小学生英语作文带翻译:爸爸的生日 Dads birthday

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小学生英语作文带翻译:爸爸的生日 Dads birthday(通用7篇)

  无论在学习、工作或是生活中,大家最不陌生的就是作文了吧,作文是经过人的思想考虑和语言组织,通过文字来表达一个主题意义的记叙方法。相信很多朋友都对写作文感到非常苦恼吧,以下是小编为大家收集的小学生英语作文带翻译:爸爸的生日 Dads birthday,希望对大家有所帮助。

小学生英语作文带翻译:爸爸的生日 Dads birthday(通用7篇)

  小学生英语作文带翻译:爸爸的生日 Dads birthday 1


  Today, November 2, is a day that makes me happy - my fathers birthday.


  That day, I got up early and bought a delicious breakfast for my father. Then I did my homework outside. Dad left with a bang. When I finished my class in the evening, I bought moss cake with my pocket money and wrote a letter to him. My father was so happy that he kissed me several times and moved me to tears.

  小学生英语作文带翻译:爸爸的生日 Dads birthday 2

  July 18 is my fathers birthday. I want to give dad a romantic and meaningful birthday.

  In previous years, I had a meal in a restaurant with my dads friends, even if it was my birthday.This year, I asked my grandmother to prepare her best - fresh rice noodles.The family gathered together at grandmas house, and the family said they laughed, the more they ate, the more he told jokes.

  After eating noodles, my mother took out a very fine birthday cake for dad, a heart-shaped chocolate cake!The best thing about the cake was me, and I put my birthday hat on my head, as if it were my birthday.My father put my hat on my father and my dad put on his birthday hat. It was so funny that we laughed until we stopped.I also took a photo with my dad.Finally, my sister and I lit candles for my fathers birthday, and our whole family was happy to have a birthday cake and cut the cake.

  It looks like a simple birthday party, but I feel romantic and warm, more is thick family!Finally, I wish father a happy birthday and good health!





  小学生英语作文带翻译:爸爸的生日 Dads birthday 3

  Today is my father’s birthday, but he doesn’t celebrate it. It’s because he must work today.


  I say happy birthday to him in the morning. And I prepare a birthday card for him, which I draw it by myself.


  I wrote “Happy birthday to you, my dear daddy. Best wishes from your dear daughter. I love you.”


  When I gave it to him, he was so happy and smiled to me.


  At night, we have a delicious dinner which is my father’s favorite dishes cooked by my mother.


  She says it’s her birthday gift to my father.


  I think it’s enough because we all enjoy the dinner.


  My father says that my mother and I give him a happy and beloved birthday.


  小学生英语作文带翻译:爸爸的生日 Dads birthday 4

  Today is daddys birthday.Mum bought a nice little cake for my father.Mum put the cakes on the table and asked dad to come over and cut the cake. "this little cake is so beautiful," he said.Dad cut the cake into piece by piece, said: "well, to eat," mother said: "you seem to forget the vows," father bowed their heads and close my eyes and said: "I wish my family are healthy and happy!"My father made a wish, and I took a big gulp of food.After eating my little belly, I almost become a big ball, round and drum.I wish my father healthy, perfect, work smoothly, and so on every year.

  After dinner, its time for a present.Mom took out the gift he had given him, and asked his father to guess what it was.Dad couldnt guess.I had to give it to him, and my father opened it and saw that it was a big purse, and my father said, "Im thinking of changing my wallet," and my mothers gift came to my fathers heart.Now its my turn, I give father a yellow envelope, open on see dad is a greeting card, the card with the "I wish my father happy birthday, good health and a happy day", dad excitedly said: "this is the first son to send me a card, I want to have a closed!"I think my gift is better!



  小学生英语作文带翻译:爸爸的生日 Dads birthday 5


  Today is Dads birthday. Beibei is holding a bunch of flowers. It says "happy dads birthday!" there is a birthday cake on the table. However, mom and Babe didnt come back from the afternoon until the evening.


  Beibei asked, "Mom, mom, why hasnt dad come back?"


  Mom said: "Dad is a bus driver, very busy work, todays holiday, the unit must be overtime again, so did not come back."


  Beibei knew the news. From then on, she would never wait for her father on the festival night. He wants to wait for his father to eat in the morning, and then give the cake to his father. Happy birthday to him!

  小学生英语作文带翻译:爸爸的生日 Dads birthday 6


  Today is my fathers birthday. I want to give him a surprise. Whats the surprise for him? I first sent a text message on my mothers mobile phone, which said: "Happy Birthday to you, dear dad, forever! Daughter: Wang Rui."


  At night, when I came home, I gave my father the greeting card I made by myself in the daytime. My father said happily, "thank you, daughter."

  小学生英语作文带翻译:爸爸的生日 Dads birthday 7

  今天是爸爸的生日。我和妈咪去买了四个蛋糕,回到家以后,爸爸还没有回来,我忍不住吃啦一个,太美味了。然后就去睡觉去了,到了晚上爸爸终于回来啦,吃过晚饭后。我们先给爸爸唱生日歌 , 然后妈咪给爸爸送了2个精美的礼物,原来妈咪昨天就偷偷的.把礼物买好了,爸爸好开心。

  Today is Dads birthday. Mommy and I went to buy four cakes. When we got home, my father didnt come back. I couldnt help eating one. It was delicious. Then I went to bed. At night, Dad finally came back. After dinner. We sang the birthday song to Dad first, and then Mommy gave Dad two beautiful gifts. It turned out that mommy bought the gifts secretly yesterday. Dad was so happy.


  Then I eat cake. There are super delicious chocolate cake and grape cake. The last cake is the biggest. I have eaten it alone. Happy birthday and good health to Dad~

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