
时间:2023-01-29 14:01:46 会议方案 我要投稿
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  The general purpose of the study is to determine the consumption feature of Chinese university studentswho shopping online. Now online shopping has become a fashion consumption, college students are the major consumers of online shopping. A careful review of those areas led to the identification of the following specific research objectives:


  1. To determine the major driving force of Chinese university students’online shopping

  2. To identify the major factors which effects the consumption ofChinese university studentswho shopping online

  3. To determine what are the major problems of online shopping

  The surveyhttp://www.xielw.cn/shequgongzuozongjie/ 社区工作总结 research method will be the applied research design. Each respondent will be from questionnaires at residential area. Questionnaire contains 18 questions it will cost 5~10mines to complete the questionnaire. Our target group is Chinese university students who shopping online.Following are some questions that will be asked

  1. The major factors to consider when you shopping online (multiple choice) ( )

  A. Description of goodsB. PriceC. PostageD. Users evaluation

  E. Seller's credit and reputationF. KindG. Speed of logistics

  H. Other (Please indicate)

  2. The reasons for which you choose the online shopping is (Multiple choice) ( )

  A. convenient, time-saving

  B. more alternatives

  C. wide range of services

  D. inexpensive

  E. affected by friends

  F. Other (please indicate)

  3. What are the major problems of online shopping do you think (Multiple choice) ()


  A. Can’t see the kind, so can‘t identify the quality and authenticity of products

  B. It's difficult to returned purchase

  C. The delay of seller delivery

  D. Online shopping process is too complex to use

  E. The risk of online payment

  F. Poor after-sale service

  G. Privacy of buyers was violated

  H. Other (please indicate)

  A survey of approximately 400 individuals located in 5 cities throughout the cities will provide the database for this study. These cities are Tianjin, Nanjing, Xian and Daqing.The sample will be selected on a probability basis from all the questionnaires.

  Eligible respondents will be Chinese university studentswho shopping online. Every people should have shopped online.

  Every member will be responsible for distributing, collecting and analyzing the questionnaires

  Standard editing and coding procedures will be utilized. Simple tabulation and cross-tabulations will be utilized to analyze the date.

  A total of 384 questionnaires were distributed, of which there were 327 respondents. Of the 327 individuals 179 were males and 148 were females. There was a fair distribution at region and each grade. There are 113 respondents are in Tianjin. 71respondents are in Nanjing, 85 respondents

  belong to Xian, 58 respondents belong to Daqing. Their respective possession of the ratio is 34.6%, 21.7%, 26%, 17.7%. And 64 respondehttp://www.xielw.cn/yuegongzuozongjie/ 月工作总结 nts arefreshman,96 respondents are sophomore year, 118 respondents are junior year and 49 respondents are senior year. Their respective possession of the ratio is 19.57%, 29.36%, 33.09%, and 14.98%.


  This table represents the degree of the understanding aboutonline shopping in each age and region.The number is bigger the deeper level of understanding. So we can see every ages have deep understanding of it. We can see the region have effect on the understanding hardly. But there is a surprise that the students in Nanjing have more understanding about online shopping than other regions. I think the advanced light industry of southern part of the country is the reason. The major goods shopped online are belongs to the light industry, so Nanjing’s students must have more understanding about it. At the aspect of grade, we can see thelevel of understanding on the online shoppingincrease with age grow. (I guess many students contact online shoppinggradually.)But there is a surprise that the students who are junior year have less understanding than sophomores.I think we can see it more directly within a analysis graph.

  It’s a small lows. We think the reason is the studentswho are junior yearhave to face the pressure of the PubMedand internship, So they may reduce the times of online shopping.

  The study want knowmajor driving force of Chinese university students’online shopping.We list some











  services,inexpensive,affected by frihttp://www.xielw.cn/niandugongzuojihua/ 年度工作计划 ends. The graph below will show the result.


  In this picture we distinguish income(the money they can get monthly from their parents) specially.

