
时间:2021-04-01 18:38:00 课件 我要投稿





  1. 复习全册的单词和句子

  2. 复习全册的句型和日常用语

  3. 练习交际对话


  1. 丰富的单词和句子

  2. 听力能力的培养

  3. 运用简单的句子解决生活中的问题


  1. 先按书本顺序复习,听磁带跟读

  2. 按不同的`主题内容复习第二遍

  3. 通过游戏,图片等进行练习

  4. 按语法分类分项目复习。

  5. 做相应的练习和试卷

  Sum up

  一. 词组

  get up     go to school     go home      go to bed

  look at     turn on         turn off       close/open

  二. 单词

  1. Animals:

  a dog    a cat    a monkey    a tiger    a panda    a zebra

  a bird    an elephant

  2. Fruit:

  an apple  an orange  a banana   a pear   a peach   a mango

  a pineapple  a watermelon

  3.  Clothing items:

  a coat   a jacket   a sweater   a blouse   a dress   a skirt

  a shirt   a T-shirt

  4.  Food and drinks:

  a cake  a hamburger  an egg    an ice cream   coffee   tea

  milk   juice

  5.  Colours:

  red    green    white    black    yellow    blue

  orange  brown

  6.  Things for school:

  a book    a pen    a pencil     a ball pen     a pencil box

  a pencil sharpener   a rubber     a ruler

  7. Vehicles:

  a car    a bike    a bus     a plane

  8. Places:

  a zoo   a park    a cinema  a supermarket   the Great Wall

  9. People:

  a man  a woman  a boy    a girl

  10.  Things in a room:

  a bad  a table    a chair   a fridge   a bookcase    a desk

  a sofa  a telephone  a light  a door   a window    a Walkman

  a box   a basket    a TV   a tap

  三. 小诗

  (1) They are all very good

  Pears, bananas and pineapples,

  Oranges, peaches and apples.

  Big fruit and small fruit,

  They are all very good!

  (2)We are happy today

  Bight day, sunny day.

  We are happy today.

  Let’s go and play

  Near the bay.

  (3)Let’s learn A B C

  Turn on the light.

  Turn on the light.

  Let’s read and write.

  Turn off the TV.

  Turn off the TV.

  Let’s learn A B C.

  (4)Green tea

  Green tea, green tea,

  It is for me.

  In the cupboard, I see.

  But where’s the sky?

  (5)My friends

  Roy is a boy.

  He has a toy.

  Pat has a cat.

  It is very fat.

  Clare has a bear.

  It has lots of hair.



  I’m Helen. Hello, hello. I’m Helen. Hello, hello.

  I’m Helen. Hello, hello. Hello, hello, hello.

  Hi, Nancy!

  Hi, Nancy. Hi, Nancy. Good morning. Good morning.


  Goodbye, goodbye. It’s half past nine. It’s time to say goodbye,

  goodbye. Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye.

  Hello! How are you?

  Hello! Hello! How are you? Hello! Hello! How are you?

  I’m fine, thank you. I’m fine, thank you.

  Colour song

  Blue, red, orange, black, let’s sing the colours. Brown, green, yellow, white, let’s sing the colours. Purple and orange we like them very much. Oh!

  五 词形变化

  1. 名词单数变复数


  以s, sh, ch, x等结尾的名词后面加es;

  以辅音字母+y结尾的名词, 先变y为I, 再加es;

  .少数复数形式是不规则的, 需要个别记。

  2.  反义词

  tall----short      thin----fat      long----short      big----small

  3. 介词by的用法

  Let’s go to… by…

  eg. Let’s go to the school by bike.


  4. 人称代词

  主格 I you he she it

  宾格 me you him her it

  5.  物主代词:

  my , your, his, her, its

  6.     指示代词:

  this     that

  六. 重点句型

  1. Good morning/afternoon, …         Nice to meet you, …

  This is …                        Nice to meet you, too.

  2. What colour is it?

  3. Hi/Hello, …

  4. I can see a …/some …

  5. This is a /an …

  6. Here’s a …

  7. Go to …now, …                   Fine, thank you.

  Go home, …                      Miaow.

  Good morning, …                  All right./OK.

  How are you?

  8. Look at his/her …

  9. Let’s go to … by …                All right./OK./Good./Great.

  Good, but how?

  10. Close./Open the/your…            I’m sorry.

  All right./OK./Good.

  11. What is it?                       It’s …

  12. A green pencil box/…, please.         Yes, please.

  A black cat/…?                     Oh, no./No, thanks.

  All right.

  13. He’s/She’s …     His/Her …

  14. I’m …  My …   Who am I?    …

  七. 日常交际用语

  1. How are you?

  Fine, thank you.   Not bad, thank you.    Not so good.

  2.  Nice to meet you.    Nice to meet you ,too.

  3.  Get up/Go to school/ Go home/ Go to bed, please.

  OK./All right!

  4.  look at….

  It’s nice.  How nice!  Great!

  八. 其他

  1. 能听,说, 读, 写, 英语字母,并能按照顺序背诵, 默写26个英语字母。

  2. 能根据实物,图片说出所学的单词, 发音准确。



  1、能够介绍自己会做哪些家务劳动,如:I can clean the bedroom. I can cook the meals.

  2、能够询问别人会做什么家务劳动,如:What can you do? I can…Can you set the table? Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.

  3、掌握有关家务劳动的短语: sweep the floor, cook the meals, clean the room, water the flowers, empty the trash, wash the clothes, set the table, make the bed, do the dishes, put away the clothes.





  (1)句型What can you do? I can… Can you…? Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.

  (2)有关家务劳动的短语: sweep the floor, cook the meals, clean the room, water the flowers, empty the trash, wash the clothes, set the table, make the bed, do the dishes, put away the clothes.









  Step 1 Warm-up / Preview

  1、Free talk

  T: How are you, boys and girls?

  S: I’m fine. Thank you.

  T: Can you sing a song?

  S: Yes, I can.

  T: Let’s sing a song,.

  2、Sing a song: I Can Help(五年级上册Unit 4 P26)

  (设计目的:此环节通过歌曲演唱,营造轻松愉快的课堂气氛,集中学生注意力,同时让学生重温了有关家务劳动的短语和句型:I can…)

  Step 2 Presentation / Practice



  T: New Year is coming. The goats are going to do the cleaning. They’re all very helpful. Guess! What can they do?











