
时间:2021-02-25 18:17:15 高一年级英语作文 我要投稿




高一的英语作文 篇1

  With the improvement of living level, the goods package have become more and more complicated and exaggerated. Thus, the phenomenon of the excessive packaging is common around us. Such as Mid-autumn moon cakes. But what factors contribute to this phenomenon?


  Firstly, as we all know, a large number of markets and stores think that goods which are well-decorated could attract consumers and inspire consumers to purchase goods. So they can earn more money. Secondly, consumers hold the idea that the more elegant the goods look, the better quality of the commodity is. Whats more, the government didnt make relevant rules to prevent this phenomenon.


  Personally speaking, excessive packaging has a bad influence on our environment, which also wastes precious resources. So we should increase our awareness of consuming and save rare resources. At the same time, some useful measures should be taken by the government. Its high time we took action to prevent this situation. Only in this way can we put an end to this trend.

高一的英语作文 篇2

  假定你是一名高中生,一次一位外国朋友问你,除了在学校学习英语之外还有什么其它途径练习英语。请你根据提示用英语(词数: 100左右)写出你参加“英语角” 的情况。


  1、“英语角” 于两年前成立,许多中学生参加,有时也有些大学生和外国友人来此。




  参考词汇:“英语角”:English corner December 10, 20xxI’m a senior student. I like English very much. Besides attending English lessons at school, I often go to the English corner in the park near my home on Saturday morning. It was set up (formed) two years ago. Many high school students gather there. Sometimes, some college students and even foreign friends are present at the English corner. There, we practice our spoken English, talk about what we are interested in, exchange our experience in learning English and so on. I’ve learned a lot. I have greatly improved myself in English since I visited it. It is really a great help to me.

高一的英语作文 篇3

  While fear of death is universal, my worry about death is so overwhelming that there is not a moment passing without my thinking of it. I never bring this up with any other, just because no one will ever realize the seriousness of this problem. I know it very clearly that as long as there is life, there will be death. In addition, though I am still so far away from death, I have been plagued by the thought of it for years. Fortunately, the root of my fear of death lies in my overzealous love for life. I am too timid to think of the end of life, when every worldly affair should be thrown away. How can I carry on without friendship, affection, and joy of being alive? I really hate to leave all these behind. To ease my worry about death, I should make the fullest use of this life I now possess. Concentration on this life can at least temporally make me forget about death. As a matter of fact, I really dont need to worry so much about death, for I already have too much to worry about this life



高一的英语作文 篇4


  1、 现在不少人结婚花费巨大

  2、 人们对此看法不一

  3、 我的看法


  Nowadays, many people spend a lot when wedding. that’s partly because a bigger variety of wedding ceremony services than ever is available today. people can choose between a traditional chinese style wedding and a western style one, while there are also wedding dress service, wedding, wedding photo service, and wedding party service and so on. if a couple wants to have a memorable ceremony, they have to pay a big amount of money.

  People hold different views on this. some say that wedding is the most important affair in one’s life, so it should be taken seriously. it is also a good chance to express the couple’s gratitude to their family members and friends. while others say that spending too much on wedding would be extravagant. besides, like many other service industries, the wedding ceremony service companies are making too much money on couples.

  In my opinion, couples should pay attention not to spending unnecessary money on their wedding. learning to be economical is very important in life.





高一的英语作文 篇5

  Earthquake is also called the ground shaking, to vibration, is the rapid release of energy in the process of earth's crust caused vibration, generates seismic waves during a natural phenomenon.Earth jostling each other between plate and plate, plate edge and plate internal produce dislocation and fracture, is the main cause of ground vibration (earthquake) [1].

  Started happening earthquake site is called the source, the source is directly above the ground is called the epicenter.The devastating earthquake ground vibration called the magistoseismic area, the most strong place magistoseismic area that is often the epicenter area [2].Earthquake often cause serious casualties, can cause fires, floods, poisonous gas leak, the proliferation of bacteria and radioactive substances, can also cause tsunamis, landslide, collapse, ground cracks and other secondary disasters.