  Because we think there will be some different reasons that students choose online shopping for based on income.Wehttp://www.xielw.cn/peixunzongjie/ 培训工作总结 can find some interesting through the graph. The convenient almost is the most important advantage of online shopping, because every parts have the most people choose online shopping for this reason. But, there have some different in the range of <500yuan. They put the inexpensive at the top because of their little income. The more alternativeand wide range of services seems achieve more attention within the increasing of income.By the way, the region seems also has some influence on the reasons, but I think the region effects it through the income. For example, students in Nanjing have more income so their main reason is wide range of services.After all, we need analysis all consumers as a whole. A simple graph will show the answers.


  Each driving force respective possession of the ratio isconvenient-29%, more altenatives-22%, wide range of services-17%, inexpensive-24% and affected by friends-8%. Obviously, the most important driving force is convenient.

  Another object we study want thttp://www.xielw.cn/shixixindetihui/ 实习心得体会o research is what is the major factoreffects the consumption ofChinese university students.I guess the each region may be different about these factors.

  We can see that all of students put the Price at the top wherever they are. So, the price of goods has the most influence on student. Nanjing achieve my attention again, the student in Nanjing think the users evaluation, seller’s credit and the kind are more important. While, The cities in the northern of China are different. They think the speed of logistics and postage are more important. We can see the transportationinfluence their choice who are in northern of China.This is related with most online stores are located in southern China.And student in southern of China are more practical. Then we also have the overall ranking.


  In summary

  about this part, Chinese university students who shopping online think the price ofgoods is the most important forthem. And the evaluation and postage are concerned by students. According to our data we can see themajor problems of online shopping

  Analysis the information from the graph we can know the main phttp://www.xielw.cn/cizhibaogao/ 辞职报告roblem is that the consumers can’t see the kind, so can‘t identify the quality and authenticity of products and the system of returned purchase and after-sale service also have much influence on consumption. At last, I think we should analyze the market potential.


  We can see the payment that student willing to spend on online shopping is relatively more based on their income. So, I think the university students market is potential for onlineshopping. Althouhttp://www.xielw.cn/banzhurengongzuozongjie/ 班主任工作总结gh their income may be less than other groups, They are willing to spend money on online shopping. Review our research objectives:

  1. To determine the major driving force of Chinese university students’online shopping

  2. To identify the major factors which effects the consumption of Chinese university students who

  shopping online

  3. To determine what are the major problems of online shopping

  Based on the analyses I think we achieve our objects.

  1. The major driving force of Chinese university students’online shopping is the online shopping’s

  convenient. Its ratio is 29%.

  2. The major factors which effects the consumption of Chinese university students who shopping

  online is the price of goods

  3. The main problem is that the consumers can’t see the kind, so can‘t identify the quality and

  authenticity of products

  In this study we take many ways to analysis our data.We can conclude that many people choose online shopping for its convenientand most people thinkthe price has the most effect on them when shopping online.The university students market is potential for online shopping.The income is more the people are willing to pay more for online shopping and they will be more careless about the price of goods while they care the service and the product quality.


  I have some suggestions to give the company whose business is related to online shopping. University students market is potential for online shopping.They have large purchase power we should pay attention to them. The convenient and low price are the advantages of online shopping. We should keep it as usual and publicize them to attract consumers. And we can see the transportation is obstacle of online shopping for the northern people of China. Then can we develop some institution of online shopping at northern of China to solve the problem? After all we can change the government’s policy about the logistics and transpohttp://www.xielw.cn/kaitibaogao/ 开题报告rtation.The security and the products’quality are also concerned by consumers. I think we should solve the problem through limiting the store enters the online shopping.Just like Jingdong Mall, only the quality product can sell in its web.As a online trading platformthe quality product is very important for its brand image building. Aonline trading platform that can guaranteeits products’ quality can attract lots of consumers and make more profit with it. Everyone like the products that are cheap and good quality.

  Although my research provided some promising results there are several factors that limited my research capabilities.The general purpose of the study is to determine the consumption feature of Chinese university students who shopping online, while our sample mainly come from Tianjin, Nanjing, Xian, Daqing. It will lead to random sampling error. And in the process of survey will have some errors for example, someone may intent to deceive when they be asked their income. This is social desirability bias. Nonresponse error and interviewer bias are also exist.

  Although be limited by budget and time restrictions our research can’t be good as possible as we can. But, We have tried our best to reduce these errors by short our questions;uniform sampling in all ages and ask as many cities’ people as we can.And the cities we choose is representative.They are located in China's east, south, west and north direction


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