(人教版+汤姆森)初三英语同步辅导(含同步练习)Unit4 What would you do?

发布时间:2017-10-12 编辑:互联网 手机版

Unit 4 What would you do?


1. 学会表达与现在情况相反的虚拟语气的结构。

2. 学习使用虚拟语气提出建议。

3. 谈论一些假设的、虚拟的情况。

4. 学会用虚拟语气表达自己还没有实现的愿望。


million百万 in public 当众,公开的

trouble 烦恼 plenty of 很多的,足够的

energetic有活力的 get along with 与……相处

factory 工厂 let…down 使……失望或沮丧

hard 硬的 come up with提出,想出

win the lottery 彩票中奖 medical research 医学研究

get pimples 长青春痘 what if 如果……怎么办

too…to… 太……而不能 get nervous变得紧张

look terrible 看起来糟糕 let me have one 让我拥有一个

introduce oneself 自我介绍 speak in public在公共场合讲话

without permission 未经允许 not…in the slightest一点也不

plenty of 充足的 rather than 而不是 would rather…than…

宁愿……而不 right away 立刻,马上

invite sb. to do sth. 邀请某人做某事 no … in the slightest 一点也不

come top 名列前茅 think of 想出


1. What would you do if you had a million dollars?

I’d give it to charity.

2. If I were you, I’d wear a shirt and tie.

If I were you, I’d take a small present.

3. I can’t sleep the night before an exam. What should I do?


1. 虚拟语气。


从句 主句

If + 主语 + 动词的过去时 主语 + would + 动词原形

e.g. If I had the time, I would certainly go. 要是有时间,我一定去。

If he were here, everything would be all right. 要是他在这儿,一切都没问题。


1. 虚拟语气:

英语中语气分为三类: 陈述语气、祈使语气、虚拟语气。




从 句 主 句

现在的条件 现在时

e.g. If you heat ice,

If he doesn’t hurry up, 现在时或将来时

it turns (will turn) to water.

he will miss the bus.

过去的条件 过去时

e.g. When he was a child,

He said that if he had money, 过去时或过去将来时

he asked me to tell stories.

he would buy me a car.

将来的条件 用现在时代替将来时

e.g. If it doesn’t rain tomorrow,

If anybody visits, 一般将来时或祈使句

he will go to the park.

ask him to wait a while.







从 句 主 句

与现在事实相反 用过去时

If + 主语 + were / did / were doing

e.g. If I were you,

If there was no air, 用过去将来时

主语 + should / would do / might /could

I should / would go at once.

people would die.

与过去事实相反 过去完成时

If + 主语 + had done …

e.g. If you had been there last night,

If you had got there earlier, 过去将来完成时

主语 + should done/would done/might/could

nothing wouldn’t have happened.

you would have caught the bus.

与将来事实相反 过去时,were to, should + v. (万一)

If + 主语 + were/did/were to do

If + 主语 + should + do

If it were Sunday tomorrow,

If you were to visit the school tomorrow,

If you should meet him, 过去将来时

主语 + should do / would do/ might / could

we wouldn’t have an exam.

you would see me.

you would say “hello” to him.


从句 主句

If + 主语 + 动词的过去时 主语 + would + 动词原形


I would certainly go if I had time.


How nice it would be if you stayed a bit longer.


If you hurried, you would catch the bus.


If I knew German, I would read the book in the original.

2. Section A 1b

G1: Hey, did you see this newspaper articles? A old man had a million dollars. And he gave it to charity.

B1: Wow, what a nice man!

G1: What would you do if you had a million dollars?

B1: If I had a million dollars, I’d give the money to the zoo. I want to help pandas.

G1: That’s a good idea! I know what I’d do. I’d buy a big house for my family.

G2: Really? I’d put the money in the bank. Then I’d just watch it grow!

B2: Hmmmm…I think I’d give the money to medical research. I’d want to help other people.

3. Section A 2b

Girl1: Where are you going, Larry?

