advocating competition, we cant forget cooperation. Nothing is to be carried to extremes. Pure and exclusive competition leads to failures. Competition together with cooperation help us a great deal in obtaining our goals and satisfying our needs, especially in modernizing our country.







  Competition and Cooperation

  Competition is a very common phenomenon in our social life today. We compete when we play games, we try to do better than others in our study and there is constant competition for jobs, fame, wealth and so forth. We can say, to some extent, competition is one of the motive force of the development of society.

  We often find competition and cooperation occurring at the same time. Think of a basketball game. During the game, one team is competing against the other, but each member of the team must cooperate with his teammates. In most cases, we can’t compete without cooperation. Thus they are equally important.

  While advocating competition, we can’t forget cooperation. In modern society, cooperation is especially important because most work is fulfilled with and through other people. So we must combine competition with cooperation to obtain our goals.


  People work more productively in teams than individually. Teamwork requires cooperation, which motivates people much more than individual competition does.

  The speaker asserts that because teamwork requires cooperative effort, people are more motivated and therefore more productive working in teams than working individually as competitors. My view is that this assertion is true only in some cases. If one examines the business world, for example, it becomes clear that which approach is more effective in motivating people and in achieving productivity depends on the specific job.

  In some jobs productivity dearly depends on the ability of coworkers to cooperate as members of a team. For businesses involved in the production of products through complex processes, all departments and divisions must work in lock-step fashion toward product roll-out. Cooperative interaction is even essential in jobs performed in relative isolation and in jobs in which technical knowledge or ability, not the ability to work with others, would seem to be most important. For example, scientists, researchers, and even computer programmers must collaborate to establish common goals, coordinate efforts, and meet time lines. Moreover, the kinds of people attracted to these jobs in the first place are likely to be motivated by a sense of common purpose rather than by individual ambition.

  In other types of jobs individual competition, tenacity, and ambition are the keys to productivity. For example, a commissioned salespersons compensation, and sometimes tenure and potential for promotion as well, is based on comparative sales performance of coworkers. Working as competitors a firms individual salespeople maximize productivity-in terms of profit--both for themselves and for their finn. Key leadership positions also call, above all, for a certain tenacity and competitive spirit. A finns founding entrepreneur must maintain this spirit in order for the firm to survive, let alone to maximize productivity. Moreover, in my observation the kinds of people inclined toward entrepreneurship and sales in the first place are those who are competitive by nature, not those who are motivated primarily by a sense of common purpose.


  It is generally received that the importance of competition and cooperation cannot be overemphasized too much. Competition is common in every field of life while it stimulates people's interest in work and helps society to go forward. As competition goes hand in hand with cooperation, cooperation not only lets us get help and understanding, but also makes the world being progress at peace and in harmony. I am convinced that both competition and cooperation are significant and we are supposed to combine them well. There are three justifications to support my argument.

  First of all, competition plays an important role in our life. Darwin came up with the natural selection and competition is universal. "Whether the competition for jobs or for promotion, the competition encourages us to go forward and try our best to build a more advanced society. Furthermore, cooperation is an inseparable part of the livelihood. No one can exist alone in the society. Only by the way that we have teamwork with other can we achieve the greater success. Last but not least, we should combine competition and cooperation. There is no doubt that neither competition or cooperation can separate each other. Some examples can make this point clearer. Take the basketball match for example for example. The members of the team cooperate with their teammates to shoot at the basket while them compete with the other team. After considering the matches, we can take the history of mankind into consideration; the history of mankind is a history of coexistence of competition and cooperation.

  From what has been mentioned above, we can draw the conclusion that both competition and cooperation are of great importance, and it is wise for us to combine them. As college students, we ought to arouse our awareness of competition and cooperation.





