人教版高一unit20 Humor的所有教案

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第13周 星 期 二 5 月 17 日 总 第 课 时

课 题 Unit 20 Humor

目 的

要 求 Help the students to learn to talk about humor and comedians with the target language.

Practise saying tongue twisters

重 点

难 点

Learn to talk about humor and comedians in English


Step1. Warming up

1. Lead in

In last unit, we have learned something about agriculture. And in this unit, we will learn something interesting. Do you know tongue twister? What is the Chinese meaning?

Ok, anyone would like to say a Chinese tongue twister to us?

I would like to show you a Chinese tongue twister.



2. Turn to page 50 and look at the three tongue twisters.

Practise reading them slowly at first.

Then practise saying the tongue twisters at a higher speed.

Lets see who can speak fastest without making mistakes.

Step2. Listening

1. Marry 多表示“结婚,娶,嫁”,这里意为“主持……婚礼”

e.g. The priest married them.

The headmaster will marry the couples.

2. Listen to the tape for three times

3. Check the answer

exercise 1: 6,5,4,3,1,2

exercise 2:

(1). He was a minister in the church.

(2). A minister.

(3). About eight kilometers from each other.

(4). In a restaurant.

(5). A few days later.

Step3. Homework

1. Preview speaking, pre-reading & reading

2. Review last unit and prepare for the test

3. Dictation

1. couple 2. minister 3. tongue twister 4. bitter 5. humorous 6. chalk

7. chalk 8. intend 9. stage 10. German

第13周 星 期 四 5 月 19 日 总 第 课 时

课 题 Unit 20 Speaking & reading

目 的

要 求 Learn some reading skills

Learn how to find the topic sentence and get the main idea.

Talk about humor and comedians

重 点

难 点 Enable students to compare Western and Chinese comedy shows and create a funny show.


Step1. Dictation

1. couple 2. minister 3. tongue twister 4. bitter 5. humorous 6. chalk

7. chalk 8. intend 9. stage 10. German

Step2. speaking

1. Read the dialogue

2. explain some language points

(1) still


He has treated you badly;still,he is your brother and you should help him.


Although she felt ill,she still went to work.


(2) work


Did the cleaning fluid work(on that stain)?


My plan worked,and I got them to agree.


Stories always work with children.


(3) have sb in mind

Step3. reading

1.Read the text, and then divide the text into several parts.

Find the topic sentence of every part, and then use one work to conclude it.

Part1. Comedies are theatre plays that make people laugh . comediesPart2. Clowns also make people laugh. clownPart3. Another type of people whose jobs is to make people laugh are comedians. comedian Part4. Typical for China is the cross-talk show. crosstalkFind the ways of different laughing matter making people laugh.

Comedy: 1.crossing-dressing 2.stereotypes 3.word-play

clown: 1.clothes 2.make-up 3 way of walking

comedian: 1.word-play 2.sketches

cross talk: jokes and funny conversations, dress up, small sketches

Step4. Pre-reading

1. How long has the tradition of cross-talk existed in China

2.Why are some of Shakespeare’s comedies not so funny for us?

Because the meaning of words in English has changed. And we don’t understand the language and work play that he used.

3. Give three examples of techniques that writers of comedies often use to make people lauge.

Cross-dressing, stereotypes, work play

4. Can you describe a clown in your own words? What does a clown look like?

A clown is a funny person, usually dressed up in wide clothes of very bright colors, such as red and yellow. They often wear a big colored wig. Their face is covered with white make-up, and their mouth and eyes are made to look very big using red and other colored make-up. Clowns often have a big red nose. All of their clothes, including their shoes are usually over sized.

Step5 Homework

1. word study

2. vocabulary

3. Grammar

第13周 星 期 五 5 月 20 日 总 第 课 时

课 题 Unit 20 Reading

目 的

要 求

Learn some important language points

重 点

难 点 make sb. do sth; an amusing story; even if

have)…in common(with)

a flow of

be fluent in


step1.Explain the language points in the text.

1..的意思是“使某人做某事”,其中的do sth.为不带to的动词不定式作宾语补足语,这一结构变为被动结构时,原来的宾语变成了主语,宾语补足语变成了主语补足语,这时的不定式要带to,除make外,see,hear等动词也可接不带to的动词不定式作宾语补足语。例如:

A funny movie often makes us laugh. 滑稽的影片常逗得我们捧腹大笑。

2. 介词by与动名词或名词连用,表示方式、手段或原因,意为“通过,凭借,因为”。如:

He caught a cold by playing soccer in the rain.


Don’t judge a person by appearance. 不要以貌取人。



He got what he wanted by talking very cleverly.


He got what he wanted with flowers and chocolates.


