高三英语作文:my favorite writer

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高三英语作文:my favorite writer(精选14篇)

  无论在学习、工作或是生活中,大家都经常看到作文的身影吧,作文根据体裁的不同可以分为记叙文、说明文、应用文、议论文。怎么写作文才能避免踩雷呢?下面是小编帮大家整理的高三英语作文:my favorite writer,欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。

高三英语作文:my favorite writer(精选14篇)

  高三英语作文:my favorite writer 1

  i like reading in my free time. ive read all kinds of books which are written by many famous writers from all over the world. but i like a chinese writer best. his name is xu zimo.

  xu zimo was born in a big family. his parents were good at writing and his father taught little xu by himself. when xu zimo was very young, he was interested in reading. fables, stories or novels were his favorites and he often nearly forgot eating and sleeping.

  when xu was about six years old, he began to write some short stories. he was always practising writing and he did better and better. but he still kept on reading, because he always believed that “reading makes a full man, a ready man and an exact man.”

  when he grew up, his life dream came true. he became a world-famous writer. not only chinese but also people from other countries worshiped xu zimo. his writing was enjoyed by all the people. everybody tho

  ught that xus works were so nice and great. from his writing, people can understand a lot. i have learnt that if someone wants to be a great person, he must work hard!

  now, lets enjoy one of xus verses:

  on leaving cambridge again quietly i leave, just as i quietly come, i quietly wave, saying goodbye to the bright clouds of the western sky.

  高三英语作文:my favorite writer 2

  If you ask me which book I like, I cant say. If you ask me which movie I like, I cant say either. If you ask me which celebrity I like, I still cant say. But if asked which writer I like, I would definitely say "Lu Xun" without hesitation.

  The reason why I like Lu Xun can be traced back to a few years ago. A few years ago, while studying, I came into contact with Lu Xuns representative work "Morning Flowers and Evening Picks", and from then on, I learned about Lu Xun as a great writer. I have consulted a lot of information about Mr. Lu Xun and gained a detailed understanding of him, gradually falling in love with him.

  Lu Xun was originally named Zhou Zhangshou, but later changed his name to Zhou Shuren with the courtesy name Yu Cai. In 1918, he first published "The Diary of a Madman" under the pen name "Lu Xun". He was also an important participant in the May Fourth New Culture Movement. Mr. Lu Xun made significant contributions throughout his life in various fields such as literary creation and ideological research, but his life was particularly tragic. My grandfather was imprisoned, my father fell seriously ill, and others looked down upon him. This situation can change even if my father dies. In eighth grade, I learned the article "Mr. Fujino". This article narrates an event that occurred during Mr. Lu Xuns study abroad in Japan, which also changed his life. During the break, while watching educational films about the Russo Japanese War, Mr. Lu Xun was deeply stimulated by the excitement and enthusiastic cheers displayed by the Chinese young men who were studying in Japan. One day, he decided to abandon medicine and pursue literature, awaken the spirit of the nation, and use a pen to save China. Therefore, he went to Sendai.

  Through learning and reading, I have discovered that Mr. Lu Xuns writing style is characterized by unique material selection, unique perspective, and pursuit of excellence. The language style is implicit, concise, and concise. Mr. Lu Xuns novels have distinct class concepts, vivid literary qualities, and rich artistic characteristics, which is also one of the major reasons why I like Mr. Lu Xun. Most of Mr. Lu Xuns articles contain satire, criticism, and exposure, showcasing the darkest aspects of society through literary creation, allowing us to remember history.

  Lu Xun - a writer who "faces a thousand fingers with cold eyebrows, bows down and willingly becomes a young ox", and a writer who "I recommend Xuan Yuan with my blood". I deeply like you and take you as an example on the way forward!

  高三英语作文:my favorite writer 3

  There are millions of excellent writers in the world, and my favorite is Chinese writer Sanmao.

  The works she writes are her personal global experiences, with real and colorful content. Everything in the book can make people feel like they are. In short, she can write about the dead and bring people into her own world, and together she can see all things in the world.