  Families specialize in their tasks by dividing the work among the different members according to what they are best qualified to do。 For example,mothers cook,children wash dishes and make beds,fathers mow the graand paint the house。 By doing the same thing again and again,and by close cooperation,a family is able to work faster and get more work done than if just one do many kinds of tasks。 Similarly,it is ‘cooperation‘ that make our complicated modern society work。

  As is depicted in the cartoon.there are two handicapped men supporting each other:one is lame in the left leg, while the other in the other in the right.They have overcome their difficulty of lameneby cooperating with each other and are successfully going on with their journey. the caption below the picture says,"You have only only one leg, and so do I .Helping each other,we can travel wherever we want."

  The picture really sets me thinking. It manifests the importance of cooperation and the necessity of keeping in step with each other.There are a lot of examples to illustrate the issue.Of them ,the most obvious one is the case with war on earthquake in 20xx.At that time the whole country was plagued by earthquake.But led by our government ,people from all walks of life in the society were mobilized and united as one.Clearly,it was the cooperation through which we won the victory over the earthquake.

  In my opinion, the dependence of people on one another has now increased, without which the society we live iin cannot keep going smoothly. In short, cooperation has become a driving force for the development of our country.

  Last weeked my friends and I finished a ship molden.During that work,everyone respones for a part and workhard on it,at last we make these in a one.When the ship was finish,we smile to each other and feel very happy. I have learn so much from the teamwork,how to get along with others ,to understand and respect each other;to focus on the things we have in common and to learn the differeces. The teamwork sprit is the most important personality for a person


  Competition is a common phenomenon in our social life. We compete when we play games, we try to do better than others in our study, and there is constant competition for jobs, fame, wealth and so forth. We can say that, in a certain sense, competition is one of the motive forces of the development of the society.

  We often find competition and cooperation at the same time. Think of a football game. During the game, one team is competing against the other, but each member of the team must cooperate with his teammates.


  As the saying goes,"brothers,satisfy broken heart." A man's strength is too small,only have cooperation,can achieve.Man is standing in the far out at sea coast mast-head can have a ship,the need to promote,One mountain is in the far east has whose shimmering rays of the sun,need a set,One of the force is restless in its mother's womb,the maturation of maternal infant to nourish.

  Cooperation is the path to success to mark.Danish astronomer with 30 years DiGu observation of the planet,precision accumulated extensive accurate and reliable information.But no good theoretical thinking and scientific arrangement,not a great discovery.Before his death DiGu will material to assistant Kepler,and told him the material preparation.DiGu accurate observation and the profound study of Kepler,combining finally leads the movement of the planets of the three laws of motion of the object,uncover secret.Without cooperation,the three laws of motion to the planet?

  Cooperation is spread to the foundation of success.Many of the warring states period,and Lin xiangru's WanBiGuiZhao nov.1992,WangChongYong zhao zhao4 guo2's prime minister,as when lian Po old general prided himself on that very defy spirit,and everywhere.Lin xiangru's for the country's interests to lian Po old rivalry everywhere.General In the old general understand Lin xiangru's on the original,very ashamed,personally to prime minister mansion QingZui auxiliary thorns.In dealing with national affairs of their cooperation,make an increasingly,JiangXiangHe as historical legacy.Without cooperation,which come national prosperity?

  BC,chu,zhao 318,wei,Korea,yan five components of the coalition against aggression,qin,however,due to the heart,want to own interests,not very good cooperation,resulting in failure.If at all in the world cooperate,concentrated force,material and financial resources,is certain to beat the qin dynasty.Say so,with cooperation,can achieve.

  Let the flower of success in the cooperation in the soil in the spring,the cooperation in the spring,let the success of spewing eagles flying in the sky in the cooperation.Let us have cooperation,hug success!









  It is widely accepted that to work independently has the obvious advantage that it can prove one’s ability. However, I believe that teamwork is more important in the modern society and teamwork sprit has become a required quality by more and more companies.


  In the first place, we are situated in a complicated society and we often encounter tough problems that are beyond our ability. It is especially at this moment that teamwork proves to be exceedingly important. With the help of the team, these problems can be solved easily and quickly, which could improve work efficiency.


