
发布时间:2016-3-25 编辑:互联网 手机版



艺术与文学是语言学习的一种最高的境界。对于艺术与文学的奥秘,针对高一的学生来说,只能略窥幽瘾, 作些提示。本单元的中心话题就是“艺术”与“文学”,具体涉及绘画、电影、戏剧、音乐会、小说等内容,语言知识教学和语言技能训练都是围绕这些话题展开的。通过阅读《哈利波特》和“魔术”的简介一文,引导学生了解本世纪初风靡全球的小说电影“哈利波特”使学生了解到英国作家罗琳充满神奇的摩法世界和系列小说《哈利波特》的内容以及主人公哈利波特的生活、学习,性格与信念。





a)Vocabulary (词汇)

Literature comedy local exhibition power magic tragic series forehead treat unhappy habit villager shoulder whisper stupid announcement character

b)Phrases (短语)

A series of in trouble come across believe in turn around

C) Grammar (语法)

复习限制性和非限制性定语从句 (The Restrictive and Non-Restrictive Attributive Clause)




What shall we do? I’d prefer to---

Would you like to --- ? Which do you prefer ,--- or --- ?

I’ d like to --- . Can’t we ---?

Maybe we could --- ? There are several things we could do.










Play two pieces of famous Chinese and foreign music and let the students to tell the names of the music and writers of the two compositions. The teacher leads in the topic Art and Literature while the students enjoy the art of music such as “Symphonic Music” written by Beethven and “Liang Shanpbo and Zhu yingtai” written by Chen Zhangang.



Show the students four world famous paintings and let them guess the names of the works and their painters. Now the teacher can tell them that these paintings are also a kind of art, then lead in the topic “Art and Literature”.


《蒙娜丽莎》 《自由引导人民》



Watch the film carefully and tell me which is Harry Potter ? What kind of the person is he? Do you like him? Why? Students’ answers: Ho, that handsome boy. He is a kind , brave and justice boy. We like him very much. …….The teacher declares that he is the heroine we are going to talking about then lead in the topic Harry Potter.







1.It is a world of magic and wonders, a world where anything can happen.


a world of 一个……的世界;许多.如:This is a world of competition 这是一个充满竞争的世界.

There’s a world of difference between promise and achievement.在承诺和履行诺言之间往往相差甚远,句中第二个a world是同位语,可用代词one代替.又如:He is a simple man, a man(=one)who always cares for others.他是一个朴素的人,一个总是关心别人的人。


2.His parents are dead and he lives with a family that treats him badly.


Treat sb. well/badly对某人态度不好/不好.如:Many blacks are treated well in America现在在美国许多黑人都有很好的待遇.

treat…as …把……当……对待.如:She treats me as her own daughter. 她把我当亲生女儿看待. Treat sb. to sth.用某物款待某人.如:I’ll treat you to some good wine.我会用好酒招待你.


3.He makes new friends and learns how important and difficult it is to be a good friend.


Make friends with sb.与某人交上朋友(=make a friend of sb.).如:I never make friends with those who are greedy.我从不和那些贪婪的人交友.be friend with 是……的朋友(=be a friend of sb.).如:I have been friends with him for ages.我跟他是多年的朋友。Make enemies with sb.与某人树敌。如:Soon he made lots of enemies.很快他有了许多敌人。


4.His friends help him when he is in trouble, but he must also be strong and help them when they need him.


Be in trouble 在困境中。如:Please turn to me whenever you’re in trouble. 有麻烦时请找我。Get into trouble .陷入困境; get sb. into trouble 使某人陷入困境。如:He got himself into trouble by saying nasty words.他由于讲脏话而惹上麻烦。Be out of trouble/get out of trouble摆脱困境。


5.harry also learns to be brave and to do things he used to be afraid of.


1)(that)he used to be afraid of 作定语从句,修饰先行词things.

2)Used to+动原意“过去经常……”。如:He used to be late, didn’t/usedn’t he? 他过去经常迟到,不是吗?

