初中英语作文:噪音污染 Noise Pollution

时间:2021-09-26 18:54:52 初中作文 我要投稿

初中英语作文:噪音污染 Noise Pollution

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初中英语作文:噪音污染 Noise Pollution

  Noise PollutionIn modern cities there are noises everywhere,but people seem to get used to these noises.They do not take much notice to these unpleasant sounds around them.Therefore,people never believe these sounds will be a serious problem.However,they are wrong.In fact,noises can do great harm to people's physical and psychological health.Staying in a noisy circum-stance for too long will not only damage people's hearing but also cause discomfort of their bodies,and also they will feel nervous and lose their temper easily.Since noise is a serious problem,measures must be taken to control it.Laws and regulations should be passed to reduce the noises in the city.Only in this way can noise pollution be brought under control.

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