
时间:2022-05-27 12:38:12 演讲稿 我要投稿




  毕业典礼英语演讲稿 篇1

  I am honoured to be at the Royal Hospital today as your reviewing officer once again, on this the 75th Anniversary of D-Day.

  Not only is today a prominent historical occasion, it is also a special day in the Royal Hospital calendar – bringing together families, old friends and the chance to make new ones.

  Both your founder King Charles II, and Sir Christopher Wren himself would be delighted to know that the institution which opened its doors to the first Pensioners over 325 years ago, continues to fulfil its original purpose of giving exceptional care to soldiers in retirement.

  Theyd also be amused to hear about the late-night cricket in the hallways! Much less the serenading by Colin, who I am told is Royal Variety standard, but lets assume they havent seen your synchronised buggy drill quite yet!

  Now I stand here before you to not only acknowledge the incredible contribution you have made to this nation, but to acknowledge that you, my friends, are also seriously good fun to be around!

  毕业典礼英语演讲稿 篇2

  Taken together, these four elements of Beyond Carbon will be the largest coordinated assault on the climate crisis that our country has ever undertaken.

  Thank you. We will work to empower and expand the volunteers and activists fighting these battles community by community, state by state. It’s a process that our foundation and I have proved can succeed. After all, this isn’t the first time we’ve done an end run around Washington.

  A decade ago, no one would have believed that we could take on the coal industry and close half of all U.S. plants, but we have.

  A decade ago, no one would have believed we could take on the NRA and pass stronger gun safety laws in states like Florida, Colorado, and Nevada, but we have.

  Two decades ago, no one would have believed that we could take on the tobacco industry and spread New York City’s smoking ban to most of America and to countries around the world, but we have.

  And now, we will take on the fossil fuel industry to accelerate the transition to a clean energy economy. I believe we will succeed again – but only if one thing happens, and that is: you have to help lead the way by raising your voices, by joining an advocacy group, by knocking on doors, by calling your elected officials, by voting, and getting your friends and family to join you.

  Back in the 1960s, when scientists here at MIT were racing to the moon, there was a populist saying that went: if you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem. Today, Washington is a very, very big part of the problem.

  毕业典礼英语演讲稿 篇3

  Third, we will support our most powerful allies – governors, mayors, and legislators – in their pursuit of ambitious policies and laws. And we will empower the grassroots army of activists and environmental groups that are currently driving progress state by state.

  Together, we will push for new incentives and mandates that increase renewable power, pollution-free buildings, waste-free energy, access to mass transit, and sales of electric vehicles, which are now turning the combustion engine – and all of its pollution – into a relic of the Industrial Revolution.

  Fourth, and finally, we will get deeply involved in elections across the country, because climate change is now first and foremost a political problem, not a scientific quandary or even a technological puzzle.

  Now, I know that, as scientists and engineers, “politics” can be a dirty word. I’m an engineer – I get it. But I’m also a realist, so I have three words for you: get over it.

  毕业典礼英语演讲稿 篇4

  my dear teachers and classmates ,good evening!

  today i stand here to stand for all our graduates to say good bye to our beloved school ,to this unforgettable memory and to our dear teachers and classmates .and this is the time to say thank you to all my teachers .

  how time flies ,it has been 3 years since we entered the school .but there are so many things is worth to cherishing ,such as the bright classroom ,tall trees and beautiful flowers .

  we spent these 3 years with hardship and happiness ,fully and meaningful ,sorrow and happy and during this time we learned a lot . up to now ,we not only learned chinese , maths,physics ,chemistry, but also learned how to write articles etc .

  above all ,it makes me know what is love.it is the result of our teachers hardworking .even though we will left our mother school ,we will never give up receiving advanced education .take it easy ,my dear teachers !i wont let you in the future.

  Thank you!

  毕业典礼英语演讲稿 篇5

  So today, I’m happy to announce that, with our foundation, I’m committing $500 million to the launch of a new national climate initiative, and I hope that you will all become part of it. We are calling it Beyond Carbon. The last one was Beyond Coal, this is Beyond Carbon because we have greater goals.

  Our goal is to move the U.S. towards a 100% cleaner energy economy as expeditiously as possible, and begin that process right now. We intend to succeed not by sacrificing things we need, but by investing in things we want: the more good jobs, cleaner air and water, cheaper power, more transportation options, and less congested roads that we can get.

  毕业典礼英语演讲稿 篇6

  Instead of challenging Americans to believe in our ability to master the universe, as President Kennedy did, the current administration is pandering to the skeptics who, in the 1960s, looked at the space program and only saw short-term costs and long-term benefits.