3. an amusing story意为“一个好笑的故事”,amusing是现在分词作定语。此外,动名词也可作定语,其区别为:现在分词作定语,它与所修饰的名词之间在逻辑上存在着主谓关系,表示这个名词的动作,可改写成一个定语从句;动名词作定语通常表示它所修饰的名词的用途,可改写成一个for短语,二者不存在逻辑上的主谓关系。试比较:

a sleeping boy(= a boy who is sleeping)一个睡着的男孩

a sleeping car(= a car for sleeping)一辆卧车

4. even if相当于even though,意为“即使;尽管”如:

We will go,even if it rains. 即使下雨,我们也要走。

He will come,even if he is ill. 即使病了,他也会来的。

Even though it is hard work,I enjoy it. 尽管很难,我喜欢这件事。

5. (have)…in common(with)意为“(和……)有共同之处,(和……)一样”例如:

I haven’t a thing in common with my father.


In common with most young people he hates getting up in the morning.


out of the common异乎寻常,不平常。例如:

He had noticed nothing out of the common.


6. Typical for China is the crosstalk show,where a pair of comedians entertain the audience with word play.


这是一句倒装句,其主语是the crosstalk show,typical是形容词,作表语。原来句子顺序是The crosstalk show,…,is typical for China.但由于show后面跟了一句较长的非限制性定语从句,整个句子结构不平衡,所以把表语和系动词前置。

7. date back to是固定短语,解释为“可追溯到……;是……时代开始有的”不能用于被动语态,谓语常用一般现在时。

例如:This town dates back to Roman times.


date from与date back to意思相似。例如:

The custom dates from the time when men wore swords.


8. a flow of表示“某事物的持续或连续供应”。又如:

cut off the flow of oil 切断石油输送

the constant flow of information源源不断的信息

9. be fluent in

Step2. Homework

1. dictation

2. Grammar

3. 优化学习

第13周 星 期 六 5 月 21 日 总 第 课 时

课 题 Language study

目 的

要 求 Check exercises

Learn something about roots

重 点

难 点 How to make a word?


Step 1.Dication

1. accent 2. make fun of 3. certain 4. actually 5. tradition 6. nationality

7. date back 8. amuse 9. laughter 10. typical

Step2.language study

1. Word study

1. bitterness, happiness, sadness, illness, sickness, carelessness


2. intention, invention, invitation, organization, irrigation, generation


3. westerner, easterner, southerner, northerner, northeasterner


4. traditional, national , international,

5. certain, certainly, certainty


6. n+ly=adj. Friendly, weekly, monthly, daily

adj.+ly= adv. Rapidly, quickly


7. art, artist, artistic



8. enrich, enlarge


2. Check exercise in workbook vocabulary part.

3. Check exercise 2 in workbook vocabulary part.

a couple of, intend to, make fun of, drive off, look on …as

4. Check exercise 3. in workbook vocabulary part.

Step3. Homework

1. Exercise 1,2,3 in Grammar part in student book.

2. Exercise 1,2 in workbook grammar part.

3. 优化学习

4. 抽查13单元的知识点

第14周 星 期 一 5 月 23 日 总 第 课 时

课 题 Grammar

目 的

要 求


重 点

难 点 -ING分词:1.作定语



Step1. Grammar

非谓语形式:-ing 分词(表示动作正在进行/主动);to+动词不定式;过去分词(被动/完成)

-ing 分词

1. 作定语

a sleeping boy a boy who is sleeping 被修饰词与分词构成动宾关系

a sleeping car 卧铺车 a car for sleeping分词往往表示被修饰名词的用途,不构成动宾关系

-ing 分词词组作定语时,我们往往把它放在被修饰名词的后面,构成后置定语

e.g. Do you know the man standing under the tree?

The boy singing beautifully is my best friend.

2. 作宾语补足语

keep/ have, hear, see, …等感官动词

e.g. I heard my neighbors quarrelling at home, when I went back home.

make people (to) laugh make+省略了TO的动词不定式作宾语不足语

e.g. He spoke in a loud voice so that he could make himself ____C______.

A. hear B. hearing C. heard

He spoke in a loud voice so that he could make the listeners ______A______.

I have a fever so I should have myself examined.

I have a fever, so I should have a doctor examine me.

I have my temperature taken.

I have the doctor take my temperature.

Step2. Check exercise of grammar part

1. (1). The boy coming to dinner this evening is a classmate of mine.

(2). The boy singing now can play four musical instruments.

(3). The person getting married is a friend of my mother’s.

(4). The person getting married is in his forties.

(5). The comedian getting married can play four musical instruments.

(6). The comedian performing the show is a friend of my mother’s.

(7). The comedian singing now can play four musical instruments.

(8). The woman performing the show writes her songs herself.

(9). The woman singing now her songs herself.

(10). That tourist coming to dinner this evening is in his forties.

(11). The couple getting married are famous film stars.

