
时间:2024-01-23 08:10:46 英文读后感 我要投稿





  An ugly duckling was excluded and laughed at from birth. Even his brothers and sisters looked down upon him, and even his mother hated the duckling, but after countless hardships and setbacks, it became a beautiful and noble swan

  Such an ugly duckling can turn into a noble swan. How much effort he has made and how much suffering he has experienced! However, he endured. For his own dreams, he endured the exclusion, ridicule and bullying of others. But gold is not afraid of fire, it has become a noble and beautiful swan.

  In fact, life is the same. Perhaps you have been hit, perhaps you have encountered setbacks, do not be sad, do not hesitate. The sun is always in the wind and rain, how can we be blocked by the dark clouds in front of us to find the sun?

  Without wind and rain, there is no rainbow. No one can casually succeed. Let's remember the lyrics. No matter what we will encounter in the future, as long as we persist, we will succeed. You can transform into a noble swan like an ugly duckling.


  The ugly duckling became the laughing object of all chickens and ducks because of its ugly appearance. Even its own brothers, sisters and mother bullied it, so it ran away and began a lonely life of wandering. It encountered many dangers and suffered many setbacks, but it did not give in, but worked hard to exercise itself. Finally, it found that it could fly and become a beautiful swan.

  After reading this fairy tale, I understand that adversity can make people grow. As long as you are like an ugly duckling, you are not afraid of difficulties, persevere, and strive to improve yourself, you will certainly succeed.

  Without wind and rain, there is no rainbow. A person will inevitably experience many setbacks and difficulties in his life. If he loses confidence in himself and gives up his efforts, he will always be a loser. I will take the frustrations in life as sharpening my mind. As long as I work hard and be confident, I will one day become a beautiful white swan and soar in the blue sky like an ugly duckling.


  In the summer vacation, I read the Ugly Duckling written by the Danish writer Andersen's grandfather, and thought it was very beautiful.

  The article tells about a very ugly duck. Its brothers and sisters hate it, so it left home. It came to the forest. Suddenly, a hunting dog chased it, and the birds in the tree laughed at it.

  One night, the ugly duckling came to the reeds by the lake and saw some beautiful white swans. The ugly duckling said to himself, "If only I could become a beautiful white swan!" Just after that, the ugly duckling felt cold and hid in the reeds.

  In spring, all kinds of flowers opened, the ugly duckling woke up, came to the river, saw the beautiful shadow on the lake, and said: "I am a white swan!"

  After reading this article, I understand that no matter what difficulties a person encounters, he should actively overcome them. When the ugly duckling returns home again, his brother and sister will treat him warmly and apologize, and his family will be reunited again. The ugly duckling lives happily every day.


  Of all the fairy tales I read in Andersen's Fairy Tales, the Ugly Duckling is my favorite. It tells the story of a duckling who is ridiculed, ridiculed and rejected everywhere. In addition to his mother's love for him, other ducks and animals bullied him. Even brothers and sisters could not tolerate him. But he did not sink or give up. He always insisted on the beauty and kindness of his heart, and finally turned into a white swan.

  Everyone has a love of beauty. Who doesn't love beauty? But while beauty in appearance is important, beauty in mind is the most important. If the beauty of soul, morality, wisdom, language and action is the most beautiful person in the world. Some people are beautiful in appearance, but evil in heart. Is that also beautiful? Some people, though ugly in appearance, are hardworking, diligent and kind. Is he ugly?

  No matter what the external conditions are, as long as you firmly believe, adhere to your beautiful dream and persevere in fighting for it, you will succeed and become a beautiful white swan flying.






丑小鸭读后感推荐 读《丑小鸭》有感05-09