  President Kennedy’s era earned the nickname, ‘The Greatest Generation’ – not only because they persevered through the Great Depression and won the Second World War. They earned it because of determination to rise, to pioneer, to innovate, and to fulfill the promise of American freedom.

  They dreamed in moonshots. They reached for the stars. And they began to redeem – through the Civil Rights Movement – the failures of the past. They set the standard for leadership and service to our nation’s ideals.

  Now, your generation has the opportunity to join them in the history books. The challenge that lies before you – stopping climate change – is unlike any other ever faced by humankind. The stakes could not be higher.

  If left unchecked, the climate change crisis threatens to destroy oceanic life that feeds so many people on this planet. It threatens to breed war by spreading drought and hunger. It threatens to sink coastal communities, devastate farms and businesses, and spread disease.

  毕业典礼英语演讲稿 篇7

  you all are leaving your alma mater now. i have no gift to present you all except a piece of advice.

  what i would like to advise is that "don’t give up your study." most of the courses you have taken are partly for your certificate. you had no choice but to take them. from now on, you may study on your own. i would advise you to work hard at some special field when you are still young and vigorous. your youth will be gone that will never come back to you again. when you are old, and when your energy are getting poorer, you will not be able to as you wish to. even though you have to study in order to make a living, studies will never live up to you. making a living without studying, you will be shifted out in three or five years. at this time when you hope to make it up, you will say it is too late. perhaps you will say, "after graduation and going into the society, we will meet with an urgent

  problem, that is, to make a living. for this we have no time to study. even though we hope to study, we have no library nor labs, how can we study further?"

  i would like to say that all those who wait to have a library will not study further even though they have one and all these who wait to have a lab will not do experiments even though they have one.

  when you have a firm resolution and determination to solve a problem, you will naturally economize on food and clothing.

  as for time, i should say it’s not a problem. you may know that every day he could do only an hour work, not much more than that because darwin was ill for all his life. you must have read his

  achievements. every day you spend an hour in reading 10 useful pages, then you will read more than 3650 pages every year. in 30 years you will have read 110,000 pages.

  my fellow students, reading 110,000 pages will make you a scholar. but it will take you an hour to read three kinds of small-sized newspapers and it will take you an hour and a half to play four

  rounds of mahjian pieces. reading small-sized newspapers or playing mahjian pieces, or working hard to be a scholar? it’s up to you all. henrik ibsen said, "it is your greatest duty to make yourself out."

  studying is then as tool as casting. giving up studying will destroy yourself.

  i have to say goodbye to you all. your alma mater will open her eyes to see what you will be in 10 years. goodbye!

  毕业典礼英语演讲稿 篇8

Dear teachers and students

  hello everyone!

  The years are in a hurry, and the flowers are blooming and falling. In a twinkling of an eye, the words of six years of primary school students have passed like clouds. However, my heart is still very attached to my alma mater. After six years of primary school life, I can usher in a strange school gate.

  Here, many memories are clearly reflected in my mind. From the first day of the first grade, I came to this mysterious and strange campus. Day by day in the past, the blink of an eye to the second grade. Once, my friends and I were chasing each other on the playground. We were very happy. Without waiting to be happy, a sudden pain happened to me. There was a classmate who stretched out his foot, but at that time I was still completely immersed in the game. One of them didn't pay attention and was knocked down. But because of my confusion, half of my face fell out of blood, just like the face was destroyed. At that time, the players were stunned and dull for two seconds before they realized that I was wrestling. Some of my friends wipe my face with paper towel while walking, while others hold me, showing great concern and anxiety in their eyes. At that time, my tears have been spinning in my eyes, moving tears have been flowing down.

  I still remember that when I held the sports meeting, I chose two events, both of which were running, but I was just making trouble. I ran the 100 meter race first, and I came last. I was very discouraged, but the teacher came to comfort me and encouraged me all the time. One day later, it was my 200 meter run, and I was the last runner. The teacher not only didn't say that I was useless, but also encouraged me all the time, saying that you will get good results in the next race. I also want to get good grades very much. I'm born without motor cells. No matter how I practice, I can't even get up. In sports, I may be a Dou that I can't help.

  Goodbye, dear alma mater, the past events in your arms are still fresh in my mind. They are the shining pearls in our memory warehouse; In your arms, we become sensible from ignorance; In your arms, we grow from childish to mature; In your arms, we have changed from timidity to bravery. Dear students, please remember that we are together bit by bit, day and night, let our friendship last forever.

