Body Language

发布时间:2017-10-27 编辑:互联网 手机版

1.Although we may not realize it, when we talk with others we make ourselves understood not just by words.当我们和别人谈话时,我们并不仅仅靠语言来表达自己的意思 ,尽管我们可能意识不到这一点。

①although 尽管,虽然,引导让步状语从句。其中的it指代下文的整个意思。

例 Although they are poor, they are ready to help others.他们虽然穷,但却乐于助人。

②when we talk with others 是时间状语从句,主句是we make ourselves understood no t just by words.句中just作“仅仅,只是”解。not just by words=not only by words. 下面接着一句中有also by our expressions and body movements.这两句合起来相当于:We communicate with people around us not just/only by words, but also by expressions and body movements.我们不仅用言语,而且还用表情和身体的动作来同周围的人进行交 流。

2.In Arab countries, you eat using the fingers of your right hand; the left hand is not used at all.在阿拉伯国家,吃饭用右手的手指;根本不用左手。

①using the fingers of your right hand是-ing短语,在句中用作方式状语,修饰谓语动词eat。

例 Little children often count the numbers using their fingers.小孩子常用他们 的手指来数数字。

②at all 根本,完全,常用于否定句中,构成not…at all结构,意为“根本不,全然不”。

3.In parts of Asia you must not sit with your feet pointing at another person.在亚洲的某些地区,你不可能坐着把脚跷起对着别人。

with your feet pointing at 是with复合结构,它是由“with+名词+ing”组成,在句中作状语,表示伴随动作。

例 The young man lay on the grass, with his eyes looking at the sky.那个年轻人 躺在草地上,看着天空。

With a boy leading the way, we visited the temple.由一个男孩带路,我们参观了寺庙。

4.Using body language in a correct way will help communicate with people and make the stay in a foreign country easy and comfortable.正确地运用身势语有助于同人们进行交际,并使你在外国逗留时会感到轻松而愉快。

①using body language in a correct way 是动名词短语,在句中作主语。

②help后接不定式作宾语,这个不定式可以带to,也可以不带to。本句中communicate就是不带to的不定式,在句中作help的宾语。help还可接带不定式的复合结构,即help sb (to) do sth 帮助某人干某事。可带to也可不带to。

例 Reading helps (to) enlarge your vocabulary.阅读有助于扩大词汇量。

Let me help you to carry the box.我来帮你提箱子吧。

③“make+宾语+宾补”结构中,宾补可以是形容词、名词、过分去分词、不带to的不定式等等。上句中make的宾语是stay;宾语补足语是形容词easy and comfortable。介词短语in a foreign country 是定语,修饰the stay。

例 What he had done made his mother angry.他所做的事使他母亲很生气。



manage body language handshake agreement disagreement Asian kiss custom proud manner manners comfortable guest dining room type composition wave nod distance fist juice one another


1.manage v. 设法对付,处理,能应付,常与can/could连用。

例 It's heavy, but I can manage (to carry) it.

manage to do 设法做成,强调结果。

try to do 尽量去做,强调动作,结果不明确。

例 He managed to finish his work in an hour.他设法在一小时内完成了工作。

He tried to finish the work in an hour.他尽量在一小时内完成工作。

2.Show you how to use the typewriter.教你怎样使用打字机。


例 I'll show you where to go.我来告诉你该往哪儿走。

show还作“带领,引导”解,常用show sb to some place结构表示“带某人到某处”。

例 Show you to the dining room.带你去食堂。

Show the visitors to the West Lake.带游客到西湖。


make oneself understood 让自己被别人理解

make oneself heard 让别人听见你说话

make oneself known 让自己被人认识

例 You must make yourself respected.你必须让别人尊重你。

You should make your views known to everyone.你应该使大家了解你的观点。

4.accept…as 认为是…。介词as后跟名词或-ing形式。

例 I cannot accept you as my assistant.我不能接受你作为我的助手。

Waving one's arms can be accepted as crying for help.挥舞双臂可能被认为是呼救。

5.take sb./sth.for example 以某人/某事为例。

例 Let's take the computer for example.我们以这台计算机为例。

Take my sister for example, she likes pop music very much.以我的妹妹为例,她很喜 欢流行音乐。

6.English-speaking 合成形容词,意为“说英语的”。spoken English 意为“英语口语”

