
时间:2023-06-17 15:10:28 秀雯 感恩 我要投稿




  感恩父亲的英语作文 1

  Father is a bad talker. There are traces of years left on the forehead, always with a smile and broad shoulders, which has become the fathers "logo".

  When I was in primary school, my father always walked in front of me. He sent me to school, carrying my schoolbag, and I trotted to keep up with him. At that time, I wanted to say: Father, you are great! At that time, a tall father, an able mother, and this little me were a simple and happy family.

  Years climbed up my fathers face, and his sideburns were silver. I grew up with the small trees planted by our family at the gate. I like my father very much, because she always laughs and plays with me; But I know that I can silently watch my father bending down, as if he is far away. Fathers position is getting higher and higher, so is mother. I entered the middle school and lived in the school. When I came home at the weekend, I opened the door and stood at the door. I felt lost in my empty home. He grabbed a piece of paper with his fathers strong and powerful words: "Xiao Yu, my father is on business, so is my mother. Leave money for your own use and take good care of yourself. Dad." I sighed, rolled the paper into a ball and put it in my pocket, with tears in my eyes somehow. This lifeless home! I thought sadly.

  The next day, when I came back from class, I heard the kitchen range hood buzzing. I was wondering who it was, but I heard the long lost and loud voice: "Come back!" Its the father! I was filled with joy. "Dad, didnt you say something was wrong?" "Ah, yes." My father was busy cooking and said softly, "Im afraid you are hungry and worried about you." Without anything else, I felt something moving in my heart.

  When I went to school by school bus, my father helped me carry my bag. My father and I walked side by side, looking sideways. The wind blew my fathers black and silver hair. I wanted to say something, but I couldnt say it. When crossing the street, my father took me by the hand. "Dad." I looked up: "What do you want me to report to you?" Father shook his head: "You will always walk in front of me, and your happiness is the report." On the school bus, I cried. I felt the branches in my pocket, and there were words on the back! Its full of my name, again and again.

  Dad, what do you want me to give you back? You will always be in front of me, and your happiness is the reward.

  I finally remembered what I was going to say at that time: "Dad! I really want to say I love you!" You dont need anything, just pay, and I? What I want to report is a heart that loves me!

  感恩父亲的英语作文 2

  On the road of life, I am like a car. My father adds energy to me and makes me jump with his most special fuel - fatherly love. My father, like a driver, controls me and keeps me from going astray.

  My fathers love for me is reflected in his meticulous care for my life. From the very beginning of my birth, my father cut my nails and washed my hair. Until I was in kindergarten, my father still took this task. But my father did not spoil me. When I was three years old, my father let me eat by myself. At the age of 11, I began to learn to cook home cooked food and wash clothes. So I had a strong ability of independence. My father acted as my "sparring partner" when I was studying for the exam.

  When I arrive at night, he will accompany me. In summer, my father would silently light a plate of mosquito repellent incense to drive away mosquitoes; When I am here, I will bring a glass of milk and help me to recover my energy. One night, I was so tired that I fell asleep on my desk. When I woke up, I found a bowl of steaming dumplings on my desk with a note left by my father. I picked it up and looked at it. It said, "Dongxing, Dad is out of the car. Just now, I saw you sleeping soundly and wanted you to have a rest. So I didnt wake you up. I ate the dumplings and went to bed early. Dont be too tired." After reading it, my eyes moistened and I said to myself, "Dad, thank you! I will work hard and get good grades to repay you." My final results came out: 98 in Chinese and 96 in math. 5 points. I told my father the good news. My father praised me and praised me as a good boy. In my heart, I said to my father: Without your support, I would not succeed. I owe half of my success to you. Thank you!

  My fathers love for me is reflected in his earnest teaching to me at ordinary times. I remember one time when I had a quarrel with a classmate in our class and fought. When my father learned about this, he became furious and raised his hand to hit me. I closed my eyes, but my father taught me: "You should think calmly when doing anything." You should bear with the wind and the waves for a while, and take a step back. "This sentence should be remembered, you know Since then, I have learned to think twice before acting, and also remember that sentence.

  感恩父亲的英语作文 3

  When the early spring comes, the sparse spring rain always falls and stops, and the bud sticks out of her head. The cold door of the school will open its arms to you without stint.