  毕业典礼英语演讲稿 篇9

  Thank you very much, Margaret, for that very generous introduction.

  First, let me say congratulations to our graduates. Welcome back to our alumni. Good afternoon to everyone – colleagues and friends, and family members, loved ones, and our most special guest – our eminent speaker. It’s a pleasure to address you this afternoon and to offer a few reflections as I approach the end of my first year as president.

  I realize, however, that I’m literally the last thing standing between you and the speech that you’ve all actually come here to hear. So, while I can’t promise to be mesmerizingly eloquent, I can at least promise to be mercifully brief.

  We gather this afternoon buoyed by the aspirations of our graduates – some 7,100 people who have distinguished themselves in nearly every field and every discipline imaginable. We welcome them into the venerable ranks of our alumni, and we send them forth into a world that is very much in need of both their minds and their hearts.

  毕业典礼英语演讲稿 篇10

  Dear leaders, teachers, parents and friends, dear children

  Good afternoon, everyone! I am Zhang X's mother in class 6 (3). Today, I am very honored to attend the graduation ceremony of Qishuyan experimental primary school as a representative of the parents of the graduates. Here, on behalf of all the parents of the students, I would like to express my high respect and sincere thanks to all the teachers!

  After six years in primary school, we are glad to see the children grow up step by step. As a student parent, I sincerely thank the leaders and teachers for their hard work and careful cultivation. Every parent has this feeling: the teachers of Qishuyan experimental primary school not only have good teaching level and noble professional ethics, but also have delicate feelings and selfless love. Dear teachers, you are the most respectable people.

  Children, today you are about to graduate. You are about to walk out of this beautiful campus and fly to a wider sky. No matter where you are in the future, please remember: This is the starting point for you to take off, and this is your spiritual home. Here you not only get your first report card, but also get the truth of being a man: Pu Cheng does things, Be honest. Children, the nutrition you get in your alma mater will be used for a lifetime and will support you to achieve greater goals in life.

  Finally, on behalf of the parents of all graduates, I sincerely wish that all students can study hard and realize their dreams and wishes with their own efforts in the future! Let your alma mater be proud of you! Heartfelt blessing: school leaders and all teachers, good health, family happiness, prosperity! We sincerely hope that Qishuyan experimental primary school will be better and better!

  毕业典礼英语演讲稿 篇11

Dear leaders, teachers, parents, dear students

  hello everyone!

  Today is an unforgettable and celebratory day. After five years of hard work, the students here have successfully completed their primary school study. They are about to bid farewell to their golden childhood and enter a new journey. First of all, on behalf of all the teachers in the primary school, let me express my heartfelt congratulations to you.

  At this moment, looking at your innocent and happy smiling faces, my eyes seem to emerge every bit of your school. Five years, we walk hand in hand, the small classroom, sprinkled our laughter, wrote down the figure of our struggle, engraved our heroic oath. We get along day and night. We are teachers and students in class and friends after class. We have established a deep relationship between teachers and students. Looking back on the past five years, it seems that it happened yesterday, and every teacher will never forget: the first time you walked into the beautiful and tidy dormitory, lying on the comfortable cot, that excited look; When you first put on the red scarf under the bright national flag, you look solemn; After your own extracurricular learning, you can show your artistic talents on the stage; You use your diligence to repay the teachers' fruitful results: in all kinds of competitions held throughout the country, you have achieved good results many times and won many praises for the school! In the past five years, in the fertile soil of Nanshan bilingual school primary school, with the care of school leaders and the careful cultivation of teachers, and with the active cooperation and strong support of parents, you have grown into a vigorous youth.

  School is not only the cradle of your growth, you are here to fly the ideal, sowing hope. But today, you are going to bid farewell to your alma mater. The teacher sincerely hopes that you can open up a new situation in the new semester and write your wonderful learning life with a never say die self-confidence! Bill Gates, the king of computer software, once said: "the secret of my success is not to do something, but to understand what I don't do..." so the teacher hopes that you can distinguish right from wrong, abide by the law, make good use of your words and deeds, and be an upright person.

  The reason why eagles fly high and fly freely in the blue sky is that they have a pair of hard wings that have been honed by storms, cold and heat. May you fly high bravely like eagles to welcome a brighter tomorrow and embrace the more dazzling sun.

  Finally, I hope you can use the green of youth to brew a rich golden autumn in the future!

  I wish you success in your studies and a bright future!

  毕业典礼英语演讲稿 篇12



Ladies and Gentlemen:

  Good afternoon!