  Sanmao likes scenery, especially when looking at the scenery under the sunset frame. She said that this is the most enjoyable time of the day, without the tension of a hundred days or the loneliness of the night, only a gentle atmosphere rendered by red clouds and picturesque scenery in front of her. Her descriptions are meticulous and lively, always bringing me into them. A beautiful scenery, I sat with her, talking about the world and life.

  Sanmao is best at portraying character images, and from her descriptions, I can accurately perceive the vivid characters portraying real events before my eyes. Her portrayal of herself varies in personality, with ups and downs, and her attitude towards people and things is even more varied. However, it is precisely because of her quirky and bold personality that she has won the care of her husband, Jose, and the care and love of family and friends. She doesnt live a carefree life so much as a life that follows her heart. She understands what she wants and must strive for it.

  But there is no true "darling" in the world. When her beloved Jose passed away unexpectedly, she, who had never experienced strong winds and waves, had her spirit run low. But who is she? Sanmao, a woman who never gives up, stood up strong, grasped the throat of fate, and used the time to re write. Her writing style in subsequent works changed from the previous lively and jumping style. But with sadness and pain as the theme. But it attracts me even more, as I take big strides towards you. The deeper I read, the more I feel the pain and struggle in your heart. I can understand how you left the world without saying goodbye. In this purple world, without Jose, you have no home. Even if you struggle desperately, you will only end up in a void. But the emotional explosion you left in my heart will drive me forward.

  May in the future, I follow your footsteps and search for your remaining figure in various places, and may you, who is sleeping forever, start the next peerless meeting with Jose.

  高三英语作文:my favorite writer 4

  Cao Wenxuan, a Chinese childrens literature writer, won the International Andersen Award in New Zealand.

  In Cao Wenxuans work "Bronze Sunflower", it depicts a girl named Sunflower who comes to the Bronze House by chance. The intelligent and kind-hearted Bronze realizes that only one person can study in the house, so he gives the opportunity to Sunflower. In order to make a living, I sell shoes in the wind and rain, and even sunflowers can endure hardship. They always achieve good results in exams, do not compare with others, and do not increase the burden on their families. But at the age of 12, Kuihua returned to her original city, and thereafter, the boy often looked at the end of the reeds, hoping for the girls appearance.

  In "Bronze Sunflowers", they experienced hardships, but they never bowed to life. In a world full of natural and man-made disasters, they lived optimistically, naively, and upward.

  They are sincere, friendly, humble, and sensible, and everyone is doing their part for this family, although it is only a drop in the bucket for this family.

  They have lost many important things in life, such as the cow they rely on for survival and their grandmother who rely on each other, but they have never been knocked down. They still stand tall with confidence and live strong.

  The Bronze Sunflower showcases to us a beauty, a beauty of mutual assistance, a beauty of willing dedication, a beauty of unity and friendship, a beauty that touches the heartstrings and is unforgettable.

  In Cao Wenxuans other book "Grass House", he tells the story of a boy named Sangsang, telling a memorable and unforgettable period of six years in elementary school.

  Sangsang is a mischievous and kind, delicate and reckless person. He grazed the sheep for Xima and did whatever he could for his pigeons. He carried his sister on his back to the Great Wall, while his father carried him on his back to seek medical treatment and hunt. In "The Grass House", it is revealed that this is a poor but very warm family.

  Cao Wenxuans works are full of his interpretation of beauty, and his stories are intricate and touching. In our world where relationships between people are becoming increasingly distant and emotions are becoming increasingly indifferent, his stories also appear precious. Cao Wenzhans works have a certain depth and are suitable for both children and growing up teenagers. His stories are heart wrenching. Although many of them are small things in life, they always touch the soul in an unintentional moment.

  This is my favorite writer Cao Wenxuan.

  高三英语作文:my favorite writer 5

  I have never liked a writer like this before, I am deeply attracted.

  In fact, for a considerable period of time, I didnt even know him. I just found this writer admirable after reading his works.

  I dont know his appearance, but I can deeply feel the constant heat in his heart. After reading his first book, I said, "He is a young man with fiery enthusiasm!"