There used to be a tall tree here.过去这有棵大树(现在不存在了)。

3)be afraid of (doing) sth.害怕做某事(强调结果)。Be afraid to do sth.害怕去干某事(强调过程)。如:he is afraid to speak English in public, because he is afraid of being laughed at.他不敢在公共场合讲英语,因为担心被人嘲笑。


6.He learns the truth about his past, a dark secret that will make his life and his choices more difficult.


1)句中a dark secret (= a secret that is closely guarded )意指上句中的the truth ,作同位语,其后接由引导的定语从句。That 在从句中作主语,故不能省略。

2)learn about 了解到 ( = know about ).如:I have learned a lot about his college life.我了解到他大学生活的很多方面。

3)make + 宾 +形容词意为“使得……”如:What he said made all of us disappointed.他的话使我们大家都失望。Be made +形容词意为“被弄得……”。如:The floor was soon made dirty after the children returned from school.在孩子们放学回家后地板很快就弄脏了。


7.--- the adventures Harry comes across --- help him understand the real world.哈利遇上的那些冒险活动帮助他明白这个真正的世界。

1)句中包含一个定语从句。(that) Harry comes across, 修饰先行词 adventures.

2)Come across 偶然发现或遇见(see sb. / sth. By chance).如:Don’t stop to refer to your dictionary whenever you come across a new word.不要一看见生词就翻字典。

Come across 原意为“走过”。如:Come across to my office this afternoon.今天下午到我办公室来。


8.Harry has to fight against bad wizards and do the right things.


Fight against 与……对抗。如: The whole nation are uniting to fight against SARS全民族团结一心,共同对抗非典型肺炎。Against 有“与……相对/相反;防备”之意,故经常有下列表达:be against one’s opinion 反对某人意见;go against nature 违抗自然;vote against 投票反对;against the sky在天空映衬下; sit against the wall 靠墙坐着;save against a rainy day未雨绸缪; compete against与人竞争;defend sb. against …保卫某人不受……侵犯。


9.You must believe in what you do and who you are… 你必须相信自己做的事和自己身份……believe in 信赖;信任。它表示对人或物各方面的信任(have a trust in sb. /sth),而believe只表示相信某人的话或一些表面的东西。如:I believe him ,but I don’t believe in him.我相信他的话,但我并不信任他. You must believe in yourself.你一定要自信。


10.Where someone is born and what a person looks like is not as important as what he or she grows up to be.


该句是一个比较复杂的复合句。Where someone is born and what a person looks like是主句中两个并列的主语从句,what he or she grows up to be.是比较状语从句中的主语从句,省略了谓语is important. Be not as…as…=be not so…as… 不和……一样……


11.“Did you hear that?” she whispered


whisper低语;whisper sth . to sb.耳语。对某人低声说出某事。

如: The news was soon whispered to our village.消息很快传到我们村。


12.It sounded like a woman crying.


sound like听起来像,后接名词、代词或动名词,如:When the earthquake happens, It sounds like a train going under the ground.地震发生时,好像是有火车在地下经过。

Sound as if 听起来似乎。后接句子,有时用虚拟语气,如:His voice sounds as if he were a foreigner.他的声音听起来是外国人的。其他类似:look like/as if 看起来像。Smell like /as闻起来像,taste like/ as if 尝起来像。


13.If only they could find a way to get the room, or whatever it was, behind the wall.


If only… 要是……多好,该结构使用虚拟语气,与I wish 用法同。如:If only I were you! 要是我是你多好!If only I had followed your advice! 要是我早听了你的话多好!if only I would go to college tomorrow!要是我明天能上大学多好!

比较:only if 只有在……条件下,

如: You will succeed only if you study hard.只要努力你会成功的。


14.He was just about to say something when Helen turned around.他正要开口说话,就在那时海伦转过身来。

Be about to …when…正要……突然……

When 用做连词,连接两个并列句,相当于and then / and at that time .