例 Today, one province of Canada is French-speaking.现在加拿大就有一个省是说法 语的。

7.Shake hands with sb.同某人握手。

我们还可以用shake sb's hand来表示。

例 He shook hands warmly with us.他热情地和我们握手。

8.point at 指向较近处的目标或瞄准目标

point to 指向较远处的目标

例 The man pointed his finger at the map.那个人用手指指着地图。

The man pointed to the high mountain far away.那人指着远处的高山。

9.follow ①跟随,接着

例 Spring follows winter.冬去春来。

I followed him up the hill.我跟着他上山。

②遵循、听从,依照…行事。You must follow the doctor's advice.你必须按医生说的去做。

proud adj. 骄傲的,自豪的

pride n. 骄傲,自豪

be proud of-take pride in 对/以……而骄傲/自豪

例 We are proud of your success.我们为你的成功而感到自豪。

They both took great pride in their gold watch.他们两个都以那块金表感到骄傲。

10.manner n. 态度,方式,举止

例 Do it in this manner.用这种方式做

His manner showed his frankness.他的态度说明了他的坦率。

manners (pl.) 礼貌

例 It is bad manners to stare at other people.

11.kiss sb good-bye 吻别。类似的还有:

say good-by to sb.向……道别

say hello to sb.向……问好

say sorry to sb.向……道谦

say yes/no to…同意/不同意…


I had just gone to bed after a very hard day when the phone rang. It was an eccentric(怪僻的) farmer. I had never met him before although I had often heard people talk about him. He sounded quite nervous and he had been talking for a minute or so before I understood anything. Even then all I could make out was t hat someone called Milly had had a very bad accident. I hadn't the slightest idea who she was but I obviously had to go.

It had been snowing heavily that day and I didn't know the way. I had been driving for at least an hour when I finally found his place. He was standing there, waiting for me. It seemed Milly had died.“She meant more to me than anyone … even m y own wife!”he said. I could see that he had been crying, I thought something terrible had taken place, a possible scandal(丑闻).I was even more shocked when told me he had put her in the barn(厩).“I wouldn't leave her out in the cold!”he s aid.

Milly had clearly been a secret lover of his. I was about to tell him he could no t expect me to cover anything up when he opened the barn door. He lifted his candle and I saw a dark figure on the ground.“She was such a good cow! I wouldn't le t anyone but a doctor touch her!”He said, and burst into tears again.

1.The underlined phrase make out in the first paragraph means ______________.

A. expect B. understand C. see clearly D. hear clearly

2.Before he arrived at the farmer's house, the writer expected to see Milly lying ______________.

A on the ground of a barn B. on the floor of a room

C. in bed in a room D. in bed in a barn

3.What do we know about Milly from the story?

A .She had met with an accident B. She had caused a scandal

C. she was seriously ill D. She was hidden somewhere

4.The farmer wished that the writer might ______________.

A. look into the matter B. bring Milly back to life

C. free him from a scandal D. keep the whole thing a secret

5.The person who told the story is probably a ______________.

A. farmer B. policeman

C. country doctor D. newspaper reporter

解析 1.这是一道词意辨析题,要求考生根据上下文所述的内容猜测划线短语的意思。一位怪僻的农夫在电话中说了一分钟的话却没能使作者明白他的意图,只是知道一个叫Milly的出了事故。由此可以猜出make out的意思是understand。故B为正确答案。


3.这是一道细节题,但迷惑性却很大。当年考生选D的不占少数,但选项中的somewhere同文章中提到的he had put her in the barn.一句还有一段距离,所以不能为最佳答案。从第一自然段中someone called Milly had had a very bad accident一句来判断A要比其它选 项更为恰当。故A应为最佳答案。


5.这是一道推断题,要求考生推断本篇故事作者的职业。从“She was such a good cow!I wouldn't let anyone but a doctor touch her!”这两句话中可以断定,作者是位医生,故C为最佳答案。

【有关"Body Language" 的教学设计】

教学设计1. Lesson 9






内容1:Teaching Procedures


教学设计2. Lesson 10


1.Learn and master the following

(1) make oneself done

(2) accept…as

(3) not…but…

(4) kiss sb. goodbye/hello

(5) It is/was+adj./n.+inf.

