




  Every heart has its own flavor. It's exciting, memorable, even sad, and I always feel happy.

  When it comes to happy years, I can't help but think of the New Year and play with my friends. The funniest thing is playing hide-and-seek in my hometown. I looked at the big box and hid in it immediately. Ha, sure is a good place, unexpectedly did not be found by the little friend, I hide in inside can not help secretly sneer happily. After their comprehensive search fruitless, finally helplessly shouted: "come out, we give up!" At this moment, I was triumphant, swaggering out, rushed to the front of them, smiling face back. Of course, in addition to the fun of playing with my friends, I am more happy that my parents don't have to work, and can play with me every day, but it is impossible for me to enjoy the treatment.

  What do you eat in the middle of the year? The New Year's eve dinner, before I started to eat, I was happy to be like a small fish. Why are you so happy? Because there are so many "guests" on this day, we all have dinner together. What makes me most happy is that I can participate in the annual dinner party. Grandma is the main character, my mother is a supporting role, I am at best a walk-on. This year's eve dinner is a rich personality, with meatballs, pork feet, red meat, grilled fish, beef... There are so many that I am dazzled. I just had a bite on each side of the stove, and my stomach was bursting.

  The most beneficial of the Spring Festival is to receive red envelopes! This is not for eating and drinking, but for paying for school fees and for stationery. You didn't realize that the first sentence that every elder gave me a red envelope was: "you must study hard!" I can't live up to their expectations.

  The laughter of play, the happiness of the New Year's eve, the joy of giving red envelopes, all deeply contained in the flavor of the year!


  During the Spring Festival, my parents and I went back to yu yuan's hometown, close to the traditional old age.

  The traditional big year, the number one of course is to eat. The most important dish of the New Year is the pig's head. As the saying goes: "money has no money, buy a pig's head Spring Festival". The pig's head is not handsome, but the pig's head is a legendary delicacy. Grandpa tried hard to break the cooked pig's head, and sliced the pig's tongue, pig's ear, pig's mouth, pig's face and so on. I can't wait to grab a piece of meat and put it in my mouth. Wow, that's delicious. There's no way to describe it. Pork tofu is another great treat. Do you understand how tofu is made? Let me tell you! First, the soybeans are ground into soybean milk, and then the soymilk is cooked in a large pot. At this point, the "magician" - grandma appeared. She turned a small spoonful of salt into the soybean milk, stirred it a few times, and after a few minutes, the soybean milk magically became bean curd. Grandma poured the bean curd into a wooden frame, covered it with a lid, and pressed the stone on it. After about half an hour, the lid was lifted, and the fragrant bean curd was freshly baked.

  When you're full, it's time to go to the theater. After the busy opening of the drum, sun wukong turned over the ball, he was so fierce that he beat the demons all at once. The general, with his face painted on his face, was dressed in bright armor, with little flags on his back, and he was leading the soldiers and the enemy in fierce fighting. The most beloved of all, or the "tuhao gold" in the face of the god of wealth, holding a huge treasure, busy for the New Year...

  This is the New Year that I see, delicious and fun.



















  听旁边的工作人员说,今年春节每天来书城的人都很多,早晨书城还没开门,就有不少孩子等着进场了,不少像我这样的“小书虫”在书城一呆就是半天。等 我精心挑选了几本自己喜欢的名著:《钢铁是怎样炼成的》、《繁星春水》、《鲁宾逊漂流记》,结账的队伍已经排成了一条长龙。我惊喜地发现其中不少孩子是爸 妈陪同来购书的,手里拿的是沉甸甸的新书。




  在石头城公园外秦淮河游船码头上,已经是人山人海,聚集了从四面八方赶来的人们。码头上停靠8艘张灯结彩的画舫,聚光灯巨大的光束游移在水面上、游 船上、岸上、灯影桨上一片辉煌。我迫不及待地用数码相机摄下一个个美丽的瞬间,处处是景、移步换景,最后连自己也融入了这个美丽的画卷中。















  When I was a child, my favorite holiday was the Spring Festival, and the favorite program was the Spring Festival gala. For me, there is nothing better than the seven days of the New Year: pasting spring couplets, hanging blessings, making dumplings, setting off firecrackers, and one after another is too busy to be happy.

