Fairy Tale的歌词

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Fairy Tale的歌词

  迈克学摇滚(Michael Learns To Rock),始建于1987年,曾被形容是斯堪的纳维亚音乐传统与西洋流行音乐的相遇,绝非「丹麦团」三个字就可以解释。

Fairy Tale的歌词

  Fairy Tale


  In that misty morning when I saw your smiling face

  You only look at me and I was yours

  But when I turn around you were nowhere to be seen

  You have walked away and closed the door

  When will I see you again

  When will the sky stop to rain

  When will the stars start to shine

  When will I know that you are mine

  Did I ever meet you in the sunshine

  And when we were both a thousand years away

  Did I ever hold you in the moonlight

  Did we make every minute last another day

  On a cold December night I gave my heart to you

  And by the summer you were gone

  Now as the days grow older and the stars will start to dim

  All I have are memories and this song

  When will I see you again

  When will the sky stop to rain

  When will the stars start to shine

  When will I know that you are mine

  Did I ever meet you in the sunshine

  And when we were both a thousand years away

  Did I ever hold you in the moonlight

  Did we make every minute last another day

  When will I see you again

  When will the sky stop to rain

  When will the stars start to shine

  When will I know that you are mine

  In that misty morning I saw your smiling face


  MICHAEL LEARNS TO ROCK(简称MLTR)是一支来自丹麦的流行摇滚乐队,成立于1988年。乐队名字来源于创始人Jascha Richter的梦中歌曲。

  乐队成员包括主唱Jascha Richter、吉他手Mikkel Lentz、贝斯手Kre Wanscher和鼓手Sren Madsen。他们以抒情的旋律和简单易记的歌词而闻名,风格清新简洁,深受全球粉丝的喜爱。

  1991年,MLTR发行了他们的第一张专辑《Michael Learns to Rock》,其中的单曲《The Actor》成为了热门歌曲,使他们开始在欧洲和亚洲的音乐市场上崭露头角。1993年,他们的第二张专辑《Colours》继续取得了巨大成功,其中的单曲《Sleeping Child》更是在亚洲各地成为了热门歌曲。

  随着时间的推移,MLTR陆续发行了众多的专辑,包括《Nothing to Lose》、《Blue Night》、《Eternity》等,每张专辑都有着优秀的音乐作品。他们的许多歌曲,如《Thats Why You Go Away》、《Paint My Love》、《Someday》等,成为了经典的流行歌曲,深入人心。


  MICHAEL LEARNS TO ROCK以他们优美动听的音乐和温暖的表演赢得了众多粉丝的喜爱,成为了音乐史上不可或缺的一部分。他们的音乐一直在各地传唱,深受广大听众的喜爱。

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