  Today we get together to have the graduation ceremony and say farewell to the graduated students of 2011. First of all, on behalf of the whole teachers and students of xx University, I would like to extend the warmest congratulations to 1832 students who are going to leave our university, moreover, to the awarded students. What’s more, I would like to give my sincere gratitude to all the faculties of our university who have been devoting themselves to the sound growth of our students.



  Harbored with the wonderful vision of the university life and eager for scientific knowledge three or four years ago, you gathered in xx University, where you had your gorgeous youth time during growth lifetime, from all over the country to learn knowledge, cultivate your tastes, fashion yourselves and strengthen your abilities. Each grass and each wood of xx University have witnessed your youth and growth, and struggle and pursuit. It can be said that your understanding and support are indispensable to the reform and construction of our university, your endeavor and participation are indispensable to the development and expansion of our university. The spirit of xx University and campus culture cannot be developed and inherited without you. You have witnessed the continuous improvement of educational level, continuous strengthen of educational power and the continuous development of all kinds of issues. You are not only the witness of our university’s construction

  and development but also the participants and the inventor of the reform. You youth figure and your struggle footprint will stay in your university forever. xx University thanks you and always be proud of you.


  You will leave our campus soon where you left numerous sweat and imagination. You will say goodbye to your teachers and students who accompanied you days and nights. Moreover, you will start your new journal, full of hope and challenge, also countless hardship and temptation. I would like to give your some suggestions as your teacher when you leave.



  Firstly, be determined to return to and serve for society, and diligent to enrich lives. “Work creates wealth and diligence changes lives.” Whatever life path is and whatever careers you choose, we need to stick to your dream, face up to the fact with healthy mind and confront lives with positive attitude. We had better closely combine your dream with the fate of our country and the interests of our nation. We need to constantly shorten the distance between ideal and fact during the ordeal of your diligent work. Based on the facts, we need to do things from trivial stuffs and endeavor to pursuit excellence and create first-class in our ordinary jobs. We have to brave enough to take on heavy responsibilities, overcome difficulties and dare to show ourselves in the hardest places. Hope we can lower our prospect to get an object, deepen our foundation to obtain a space, and postpone our enjoyment to achieve a career.



  Secondly, set up a profound ideal and try to be a talent. “The bird can fly freely in the soaring sky and the fish can jump freely in the broad sea”.The extensive promotion of our nation’s modern construction and reform and opening up provide a broad stage for the ideal youth to show their talents. The lives and practices in our university lay the foundation for realizing our ideals and succeeding in our career. The society is an everlasting university, and we have to learn diligently, practice constantly and explore hard. Only if we set up profound ideals, shoulder the magnificent mission of national revitalization, link the profound ideals to the realistic style, diligent to practice, determine to move forward, dare to innovate and cooperate with others can we catch the invaluable historic opportunities and explore a space for ourselves in work.



  Thirdly, be brave to face the competition and welcome the challenge. “Survival of the fittest”。There are lots of hardships and unsatisfactory in the future. Hope we could learn to be prepared for danger in the time of safety while to be indomitable in time of difficulties. We should welcome the challenge, pursuit excellence and endeavor to be the most active, energetic, dynamic and potential strength in our society. Our lives fill with hopes and opportunities and we will face up to countless setbacks and challenges. Setbacks are the invaluable treasures of our lives. The victory flowers are only for the brave soldiers. The one who is brave and confident, dare to confront challenges and move forward bravely is the superman of lives and can control his or her lives by himself or herself.


  However far you walk and however high you fly, our university will always back you up and be your

  dependable harbor. xx University consistently believes and expects that you can be successful in your job, live

  happily and have a colorful life. Sincerely hope that you can have a nice trip and have a beautiful and awesome future. xx University always blesses you and our teachers love you forever.


  Thank you!

  毕业典礼英语演讲稿 篇13

  Esteemed Ladies and Gentlemen, distinguished guest, good morning. I am excited to address you on this stage today. On behalf of all the graduates of Shandong University’s School of Information and technology, I would like to thank all the people who cared about and encouraged us as we worked towards our goals. Especially, I would like to thank my parents. It is they who give me great strength for my every steps taken in my life.

  Four years ago, at an age when some youngster farming and harvesting, at an age some coevals handing a rifle to defend our country, at the age of 19 or 20, we determined to unravel the secrets of mathematics and the mysteries of the inexhaustibly running charges. That was my dream; that was, is, and will be one of the most important choices of my life.