  However, as I grew older, I gradually lost interest in the Spring Festival. People were busy and relatives didn't have time to get together. Spring Festival couplet still affixed, red light still hang, firecracker still put, but always feel the Spring Festival is not such a thing, always feel the Spring Festival really is more and more have no meaning, more and less the flavor of the year.

  I often think, "if it goes on like this, in a few years, people may forget the custom of the Spring Festival. Forget the Spring Festival as the real taste of traditional Chinese festivals?

  In the evening, our family sit in front of the TV set and watch the Spring Festival gala. Every now and then a burst of laughter, the laughter of the front and back. While the bell of Chinese New Year is not yet coming, we go downstairs to set off firecrackers, and there are others downstairs to set off firecrackers, our and other people's firecrackers in the air to paint a beautiful picture. From the fire of firecrackers I smell a strong smell of the year.

  The most exciting moment has come! The New Year's bell is only 10 seconds away! The 9-8-7-9-8-7-3-2-1. People pay New Year's greetings to each other, send messages to friends and relatives, call to bless, a small and happy family.

  I am very happy, because it can be seen that people have not abandoned the tradition of thousands of years, still can feel the "New Year flavor" of Chinese New Year, that is an old and small circle round.

























  Wear new clothes, steamed bread, paste couplets and New Year -- -- -- -- -- - the records of our ancestors polite a symbol, not just our nation's cultural birthmark, but every one "hit" in memory. This day, let us walk into the year of the ox Spring Festival, feel that gave the modern feeling, filled with the new "flavor" of the book flavor --.

  Forget qinhuai river on the ~ of brilliant light lanterns that wonderful night, forget beautiful antique "very original" the appearance of beautiful moment, forget the adults smile, encouraging excitement of children -- -- -- -- -- -- --

  "Bam, bam, bam," from time to time, blossom a colorful fireworks in the sky, I port view, but also increase the festive atmosphere of Spring Festival, even in the air has seemed to be integrated into the festival atmosphere!

  The "year flavor" of the new spring is blended into the night game qinhuai, fire trees yinhua not the night of the gunpowder flavor!

  When the pace of the Spring Festival is fading away from us, we still deeply cherish the blessing to our friends. The New Year, let us in daydream, feel the joy of the Spring Festival; In the New Year, let us go to the expectation and experience the beautiful dream of Spring Festival; In the New Year, let us go to the success and feel the new "year flavor" brought to us by the Spring Festival culture.


  The New Year is coming soon! I have nine days left, and I've been counting my fingers.

  There was a little breeze blowing outside. Dad took me to the street. Oh my god! To my surprise, I sold so many guns. The market was very quiet the other day.

  "Tick! La la la! I am happy to hum a little song! The streets are the heaven of cannons, the world of couplet. "Dad, I love this gun." "Okay, I'll pay." "Dad paid.

  We just walked to the little park. New Year pictures, couplets, lanterns, artillery, and busy people can see that the New Year is coming. Along the way, father bought me some guns, I am very happy!

  We saw a lantern which said: there are fish every year. My father told me that every year I was poor, and I expected to have savings every year.

  I chose a New Year picture, and my father bought it. We have seen "fu" lanterns in every neighborhood.

  I went home with my dad, and I was happy to talk about the flavor of the year!




















  The firecrackers are still so loud and deafening; The fireworks are still so gorgeous, dazzling. The children still look forward to the New Year, the adults are still busy, and I walk under the bright sky of fireworks, but feel the age of this thing a little bit with the age.

  Once upon a time, we were not rich, but the New Year was so delicious. We began to look forward to the Chinese New Year when we had winter vacation. Every day, we would turn over the calendar and count the days. Seems it is a holy day, all children are able to open happy heart play, can open happy heart take a red envelope, although the money in red envelopes is not much, but the feeling is very good. I often wonder if the poorer the place is, the stronger it is, whether it is time to escape to a small village to feel the atmosphere of the Spring Festival.

  At the moment, we have more advanced communication tools, we can have a more powerful media, let the festival atmosphere transmission, there gradually into our hearts, these young but should use our rational judgment to the long tradition of the selection for the festival atmosphere, let them in our hands better inheritance, it is our duty.

  The sky fireworks are still in bloom, I picked up the firecracker on the ground, lit it with fire, like to throw into the air as a child, "jump", a loud explosion of the sound of a thick childhood.