  In the second place, teamwork provides a chance to cooperate with workmate, it will make a friendly and enjoyable work environment, which is an important factor influencing employees’ belief in the company as a good workplace.


  Finally, teamwork contributes to the prosperity of the companies. With all workmates’ knowledge combined, the companies possess high work efficiency and an ability to deal with whatever problems. As a result, the companies can make more profits and develop more quickly.


  In sum, teamwork is very important, no one could live individually, they must rely on others in some way. Hence, work together could make life easier.



  In the increasingly fierce competition in the 21st century, in order to better survival and development, no matter small to a person, or to a country, a quality team cooperation are extremely important, it can put an isolated force together, in order to a common goal, work together to maximize the power of the team, in order to obtain greater benefits. In the past and present, the success stories of teamwork have been numerous and worthy of our reference.

  Without teamwork, a small group of tiny ants could not be turned into a giant "ant" army sweeping across South America's rainforests and unrivaled in a swarm of disciplined and disciplined organizations. Without teamwork, European countries would not be able to compete with the mighty United States on the international stage after the union, becoming a strong European Union. If there is no teamwork, Japanese companies are also can't be reached after enterprise alliance a concerted effort to carve up the world market from all walks of life, Japanese companies are unlikely to become the world's ability to operate with the strongest, the highest annual profits of enterprises. This is the strength and strength of teamwork. It shows its unusual efficiency and strength in the competition, whether in human society or in nature.

  Of us, however, some friends might say, "the 21st century is a self, personal talent and ability of era, the team will bury talent and creativity of the individual on this issue?"

  It is true that the full display and embodiment of individual talent and individuality is indeed the pursuit and recognition of today's democratic society. It is because of the emphasis on the embodiment and play of individual ability that the elite of our society has the space to fully display the self and the talent, which has created a large number of successful people in the society. It is precisely because of respecting the individual development and interests of each individual that western democratic society will have the cultural manifestation and strong strength of today's hundred schools of thought. The United States is also precisely because with prominent "personal heroism" national personality traits, will attract the elite from all walks of life, from all over the world to make everyone can do their only, all show, accomplished the most powerful in the world today, in the dominance of the United States.

  Therefore, teamwork and individuality are not contradictory. Teamwork does not mean that people are the same. Making an open personality doesn't mean there is no cooperation. I think that it should be a complete system to truly play the advantages of teamwork and individuality and to really reconcile their relationship with each other. Under this system, we can give full play to the ability of self, and can be a strong team, I think, to make such a sound system is our true wisdom choice; It is the only way for us, our country, and our nation to succeed.







  Team work is very important in our work.It is quite often that one is not able to carry out a job by itself.He needs more people to comlete it together.We can say some importance jobs could not be done without teamwork.For example,in a football match,very memember plays a different role which is important,all memembers must cooperate with each other to fight against the opponent team.They can only win the match when they do good teamwork,or they will be defeated.

  China has an old saying,"Unity is strength",which means the importance of teamwork.





  Competition and cooperation

  Cooperation and competition are both important and necessary for a person to achieve success in his life.

  In modern times, people are living more and more cooperatively. For example, in a football match, all players on the team must work with joint efforts in order to win the match. Such activities require teamwork. You can see workers doing parts of work individually, but you can hardly see any products finished by only one person. With the rapid development of economy, cooperation is becoming more and more necessary and vital for a person. But competition is also very important in modern society. If you are a businessman and wish customers to buy your products, you have to compete with others. Competition stimulates people to improve their work and makes the world develop rapidly.

  Both competition and cooperation are involved in every field of life and work. Actually, in many activities, both are required. For instance, in learning English, we compete with each other. As a result, we all make great progress. Our study also demands teamwork. We often help each other by pointing out each other’s mistakes and exchanging ideas.

  While we attach importance to competition, we should not neglect cooperation. Only with both competition and cooperation can we achieve success and live in peace and harmony with each other.