  Four years is too long for a ten-year old boy, for it means four birthday cakes and 20 centimeters taller. But for us, it runs too fast to catch up with. However, so many signals strongly prove that the four years definitely exists: piles of books, scholarships in our account, the unforgettable breathtaking view of our campus, songs and laughter in our dormitory, friends sharing the same ambitions, and our first sweet love… Ladies and Gentlemen, as we leave this campus, a new page has been unraveled. It is time to break the bad habit of expecting something for nothing. Let us take more responsibility, not only for ourselves and families but for our society and country. Ladies and Gentlemen, there is

  no doubt that we are facing one of the most serious economical crises in our history. In order to achieve our goal and to renew our country, we must meet challenges abroad as well as at home. In this new century, let us begin to make contribution to the world and to all human beings with energy and hope with faith and discipline. Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up the enthusiasm wrinkles the soul. However long and hard the road may be, let us go forward together with our enthusiasm and our united strength.

  毕业典礼英语演讲稿 篇14

  I had the privilege of helping to celebrate members of our community who were recently sworn in as new United States citizens – graduates of the Harvard Bridge Program. Through their own hard work, and with the generous help of volunteer student and alumni tutors, they can now enjoy the full rights and privileges of citizenship and the full sense of belonging that comes with it. It was truly an inspiring ceremony.

  At a time when so many people are dispirited by the deep divisions in our country, when our politics seem so dysfunctional, our graduates are taking up the cause of public service by running for office in record numbers. The world needs them, and their willingness to serve gives me hope.

  As Margaret noted, this past year, I traveled to meet alumni who are helping to strengthen communities in Detroit, Dallas, and Houston; in Miami, Phoenix, and New York; in Los Angeles, San Francisco, and San Diego – in China, Japan, and England –people who are not only launching and building businesses and creating opportunity, but people who are also teaching, volunteering, advancing important legislation, working for non-profits, and serving the public good.

  毕业典礼英语演讲稿 篇15

  I’ve yet to meet anyone who thinks that this world that we live in is?perfect.?

  This is not a political statement. It’s equally true of liberals and conservatives, Democrats and Republicans. And if you don’t think the world that we live in is perfect, the only way it gets better is if good people work to repair it. Our students, our faculty, our staff and alumni are doing that daily, and it makes me so proud.

  This year, I had the privilege to meet, and be moved by, not just one but two of the nation’s preeminent poets – the United States Youth Poet Laureate, our own Amanda Gorman, and the United States Poet Laureate, our own Tracy K. Smith. I’ve also had the chance to marvel at artists who every day breathe life into our campus with their performances and their creative work –it’s amazing to see the talent that is represented on this campus and among our alumni, our faculty, and staff.

  And every day, I’ve learned more about the remarkable efforts of our faculty to improve the world:Alison Simmons and Barbara Grosz were [are] making sure that the next generation of computer scientists is prepared to address the ethical questions posed by the development of new digital technologies;

  Ali Malkawi and his HouseZero, which is demonstrating the possibilities of ultra-efficient design and new building technology to respond to the threat of climate change;

  毕业典礼英语演讲稿 篇16

  Sasha Kill Ewald, who’s revealing how marriage and parenthood affects wages, and helping us understand why economic inequality persists across?generations – and also how we might break the cycle of poverty.I’ve also come to know about the work…

  Of Conor Walsh, who’s helping people with neurodegenerative and neuromuscular diseases walk again with soft exosuits that use the latest robotic technology to help improve movement;

  Of Sara Bleich, who’s helping to address the obesity epidemic by considering how changes in public policy can reduce consumption of?high-calorie foods and soft drinks;

  Of Tony Jack, who’s changing how colleges th ink about supporting disadvantaged students and improving their prospects not just in college but throughout life;

  Of Arlene Sharpe and Gordon Freeman, who are giving hope to cancer patients by harnessing the body’s own immune system to treat disease;

  Of Xiaowei Zhuang, whose super-resolution imaging is enabling scientists to look inside cells with unprecedented clarity and see how molecules function and interact;

  Of Andrew Crespo, who’s culled massive amounts of data from our trial courts to change how we think about our system of criminal justice – and how we might actually improve it.

  毕业典礼英语演讲稿 篇17

  Thank you Bevan, thank you all!