(6) with+compound object.

2.Improve the Ss’ ability of reading comprehension


内容1:Teaching Procedures


教学设计3. Lesson 11


1. Learn and master the following.

(1) keep away

(2) a certain +n.

(3)make sb./ sth. +adj.

2.Improve the Ss’ ability of reading comprehension.

3.Language study-the infinitive.


内容1:Teaching Procedures


教学设计4. Lesson 12


1.Review the grammar-the infinitive

2.Do some listening.

3.Do some writing.


内容1:Teaching Procedures


教学设计5. 高二英语 Unit 3 Body language




二会: L10 gesture Arab Puerto Rico

L11 communicate host

三会: L9 manage dining room type composition

L10 wave nod

L11distance fist juice one another

四会: L10 body language handshake agreement disagreement Asian kiss custom proud

L11 manner manners comfortable guest


Would you like me to …?

Would you like me to do this for you ?

No, thanks. I can manage it myself.

Is there anything else I can do for you ?

No, thank you. Thanks for all your help.

Can/Shall I help you ?

Would you like some help ?

Thanks/Yes, please.

That’s very kind of you.






教学设计6. 高二英语 第三单元





【关于“Body Language”的常见问题】

常见问题1: Body Language


-Can I help you with the heavy box?

-I can manage it. But ___________.

A .thank you very much B. thanks a lot

C. thank you all the same D. many thanks for your kindness


解题提导:本题考查all the same的用法。all the same 意为“然而,仍然”。


常见问题2: Body Language


Is ___________ necessary to complete the design before the expert com es?

A. that B. this

C. is D. he


解题提导:本题考查不定式的用法。to complete the design 是不定式作主语。当不定式作主语后置时,要用it作形式主语放在句首。


常见问题3: Body Language


-Are the new rules working?

-Yes,___________ books are stolen.

A. Few B. More

C. Some D. None




常见问题4: Body Language


He is a stranger here ,and has no sense of ______.

A.distance B.position C.time D.direction


导析:句意是他在这儿很陌生,没有方向感。distance表示距离,position 表示位置,time表示时间。对于一个陌生人来说,方向可以用感觉去体会,其他几个词与感觉无关。答案:D

常见问题5: Body Language


Tom,_________ on time tomorrow . sure to come B.will be sure to come sure to come be sure to come


导析:有时一个逗号也决不可小看。如果这道题没有逗号,那就再简单不过了,A是正确答案。但有了逗号,按句子种类分析,由陈述句变成了祈使句。另外,be sure一般不用于将来时,即使本题没有逗号,选项B也不成立。答案:C

常见问题6: Body Language


She_______ to get there on time and caught the first bus .

A.tried B.managed C.liked D.wanted


导析:A、B、C、D四个选项均可接动词不定式,但意义各不相同。try to do(努力做)只强调努力,不知道结果;manage to do(设法做到了)强调努力并有成功的结果。本题中“她赶上了车”说明她的努力成功了。答案:B

常见问题7: Body Language


Tom kept quiet about the accident ______ lose his job . not as to as not to as to not D.not so as to


导析:本题考查的是不定式在句中作状语其否定式的正确形式。一般情况下,非谓语动词的否定式均在非谓语动词前加not构成;so as to do sth.的否定形式应为so as not to do sth。答案:B

常见问题8: Body Language


--Alice, why didn't you come yesterday?

--____, but I had an unexpected visitor.

A.had B.would C.was going to D.did


导析:考生如果死记语法知识,局限于传统思维,就容易在will与is going to两项的过去时态上左右徘徊。would表示过去习惯性动作或过去将来,而was going to在该题设置的语境有其特殊的含意,表示过去的打算或意愿未实现。答案:B

常见问题9: Body Language


The speaker raised his voice but still couldn't make himself _____.