  Then, I read his first novel. That is a fantastical city of ice and snow, a different scenery from the mortal world. But it has a heart wrenching sense of desolation. One scene after another, the ups and downs of the plot only make you deeply shed tears. The most realistic and delicate visuals only make you cry silently. The most desolate and lonely inner dialogue only makes you look up and sigh!

  "He is a person with a closed inner world but extremely rich emotions," I once again gave him a description.

  Those scattered attributives have accumulated in my heart. I wanted to find some suitable ways to describe him, but none of them were appropriate.

  I started searching for him. When I saw him for the first time, I realized that I was wrong. It wasnt that those adjectives werent appropriate enough, but through his eyes, you struggled with why you couldnt have more words to fill in the blanks.

  He is as thin as a stick.

  Because he is too thin, his smile - a smile with countless wrinkles on his face, is unbelievable. I cant imagine this being the multifaceted teenager Ive been struggling with so many times. However, there was a hint of sadness beneath his dark pupils, even though he was smiling. However, that was just a shallow embellishment in his shining eyes, making people feel profound, ethereal and unforgettable.

  Although his words exude a hint of sadness in his eyes, they are still filled with the sweetness of human nature. It is a tolerant and majestic sentiment, a combination of trust and selflessness, a free and unrestrained state of mind, a clear mind like water, a childlike smile

  And after wandering through his book, I gradually realized that there were so many beautiful things around me that people could enjoy, spreading in the air. As long as you feel them calmly, you wont miss those emotions.

  I want to thank him. Because he gives readers a sense of tranquility. Whether its the kingdom he fantasies about or the battles without fireworks, they all give me a sense of realism to touch. And those ethereal words like eyes can all find some dreams that belong to me.

  I have become so fond of a writer ever since. It is flying freely between his words with dreams.

  高三英语作文:my favorite writer 6

  Taizai Zhi, originally named Tsushima Xiuzhi, was born in Aomori Prefecture, Japan. He is a Japanese novelist and a representative writer of the post-war rogue literature in Japan. Taizai Zhi had hoped to become a writer since his student days, but at the age of 21, he attempted suicide by throwing himself into the sea with a waitress at Ginza Cafe. The work "Retrograde" in the book "Late Years" published in 1936 was listed as a candidate for the first Akutagawa Prize. After getting married, he wrote works such as "The Hundred Scenes of Mount Fuyue" and "The Setting Sun", becoming a popular contemporary writer. On the night of June 13, 1948, at the age of 39, he committed suicide by jumping into the Yukawa River with his admiring female reader Fumio Yamazaki, leaving behind works such as "Human Disqualification".

  I was fortunate enough to read the work "Human Disqualification" by Osamu Dazai, and I was deeply attracted by the authors brushstrokes. It was always filled with a faint sadness and a somewhat melancholic writing style, perhaps just this work. Feeling the external world with the thinnest antennae and expressing it with the most precise words is another characteristic of Dazai literature. Dazais writing is very captivating, and can use words to outline distinct characters and scenes.

  "Human Disqualification" can also be considered as the authors semi autobiographical work. Taizai Zhi, a 39 year short life, experienced 5 suicides, and Ye Zangs life experiences can be said to skillfully express his own life experiences and thoughts, and use this to raise the most genuine issue of pain as a human being. In the end, Taizai Zhi ultimately chose the method of throwing water and drew the final conclusion for himself.

  I think, as he said in his book, "I cant talk about happiness or misfortune today." And "Born into a human being, in just ten years, I have already seen the most beautiful scenery in this world, and can die at any time without regret." We may argue about his many suicides, but this is also his choice and does not affect his love for his works.

  Perhaps in the future, as my reading grows, there will be new favorite writers, but if you ask me now, the first thing that comes to my mind is Dazai Zhi.

  高三英语作文:my favorite writer 7

  I first came into contact with Murakami in high school, and the first book I read was called "Dance, Dance, Dance". I dont even remember the feeling at that time, and I dont know why I just read that one book. And surprisingly, I only read a lot of the following books until I fell in love with Murakamis works.

