
时间:2024-08-17 21:59:54 炜亮 倡议书 我要投稿
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  英语版倡议书 1

Dear schoolmates,

  Environmental pollution is a serious social problem. It poses a terrible threat to mens health.

  The atmosphere is filthy. The air is thick with dust and burnt oil. Dark smokes are being emitted from chimneys, and choking fumes are being released from numerous vehicles. Stay a little while in a big city, then wipe your forehead with your handkerchief, it is black. Hang out your washing on the line to dry, you will have to wash again. Garbage is left to accumulate in unsanitary heaps that attract flies and give off bad smell. Nor is the pollution confined to air and land. Large quantity of sewage and chemical waste are dumped daily into rivers, lakes and the sea, which kills millions of fish. Noises coming from honking cars, rumbling machines and broadcasting loudspeakers may make a person nervous and irritable, even drive him crazy.

  Environmental pollution is responsible for many diseases that are disabling, or bringing death to human beings.

  In short, lets take good care of our mother globe, not only for the well-being of ourselves, but also for that of our future generations.

  Li Xiaolong

  英语版倡议书 2

Dear Sir or Madam,

  I’m a student form Chongqing, China. Today I write to you to ask for your help to improve the situation the finless porpoise in the Changjiang River is faced with.

  Because of the behavior of human beings, the finless porpoise in the Changjiang River has been greatly influenced and will be endangered. According to research, its total number is less than 1000 now. We have founded a project for protecting finless porpoise but we have difficulty in running it for lack of enough money. If you would like to help, you can provide it with necessary money. Besides, you can give us relevant training in protecting them. With your help, we believe we can improve the living environment of finless porpoise soon, increasing its number. If we can get your help, we will be very thankful. We’re looking forward to your early reply.

  Yours sincerely,

  Li Hua

  英语版倡议书 3

  Dear fellow students:

  The 90th anniversary of our school is on the way. I propose students in our school should do something meaningful to celebrate.

  Making every effort to work hard is encouraged. The atmosphere in class is vital to our school. We are to be the pride of our school in the future. Meanwhile, we’ll never forget our teacher. But for their efforts and devotion, we wouldn’t make it. Also, we’re expected to call on others to keep the surroundings clean on campus. We’re supposed to change the habit of littering wherever we go. After-class activities make our school life colorful. Our school clubs can also have a chance to make our school famous for its cultural environment.

  To make our school better, we students ought to do our best to devote ourselves to the development of our school.

  Li Hua

  英语版倡议书 4

Dear schoolmates:

  Recently, a debate concerning whether we should cycle to school or not has appeared in our school. As far as I am concerned, we should ride to and from school. Firstly, riding a bicycle to and from school is very common among the students, for buying or repairing a bicycle doesn’t cost a lot. Next, sparking a bicycle is easy and convenient in our school, no matter how busy the traffic could be. Actually, bicycle-riding is also a practical way to do exercise and protect the environment. What you should do carefully is just to keep an appropriate speed while riding and lock it after you are off it. In this way, you’ll feel it simple and relaxing to ride a bicycle while you are here. Don’t hesitate, everybody. Let’s ride to school.

  The Students’ Union

  June 13, 20xx

  英语版倡议书 5

Small citizens of the earth village:

  The earth that we live on is only one, and how much it needs our protection. However, some of the small citizens do not listen to you. You see, the discarded food on the table, the mountain of disposable chopsticks, the running water. Such a picture is really shocking.

  The earth, the human mother, the cradle of life. It was so beautiful and so spectacular. But now, human beings for their own interests, at the expense of luancailuanwa, pollutant emissions... So... A tall bald mountain, a clear river black... Mother earth is a moan of pain... If the earth is polluted, our lives will be destroyed in our hands. As a member of the earth, we have the responsibility and obligation to protect the earth. Start from small things and start from your side. Protect our home, let our earth restore the original face. Therefore, I suggest:

  1. minimize the use of disposable items, reduce white pollution, self-made shopping bags and baskets.

  2. in life, in the study, or in the work, we must save resources. Water, electricity, control. To put an end to all kinds of waste, consumption also needs to be frugal.

  3. all recycled articles, such as waste paper, waste plastic, waste metal and so on, should be classified and recycled. It is the resources that can be regenerated continuously, thus reducing the pollution of waste.

  4. trees afforestation, love the side of the ground, a plant, a tree. A variety of flowers and trees, to greening the environment, to prevent the pollution of the environment.

  5. pay attention to personal hygiene, do not spit anywhere, do not mess with people, do not smoke in many places, and do not make noise.

  Citizens, protect the environment. Remember: we have only one earth. We have to work together to protect our homes. That way, we can live in the cradle of fresh air, grow up under a smiling face and bathe in the clear spring. Citizens, remember, we have only one earth.