  There are many people going to school, and many parents voices are mixed in the hustle and bustle of the crowd. I walked to the dormitory alone with my head hunched and my suitcase pulled. I felt very uncomfortable. Just before stepping into the dormitory, I saw that the parents of my classmates were making beds for them with enthusiasm. I tried to pretend that I didnt hear them and went to the bed I had ordered and began making beds. "Is this quilt thick enough? Although spring is coming, it will still be cold. Do you want me to bring you another one from home?" This kind voice let me hear, but it was not said to me. My inner grievances welled up in my heart, and soon my eyes became hazy. It took me a long time to make the bed. There were not many people in the dormitory, so I got up and walked to the classroom.

  "Wait a minute!" I was stopped by a familiar but resentful voice when I was halfway there. Sure enough, it was my father. He looked very old and caught up with a bag in his hand The tone was very flat but revealed a sense of guilt. "Of course I told you, but you forgot." I growled. The father buried his head like a child who did something wrong. He was silent for a long time before he remembered to send me something: "Here are some thick clothes. It will still be cold. Remember to wear them. Here is an umbrella. You should be careful against rain." As soon as the words fell, the big rain fell. My father hurriedly pushed me away and said, "Look, the spring rain is coming. Its time for class. Lets go now."

  When I returned to the classroom, I suddenly remembered something: how could my father go home with only one umbrella? I was trying to find him, but the bell for class had already rung. A trace of concern arises spontaneously in my heart. Through the window, I saw my father standing outside the guard room to take shelter from the rain. "I hope he can wait until class is over." I prayed secretly. Fortunately, the rain didnt stop until the class ended. I quickly picked up the umbrella and went to find him. When my father saw me, he smiled and the wrinkles in his eyes began to curve. "You dont have to come. It will stop as soon as it rains." Said the father. But finally I gave him my only umbrella.

  In the wind and rain, he was alone, and his bent back seemed to support a mountain. Little did he know that he could hold thousands of mountains with his love. This day seems like a dream, a dream awakened by spring rain. This dream is called Thanksgiving.

  感恩父亲的英语作文 4

  The candle is grateful for the fire, burning itself and illuminating others. Gather a little candlelight and bring the warmth of a big family. The white clouds are grateful for the spring breeze and let it run freely in the clear sky; Bees give thanks to flowers, which can make sweet honey. And I, grateful to my father, let me understand the meaning of life.

  Gratitude is a persons most basic responsibility and obligation. Gratitude is a persons moral education and quality. My father is a kind and honest man. He never hit me or scolded me when he was young. Maybe I dont get along with my father very much, because my father works hard outside all the year round.

  What impressed me most was when I was eight.

  That night, Miss Yun seemed to have accidentally fallen into the dye vat and was all black. A lightning like a dragon was drawn from the black cloud, and then brought out bursts of thunder, like huge waves crashing on the shore, imitating the bell in a Buddhist temple. The wind was also angry and kept howling. Lines of rain flew down from the sky, like thousands of arrows, shooting at the stone slab and making a "Da Da" sound, as if some immortal was applauding. At this time, when I was young, I slept on the bed and felt my body was boiling hot, like a piece of hot iron just coming out of the stove. I heard the sound of opening the door, and vaguely saw a figure coming over. It was my father. He was afraid that I would catch cold, and he looked to see if I had covered the quilt. My father looked at my red face, and was a little suspicious. He quickly touched my forehead with his hand, and then probed his own forehead. He found that I was burning badly, so he immediately opened the quilt, lifted me from the bed, carried me on his back, opened the door, rushed out, and ran quickly toward the hospital, My father was so anxious that he forgot to take the umbrella. I was lying on his back. Having no strength, I stretched out my palms on his head to shield him from the rain. As it was raining, the road was slippery. My father stepped on the soft and slippery mud and almost slipped. I heard his rough gasp and his "thumping" heartbeat clearly. I whispered, "Dad... let me down, I can go." My father said anxiously, "Dont talk, dont talk." I closed my eyes and slept on my fathers back. I was suddenly like a frightened bird, and my heart felt a little cold when I was drenched by the rain.

  After I woke up, I had arrived at the hospital. I saw my father sleeping beside my hospital bed. His messy hair had turned gray. His thick and chapped palms covered my hands, which were as dry as a dry field. His face had already shrunk. My father has been running around all the year for me to go to school these years, and years have already swallowed up his face. Thinking of this, my heart is like a piece of ice and can no longer feel warm. My tears soaked my clothes. I touched my fathers thick hands with my tender hands, and couldnt help crying. I was afraid that the crying would wake my father, so I wiped my tears. My father was beside me, pretending to be a happy child.