  According to statistics, about 500 a year on earth more than ten thousand earthquakes, the earthquake happened thousands of times a day.The vast majority are too small or too far that people won't feel;Really can do serious harm to human about a decade or two earthquakes;Can cause especially serious disaster earthquake about once or twice.People do not feel the earthquake, must be recorded by seismograph;Different types of seismometers can record different intensity, different distance of the

  earthquake.Running thousands of various instruments in the world day and night monitoring with the trend of the earthquake.[3]

  On March 28, 20xx, 09, 9 p.m. eastern city of Los Angeles, a magnitude 5.1 earthquake in la habra again confirm earthquake is predictable.The United States geological survey earthquake early-warning system prototype function, make the local earthquake scholars 4 seconds in advance t

  o predict the arrival.

高一的英语作文 篇6

  I have been shocked many times by some accidents in my life through which I find Human s life is like a delicate vase that will break into pieces for some unexpected incidents.

  One day in the summer of last year, Wang, my friend, was watching a football match with his father.

  The match was too exciting for his father s heart to bear so he suddenly fell down to the ground for the heart attack. 120 was soon dialed but Wang s father passed away at last. It was too cruel for Wang to see his father die in front of him, and also too difficult for me to accept the fact, because just several hours before his death, he picked Wang and me up at Pu Dong Airport and sent us back home. At that time, he was so healthy that no one would expect that he would die a few hours later.

  A few days later, I found something wrong with my body.It was a cyst as big as a coin found under my cheek. I felt very worried because, as I know, a cyst in that place was very dangerous. I was put into hospital after the doctor decided to remove it. After I entered the room of patients, I was jaw dropping because the looks of the patients were frightening, one person has a lump as big as a baseball on his face; another patient s eyes were bruised too badly to be seen and an old man s teeth had been all knocked off because the doctor would do an operation in his throat. I felt lucky and was even satisfied with my illness in this situation.

高一的英语作文 篇7

  Tour is not only a personal interest but also a kind of knowledge. A merry journey will be the memory that you can’t forget through your lifetime. It’s really at ease if you wander with two or three china pates who have a little exploratory energy to stay in the interesting places as long as you want but just ignore the unsightly places.It’s not good to join the travel agency other wise we should call it gaining a superficial understanding through cursory observation but not traveling. Of course, we should study to choose a most towardly occasion for the most famous and beautiful scene in the places before we are going to.

  And we need enough money, enough time, special channel and also an economical plane, it’s convenient for us. And we can save more time to view the blue sky generally and look out upon the cloud dancing freely outside the plane.It’s also not bad to travel by train. Enjoy the scenery out of the train on the way, just look around here and there, maybe you can get some new friends in this narrow but long carriage. Certainly you’d better choose the different path when you return back from the place of interest so that you can make your eyes full of the landscape of interest on the way and never need to revisit the once familiar place. How far-flung and galland the rivers and mountains in our homeland are! There are still too many places we can go.

  Time is limited but the interest of traveling is limitless. We travel just because of our love knot to the natural mountains and rivers!




高一的英语作文 篇8


  Recently our class discussed the advantages and disadvantages of surfing the internet. Here are our conclusions.

  Of course, surfing the internet clearly has some advantages. There is no doubt that the internet makes communication easier and helps us keep up with the latest information. It is also a great use of spare time: online shopping, online movies and even online chats with friends.

  Like anything else, the Internet is not perfect. Being addicted to it can waste a lot of time, especially for us students; not only can our studies be harmed by our spending too much time online, but we often hear news of students who met dangerous people online or who even got cheated.

  In my opinion, when surfing the Internet, we should be aware of both the advantages and disadvantages, so that we can maximize the advantages and minimize the disadvantages.


  It is very important to deal with the rubbish in cities. Rubbish must be treated properly, otherwise it may cause problems. It may pollute the air and water, they may get ill.

  Our city has begun to pay attention to the problem. For example, rubbish is sorted. Some rubbish, such as newspapers and glass, is recycled. The rest, which is believed to be harmful, is sent to a certain place and buried. Laws have been passed to protect the environment, so waste water should be treated before it is poured into rivers.

