
发布时间:2016-3-5 编辑:互联网 手机版

Unit 7


1. The concert was absolutely d______.

2. The events described in the book are i______.

3. Much was made of the d______ of this sum of money.

4. Each child is m______ examined at least three times a year.

5. The doctors are looking for a special medicine to control this v______.

6. Be careful not to i______ this strong solution into a young child.

7. The whole class was i______ with the teacher’s own enthusiasm for the subject.

8. Someone shouted “Fire!” But it was a f______ alarm and there was no danger.

9. The child is trying to answer a q______ in the newspaper.

10. Mosquitoes are the only means of t______ of malaria.

11. I sent him a letter v______ the internal(国内的) mail system.

12. There’re a lot tickets left. They are a______ at the ticket office.

13. I am i______ to smallpox because of vaccination(接种疫苗).

14. His speech was inspiring, we were all i_______ by his enthusiasm(热情).

15. World affairs should be m______ by all countries in the world.

16. Martin Luther King _______(鼓励) the black people to fight for their equal rights.

17. He worked very hard and ______(最后) made himself ill.

18. ______(预防) is better than cure.

19. Mr Smith is a heart ______(专家).

20. She has tried lots of ______(治疗) for rheumatism(风湿病).


1、摧毁人的免疫系统break down the body’s immune system

1、 使人对感染和疾病没有抵抗能力

leave a person defiance against infection and illnesses

3、使他们活下来 keep them alive

4、患艾滋病 get AIDS

5、感染艾滋病病毒 be infected with AIV

6、通过体液传播spread through body liquids

7、无预防措施的性行为 unprotected sex

8、接受受到感染的输血 receive infected blood transfusions

9、在小华这个事件上 in Xiao Hua’s case

10、通过分娩 through birth

11、死于艾滋病 die of AIDS

12、被感染的孩子的总数 the total number of infected children

13、缺少适当的医疗保健 a lack of proper health care

14、有限的时间 the limited time


spend time encouraging people to learn how to protect themselves

16、使他们快乐起来 cheer them up

17、对付人们对疾病的恐惧 deal with people’s feat of

18、建网络create a network


persuade companies to spend more money on AIDS research

20、患艾滋病的人people living with AIDS

21、注射吸毒inject drugs

22、检测艾滋病毒get tested for HIV

23、医学研究 medical studies

24、坐便器toilet seats

25、献血giving blood

26、通过下列途径被传播transmitted via the following routes

27、疾病检测员c disease detective

28、记……笔记take notes (of)

29、分小组讨论in the group discussion

30、与疾病作斗争struggle with the disease

31、 袭击无防范能力的孩子attack defenseless children

32、因缺乏自信because of a lack of confidence


It’s no use trying to persuade him to have a holiday.

34、治感冒的最好方法the best treatment for a cold

35、劝阻我不要进入这个行业discourage me from entering the field

36、早逝die young

37、致命疾病deadly disease

38、采血样take a blood sample

39、延误治疗delayed treatment

40、经过测试的血样tested blood sample

41、灰心丧气的病人discouraged patient

42、传播的病毒transmitted virus

43、给他检查身体have him examined

44、许多a great many

45、采……样本take samples of

46、眼里流出忧伤的神情a sad look in one’s eyes

47、患严重疾病suffer from a serious disease

48、握着某人的手hold one’s hand

49、一种特别的功能a special function

50、在健康的人体中in a healthy body

51、分裂产出新细胞divide to produce new cells

52、细胞的产生the production of cells

53、在不适当的时候at the wrong time

54、正常运行function properly

55、由一个人传染给另一个人spread from one person to another

56、放疗treat with radiation

57、化疗treat with chemicals

58、不让某人感到悲伤孤独keep sb. from feeling sad and lonely

59、相反地on the contrary

60、暂时for the moment

61、摆脱free from

62、随时at any time

63、认为……是think of … as

64、抓住每个机会take every chance

65、尽情地to the fullest (to the full)

66、享受每一天的每一分钟appreciate every minute of each day

67、以不同类别in different categories

Unit 8

1. sth. happen to sb. 某人发生某事

2. write sth. down 写下

3. catch fire 着火(动作) be on fire (状态)