  I brought one of my paintings to show you today. Hope you guys are gonna be able see it okay.It’s not one of my bigger pieces. You might wanna move down front — to get a good look at it. (kidding)

  Faculty, Parents, Friends, Dignitaries... Graduating Class of 20xx, and all the dead baseballplayers coming out of the corn to be with us today. (laughter) After the harvest there’s noplace to hide — the fields are empty — there is no cover there! (laughter)

  I am here to plant a seed that will inspire you to move forward in life with enthusiastic heartsand a clear sense of wholeness. The question is, will that seed have a chance to take root, or willI be sued by Monsanto and forced to use their seed, which may not be totally “Ayurvedic.” (laughter)

  Excuse me if I seem a little low energy tonight — today — whatever this is. I slept with myhead to the North last night. (laughter) Oh man! Oh man! You know how that is, right kids?Woke up right in the middle of Pitta and couldn’t get back to sleep till Vata rolled around, but Ididn’t freak out. I used that time to eat a large meal and connect with someone special onTinder. (laughter)

  Life doesn’t happen to you, it happens for you. How do I know this? I don’t, but I’m makingsound, and that’s the important thing. That’s what I’m here to do. Sometimes, I think that’sone of the only things that are important. Just letting each other know we’re here, remindingeach other that we are part of a larger self. I used to think Jim Carrey is all that I was...

  Just a flickering light

  A dancing shadow

  The great nothing masquerading as something you can name

  Dwelling in forts and castles made of witches – wishes! Sorry, a Freudian slip there

  Seeking shelter in caves and foxholes, dug out hastily

  An archer searching for his target in the mirror

  Wounded only by my own arrows

  Begging to be enslaved

  Pleading for my chains

  Blinded by longing and tripping over paradise – can I get an “Amen”?! (applause)

  You didn’t think I could be serious did ya’? I don't think you understand who you're dealingwith! I have no limits! I cannot be contained because I’m the container. You can’t containthe container, man! You can’t contain the container! (laughter)

  I used to believe that who I was ended at the edge of my skin, that I had been given this littlevehicle called a body from which to experience creation, and though I couldn’t have asked for asportier model, (laughter) it was after all a loaner and would have to be returned. Then, Ilearned that everything outside the vehicle was a part of me, too, and now I drive aconvertible. Top down wind in my hair! (laughter)

  I am elated and truly, truly, truly excited to be present and fully connected to you at thisimportant moment in your journey. I hope you’re ready to open the roof and take it all in?! (audience doesn’t react) Okay, four more years then! (laughter)

  I want to thank the Trustees, Administrators and Faculty of MUM for creating an institutionworthy of Maharishi’s ideals of education. A place that teaches the knowledge and experiencenecessary to be productive in life, as well as enabling the students, through TranscendentalMeditation and ancient Vedic knowledge to slack off twice a day for an hour and a half!! (laughter) — don’t think you’re fooling me!!! — (applause) but, I guess it has some benefits.It does allow you to separate who you truly are and what’s real, from the stories that runthrough your head.

  You have given them the ability to walk behind the mind’s elaborate set decoration, and tosee that there is a huge difference between a dog that is going to eat you in your mind and anactual dog that’s going to eat you. (laughter) That may sound like no big deal, but many neverlearn that distinction and spend a great deal of their lives living in fight or flight response.

  I’d like to acknowledge all you wonderful parents — way to go for the fantastic job you’vedone — for your tireless dedication, your love, your support, and most of all, for the attentionyou’ve paid to your children. I have a saying, “Beware the unloved,” because they willeventually hurt themselves... or me! (laughter)

  But when I look at this group here today, I feel really safe! I do! I’m just going to say it — myroom is not locked! My room is not locked! (laughter) No doubt some of you will turn out to becrooks! But white-collar stuff — Wall St. ya’ know, that type of thing — crimes committed bypeople with self-esteem! Stuff a parent can still be proud of in a weird way. (laughter)

  And to the graduating class of 20xx — minus 3! You didn't let me finish! (laughter) —Congratulations! (applause) Yes, give yourselves a round of applause, please. You are thevanguard of knowledge and consciousness; a new wave in a vast ocean of possibilities. On theother side of that door, there is a world starving for new leadership, new ideas.

  I’ve been out there for 30 years! She’s a wild cat! (laughter) Oh, she’ll rub up against your legand purr until you pick her up and start pettin’ her, and out of nowhere she’ll swat you in theface. Sure it’s rough sometimes but that’s OK, ‘cause they’ve got soft serve ice cream withsprinkles! (laughter) I guess that’s what I’m really here to say; sometimes it’s okay to eat yourfeelings! (laughter)

  Fear is going to be a player in your life, but you get to decide how much. You can spend yourwhole life imagining ghosts, worrying about your pathway to the future, but all there will everbe is what’s happening here, and the decisions we make in this moment, which are based ineither love or fear.