  First of all, I would like to talk about the translator Lin Shaohua. I really appreciate his grasp of the language of Murakami. That is a very fair and objective grasp, and it is also very harmonious, without intentional concealment or exaggeration. Among all the village translations, I admire Lin Shaohua the most.

  The first book I liked about Murakami was "The End of the World and the Cold Wonderland", which was a fantastic world that I had never known before. The unicorns inside and the ancient dreams embedded in their skulls deeply attracted me. Two lines are used to write novels, and it is not in the same format as Chinese old novels where two flowers bloom and each represents one branch. Meanwhile, there are thought-provoking aspects in its fantasy. The author has created a world where people can date but not love each other, because love requires a heart, and the heart has long been embedded in the skull of a unicorn and ossified into an ancient dream. It is particularly thought-provoking for me to break into this place from the outside world and ultimately stay. In short, clever writing leads to brilliant ideas.

  The second book he likes should be his most famous Norwegian Wood . Theres no need for me to say more about this book. It is a book worth reading several times. Its love, but it contains a lot of things that require a lot of thinking, its not so easy.

  The book that touched my heart the most was "South of the Border and West of the Sun", which received mixed praise in Murakamis mother country of Japan. The fanatical pursuit of oneself, some persistent hints in life, and things that are difficult to express, pursue the essence of life. The author himself once said that this book does indeed have a piercing effect on his soul.

  The short story "Ice Man" exudes infinite charm with its unknowability and infinite possibilities. It is difficult to know what the image of Ice Man represents. It can be anything or nothing. The infectious power of this art is quite powerful.

  Many people are talking about the Murakami phenomenon, and I dont want to include myself in that phenomenon. Although I bought Murakamis books and read them obsessively, I dont acknowledge a part of my phenomenon. I like to see myself as a reader, not an admirer, but an individual with my own rationality that is different from the life in Murakamis book. I think a person can be a reader of the village rather than a part of the village phenomenon.

  高三英语作文:my favorite writer 8

  Who wrote the touching Little Orange Lantern; Who wrote the touching lament of "dedicating oneself to the spirit of the mother in heaven"; Who is it again, who wrote a patriotic and passionate work - this name, when spoken, will definitely make many people who love her works proud, she is - Granny Bing Xin. She is also my favorite writer.

  From childhood to adulthood, I have read countless works by Grandma Bingxin, including "Laughing", "Travel Notes along the Pingsui River", "Returning South", "Sending to Young Readers", "Stars", "Spring Water", etc. Among them, the most touching one for me is "Returning South". Why does her work always make readers burst into tears? This is a style possessed by a few modern writers, but Grandma Bing Xin has achieved it, so I really like her.

  Its because of her works that I feel my writing skills will improve rapidly and my writing style will become more distinctive. In summary, after reading so many articles by Grandma Bingxin, I have summarized her style: simple, sincere, simple, and innocent. She wrote many beloved works from the perspectives of both mother and children.

  Since reading her works, I have deeply fallen in love with literature and writing. Because Grandma Bingxin gave a sentence to all young readers who love literature: "Creativity comes from life, without the truth and facts in life, what is written is not vivid and vivid." Yes, from real life, by vividly reflecting the things you like or feel sad about, it will naturally become a good article. Grandma Bingxin, although you passed away, this sentence has always lived in my heart; This sentence teaches me one by one. So, I really like you.

  Another reason why I like her is that she is very strong. According to Grandma Bingxin, she once vomited blood when she was a child, but she lived for 99 years in literary creation. Being strong helped her embark on the path of his dreams

  Ah, dear Grandma Bingxin, your smile is so kind and your work is so touching. To write this, I can only blame my pen for being useless and cannot use any fancy words to praise you. But I did it! I can write according to what you said! Thank you for creating the touching Little Orange Lantern for everyone; He wrote a touching lament of "dedicating himself to the spirit of his mother in heaven"; I have written those beautiful yet sincere works! Grandma Bingxin, I will always love you!

