
时间:2023-12-14 07:05:53 英语作文 我要投稿




英语作文 篇1

  The climate of China now is more changeable than before. There were more and mores and storms in the north of China this years. The reason of it that we cut downof burn too many trees. The trees get less and less.

  Now, weknow trees are very important for us. The clean the air and stop the pollution.We cannot life without them. We should do something for the earth. We should plantmore trees and go out by bike of on foot. They are easy to do.

  If we allwork together, we will really have a nice future.

英语作文 篇2

  第一次野营 Going Camping For the First Time

  I always want to go camping, because I think it is cool. But my parents think that I am too small to do it, so they refuse me. One day, I told my parents that my friends and I planned to go camping, the place was very close to my friend’s home. So my parents allowed me. I was so happy, we put up the tent and took out the food we prepared. When it was dark, we set the fire and we song and dance, we played the games happily. Before we slept, I laid on the tent and talked secret with my friends. This is the first time for me to go camp and I enjoy it so much.


英语作文 篇3

  Last night, my best friend and I see a funny movie.

  In the movie, the little boy made an appointment with his friends in ten years. So I was inspired, we also decided to make an appointment. We wrote something in the books and we hided it. We promised to see it in five years. It must be very interesting when we see it.

英语作文 篇4

  a chubby baby smiles in at 天安门 square in beijing, in . china as a nation has grown in stature since unleashing its economy more than two decades ago but so have its people, who are getting taller and heavier.

  chinese children are an average 6 cm (2.34 inches) taller and roughly 3 kg (6.6 pounds) heavier than they were 30 years ago, inhua said, citing a report released by the ministry of health on saturday.

  the average height of si-year-old boys grew from 112.3 centimeters in 1975 to 118.7 cm, according to the survey conducted in .

  girls averaged 117.7 cm tall, 6.2 cm more than in 1975, the survey said. the survey has been conducted every 10 years since 1975.

  chinas people suffered from decades of privation, but have seen incomes and nutrition blossom more recently.

  the survey polled 138,775 children in urban and suburban areas of nine major cities, including beijing and shanghai.

  the average weight of boys in was 21.7 kg, up 3 kg from 1975, while girls averaged 20.8 kg -- 2.7 kgs heavier, inhua said.

  being better fed has brought problems, however, including an alarming rise in obesity -- once unheard of in china -- and related illnesses such as diabetes.

  health officials have blamed the problem on reduced consumption of grains and vegetables in favor of more fatty junk foods.

  saturdays report pointed out some adjustments made necessary by chinas growth spurt, including beijings move this year to raise the height under which children get free public bus rides.

  despite the better nutrition in cities, countless children in chinas still-backward rural areas suffered from malnutrition, the report noted.

英语作文 篇5

  Internet has penetrated into all the aspects of our life and work. We can study and work by it; we can find a job by it; we can communicate by it; we can entertain by it; we can buy and sell by it. We can do almost everything on the internet, almost anywhere any time. However, while providing services for us, internet is inevitably inevitable invading our privacy to some degree. The services on most website require our registration. If we want enjoy these services, we have to provide much private information, including our name, address, gender, telephone number and sometimes bank account number. Due to the poor administration and weak security, our information might be open, stolen or sold on the internet. Even sometimes the information will be misused by the criminals. Considering the above-mentioned, we must enhance the alertness when using the internet. First, when we need internet service, we should try to log on those big legal websites. Second, if the service requires important private information, you should think twice before you type it in.

英语作文 篇6

  educational system 教育方式

  Do your teachers still use traditional techniques to teach you nowadays? A revol- ution in teaching techniques is required now。 In the past, we just took it for granted that a teacher' s aim was to teach the students all that he knew and solve all the problems for them。 Therefore, students could mot judge things on their own under this circumstance。 Thus students gradually lost the ability to learn by themselves。 In addition, they were only equipped with the knowledge that were taught in class and made the same judgement upon every problem which might crop up。 Of course, they would find their knowledge not enough to solve practical problems。

  So it is time to change the teaching method。 A teacher' s goal is to help the students develop not only the ability to learn by themselves but the skills to make judgements on every aspect on their own。 It' s not necessary for the students to turn to teachers for help while meeting with difficulties。 The first thing is to develop the students' abilities to make sound judgements upon any problem and overe difficulties。

  All in all, the aim of teaching is to liberate, but mot to fetter the students' innate powers of making sound judgements。


  你的老师还在用传统方法授课吗?此刻教育方式的改革需要进行。过去,老师把他所有的知识教给学生,并帮学生解决他们所有的难题,这似乎是理所当然的。因此,在这种状况下,学生不能自我决定,也慢慢失去自学潜力。另外,他们只能学到课堂上的东西,应对任一突发事件都会作出同样的决定。当然,他 们业余感到所学知识不足以解决实际问题。



英语作文 篇7

  Fire is hope. With fire, human beings have the basic power of survival and development. We use fire to drive away the beasts, resist the cold with fire, and human beings can survive; we use fire to open up land, build homes, cook food with fire, bid farewell to the raw meat that is hard to swallow, and human beings can develop and grow with fire. Fire the Yuanmingyuan, fire the Afang palace, fire, or fire. Burn the civilization of ancient China, burn the magnificent spectacle of Chinese architecture. At the same time, it also burns us for life.


英语作文 篇8

  One of the best ways to convey exactly how you feel about someone is through written words。 Finding the perfect way to say what you mean when it comes to love can be a challenging task for anyone。 So, we ve gathered some helpful tips。 Go ahead; spill your heart onto a piece of paper。 Whether through a one—line sentiment, a poem, or some prose let them know how you feel!

  Tips for writing your own love letters。

  Make it personal。 Writing a love letter is a dying art。 So if you re going to say it mean it! Express your gratitude for the person being in your life。

  Include any special nicknames that the two of you share。

  Be specific。 What are the things that he/she does to make you starry—eyed? Is it the way he gets a little teary at a sad movie? Is it the way she can t wake up without her green tea?

  Include memories of specific times you spent together。 Let him/her know what they meant to you and why。

  Whether you re sending it by mail or delivering it to them personally, hand—write it。 Typed letters are sterile。 If you re even thinking about e—mail, then do something creative like designing a personalized home page love letter。 You can get free templates at Colleges。com。

  Love quotes

  People have been writing about love for centuries。 Love quotes can capture exactly how you feel about your sweet in just a few words。 Make up your own, or borrow a few of these to add to your letter。

  Those who love deeply never grow old。

  Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking together in the same direction。

  For an instant, love can transform the world。

  It s not being in love that makes me happy。 It s being in love with YOU that makes me happy。

  If there is anything better than to be loved, it is loving。

  Did I tell you today how much I love you?

  Creative expression

  Think a letter is too boring? Here are 10 ways to get your message across and have it remembered。

  1、Write your message in magnetic letters on their refrigerator。

  2、 Create a Letter Hunt。

  Leave a note on his/her computer telling him/her you have written him/her a love letter, but it has to be found。 Give a clue。 Clue to clue to clue。 Make your lover search for the prize。

  3、 Send your love roses according to how many letters he/she has in their name。

  On each flower, attach a note that uses the letters of their name, as the first letter of the message。 For example: Sean。 The first rose could say, Sometimes I get starry—eyed when I look at you。 The second, Everything you do makes me happy。 And so on。



英语作文 怎样学习英语02-02