  All these years have passed, but the scene at that time has never ended. Deep in my memory, it still appears in my mind from time to time. I owe my father too much. How can I be grateful? Perhaps until today, I have found the answer: gratitude is a persons most basic responsibility and obligation, and gratitude is a persons moral education and quality. Be grateful and act with your heart. I believe there is still time.

  感恩父亲的英语作文 5

  Fathers love is like a mountain, tall and lofty, which makes me afraid to climb; Fathers love is as strong as the sky. It is rough and profound. I look up to him and feel pity for him; Fathers love is like a river, long and thin, which makes me dare not tread. From childhood to adulthood, I grew up under the care and company of my father, bathed in his love, and let me enjoy the sweetness of life and the joy of learning.

  I remember one time, my mother and father went to Wanda Plaza for a walk. I didnt think it was necessary to wear more clothes. The outside temperature was very suitable for me. No matter how my father persuaded me, I stubbornly wore cool clothes and got on the bus. After getting out of the car, my father found that I didnt wear a coat. He was worried and asked me: "Son, is it cold?" Take off his coat and give it to me. I said impatiently, "No, no!" But he was defeated by his father. I put on my fathers clothes, which were just like a costume. After putting them on, I threw them a few times. If they were accompanied by opera music, I would be able to act. However, hiding under my fathers big clothes, my heart is flowing with a warm current, which is called "fatherly love". Seeing his father wincing in the wind, he suddenly felt that he was the happiest son in the world.

  Another time, my mother planted a pot of cacti, and I was still young. Because curiosity defeated my fear, I reached out to touch the cactus. "Ah!" I screamed. My father heard the sound and saw that I was sitting beside the cactus, crying. My father asked anxiously, "Silly boy, does it hurt? Let my father have a look. Its a cactus. It has needles on it, does it hurt?" With the comfort of my father, I gradually stopped tears. My father sat in front of me and carefully squeezed out several thorns. Later, my father sat beside my bed and coaxed me to sleep.

  As I grow older, I feel that my fathers love is like a sea, broad, deep and implicit; Fathers love is like a mountain, steady, thick and dignified. Fathers love is a ray of sunshine, which makes my heart feel warm even in the cold winter; Fathers love is a clear spring, which makes my feelings pure even though they are covered with years. Thank my father for growing up in love.

  感恩父亲的英语作文 6

  My father is an ordinary "office worker". Like others, he does ordinary things and lives an ordinary life in the ordinary world every day. But such an ordinary father can always bring me warmth and let me rely on.

  There is a saying in ancient times: strict father and loving mother, but our family is just the opposite. My mother is very strict with me, but my father is obedient to me. Whenever my mother quarrels with me, my father will rush out to stop me, divide my mother and me, first pacify my mothers anxious heart, then communicate with me, and let me realize my mistakes in the conversation. Such behavior of my father not only calmed my mother, but also let me know my mistakes. It is a good father in China!

  My father is an excellent cook. Every weekend, my father will cook my favorite chicken wings. The chicken wings made by my father are many delicacies in the world, much better than those made in restaurants! Every time I eat chicken wings, I wolf down. At this time, my father always shows a knowing smile and says, "This child, eat slowly, eat slowly, dont choke, chicken wings are yours!" Whenever I hear this, I always feel happy! "

  My father likes to take me to travel. Since I havent remembered much, my father has taken me to many places. Although most of them cant remember, I know I was happy at that time with a little memory fragment!

  My father is now more than 40 years old, and years have left deep marks on his face. Father is not as energetic as before. He is really old

  Fathers love is like a mountain, deep and great; Fathers love is like the sea, surging and heroic. I will always love my father and accompany him until he gets old.

  感恩父亲的英语作文 7

  "There is only a father in the world, and a child with a father is like a treasure. Without his guidance, mistakes are inevitable..." In this silent night, I unconsciously thought of my father, and I was lost in thought. I cried when I remembered my fathers smile and voice.

  In the dim tears, I saw my fathers face blackened by the sandstorms of life, the wrinkles carved by the scars of years, especially the growing white hair, which made my heart seem occupied by something. When I got home, my father always liked to touch my neck with his thick and rough hands, which was a kind and severe touch.

  Whenever I was free, my father also liked to take me for a walk in the street. He always walked beside my left hand for fear that I would be hurt. For some reason, when I was with my father, I always felt an unprecedented sense of security.