如:We were about to start off when it rained hard.我们正要出发,天突然下起大雨。

模块二:Create a poster


任 务:


Create a poster


目 的:


To improve students’ writing ability.


材 料:


Some posters








New words and drills in this unit.




Qi Baishi 齐白石 Vincent van Gogh 凡高

Pablo Picasso 帕勃罗毕加索 Leonardo da Vinci 列昂纳多达芬奇




Group work; Class work; Grade work




The Show of the World Famous Paintings

a)Brief introduction to some painting

b)Some information on the show

c)A poster going with some drawing

模块三:Read some English story books


任 务:


Read some English story books


目 的:


To improve students’ reading ability.


材 料:


<< Harry-potter>><<Jane>> <<White Snow>> <<the Tale of Two Cities>>








Vocabulary and grammar in this book





Single work or Group work




a) Read “Harry Potter” in this unit.

b) Go to the school library or book stores to read a series of story books about “Harry Potter”

c) Some other books which are fit for the students’ level.



1. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words or phrases from the box.

  unhappy; miserable; character; believe; believe in

treat---as; fight against; be in trouble; if only; make friends;

Making friends

1__________ _______ is a happy thing while the life without friends is 2_________ even 3________ . Making friends with good 4__________ is very important for one’s life. Good friends not only 5 _________ each other’s wards but also 6_________ ___ each other. Good friends are always helping each other when they 7_______ ___ ______. There is a famous saying: “A friend in need is a friend indeed.” A good friend always 8_________ friends’ things ____ his own. Sometimes good friends, however, 9_______ ______each other on different opinions. 10_____ _____ they could find a lot in common, their friendship would continue. Or they will say “good bye” to each other.


Answers to the blanks:

1. Making friends; 2. unhappy; 3. miserable; 4. character; 5.believe;

6. believe in; 7. are in trouble; 8. treats--- as; 9.fight against; 10; If only



1. How goods are shipped to other parts of the world.

How goods are_______ to other parts of the world by_______.


2.She made this material into a dress.

The dress _______ made _______this material.


3.“Don’t smoke here,” he said.

She ________ me _______ to smoke here.


4.The place _______ _______ once a small fishing village has now turned into a modern city.


5.You mustn’t take the books out of the reading room.

The books mustn’t ________ _______ out of the reading room.


6. Italy lies in Europe.

Italy is a _________ ________.


7. Let’s go for a walk in the park.

What ________ ________ for a wall?


8. The journey took them three days by ship.

They _______ three days _________ the journey.


9. It was not difficult for her to work out the problem.

She had no ___________ ___________ out the problem.


10. Father didn’t allow me to go there.

I __________ not __________ to go there.

Answers to the Ex 2

1.taken; sea/water/river 2. was; of 3. asked; not 4. which/that was 5. be taken

6.European country 7. along going 8. spent; on 9. difficult working 10. was; allowed



1.The play ground used to be very broken, _________ it ?

A. doesn’t B. didn’t C. isn’t D. don’t


2.Let Li Ming play the toy together with you. A child should learn to ________ .

A. play B. work C. fight D. share


3.He is a lovely child, ________ child who turns to me for help whenever in _____trouble.

A. a; a B. a; 不填 C. 不填 a D. the 不填


4.It is not always easy to do ______ is right.

A. what B. which C. that D. it


5.One should learn to fight __________ difficulties.

A. for B. against C. in D. with


6.The house looks pretty _____the blue sky.

A. in B. on C. over D. against


7.To tell the _______, I don’t believe him.

A. fact B. truth C. reality D. lie


8.He’s a man worth ________ , so you’d better stay away from him.

A. believe B .believe in C. being believed D. believing in


9.He was very thankful to me because I ________ him to a tour of Shanghai.

A. served B. treated C. asked D. offered


10._______ I hadn’t wasted so much time playing video games.I wound have got well with my study.

A. If only B. Only if C. If D. Only

Answers to Ex 3

1.B 2. D 3. B 4. A 5. B 6. D 7. B 8. D 9. B 10. A