  So many of us choose our path out of fear disguised as practicality. What we really want seemsimpossibly out of reach and ridiculous to expect, so we never dare to ask the universe for it.I’m saying, I’m the proof that you can ask the universe for it — please! (applause) And if itdoesn't happen for you right away, it’s only because the universe is so busy fulfilling my order.It’s party size! (laughter)

  My father could have been a great comedian, but he didn’t believe that was possible for him,and so he made a conservative choice. Instead, he got a safe job as an accountant, and whenI was 12 years old, he was let go from that safe job and our family had to do whatever we couldto survive.

  I learned many great lessons from my father, not the least of which was that you can fail atwhat you don’t want, so you might as well take a chance on doing what you love. (applause)

  That’s not the only thing he taught me though: I watched the affect my father’s love andhumor had on the world around me, and I thought, “That’s something to do, that’s somethingworth my time.”

  It wasn’t long before I started acting up. People would come over to my house and they wouldbe greeted by a 7 year old throwing himself down a large flight of stairs. (laughter) They wouldsay, “What happened?” And I would say, “I don't know — let’s check the replay.” And I wouldgo back to the top of the stairs and come back down in slow motion. (Jim reenacts coming downthe stairs in slow-mo) It was a very strange household. (laughter)

  My father used to brag that I wasn’t a ham — I was the whole pig. And he treated my talent asif it was his second chance. When I was about 28, after a decade as a professional comedian,I realized one night in LA that the purpose of my life had always been to free people fromconcern, like my dad. When I realized this, I dubbed my new devotion, “The Church ofFreedom From Concern” — “The Church of FFC”— and I dedicated myself to that ministry.

  What’s yours? How will you serve the world? What do they need that your talent can provide?That’s all you have to figure out. As someone who has done what you are about to go do, I cantell you from experience, the effect you have on others is the most valuable currency there is. (applause)

  Everything you gain in life will rot and fall apart, and all that will be left of you is what was inyour heart. My choosing to free people from concern got me to the top of a mountain. Lookwhere I am — look what I get to do! Everywhere I go – and I’m going to get emotionalbecause when I tap into this, it really is extraordinary to me — I did something that makespeople present their best selves to me wherever I go. (applause) I am at the top of themountain and the only one I hadn’t freed was myself and that’s when my search for identitydeepened.

  I wondered who I’d be without my fame. Who would I be if I said things that people didn’t wantto hear, or if I defied their expectations of me? What if I showed up to the party without myMardi Gras mask and I refused to flash my breasts for a handful of beads? (laughter) I’ll giveyou a moment to wipe that image out of your mind. (laughter)

  But you guys are way ahead of the game. You already know who you are and that peace, thatpeace that we’re after, lies somewhere beyond personality, beyond the perception of others,beyond invention and disguise, even beyond effort itself. You can join the game, fight thewars, play with form all you want, but to find real peace, you have to let the armor fall. Yourneed for acceptance can make you invisible in this world. Don’t let anything stand in the wayof the light that shines through this form. Risk being seen in all of your glory. (A sheet dropsand reveals Jim’s painting. Applause.)

  (Re: the painting) It’s not big enough! (kidding) This painting is big for a reason. This paintingis called “High Visibility.” (laughter) It’s about picking up the light and daring to be seen. Here’sthe tricky part. Everyone is attracted to the light. The party host up in the corner (refers topainting) who thinks unconsciousness is bliss and is always offering a drink from the bottlesthat empty you; Misery, below her, who despises the light — can’t stand when you’re doing well— and wishes you nothing but the worst; The Queen of Diamonds who needs a King to build herhouse of cards; And the Hollow One, who clings to your leg and begs, “Please don’t leave mebehind for I have abandoned myself.”

  Even those who are closest to you and most in love with you; the people you love most in theworld can find clarity confronting at times. This painting took me thousands of hours tocomplete and — (applause) thank you — yes, thousands of hours that I’ll never get back, I’llnever get them back (kidding) — I worked on this for so long, for weeks and weeks, like a madman alone on a scaffolding — and when I was finished one of my friends said, “This would be acool black light painting.” (laughter)

  So I started over. (All the lights go off in the Dome and the painting is showered with blacklight.) Whooooo! Welcome to Burning Man! (applause) Some pretty crazy characters right?Better up there than in here. (points to head) Painting is one of the ways I free myself fromconcern, a way to stop the world through total mental, spiritual and physical involvement.

  But even with that, comes a feeling of divine dissatisfaction. Because ultimately, we’re notthe avatars we create. We’re not the pictures on the film stock. We are the light that shinesthrough it. All else is just smoke and mirrors. Distracting, but not truly compelling.