Boy1: To Tom’s party.

Girl1: Lucky you! I’d love to go to that party.

Boy1: Yeah, well, I’m a little nervous. I don’t know what to wear.

Girl1: If I were you, I’d wear a shirt and tie.

Boy1: What if everybody else is wearing jeans and T-shirts?

Girl1:On, you shouldn’t worry about what other people are wearing.

Boy1: And I don’t have a present. What if everyone brings a present?

Girl1: If I were you, I’d take a small present --- a pen or something. Keep it in your pocket and if everyone has a present, you can give him yours. If not, you can keep it.

Boy1: OK. But what if I don’t know anyone?

Girl1: If you don’t know anyone? You can talk to Tom. He’ll introduce you to people.

Boy1: I guess I can do that.

Girl1: Look! You’re sure to have fun. But if you’re still nervous, you can leave.

4. Section B 2a

Girl1: I just did a personality survey in Teen Time magazine. It tells you how confident you are.

Boy1: Oh? How did you do, Celia?

Gir1: I don’t know yet. But it’s a really interesting test. You should try it, Bill.

Boy1: OK.

Girl1: How about question1? What would you do if the teacher asked you to give a speech in front of the whole school?

Boy1: I’d say I had a cold and couldn’t speak. I would be afraid to make a speech in front of the whole school.

Girl1: How about this movie question? What would you do if someone asked you to be in a movie?

Boy1: Oh, I’d say no. I’d be too nervous. What’s the next question?

Girl1: Let’s see….

5. Self check

Dear Knowledgeable,

My best friend, Mei, has a problem. There is a really important English speech contest for our whole city next month. Our classmates want her to represent the class in the school contest. Everyone is sure she will win. It’s probably true. Mei is very clever, and can speak English really well. In fact, she always comes top in the school exams. The problem is that she’s very shy. She doesn’t want to let her friends down, but she’s terrified of speaking in front of other people. She’s my friend, so she can tell me that she’s shy. But she can’t tell everyone that. I don’t think they would believe her. I can’t think of any good advice to give her, but you always come up with good solutions to people’s problems. What do you think I should tell Mei? What do you think I should tell the rest of the students?


6. Material for matching

(1)I’m really shy and I just don’t enjoy parties. I don’t know what to say or do. ---Mouse

(2)I get nervous before big parties and then I get pimples. They look terrible! What should I do? ---Spotty

(3)I can’t sleep the night before I take a big exam. Then I’m too tired to do well. What should I do?


A. The foods you eat could help you with this problem. You should eat lots of fruits and vegetables and drink lots of water.

B. If I were you, I’d take a long walk before going to bed. That should help you relax.

C. If I were you, I’d talk to someone who looks friendly. Then you won’t feel so shy.

7. Material for personality

Type A

If you are pretty confident, social situations don’t bother you in the slightest. You know what you want, and you know how to get it. Sometimes you might annoy people because you’re so confident.

Type B

If you are outgoing, you will have plenty of friends, and you enjoy the company of other people. People come to you when they want advice. Your friends would probably say that you are easy to get along with.

Type C

If you are shy person, you will like talking to one or two people rather than to a group. You would also rather stay at home and read a good book than go to a party. You have a small circle of very good friends. Your friends would probably say you are a good listener.



1. medical research ____________ 2. get pimples __________

3. 彩票中奖 __________ 4. 让某人失望 ______

5. 充足的___________ 6. 自我介绍_________

7. without permission___________ 8. 宁愿……而不…______

9. 在公共场合讲话_____________ 10. 变得紧张___________


1. “What would you do if you won a million yuan?”


A. I will give it to charities. B. I will buy snacks.

C. I will put it in the bank. D. I’d give it to medical research.

2. What ____ you do if you won in the lottery?

A. shall B. would C. will D. are

3. He doesn’t know _________.

A. to do what B. to do how C. what to do D. how to do

4. ________ people aren’t afraid to speak in public.