  A student in a primary school

  October 25th

  英语版倡议书 6

Dear classmates:

  When you study in this beautiful campus and work hard for our bright future, we believe that every one of us is eager to have a clean campus, eager for healthy life, longing for green, and yearning for a good living environment. School is a place for educating people. Environmental education is one of the basic means to improve our ideological and moral quality and scientific and cultural quality. Building a conservation minded and environment-friendly campus is not only the need for our own development, but also our students social responsibilities. In order to enhance your awareness of environmental protection and make our campus and class environment more tidy and beautiful, and to create a green and harmonious campus environment, our campus environment volunteer activities group earnestly put forward the following suggestions to teachers and students.

  1, establish the concept of green civilization, consciously care for the environment, and regard individual environmental protection as part of personal civilization.

  2, do not litter, litter, do not spit, do not pick the campus every tree and Bush love of public green space.

  3. Protect the equipment, equipment and public property to keep the equipment in good condition and try to reduce the damage and maintenance.

  4, save water, cherish water resources, reduce water pollution; save electricity, do people go lights out, dont turn on the lights lit, to avoid the "white light" and "light of the situation, the computer room computer with time after shutdown

  5, save paper, use as little as paper napkin, draft paper, and so on as far as possible.

  6, life is frugal, no random waste of food, no leftovers, to cultivate good habits.

  7, try not to use plastic bags as little as possible, and try to use less disposable paper cups and plastic cups as much as possible.

  8, from my start, call the school students to set up environmental awareness, in order to create a green harmonious campus to create a force.

  "Review the worthies country and home, by being defeated by excessive", the Chinese nation has always advocated saving, parents and teachers have also repeatedly stressed that the protection of the environment, so we must take their mission, foster environmental awareness, develop the habit of saving resources, begin from me, start from little things, to build a harmonious campus environment friendly type of work!


  Specific date

  英语版倡议书 7


  Water is the source of life and the material basis for human survival and development. China is a shortage of fresh water resources, in more than half of 660 cities, about half of the water shortage, and in recent years, the trend, the water crisis is approaching us. To this end, I propose to the whole school students: saving water and creating a water-saving society.

  1. promote the importance of saving water, and start from me, cherish water and save water.

  2. pay attention to adjusting the water supply of the faucet and timely sekimizu; Reuse water as much as possible, such as flush the toilet, by means of water with clean out water, etc.

  3. to timely report the leak of the water pipe running; The act of wasting water should be stopped in time.

  4. do not throw garbage or other pollutants into the water of Shirakawa, keep the water body clean

  Students, save water, for the benefit of mankind, gongzaidangjin, Leigh in Chiaki. In the face of the serious situation of water shortage, we should take a high sense of responsibility, for the survival and development of mankind, actively action, cherish, save every drop of water! What will the world be like to lose water? Hope the last drop of human water, dont be your own tears!

  Project proponent: he mengyao of fifteen small in Nanyang city, Henan province

  英语版倡议书 8


  I am Li Hua from Class Six, Grade Three. In order to make a good network environment, I hope everyone can use net civilize, to be a civilized Netizen. I hare some ideas:

  First, please get the good information from the net and ignore the bad net page. Second, please arrange your time in a plan, don’t drop yourself into the net and cant out. Third, please chat friendly, and dont meet net friend in your mind. Fourth, please look on everybody; dont want to know which thing the other people dont want you know.

  Lets make our life and study better together. Lets make a good network environment. Lets to be civilized Netizen.

  Li Hua

  英语版倡议书 9

My dear schoolmates,

  There is no denying that safety plays an important part in our daily life. Recently our school has carried out a program aimed at making our campus a safe place to stay on.

  I considered this as indeed a good practice, which will make us aware that safety should come first in our daily life, whether when we stay at school or outside it. When we are doing sports, we should attach importance to the safety and avoid being hurt. Furthermore, when we get into trouble with our classmates, we should remain calm and avoid any form of fighting, which may only bring suffering and pain to us mentally and physically. As far as I’m concerned, I feel all the students and teachers should work hard and creatively to keep the “Safe Campus” activity in mind. Besides, we are supposed to observe the law discipline wherever we are. Let’s start right now and spare no effort to do little bit every hour and I hope we have a good time everyday!

  Thank you!

Li Hua

  英语版倡议书 10

Dear friends,

  I am writing this letter to call on everyone to pay attention to the present disasters caused by human activities. As some of you may know,over the past years,

  floods,droughts,landslides,and dust storms have frequented our planet. Not long ago,tsunami swept the Southeast Asia,which caused enormous damage. All these have sounded an alarm to human beings. So it is high time that we join efforts to save our planet.

  Above all,a task of top priority for us is to plant trees as many as possible,

  especially in the arid areas. At the same time,

  we should stop deforesting in large amount. And we can save our planet through many other ways,such as saving water and using recycled paper.

  So don’t hesitate to act out these measures. Even a small action is meaningful to our planet. Please join us in the action of protecting our planet. If you are willing to do something to save our planet,please start from the little thing right around you. Thank you!

  Sincerely yours,










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