  高三英语作文:my favorite writer 9

  Many people like Jin Bos "The Secret of the Treasure Gourd"; I like Vernes "Mysterious Island"; I also like Cao Wenxuans "Osmanthus Rain"... but I like O. Henrys short stories.

  O. Henry is the king of the three greatest short stories in the world, along with Czekov from Russia and Maupassant from France, known as the "father of the three greatest short stories in the world." O. Henrys main representative works include "The Gift of the Magi," "The Last Ivy Leaves," "Cabbage and the Emperor," and so on. My favorite story is O. Henrys "The Gift of Maggie", which tells the story of Della selling her hair and buying a gold chain for her husband before Christmas; The story of a husband selling his gold watch and buying a comb.

  The characters in O. Henrys works are vivid, and he uses an extremely simple thing to express the strong love between husband and wife. I think Maggie cut off her own hair for her husband, and the headphone mother sold her most precious gold watch to buy a comb for her wife. And in modern times, what couple would abandon their favorite things for each other? The two souls that were originally living in poverty have brought readers enough optimism and strength, allowing them to understand which is more important in real life, love and money. If I were to compare myself to O. Henry, I would definitely feel inferior. O. Henry is enthusiastic, generous, and very humble. Looking at me again, I am stingy and narrow-minded. I feel very ashamed to get angry over small things.

  O. Henrys works are concise, powerful, and exquisite, truly deserving of being the "three kings of short stories in the world.". I must learn from O. Henry and become a humble, enthusiastic, and talented person.

  高三英语作文:my favorite writer 10

  Lu Xun, originally named Zhou Shuren, was born in Shaoxing, Zhejiang. His representative works include "Morning Flowers and Evening Picks", "Shouting", "Wandering", "Wild Grass", and so on.

  We have been learning from Mr. Lu Xuns articles since childhood, and his works leave a deep impression with sharp writing style. He is my favorite writer.

  Mr. Lu Xun went abroad to study medicine, but while studying anatomy, he found that all the corpses used for dissection were Chinese, and some ignorant Chinese people laughed heartily upon seeing them. This foolish behavior made Lu Xun realize that physical changes cannot cure the Chinese people and that he must save them spiritually. Therefore, he abandoned medicine and turned to literature, opening up a new world in the Chinese literary world.

  Mr. Lu Xun cherished time throughout his life and attended meetings. Even in pouring rain, he was never late. Lu Xun had a persistent fever a few days before his death, weighing less than 80 pounds. The day before his death, he even wrote a preface and a diary for a Soviet novel. Respected Mr. Lu Xun never wasted time until he fought and left this world.

  Poet Zang Kejia once wrote "Some People" to commemorate Mr. Lu Xun: some people are alive and he has already died, while others are dead and he is still alive.

  Those who ride on the heads of the people, the people turn over and let them fall to the ground, and those who are willing to dedicate themselves, people lift them up very high.

  Mr. Lu Xun is such a person, who has forged his lifelong glory with his pen and exchanged it for a bright future for the new China.

  高三英语作文:my favorite writer 11

  I really like Lu Xun because his works are good, with unique materials and full of his own unique insights. Mr. Lu Xuns novels have a vivid literary quality, which is refreshing after reading. This is also the direct reason why I like Lu Xun.

  I remember the first work of Lu Xun that I read was the short story "Hometown". After reading it, the numb Xianglin sister-in-law and the negative middle-aged Runtu were indelible and indelible in my mind. Thats when I began to fall in love with Lu Xuns novels, essays, and essays.

  Later, I checked his information and realized that he was the greatest literary figure in the history of Chinese literature. He used his pen instead of his sword, calling on the people to rise up and fight bravely. He used his articles to awaken people.

  His poetry is not bad either. Guo Moruo said, "Mr. Lu Xun has no intention of being a poet. He occasionally does something, but he never sings." From these few lines of poetry, it is not difficult to see how much Lu Xuns poetry is respected. Looking at Lu Xuns self deprecation, he said, "With a cold expression on his face, he is willing to bow down and be a young ox." Listening to this tone, it is so refreshing, so bold, and so ambitious.