4. upside down翻了,倒置

5. witness an accident 目击事故

6. Seconds count in an emergency.紧急情况下分秒必争

7. keep sth./sb. in mind 谨记

8. prepare for为---作好准备

9. respond to 对---作出响应

10. first of all首先,首要

11. get hurt/wounded/injured 受伤

12. on the way 在路上,即将到来

13. the mouth-to-mouth method 人工呼吸

14. stay with sb. 与某人待一起

15. roll over 翻转,翻身

16. put sb. in the recovery position 把某人置于易恢复的位置

17. cover --- with用---盖上

18. check one’s pulse 查脉搏

19. make a mistake 犯错误

20. pass the test 通过考试

21. burn down 烧毁;使---烧毁

22. get close to 接近

23. electric wires 电线

24. a sudden heart attack心脏病突发

25. deal with 处理

26. spit out 吐出

27. search for sth.搜寻某物

28. think of sth. as sth. 将---当作

29. common injuries 常见的伤害

30. in case of emergency/fire 假如遇到紧急情况/火灾

31. hold the bleeding point 压住出血点


1. He looks very poor in the w______ coat.

2. If you are b_______ by an animal, see a doctor as soon as possible.

3. Since the boy couldn’t understand the structure of the sentence, he asked the teacher for e_________.

4. Before an a_______ comes, if you can you should give first aid immediately.

5. In face of danger we should stay calm; don’t p_______, or we are not able to help.

6. At first Tom couldn’t find a way to solve the problem, but he succeeded _________(最终).

7. Don’t put poisonous things in _________(容器) that are within children’s reach.

8. On my way home I found a girl ________ (神志不清)lying on the ground, so I sent her to hospital.

9. She has been taught to _________(编织) as a little a girl.

10. Is there anyone here who can swim? The person in the river is _______ (淹死).

11. He worked so hard that e_______ he make himself ill.

12. He was badly ill. To recover soon, he s_______ more pills.

13. They can’t treat me like that; I’m not going to s_________ it.

14. The audience were thrown into a p_______ when the fire started.

15. They listened carefully as w_______ to the murder told what they had seen.

16. This one is s_______ better than that, but not much.

Unit 9


1. Since I don’t agree to this plan, I will stay clear of r______.

2. At the end of the meeting, he s______ what we should do.

3. Too much v______ is shown on TV, which has done great harm to teenagers.

4. Pass me a towel to w______ out the mark on the table.

5. I have an a______ solution to the problem.

6. I must ______(强调) that we haven’t much time.

7. I was deeply ______ by his words.(感动)

8. So far, many people in the world have no ______(机会)to education.

9. He’s perfectly _____(满意的) to live in the country and paint pictures every day.

10. I think it’s ______(不妥的) to give up the job at that moment.


1、许多煤 a lot of/much coal

2、一种宝贵的资源a valuable resource

3、引起严重的污染cause serious pollution

4、一个当地居民a local citizen

5、我完全赞同 I’m all for…

6、我强烈反抗……I’m strongly against

7、预测内容predict the content

8、欢迎出席地球锋会welcome to the Earth Summit

9、联合国 the United Nations

10、分享观点share ideas


representatives from more than one hundred countries

12、来自世界各地的专家 experts from all over the world

13、讨论解决老问题的新办法discuss new ways to solve old problems

14、世界三大杀手the three biggest killers in the world


contaminated drinking water poor sensation and air pollution

16、造成700多万人死亡cause seven million deaths

17、喝不到清洁的饮用水have no access to dean drinking water

18、发生在农村地区happen in rural areas


speak about poverty, war and violence

20、太过于经常all too often

再……也不为过cannot …too…


You cannot be too careful when crossing the street.

极为,非常only too


I’m only too pleased to be able to get home.


stress the need for equality and fairness in the world

22、对……有责任have a responsibility towards


build a better society in harmony with nature


put an end to the death and suffering caused by the big three

25、少一些问题less of a problem

26、在地球峰会上at the Earth Summit

27、有真正平等的机会have true equality of opportunity

28、采取行动拯救地球take action to save the earth

29、表示很愿意过来帮忙show great willingness to come and help

30、陈述你的理由state your reasons

31、和自然协调相处live in harmony with nature


make a very important speech on Earth Day Summit

33、写一篇关于环保的报告write a report on environmental protection

34、地球峰会的声音voices of the Earth Summit

Unit 10

I. 词组:

1. at hand 在附近;在手边;在身边

by hand 用手

on (the) one hand…on the other hand…一方面……另一方面……

2.draw/attract/arouse/call one’s attention to…


pay attention to sth./doing sth. 注意……

3.call for 需要;邀约;呼吁;

call on sb. 拜访;

call at some place =visit some place;

call off 取消

call up 唤起;使人想起;调动(力量);打电话

4. on / upon one’s arrival=as soon as one arrives / arrived

5. beg for sth. 恳求得到某物

beg sb. to do sth. 恳求某人做某事

6. the other way 相反;另一方向

7. fall down 倒下来

pull down / tear down 拆除

burn down 烧毁

8. be done for 毁了;累垮

9. hold out 举起;伸出;维持;坚持

10. on board 登上(飞机、轮船、汽车等)

11. live through 活过(困难、危险等)

12. knock about / knock around 漫游;闲逛

13. pick out 挑选;辨认出

14. be scared / frightened to death 吓死

15. be burnt to ashes 被烧成灰烬

16. make one’s hair stand on en 使某人毛骨悚然

17. be buried in … 专心致志于……;埋头于

18. calm sb. down 使某人平静下来

19. urge sb. to do sth. 力劝某人干某事

urge that sb. (should) do 力劝某人干某事

20. get into a total panic 完全陷入恐慌中

be in a panic 处于恐慌中

be thrown into a panic 处于恐慌中

21. flee (from) a place 逃离某地

22. swear to do sth. 发誓干某事

23. all of a sudden / all at once 突然

24. take a bath 洗澡

bathe one’s feet in the water 泡脚

25. come on 过来;即将到来

II. 单词拼写:

1. Last week, we went on a picnic to the lakeside, but all of us were

t____________ at the sight of a snake by our tent.

2. She read the children a story to c____________ them down.

3. Brown u__________ her to reconsider her decision.

4. He killed his enemy and _____________ (逃离) the country.

5. The island was covered with dirt and a__________ as deep as four __________ (英寸).

6. Don’t (洗澡) if you don’t want to.

7. _____________ (一……就……)he came home, I told him about that.

8. Prices have _____________ (上涨).

9. He ___________ (发誓) that he would never drink.

10. What a f___________ sight it is!