人教版高一Unit 9 Saving the earth

发布时间:2016-8-25 编辑:互联网 手机版

Period 2 Reading

Teaching Aims:

1.To get Ss to grasp the detailed information of the test.

2.To enable Ss to master some words and expressions.

3.To improve Ss’ reading ability.

Teaching Important Points:

1.Improve the Ss’ reading ability.

2.Master the useful words and expressions.

Teaching Difficult Points:

How to improve the Ss’ reading ability.

Teaching Methods:

1.Individual activity.

2.Question and answer activity.

Teaching Aids: A tape recorder

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Warming up

Ask the students some questions connected with pollution.

Q1: Did you use to go swimming in a river when you were young?

What about the children today? Why not?

Q2: Do you use one-off chopsticks while having fast food?

Q3: How do you deal with the plastic bags?

Q4: What do you think of the air today?

Q5: What do you think of the relationship between economy development and pollution?

Step 2 Pre-reading

1. Discussion

Read the title and discuss in pairs what problems will be discussed at the summit.

( As the title states, problems related to the earth will be discussed at the summit, like air, water, forest, desert, grassland, etc.)

2. Prediction

Group work: Fill in the chart with what Ss predict about what each part of the text will be about.




3. Problem-solving

Go through the whole passage and compare whose guess is the closest to the content of the passage.

4. Find the answers to these two questions.

Q1: When and where was the Earth Summit held?

( In 2002 in Johannesburg in South Africa.)

Q2: Which Chinese officer attended the meeting? What did he say?

( Premier Zhu Rongji; Stressed the need for quality and fairness in the world.)

Step 3 While-reading

1. Individual word

Get the students to read the text carefully and ask some students to answer the following questions in their own words.

Q1: What was the meeting held in 1972 about?

Q2: what’s the main theme of the Earth Summit?

Q3: Do you know the “big three”? What are they?

Q4: Where do you think usually has “the big three”? Why?

Q5: What does global development mean nowadays? What should developed countries actually do?

Q6: What’s the use of conferences like the Earth Summit?

Q7: What’s the key to the future? As a student, what should you do?

2. Reading for information

Introduction Name The Earth Summit

When In 2002

Where Johannesburg, south Africa

Theme Sustainable development

How to continue developing the world without damaging the environment

Body The “big three” Contaminated drinking water; 20%

Poor sanitation

Air pollution: three million deaths; in rural areas in developing countries

Global development Equality Each country takes part in


International cooperation Rich countries help poor countries; Prosperity of developing countries; Possible sustainable development

Conclusion Impact 1. Help to understand the existing serious problems

2. there’s still time to take action

3. Change the way we live to save the earth

4. Ss are learning “earth issues”

5. A place to find solutions for the future

Step 4 Post-reading

1. Retelling

Suppose you were the Chinese girl who attended the Earth Summit, tell what you heard and saw at the Summit. Begin with “Hello, everyone. I’m the luckiest girl to attend the 2002 Earth Summit in Johannesburg. Now let me tell you about the summit…”

2. Interview

Ss work in pairs, playing respectively the role of a newspaper reporter and attendant from different continents attending the Earth Summit. Finally the teacher invites some pairs to act out their interview.

3. Design the coming Earth Summit

Group work:

Task: Prepare the coming Earth Summit


S1: organization

S2: Prepare necessities for the Summit

S3: Mess media

S4: Attendants invited

S5: budget

S6: Transportation & Accommodation

Have Ss present the preparations for the Summit in groups.

Step 5 Blackboard design

Introduction Name




Body The “big three”

Global development Equality


International cooperation

Conclusion Impact