英语六级作文:电影电视(Film Is Giving Way to TV

时间:2022-08-05 19:11:45 英语作文 我要投稿

英语六级作文:电影电视(Film Is Giving Way to TV)

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英语六级作文:电影电视(Film Is Giving Way to TV)

  As time passes by,fewer people go to see movies. as shown in the table, the number of film-goers in 1975 is 85,000,whereas in 1985 there are only 12,000 people who go to see movies. it is also evident that the number of film-goers keeps decreasing slowly.

  More and more people like to watch tv due to the rapid development of tv industry. as seen from the table, the number of tv watchers increases from 5,000 in 1975 to 100,000 in 1985. the basic cause of this change is the fast development of tv industry. tv provides more interesting and colorful programs to the watchers. it lets people enjoy themselves at home instead of going out. various tv channels offer the watchers more choices of whatever they want to see.

  However,there are still stone film-goers because film has its own advantages. its appealing audio and visual effects, vivid atmosphere and long history still outshine tv at present time.

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