A. Energetic B. Confident C. Nervous D. Interesting

5. You shouldn’t borrow others’ bike _________ permission.

A. without B. with C. at D. in

6. If a friend of yours said _______ about you, would you think about what he or she said?

A. bad thing B. a thing bad

C. bad something D. something bad

7. ______ people went to the concert last night.

A. Thousand of B. Million of C. Millions of D. Five millions of

8. The baby could hardly speak a word, ______?

A. couldn’t he B. could the baby C. can he D. could he

9. If it ________ tomorrow, we won’t go to the park.

A. rained B. rains C. will rain D. raining

10. My teacher will become angry if I ______ late for class.

A. am B. be C. will rain D. raining

11. I _____ a letter from him since he left.

A. didn’t receive B. haven’t got C. didn’t have D. haven’t heard

12. If you learn even _____ English, you will find it useful after you leave school.

A. a few B. a little C. few D. little

13. My English is very poor. I _____ physics _______ English.

A. prefer; to B. like; than C. learn, than D. have; by

14. They ______ all the money, so they have to walk home.

A. spend B. had spent C. have spent D. will spend

15. How long can we _____ this magazine?

A. borrow B. lend C. keep D. lend



A. put it in the bank B. study in a foreign country C. charities D. do medical research E. the poor people F. went on a vacation G. expensive cars H. travel all over the world I. snacks J. the lonely old people K. big houses

1. They would buy_____, _____, _____.

2. They would give it to _____, _____, _____.

3. They would _____, _____, _____, _____.


( )1. I would move to New York if I won the lottery.

( )2. If I don’t find a job here, I’m going to move to Japan.

( )3. If Peggy were tall, she wouldn’t have to look up at that people.

( )4. If you go to Japan, you will be able to practice your Japanese.

( )5. If it rained, I would be very happy.

( )6. If I won the lottery, I would travel around the world,

( )7. I’ll be very happy if you come to my house.

( )8. Jasmine would buy a big house if she were rich.


1. I’d be a millionaire (百万富翁)if __________________.

2. If I were you, _____________________________________.

3. If my house were on fire,______________________________.

4. I would be a better student if ____________________________.

5. I’d travel around the world if _____________________________

6. If I lost my homework, _______________________________.


Mrs. Kelly returned me a glass of ice and a bottle of wine. She said, “Sit down. It’s not often I have a person to talk to .Of course, I have my cats. Anyway, you’ll spend the night? I have a nice little __1__ that’s been waiting such a long time for a guest. In the morning you can walk to the ___2___ and catch a ride(搭车) into town. It’s about five miles away.”

I asked how she could live alone, without transportation(运输工具) or a telephone, she told me her good friend, the postman, ___3___ all her shopping needs. “ He is really so dear, but he is going to retire(退休) next year. ___4___ that I don’t know what to do. But something will turn up. ____5____ a kindly new postman. Tell me, just what kind of accident did you have?”

When I told her the whole ___6___, she said, “ You did the right thing. I won’t set(安放) ___7___ in a car with a man who has even drunk a mall glass of wine. That’s how I lost my ____8___. We had lived together for forty years, forty happy years, and I lost him because of a drunken(酒后的) driver……

( ) 1. A. cat B. garden C. to D. in

( ) 2. A. market B. mountain C. village D. road

( ) 3. A. gave back B. took care of C. got into D. caught up with

( ) 4. A. Until B. Since C. Before D. After

( ) 5. A. Certainly B. Suddenly C. Always D. Perhaps

( ) 6. A. duty B. message C. matter D. life

( ) 7. A. foot B. hand C. head D. nose

( ) 8.A. father B. husband C. son D. brother



YaoMing, the center of the Chinese National Men’s Basketball Team, served the Houston Rockets in the 2002 NBA. The 2.26m, 120 kg center becomes the first one to come from a foreign team.

YaoMing was born in Shanghai in September, 1980. His mother was a center and captain of the Chinese National Women’s Team. His father played basketball, too.

