译林牛津 高一unit1 school life 短语小结

发布时间:2016-3-3 编辑:互联网 手机版

The useful phrases (Unit 1)

1. at ease with sb./sth. 与……轻松相处,处事不惊

2. next to 与……相邻

3. earn respect (from) 赢得尊重 earn money 赚钱 earn(make ) one’s living 谋生

4. achieve high grades 取得高分make achievements取得成绩

5. sound like 听起来象…… (look/ feel/smell/taste like)

6. at first (first of all)起初 at last 最后= finally ,in the end

7. at the end of…在……的末尾 at the beginning of…在……开始

8. get a general idea of/about 理解,明白,了解……

9. on (an/the) average 平均

10. according to 根据,依照

11. introduce …to … 把……介绍给……

12. surf the Internet 上网

13. one’s appointment with sb. 与某人的约会

14. be available for 可用与…… 对……有用

15. all year round 整年

16. upon/on doing…在……时候

17. donate … to … 把…捐献给… make a donation/donations

18. make a speech (about sth.)做(关于……)的报告 give a talk, give a lecture 做报告

19. refer to 提到,涉及,查阅,参考

20. leave out 省略

21. relate to 涉及,与……有关

22. pay attention to 注意

23. in advance (of) 事先

24. catch sb’s eyes /attention 吸引某人的注意

25. inform sb of sth. 通知某人某事

26. after-school activity 课外活动

27. meet up (with sb) 偶遇某人

28. be responsible for 对……负责

29. consist of 由……组成

30. come up with 提出,想出

31. be based on 以……为基础

32. sign up 报名

33. for free / for nothing /free of charge/free of cost 免费

34. the way of life 生活方式

35. develop an interest in …对……感兴趣

36. develop the habit of doing 培养……的兴趣

37. a developing country 一个发展中的国家 a developed country 发达国家

38. read out 读出来

39. the best way to do the way of doing 做……的方法

40. drop sb a line = write a letter to sb 给某人写信 drop in on sb 拜访某人 drop in at some place 拜访某地 drop out (of ) 退出,脱离……

41. during break time 在课间休息时

42. prepare for /prepare …for …/be prepared for ..为…做准备 make preparations for 为……做准备 prepare to do /be prepared to do 准备做……

43. have experience in /of 对……有经验=be experienced in

44. show respect for 对……表示尊敬 give one’s respects to sb 向某人转达自己的敬意

45. take part in ,join in 参加……活动

46. for fun ,for fun of it , just in fun为了娱乐 have fun=have a good time 玩的愉快 make fun of =laugh at =play a joke on =play jokes on 开某人的玩笑

47. on school field 在操场上 on school campus 在校园里

48. be happy with…对……很满意,很开心

49. be challenging for 对……有挑战 challenge sb to do 向某人挑战做……

50. use to do 过去常常做…… be used to doing 习惯于… be used to do 被用来做…… there used to be 某地曾有…

51. regret to do 很遗憾要做……(实际未做或正要做) regret doing 后悔遗憾做了……(已做完)without regret毫无遗憾

52. get close to 接近……靠近……

53. require sb to do 要求某人做……(sb be required to do ) meet/satisfy one’s requirement满足某人的需求

54. compare …with (to也可) 把…和…相比 compare to 把…比喻成 beyond comparison 无可比拟 without comparison 无可匹敌 make a comparison between..and..

55. be in fashion 时髦的 out of fashion 过时的

56. feel like 感觉象…… feel like doing /sth 想要做……

57. feel proud ( to do ) (做……)觉得骄傲

58. at the weekend = on weekends

59. have a chance to do 有做…的机会 miss a chance to do

60. all over the world 整个世界

61. at the top of 在……的顶端

62. to tell the truth 说实话

重点课文: School life in the UK

Former students return from China

Starting a new school club

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My final year