人教版高三Unit13 The Moonstone

发布时间:2016-4-16 编辑:互联网 手机版


1. formal正式, informal

2. be considerate to sb/It’s considerate of sb to do sth (优化)

3. be astonished at sth

4. It’s stubborn in doing sth

5. be guilty of a crime (有罪)

6. convince sb of sth (使某人相信某事)

be convinced of 确信, 承认

convince sb to do sth

7. assume this to be true


assume a leading position/ responsibility

担任领导职务/负责, 承担责任

8. remark on sth 评论

make a few remarks 对…发表意见

9. be innocent of the crime 没有犯罪

10. commit offense/crime

11. turn sb down= decline

III. reading;

1. bring sth with sb 随身带着

2. hear about/of听说某事

3. lead a sad lonely life过着悲惨孤独的生活

4. Be set in 以。。。为背景

5. in an act of 以一种…行动

6. Pass on …to …传递

7. on the reception for

8. work together on it

9. be in love with

10. His move to quit smoking cigars to please her is seen by the servants as evidence that he is in love with Rachel

12. Quit doing放弃做某事

13. But from the moment Rachel fastens it to her dress, things start going wrong.

The moment… 一。。。就。。。


14. things start going wrong

15. hasn’t been sleeping well

16. Coincidence 巧合

17. Write sb a prescription 开处方

Franklin’s reply that doctors just guess which drug they should recommend, makes Dr Candy extremely angry.

18. in usual foreign clothes 穿着….

19. staying the night

20. it’s gone

21. troubled by the loss of ..,

22. May/might have done It’s too late now. I think he may have gone to bed.

23. Must have done

24. Can/can’t have done 用于否定句和疑问句

25. investigate the theft 调查偷窃案件

26. as the story develops=with the story developing

27. take sth as

28. Loss of face 丢脸

29. Force of habit 习惯

30. Resist doing 抵制做某事

31. to …degree

To a certain degree he likes his job.

32. Be enthusiastic 热情

33. Vital clue 重要线索

34. Whoever is guilty must have a stain on his or her clothes=Anyone who…

Give the book to whoever would like to read it

Give the book to whomever you like

No matter who breaks the law, he should be punished.

Integrating skill

1. stained garment

2. be mistaken about

Cancel the wedding 取消,call off

3. Meanwhile, at the same time, in the meantime 同时

4. keep him out of trouble

5. even though

6. be angry with sb /at sth/about sth

7. protect sb from

8. found the news deeply disturbing

9. be delighted to do sth

10. be missing/be gone

11. It turned out that

12. the perfect solution to his financial problem

13. Desperate for sth 急需。。。

14. Have no choice but to do 别无选择,只能。。。

Can do nothing but do/ Can’t but do

Can’t help but do

15. Justice was done after all .正义得到伸张。

16. pay a high price for

17. Be engaged to 订婚, be engaged in doing 忙于

18. as for 至于…