  Mr. Lu Xun is the greatest writer in the history of human literature, and he is my favorite writer. Lets all inherit Lu Xuns writing style and spirit.

  高三英语作文:my favorite writer 12

  I remember the first book that gave me the first qualitative improvement in my writing was Jia Jias "Passing Through Your World". In that year, I remember producing a movie with the same name. The name of the movie was originally the beginning of a story, and when I was feeling sad, I would go see that movie. I dont know why, there are always some things that can move me, such as Yao Jis efforts and Mao Shibas deep affection. At that time, I fell in love with Zhang Jiajias articles, the emotions he presented from a slight detail, his sincerity, and everything about him.

  He had been suffering from heart disease, so he didnt release a new book called "Theres a Snack Shop by the Cloud" until 2018 after finishing "Messi" in 2014. It wasnt until 2019 that a revised version of "Passing by" was released. His words have been silently supporting me, giving me the motivation to move forward and helping me understand most of the meaning of life. In the world, there must always be one or two regretful people who cannot be possessed.

  "Passing by Your World" and "Theres a Snack Shop by the Cloud" are both books that I really like. I hope to have someone like you, like the refreshing wind in the mountains, the warm sunshine in the ancient city, from morning to night, from the mountains to the study, as long as its you in the end.

  Zhang Jiajias words reveal a simple and unadorned love and affection between the lines. I can always make you laugh and shed the most sincere tears.

  高三英语作文:my favorite writer 13

  From elementary school to now, I have read many books and met many writers I have never met before. Among them, my favorite is Lu Xun. His works have unique materials and are full of his own unique insights. Mr. Lu Xuns novels have vivid literary qualities, which are refreshing after reading. This is also the direct reason why I like Lu Xun.

  I remember the first book I read by Lu Xun was "Shout". After reading it, the numb Xianglin sister-in-law and the negative middle-aged Runtu lingered in my mind. Thats when I began to fall in love with Lu Xuns novels and prose.

  He is the greatest literary figure in the history of Chinese literature. He uses his pen instead of his sword, calling on the people to rise up and fight bravely. He uses his writings to awaken people. Not only in writing articles, but also in his poetry, Guo Moruo said, "Mr. Lu Xun has no intention of being a poet. Occasionally, he has done something, and every time he sings, he never fails." From these few lines of poetry, it is not difficult to see how highly respected Lu Xuns poetry is. Looking at Lu Xuns self deprecation, he said, "With a cold eyebrow facing a thousand fingers, bowing down willingly to be a young ox." Listening to this tone, it is so refreshing, so bold, and so ambitious.

  Mr. Lu Xun is the greatest writer in the history of human literature, and he is my favorite writer. I think we should inherit Lu Xuns writing style and spirit.

  高三英语作文:my favorite writer 14

  To be honest, the emergence of electronic products such as mobile phones and computers is really unfriendly to people like me who are not disciplined. Since I became obsessed with games, I have been reading less and less.

  But when I arrived at school and started living in accommodation, without a phone or computer, books became the most precious thing to pass the time. My favorite writer is Cao Wenxuan.

  Cao Wenxuan graduated from Peking University and is currently the Vice Chairman of the Beijing Writers Association. Although according to age, Lao Cao is already the grandfather generation. But his novels do give me a youthful vibe. The melancholic and sensitive nature of youth is vividly portrayed in his works.

  "Grass House" is one of his representative works and also a novel that I really like. The plot of the article is full of twists and turns, ups and downs, and everyone has their own story. These stories are all strung together in a line, and on this line, there is the figure of the protagonist Sang Sang. Especially in terms of writing, it feels like it was written by a teenager, but the old-fashioned way of using words and sentences is beyond the reach of young people.

  "Root Bird" is a bit sad. The protagonist had a difficult life and lived in poverty, but due to an inexplicable letter, he devoted all his efforts to searching for the Grand Canyon. Along the way, there were many difficulties like learning from the West, and the process was described in great detail. Although he finally arrived at his dream location, the ending was still unforgettable and unforgettable.

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