
时间:2022-06-21 22:03:32 英语作文 我要投稿




学英语作文 篇1

  My best friend and I get along with each other quite well.But we are so different.He is funnier,more outgoing than I am and i'm more serious.He is more athletic and likes to play all kinds of sports but I am smarter on study.My friend is wilder than me and I am calmer.He is all,thin,strong,with short hair,And sometimes he is very careless and lazy.On the other hands,I am short,fat,weak,with shorthair.He is very helpful because I am very lazy and don't want to do any sports.And I will help him with his study.

学英语作文 篇2

  When I grow up.I don’t want to be like my parents.I don’t want to be like my teacher.I want to be a salesperson.I want to know many foreigner.

  Some years ago.I don’t know a little English.One day,I can’t speak English in Englih class,many classmates are hate me.As a result,I want to be a salesperson.Even thoughe this dream is very small,but I can know many foreigner.I can study English with them.And then I can know many English,and I can out of China,run to America.

  When I grow up.I want to be a special salesperson.

学英语作文 篇3

  English language has become an international language, because it isused by people in the most countries in the world now.For English learners, English learning is a fine combination oflistening, speaking, reading and writing. Nodoubt, reading skill is of the utmost importance of these skills. Extensivereading is an effective approach to enlarge vocabularies, strengthen languageknowledge, enrich presentation skills and elevate the level of expression.


  Extensive reading plays a crucial role inimproving the comprehensive skills in English learning. It is mainly reflectedin the following aspects:


  The first, reading extensively is one ofthe most effective ways to enlarge our vocabulary; the second, extensivereading is an important way to develop the students' language and thought; thethird, extensive reading is helpful to improve the use of grammar; the forth,extensive reading stimulates students' reading interest, promotes their readingability and helps them inspire the passion of reading.





  All in all, extensive reading takesextremely significant effect in language learning. It can not only give thestudents a great deal of help in deeper level of comprehension about readingmaterials, but also offer the students some skills and methods in writing, asthe old Chinese saying goes, "only through reading thousands of books canone write fluently"; besides, it is another gold key to open the knowledgetreasure-house.


学英语作文 篇4

  M ther’s da

  M ther is an accuntant, she is beautiful and clever. She lies reading bs. She’s bus ever da.

  In the rning, she gets up at half past five fr ding husewr. After breafast, she alwas taes e t schl. And then she ges t wr. She lves her b ver uch, s she wrs hard.

  At nn, she ces he fr wr. She usuall arrives he earl, because she cs a eal fr us. She watches TV and sleeps seties.

  In the afternn, she ges t wr, t. I see t see ther's hard wring.

  At night, she ften drins tea and reads bs. She ges t bed at ten ’clc.

  It’s ther’s da, bus and happ da!








学英语作文 篇5

  On job interviews when first conversing with an individual and when addressing small orlarge groups, the first few seconds are critical in setting the tone for how you'll be perceived. If she has an annoying regional accent, uses incorrect grammar, has a limited vocabulary, and if she has an irritatingly sharp piercing voice, sounds whiny or bossy or doesn't articulate her words clearly, it' s an immediate turn-off. This isn't someone who you would hire or proudly introduce to your friends and business associates. This doesn't mean that everyone should try to sound like a professional actor or broadcaster. All of us have qualities unique to our own way of speaking, our individual voiceprintas distinctive as our fingerprints. Our voice is very personal and an important part of our identity. Some natural characteristics of our voice may be very appealing. The idea is to take the voice with which you've been gifted and give it the very best sound that you can. With the right type of practice, by paying attention to the quality of your voice and by knowing how to properly express yourself,you' II almost immediately improve your opportunities in job interviews, social situations, in selling, and in running a meeting or addressing groups of people. Let' s say it again, it all begins with the instrument, your voice. If its sound and quality is flawed and needs improvement, that' s where you start. That' s what everyone hears whether in casual conversation or in making a major speech to a large audience. Pure vowel sounds, articulation, proper breathing, expressive speaking patterns, a pleasing vocal range, naturalness, all these will make you get twice the result with half the effort.



学英语作文 篇6

  With the acceleration of economicglobalization, many countries have strengthened their international cooperationand liaison in the fields like industry, agriculture, trade and finance. Forthe sake of mutual development, many developed countries spare no efforts tohelp the poor countries by means of technological, medical and financial aid,which, to my mind, is quite essential to the development of the whole worldcommunity.


  Firstly,aids from developed countries optimize people’s living standard anderadicate poverty in the poor countries. Due to the backwardness of science andtechnology, a considerable number of people in some undeveloped countries suchas Africa, Latin America and Asia suffer a great deal from poverty, hunger andthe shortage of water. Out of humanism, international aids from developedcountries have improved their living standard and helped them with thedevelopment of agriculture, industry and economy. A timely support certainlyserves as a godsend to countries and people in urgent need.


  Secondly,aids to the under-developed countries in turn benefit the donators.Due to the limitation of natural and human resources, the production cost soarssharply in the developed countries. With a view to reduce cost, many countriestransferred their assembly lines and production bases to the developingcountries because it could lower the production cost.


  In a nutshell, internationalaids have satisfied mutual interests as a win-win solution. Therefore, thegovernments should take effective measures to better utilize internationalaids. International aid is necessary for mutual prosperity of the whole humanity.


学英语作文 篇7

  one day, when i was si years old, my aunt cane to see us form shanghai. my parents and brother happened to be out then.

  was late in the afternoon. the room was a little dark. my aunt felt tired. i asked her to sit down and have a rest. when areyour daddy and mummy, my dear? asked aunt. they have gone shopping and will be back in an hour. i‘ll fetch a cup of tea foryou, aunty. when i went into the kitchen, a good idea came into my mind: after a ling journey my aunt must be very hungry.i‘ll give her a cup of milk instead of a cup of tea. when i opened the cupboard. i saw a bottle of ‘milk‘ powder in it. ipoured a cup of the ‘milk‘ and gave it to my aunt. thank you very much. it‘s very ind of you, she said. please tastethe milk. has it enough sugar? my aunt took a sip of the ‘milk‘ and spilt it out at once. what is it, ranran? she askedin surprise. it‘s milk, i said loudly and proudly. but it doesn‘t taste like milk. where did you get it? i took auntinto the kitchen and showed the bottle to her. oh, it turned out to be a bottle of washing powder!

  the evening my parentscame back. when they heard what i did, my mother said to me with a smile, you are great. you have learned to entertainguests without us.

  everal years have passed. nnow i am a middle school student. every time my parents repeat the story, wehave a good laugh over it.


  1. cupboard: n. piece of furniture, with shelves and doors, for keeping things in. 碗柜

  2.powder: n. any fine stud like dust. 粉末;粉

  3. pour: v. flow steadily and rapidly; rain hard and steadily 倒;灌;大雨倾盆

  4.sip: n. a very small amount of drink. 一呷之量

  5. entertain: v. to amuse and interest. 使高兴;使感兴趣

学英语作文 篇8




学英语作文 篇9

  Dear daddy,

  When I was doing my homework, Blaire called me to go out with her.

  She wanted to go to the bookshop. I also have some books to buy, so I go out with her.

  I will return at about 5 o'clock p.m.. Don't worry about me.

  Yours, Lily










