初三高频考点解读(Unit 12)

发布时间:2016-1-25 编辑:互联网 手机版


【考点一】 根据汉语意思完成句子。


There________ ________something wrong with the TV.

【思路解析】答案是must be,表示推测,意思是"准是;一定是"。

【知识拓展】 注意must be在句子中的几种用法。

(1)用于被动语态中,即"must be + 过去分词"。如:

This must be done as soon as possible.这件事必须尽快做。

(2)must be表示肯定的推测,意为"一定是",否定的推测用cannot。例如:

I guess your father must be a computer engineer. 我猜你父亲一定是个计算机工程师。

He cannot be at home at the moment. 他现在准不在家。


Until now no man has travelled farther than the moon.

No man has travelled farther than the moon so________.

【思路解析】 根据上下文意思,本题应填far。so far意为"到目前为止"。此外until now,by now也可表示此意。

【知识拓展】 so far常与现在完成时连用。如:

So far, he has been teaching himself French all the time. 直到现在,他一直在自学法语。

so far在句子中可以直接用until (by) now替换。如:

By now (So far) they haven't seen each other. 直到目前为止,他们彼此还没见过面。

【考点三】 Man-made satellites have been________into space by many countries.

A. set up B. sent up C. sent off D. sent for

【思路解析】选B。区别词组含义:set up"搭起;建立";send up"发射;发出";send off = see off"送行";send for"派人去请"。

【知识拓展】 send的含义有"寄;传"或"派(人)去......"。如:

The children were sent to bed. 孩子们被打发去睡觉了。

I'll send my son to you with my message. 我会让我的儿子带口信给你。

send与不同的词搭配,有不同的含义。如send away from(遣送;打发......离开);send up(发射); send for(派人去请......);send off(为......送行)。如:

Tom is ill. We'd better send for a doctor. 汤姆病了,我们最好派人去请医生来。

Why did Edison's teacher send him away from school? 爱迪生的老师为什么把他赶出学校?

People have sent up several spaceships this year. 今年人们已经发射了几艘宇宙飞船。

Many of his friends went to the station to send him off. 他的许多朋友都去车站为他送行。