人教版 2006届高三复习:高一 unit 1

发布时间:2016-9-9 编辑:互联网 手机版


(一) 形容人积极方面的词 positive

1.honest honestly(adv) honesty(n) honestly/frankly speaking = to be honest

2.brave 3.loyal be loyal to sb/sth


5.enthusiastic enthusiasm(n) enthusiastically(adv)

6.energetic energy energetically

7.optimistic optimism optimistically

8.outgoing 9.responsible 10. cautious

11. generous generosity generously

12.powerful 13. skilful 14.active 15. diligent 16. patient

二. argue

1 argue with/against sb about/on/over sth 与某人辩论某事

2 argue for/against sth 说理 为(支持…而辩论)

3.argue a matter out


n 火柴,比赛,相配

v. 比得过,与..相配,匹敌过,与…相一致

e.g. No one can match her in knowledge of classical music.

e.g. No matter how much money you have, it can’t match a health body.




fit: 尺寸,大小,形状适合 be fit for 胜任某项工作,职位


1.share sth with sb share happiness and sorrow/sadness

2.share sth (out) among/between sb

e.g. Share the sweets between you. He shared his money out among his children.

3.share in sth 分摊,共同承担

4.n 股份,一份 e.g. I own 12 shares in the company.

5.shared interests 共同的爱好


enjoy doing sth enjoy oneself enjoyable enjoyment

be fond of be interested in be keen on be into

adore sb/sth /doing sth


1.either 否定句句尾 too肯定句句尾 also实意动词之前 助动词之后


e.g. These two books are boring. I don’t want ______ of them

e.g. Which of these books may I borrow ? ----Oh,______

A. any B.none c. either D. every

any 表示三者或三者以上中任何一个

either of +n (pl) is/are

e.g. _____ either of boys ready?

“Which bus should I take go to the stadium?”

“Either of these buses ______ to the stadium.”

A.will go B. going C. go D goes

4.either A or B is/are

eg. Either you or the headmaster ____ the prizes to these gifted students at the meeting.

A. is handing out B.are to hand out C.are handing out D. is to hand out

㈥ across/through/cross

across (prep) 通过某… 平面,表面 横穿 on, over

through(prep) 空间穿过,三维空间 through crowds/ forest/ window/pipe


eg. The sunlight came in ______ the windows in the roof and lit up the whole room.

A. through B. across C. cross D. over


发展,扩展 develop a business 业务 发展成 develop into

养成,培养 e..g He has developed the habit of making notes while reading.

冲洗 Can you develop this film for me ?


1感觉,预感 可数n .a feeling of hunger/danger/joy

2.知觉,情绪 un lose feeling in one’s legs

3.感情多用复数 hurt one’s feelings


㈠ so

1.so +do (does/did/be/have/can/will)+主语 表示前句情况也适用与另一人,物 “也是这样,如此

eg. She speaks English well. So does her husband

2. neither/nor +do +主语,表示上述否定情况也适应另一人

eg. John hasn’t been to Germany. Neither/Nor has his uncle.

* German Germans

eg. If we were ______, we would never flee________

Germans German B.Germen Germany

C.Germany German D.Germans Germany

3.So it is/was with sb= It is/was the same with sb用于上句既有肯定又有否定; 既有系动词又有实意动词

eg. She likes fish but doesn’t like meat, so it is with Mary.

eg. He is an honest worker and works hard. So it is with you.

so+主语+do(be/can/will/have) 不倒状,表示对上句提及的情况给予肯定,赞同,证实

eg. He is an optimistic guy. So he is.

主语+do +so表示代替上文中的动词+宾语(状语) 以避免重复

The teacher asked me to fetch some chalk. I did so.

㈡so…that such…that 如此以致 结果状语


so+ ②adj+a/an +n(单数)

③many/few +n(复数)

④little/much +un

eg. There was so much water in the river that we couildn’t swim across it.

eg. He had _______ little education that he can’t teach ________ little children.

A. so such B. such, so C.so so D. such so

2. ①a/an +adj+n(单数)

such+ ②adj+n(复数)③adj+un

eg. It is _____ that I’d like to go on a picnic.

A. such lovely day B. such lovely a day

C. so lovely day D. such a lovely day

㈢ when while

is/are ,be doing…. when 正在做…..这时.突然

eg. I’m doing homework when the power is cut off

be about to do sth …when 刚要干…同时,突然

eg. I was about to leave when the phone rang.

had done…..when 刚做了….这时… 主句过去完成时,从句过去时

eg. I had got seated when the concert began.

4.从属连词 当…时侯 when 既与延续性动词,也可与非延续性动词连用


并列连词 when 表 这时

while 转折,对比,而

while 尽管

when 既然,考虑到 如果(since, considering that,if)

eg.We were swimming in the lake ______ suddenly the storm started.

A.when B.while C.until D. before

㈣ in order to so as to so that in order that

in order to +v 目的状语 放句首,句中均可

so as to+v目的状语 不放句首

3so that in order that 以便,使能够

㈤ 疑问词+ to do 相当于疑问词引起的从句,在句中做主语,宾语,表语,同位语


eg.I wonder who to invite. = who I shall invite

eg. He doesn’t know what to do next. = what I should do next

I’ve worked with children before, so I know what _____ in my new job.

A.expected B. to expect C. to be expecting D. expects

㈤ought to/should/could/might + have done


*I’ll tell Mary about her new job tomorrow.

--- You ___ her last week.

A.ought to tell B. would have told

C. must have told D. should have told

*must+have done 对过去发生的事的肯定性猜测,一定,准时 ,否定形式 couldn’t have done

㈥as many as, as much as

as many as +数词+复n 强调某人或某处拥有物品的数量(所涉及的数量是可数的)

eg. He has mastered as many as 5000 English words.

as much as +数词+n 指所涉及的数量不可数(金钱,时间,重量,水量,丈量等)或程度时

The rain is plentiful here, often as much as seventy inches yearly.(这里涉及的是rain )3.as much/many as +从句


eg. Take as much as you like.

eg. Eat as much as you can.


eg. I have as much money as he ( has).

eg. She has as many books as her brother.


㈠现在完成进行时 have/has +been+doing, 现在完成时 have/has done

1现在完成进行时: 具有现在完成时和现在进行时的两种特征 表示从过去某时开始一直延续到现在还在进行的动作(强调动作的继续性)

现在完成时: ①表动作刚刚完成,对目前状况造成影响(常与just,yet,already 连用)






指示代词 this→that these→those

时间状语 now→then ago→before

today→that day tomorrow→the next/following day yesterday→the day before

here→there come→go

客观真理,名句,谚语 时态永不变



口诀:去掉引号say变 ask要加if/whether ,陈述语序不可忘,时态人称和状语,小心变化别马虎


口诀: 直接去引号, say变 ask,陈述莫忘掉,小心助动词,丢它最重要

eg. “what can I do for you?”he asked me.

He asked me what he could do for me.


★口诀: 去掉引号要加to tell/ask/order须记住; 引语若是否定式 not 加在to 前面 tell/order/ask sb not to do sth

eg. He said to him, “Go away!”

He asked him to go away.

eg. He said “Don’t make so much noise, boys.”

He told the boys not to make so much noise.