  I’ve often said that I wished people could realize all their dreams of wealth and fame so theycould see that it’s not where you’ll find your sense of completion. Like many of you, I wasconcerned about going out in the world and doing something bigger than myself, untilsomeone smarter than myself made me realize that there is nothing bigger than myself! (laughter)

  My soul is not contained within the limits of my body. My body is contained within thelimitlessness of my soul — one unified field of nothing dancing for no particular reason,except maybe to comfort and entertain itself. (applause) As that shift happens in you, youwon’t be feeling the world you’ll be felt by it — you will be embraced by it. Now, I’m always atthe beginning. I have a reset button called presence and I ride that button constantly.

  Once that button is functional in your life, there’s no story the mind could create that will beas compelling. The imagination is always manufacturing scenarios — both good and bad —and the ego tries to keep you trapped in the multiplex of the mind. Our eyes are not onlyviewers, but also projectors that are running a second story over the picture we see in front ofus all the time. Fear is writing that script and the working title is, ‘I’ll never be enough.’

  You look at a person like me and say, (kidding) “How could we ever hope to reach those kinds ofheights, Jim? How can I make a painting that's too big for any reasonable home? How do youfly so high without a special breathing apparatus?” (laughter)

  This is the voice of your ego. If you listen to it, there will always be someone who seems to bedoing better than you. No matter what you gain, ego will not let you rest. It will tell you thatyou cannot stop until you’ve left an indelible mark on the earth, until you’ve achievedimmortality. How tricky is the ego that it would tempt us with the promise of something wealready possess.

  So I just want you to relax—that’s my job—relax and dream up a good life! (applause) I had asubstitute teacher from Ireland in the second grade that told my class during Morning Prayerthat when she wants something, anything at all, she prays for it, and promises something inreturn and she always gets it. I’m sitting at the back of the classroom, thinking that my familycan’t afford a bike, so I went home and I prayed for one, and promised I would recite therosary every night in exchange. Broke it—broke that promise. (laughter)

  Two weeks later, I got home from school to find a brand new mustang bike with a banana seatand easy rider handlebars — from fool to cool! My family informed me that I had won the bikein a raffle that a friend of mine had entered my name in, without my knowledge. That type ofthing has been happening ever since, and as far as I can tell, it’s just about letting theuniverse know what you want and working toward it while letting go of how it might come topass. (applause)

  Your job is not to figure out how it’s going to happen for you, but to open the door in yourhead and when the doors open in real life, just walk through it. Don’t worry if you miss yourcue. There will always be another door opening. They keep opening.

  And when I say, “life doesn’t happen to you, it happens for you.” I really don’t know if that’strue. I’m just making a conscious choice to perceive challenges as something beneficial sothat I can deal with them in the most productive way. You’ll come up with your own style,that’s part of the fun!

  Oh, and why not take a chance on faith as well? Take a chance on faith — not religion, but faith.Not hope, but faith. I don’t believe in hope. Hope is a beggar. Hope walks through the fire.Faith leaps over it.

  You are ready and able to do beautiful things in this world and after you walk through thosedoors today, you will only ever have two choices: love or fear. Choose love, and don’t ever letfear turn you against your playful heart.

  Thank you. Jai Guru Dev. I’m so honored. Thank you.

  毕业典礼英语演讲稿 篇18

  In the past decade alone, we’ve seen historic hurricanes devastate islands across the Caribbean. We’ve seen ‘1,000-year floods’ hit the Midwestern and Southern United States multiple times in a decade. And we’ve seen record-breaking wildfires ravage California and record-breaking typhoons kill thousands in the Philippines.

  This is a true crisis. And if we fail to rise to the occasion, your generation, your children, and grandchildren will pay a terrible price. So scientists know there can be no delay in taking action – and many government and political leaders around the world are starting to understand that.

  Yet here in the United States, our federal government is seeking to become the only country in the world to withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement – the only one. Not even North Korea is doing that.

  Those in Washington who deny the science of climate change are no more based in reality than those who believe the moon landing was faked. And while the moon landing conspiracy theorists are relegated to the paranoid corners of talk radio, climate skeptics occupy the highest positions of power in the United States government.

  Now, in the administration’s defense, climate change, they say, is only a theory – yeah, like gravity is only a theory.

  People can ignore gravity at their own risk, at least until they hit the ground. But when they ignore the climate crisis, they are not only putting themselves at risk, they are putting all humanity at risk.