  In my fathers mind, I was always the best. However, I was always so dissatisfied with my studies. Every time I took an exam, my father was disappointed. At that time, my fathers face became more severe without the usual smile, but he never scolded me. Because in my fathers heart, he knew that I had grown up and would understand the truth of learning. It is my fathers special encouragement that makes me full of confidence in learning. My father asked the tutor to help me with my study. Every night, he always stayed by my side and looked at my fathers red eyes. My heart was filled with guilt. I swear to myself: I will succeed and will not let my father down.

  Dads love has always been like this, light and silent, but it has given me encouragement and confidence to sail

  A gust of wind woke me from memory. At this moment, the sky is dotted with stars, and the earth is quiet. Looking at the bright moonlight in the sky, I hope it can convey my deep yearning for my father to him.

  This article describes the fathers "kindness and sternness". Fathers love is silent but everywhere. However, the descr iption of the examples is not specific enough, lacking the desc ription of the characters language, action, expression, psychology and other aspects, and failing to express the characters inner feelings through typical details.

  感恩父亲的英语作文 8

  Flowers are a wonderful gift of nature. Everyone likes them. Flowers portray love, happiness, joy and all the other positive emotions. Since time immemorial flowers have been an integral part of every celebration and festival.

  But there has been a misconception. Flowers are mainly associated with feminine gender. It is forgotten that men to have a soft side to them. Gift your father a bouquet of flowers on Fathers Day and he surely will be overjoyed. Flowers, especially architectural and bold like tropical flowers, which are masculine, long lasting, tall and sturdy like the fathers usually are, can be

  given. White and Red Rose are known to be the official flowers of Fathers Day. People wear a white rose to honor a father who has deceased and a red rose for a father who is living.

  Men love bright, hot, bold and aggressive colors like yellows, oranges, purples and reds and the arrangements that they go for are mostly the linear ones that are in sync with their organized, calculating mind. They also love the natural and contemporary floral bouquets that are stylish and trendy. One may opt for roses, daisies or exotic flowers, if only one keeps the color theme in

  mind. Vivid red roses and yellow daisies are loved by most men and thus make ideal flowers to be gifted on Fathers Day.

  感恩父亲的英语作文 9

  On the way to Harbin,I felt so sick in the train.When I woke up at midnight,I found my Dad sitting by me with tired eyes.At this very moment,I felt deeply that my Dad was becoming older.Looking at his eyes,I burst into tears. I really wondered how he felt when he returned home,just in the same train,taking 36hours for the long journey.Later on,I called him and asked this question.He just said:"It doesnt matter.All of you have done a good job.As your father,I am so proud."

  The love between family members is precious only when we are parted,maybe.The love between my father and me is clearer,only

  when it is conducted by a three-thousand-kilometre-long phone line,and only then the bad time when we had some argument between us. These past few years,I felt regret for not understanding my Dad for so long.If only I were a good boy!M y Dad didnt demand that I should be very good at studying,never.He just hoped that I could live creatively.In my life,he sets a good example for me and teaches me how to study,how to be a good man and how to live in the world!

  This is a very well-structured and reflective account of the relationship between a young man and his father.It has few mistakes in word order. But the simple style suits the subject.There is good use of detail in small incidents such as the father carrying the boy on his shoulders and the train journey.

  感恩父亲的英语作文 10

  Since I was sensible, my father has been growing up for my health and happiness, for my progress in learning and for my improvement in moral cultivation. Apart from his working hours, he has devoted almost all his time to me. In spring, summer, autumn and winter, its snowy and rainy. For more than ten years, he has been caring about me and cherishing me.

  Listen to Grandma: since the day I was born, the whole family has been working for me. They say that my mother is hard and its not easy to give birth to me. But my father has been running around the hospital day and night, carrying tea and water for my mother and changing my diapers. He hasnt had a rest for a moment. Even in the evening, we have to wait for our mother and daughter to go to sleep sweetly before he can have a rest I often have to cuddle at night. Dad hasnt slept well for three months.

  When I grew up, I was alone in front of the window with my childhood photos. When I was one to three years old, I grew up with the care of my parents every day. Looking at the picture, mom and Dad took me a happy bath, sleeping on the trolley alone, I knew that I must be very happy when I was a child.

  From the age of four to six, I began to enter my kindergarten. Every day, my father cooks breakfast for me. My father is responsible for sending me, picking me up, going to school and finishing school. Once, my father didnt come to pick me up at 4:30 because of something in the company. Seeing it was getting dark, I cried loudly. When my father came to pick me up, I didnt talk to my father all the way, because I was angry. Why did my father come to pick me up late. After going home, my mother always blamed my father, and my father kept apologizing to me. In the future, this kind of situation has never happened again