YaoMing is widely known in China. He came to be a very important basketball player in China Basketball Association(联赛). It’s short for CBA. During the 2000-2001 season, he got 27.1 scores for the Shanghai Oriental(东方) Sharks in every match.

YaoMing joined the Houston Rockets in November, 2002. He said this was a new start in his basketball life. He would do his best to learn from the NBA and improve himself.

Sport analyst(分析家) Bill Walton said, “YaoMing has the potential(潜力), the capability of changing the future of basketball.”

1. The Houston Rockets is the name of a ______ team.

A. table tennis B. volleyball

C. basketball D. golf

2. Both YaoMing’s father and mother were _____.

A. football players B. basketball players

C. the centers of the Chinese National Team

D. the captains of the Chinese National Team

3. YaoMing ________ in CBA during the 2000-2001 season.

A. does well B. is good C. was good D. did well

4. YaoMing _______ the Houston Rockets in November, 2002.

A. did his best to join B. was well-known in

C. became a member of D. took part in

5. Sport analyst Bill Walton thought YaoMing was able to _____.

A. learn from the NBA

B. change the future of basketball

C. improve himself

D. become the captain the Houston Rockets


阅读下面小短文, 根据短文内容和题目的要求, 完成表格(请填写相关信息) (2004年中考题)

As people age, they often wish they were younger. Or they wish they could live longer without looking or feeling old. Recent research on aging shows that scientists will know how to give us a much longer and healthier life. In scientific tests, they have been able to produce mice that live 30 percent longer than the average mouse. If these tests worked in humans, it would mean that we would be able to live 100 to 150 years.

Do you wish you could live 150 years?

Read the following, and complete the paraphrase(释义)

If these scientific tests worked in humans, it would mean that we would be able to live 100 to 150 years. These scientific tests ____6_____

in humans, so we aren’t able to live 100 to 150 years.

Think about the following, and write down your own opinions

If people could live 150 years, what would be the good or bad results? If people could live 150 years,



假设你是Mary的好朋友.Mary 在她的生活中遇到了一系列的问题,她给你写了一封信向你求助。请你给Mary 写一封回信。


1. 注意信的格式。

2. 应有开头和结尾。

3. 至少使用三种不同的提建议的句型。

4 回信应涉及到来信的每一个问题。

5. 字数在100 词上下。

Dear ……,

I have some problems and I need your help.

I was good at English in the past, but now I find English is getting more and more difficult when I am in Grade 3. Now I am facing a big test, how should I study English? Another problem is that now I am not allowed to watch TV, my mother said it’s a waste of time, I don’t think so, I think it is a good way to have a rest, how can I solve this problem. The last one is that I used to be thin, but now I am getting fatter and fatter, I am afraid to see my old friends, and I am very upset. I know you always come up with good ideas, can you help me solve the problems?




if I were you, I would…..

I think you should…

Why not do……?

You had better do……


一、1. 医学研究 2. 长青春痘 3. win the lottery 4. let sb. Down

5. plenty of 6. introduce oneself 7. 未经允许 8. would rather…than…

9. speak in public 10. get nervous

二、1-5 DBCBA 6-10 DCDBA 11-15 BBACC

三、1. GIK 2. CEJ 3. ABDH

四、T F F F T T F T


六、1-8 A D B D D C A B

七、1-5 CBDCB 6. don’t work 7. people could have longer time to enjoy life/ work for the society …there would be more people on the earth and less room left.


Dear Mary,

I’m glad to receive your letter. I know you have some problems. I have some advice that may help you. First of all, I think you should learn English by studying grammar because it’s very important. Then you had better do more exercise to improve your English. As for watching TV, I think your mother is right, you should spend more time on study instead of watching TV, if I were you, I would get good grade, and your mother will allow you to watch TV. You are getting heavier and heavier, why not eat more fruit and vegetables? Don’t eat junk food. If you have time, you should do more exercise. I hope my advice may help you. Send you my best wishes!