  We’ve been trying, but there is still a long way to go. After all, if everyone did his part to help fight against pollution, we could all share in a cleaner and more beautiful world.

  Cars and Earth

  Nowadays, with the living standards improving fast, masses of people own cars, which certainly benefit them a lot. But more and more cars will give out poisonous gases and cause air pollution, which does great harm to the environment.

  Therefore, human beings are faced with an urgent task to take measures to save the earth. The government should pass laws and limit the number of cars. Or we may use environmentally friendly cars to reduce the pollution.

  After all, we have only one earth. If we continue polluting it, we shall be punished in time. So, we should make proper use of cars and protect our earth.

  How to improve listening ability

  Hello, everyone. Learners of English, especially beginners, usually have trouble in understanding native speakers. How can we improve our listening abilityMy views are as follows.

  First of all, learn English step by step. It is no use listening to anything beyond your level. So don’t choose materials that are too difficult for you. Secondly, stick to one series of textbooks. Work hard at them until you master them. Thirdly, listen to English programmes every day to enjoy native English. Finally, you can learn to sing some English songs so that you won’t feel bored with English study.

  All in all, where there is a will, there is a way. When you develop good listening habits, your listening ability will improve quickly.

  Drunk driving

  Nowadays, drunk driving is becoming a heated topic among people in China. Here, I’d like to air my views about it.

  As is known to us all, drunk driving is a sort of terrible behavior that will threaten the safety of people, including the driver himself. Many of the traffic accidents caused by drunk driving have brought about traffic jams, injuries and even death. Besides, a great deal of money has to be spent treating the injured and repairing the broken cars, which means a waste of money.

  I strongly suggest effective measures be taken before things get worse. Laws and regulations should be strengthened to punish those performing drunk driving. Meanwhile, the public, especially drivers, should be more aware of public safety. I hope by doing so, drunk driving can be things of past.


  According to my survey, the students in our class appear to lack self-confidence. The reasons can be listed as follows.

  First of all, students don’t communicate enough with each other. Secondly, the high expectations from parents are another cause of the problem. Thirdly, there are some improper evaluation methods in our school. Which cause the students to feel stressed.

  It’s high time that something was done to solve the problem. First, teachers should encourage students to communicate more with each other. Second, parents should pay more attention to their children’s thoughts and life but not just their study. Third, schools should improve their evaluation methods, because education shouldn’t be judged only by the results of examinations.

  If we are confident enough, we can do better.




  1. 覆盖以上内容,可作适当发挥;

  2. 发言的开头和结尾已给出(不计入总词数);

  3. 词数:120左右。 Attention, please! I’m going to give you a summary of today’s discussion about whether we should go on line in our spare time. ___________________________________________________________________________ Thank you.


  焦虑症状 建 议








  3. 词数:100个左右。开头已给出,不计词数。



  1. 提高国民素质的必要性;

  2. 列举你所观察到的一些不文明行为(两种以上);

  3. 就此做出评论,并提出建议。

  参考词汇:behave v 举止、行为、表现







  2.学好英语可使我们更好地向外国学习先进经验。(advanced experience)。



  spit vi 吐痰

高一的英语作文 篇9

  Among all the sports, I like basketball most.


  It is both an indoor and outdoor sport.


  People in everywhere like to play or watch this game.


  I also like to watch people playing basketball on TV.


  I often play it with some friends after school, and sometimes we play it on Sunday afternoon.


  I am very good at basketball, but I am not the best player in my team.


  Basketball can make me happy and healthy, and I really enjoy playing it.


高一的英语作文 篇10


  Nowadays, computer has been part of our life, we use computer to study, to work and to communicate with our friends. As people count on the network so much and they are free of everything, so they just do whatever they want. Network provides people the new stage to show violence, they are rude and give the bad comment to other people. We call it language violence. Especially for the celebrities, they have been attacked by the rude words all the time. A famous female star from Korea committed suicide because of the network violence. The government took some actions to supervise the network and the users must be registered with their real names. It worked and language violence has been controlled in some way. We need to behave ourselves even without the supervision of law.