Step 3 Homework

1. Dictation

2. Preview integrating skills

3. 报纸

第14周 星 期 二 5 月 24 日 总 第 课 时

课 题 Integrating Skills

目 的

要 求 Learn some reading skills

Learn some important phrase and expressions.

重 点

难 点 In surprise“惊奇地”,在句中作状语

break silence打破沉默

in silence 沉默着,静静地

keep silence 保持沉默,用作动词

keep silent 保持安静,用作系动词


Step1. Dictation

1. operate 2. exist 3. be on good terms (with sb) 4. peasant

5. appreciate 6. suffer 7. fluent 8. rapid 9.phrase 10. make use of

Step2. Integrating skills

1. Listen to the tape and answer following questions.

(1). Why did the writer shout at the driver of the yellow of car?

The car driver was careless and caused an accident.

(2). When did the writer next meet the driver?

The writer next met the driver at a job interview.

(3). What does she mean by the sentence “… the last time we met I did most of the talking”?

The writer means that she shouted at the car driver without giving him a chance to say anything.

(4). What does she mean by the sentence “I say to everyone that I dare tell my manager exactly what I think of him”?

She means that she once told her manager exactly what she thought of him, but she doesn’t admit that it was before he became her boss.

(5). What do you think is the most funny part of the story? What types of jokes do you have in China?

2. Explain some language points.

(1). I cycled in front of him, got off my bicycle and laid it down on the road in front of his car so that he couldn’t drive off.

A. 这是一个并列句,谓语动词的形式要保持一致,只在最后两个谓语动词之间and 或or。

e.g. She came in, found a seat beside the window and began to read.

You can keep the book, sell it or give it to others.

B. so that 引导目的状语从句,短语drive off 意为“把(车)开走”,“击退”

e.g. They hurried up so that they wouldn’t be late.

How can you drive the damaged car off?

(2). In surprise“惊奇地”,在句中作状语

e.g. I looked at him in surprise; I didn’t expect to see him again.

(3). Silence用作名词,意为“寂静,沉默”

break silence打破沉默

in silence 沉默着,静静地

keep silence 保持沉默,用作动词

keep silent 保持安静,用作系动词

e.g. Speech is silver, silence is gold.

They worked in silence.

(4). Look on sb/sth as sb/sth 将某人/事看作他人/事

e.g. I used to look on her as a friend.

(5). Go well

go “进展,进行”

e.g. Everything goes well with me.一切对我来说都很顺。

When his work wasn’t going right, he was sad.

(6).the first/ second …last time 用作连词,后接从句,意为“第一次/二次……最后一次”

e.g. The first time I saw her was in 1999.

It is the first/ second …last time that…句型则表示“某人第一次/二次……最后一次…..”,从句用现在完成时;若is改为was,则从句用过去完成时。

It is the third time that you’ve been late this week.

Step3. Homework

1. review unit 13 and 20

2. preview unit 21

第14周 星 期 三 5 月 25 日 总 第 课 时

课 题 Unit 20 Check exercise

目 的

要 求 分析优化学习

重 点

难 点 对知识点查漏补缺


step1. 分析优化学习(详细内容见优化学习)

1.I would like to reach a wide audience, though I mostly have adults in mind.

(1). mostly 意为"主要得;多半地",相当于mainly

e.g. The earth here is mostly clay.

(2). have … in mind 意为"想到……;记得….;打算…."

e.g. If you don’t have anything else in mind for this afternoon, would you like to come shopping with me?

She has in mind a trip to South Africa.



e.g. Most people take their holidays in summer.

Most of the Americans use their cars mostly for their job.

Most Americans use …………………………………….

She has the most to gain.

What interested you most at the fair?

It’s most annoying.


e.g. The audience consisted mostly of women.

mind 可构成许多词组

e.g. call to mind; have sth. on one’s mind

have a good mind to; keep….in mind

in one’s right mind; bring…..(back) to mind

make up one’s mind; be out of one’s mind

change one’s mind; read one’s mind

speak one’s mind, to one’s mind

2. marry意为“嫁,娶;和……结婚;为…….主持婚礼”,可作及物动词和不及物动词,请注意它的不同用法:

(1) marry sb.为……举行婚礼

e.g. The rabbi married the couple.

(2). marry sb. 与……结婚(嫁,娶),注意:不可与with 连用

e.g. She married a young man with a lot of money.

He married in 1999.

(3). marry sb. to sb. 把……嫁给;为……娶亲

e.g. She married her daughter to a foreigner.

(4). get married to 和某人结婚(非延续性动词短语,不可与表示一段时间的状语连用)

e.g. She got married to Jack after she graduated from college.

(5). be married to (表结婚已有一段时间)

e.g. Mr Black has been married to her for 10 years.

Step2. Homework

1. 继续抽查13单元的知识点

2. 完成报纸