A.hear hear C.hearing D.heard



常见问题10: Body Language


____house have you called at?

A. Who else B.Who's else C.Who else's D.Whose else


导析:else一般只能放在不定代词、疑问代词或疑问副词之后。当else 与疑问代词who连用时,它的所有格形式有两种:who else's和whose else。who else's常作定语,whose else常做表语。答案:C

常见问题11: Body Language


_____late in the morning, Bob turned off the alarm.

A.To sleep B.Sleeping

C.Sleep D.Having slept


导析:“sleep late”的含义为“sleep until late hours(睡到很晚的时间),get up late(起床迟,多睡会儿)”,该句句意是:“为了早上多睡会儿,鲍勃关掉了闹钟“,所以需选用不定式表示目的。答案:A

常见问题12: Body Language


I would love _______ to the party last night, but I had to work extra hours to finish a report. go have gone

C.going D.having gone


导析:表示“一时性的欲念”,love/like后用动名词作宾语,因此可排除选项C、D;题中有last night修饰动词不定式,表过去动作,故排除选项A。答案:B

常见问题13: Body language


His French was very poor , so he couldn’t make himself_____ . But we made him _____ us . That is , he was made ______ all this .

  A. understand ; understand ; to understand

  B. to understand ; to understand ; understand

  C. understanding ; understanding ; understand

  D. understood ; understand ; to understand


答案选D。了解使役动词make的句型可知为什么选D:make + sb + do使别人干……,make + oneself + 过去分词“使别人明白自己”,sb be + made + to do某人被迫去干……

常见问题14: Body language


I would love to ______ the party last night but I had to work extra hours to finish a report .

A. to go B. to have gone C. going D. having gone


答案选B。本题大意为:昨晚我本想参加晚会,但我不得不加班工作完成报告。would love / like to do很想干……,would like / love to have done当时很想但未能干……

常见问题15: Body language


The celebration of Christmas is a western ______.

A. habit B. manner C. movement D. custom



常见问题16: Body language


I talked for a long time , and in the end I ______ make her believe me .

A. tried to B. managed to C. could D. succeeded to


答案选B。manage to do设法干成了……,try to do设法干……,succeed in doing成功地干……从语境in the end可知最后说服了对方。

常见问题17: Body language


  My first teacher _______ last week and said he was still in good health .

  A. shook me by the hand

  B. shook me by my hands

  C. shook my hand

  D. shook hand with me


选A。和……握手:shake sb by the hand , shake sb’s hands , shake hands with sb。

【有关"Body Language" 的课后练习】



1.When we talk with others we make ourselves understood not just .

A. by word B. by words C. on word D. for word

2.-Did you have trouble with your car yesterday?

-Yes, but I finally _______________.

A. tried to get starting it B. tried it to get started

C. managed to get it started D. managed to get starting it

1.The Arab _______________ is friendly will stand close _______________ his

friend, but the Englishman will move back _______________ a certain distance away.

A. who, to, in order to keep B. which, beside, to keep

C. that, to, so that keeping D./,at, so as to keep

4.To say hello to each other _______________ when meeting.

A. is good manners B. are good manners

C. is a good manner D. are a good manner

2.She thought I was talking about their daughter,_______________ in fact, I was talking about my daughter.

A. whom B. where C. which D. while

6.His spoken English is poor, so sometimes he can't make himself .

A. understand B. understood

C. understanding D. be understood

7.He usually works with the door and windows _______________.

A. closing B. closed

C. close D. to be closed

8.He is quite different from the others. He spoke slowly,_______________ curious


A. in B. with C. in a D. with a

9.-Thanks for all your help.


A. It's my pleasure B. It's my duty

C. No, thanks D. You are so kind

10.Didn't you see the man _______________?

A.I nodded just now B. whom I just nodded now

C.I nodded to just now D.I nodded to him just now


How do people's mood(情绪) affect their health?

Recently some American scientists made an experiment. They drew into test tubes people's breath under different moods, and then put the test tubes in a container filled with ice and water.

When breath turned into liquid, scientists found that when a person is not angry, his breath is transparent(透明的).When he is sad, white sediment(沉淀物) appears. When someone regrets over something, the breath looks cream coloured. And when he is angry, it is purple(紫色).After the liquid with purple sediment was injected( 注射)into a white rat, it died in several minutes.

After further study, scientists found out that if a person remains angry for ten minutes, he will use up much energy as he does after running meters. Anger leads to strong reaction and produces very poisonous secretion(分泌物).Obviously anger does great harm to people's health.

1.White sediment appears when you ______________.

A. are happy B. are angry C. are sad D. regret something

2.Which of the following is the best title?

A. Beautiful colours. B. Different moods

C. Anger produces poison D. Happiness is better

3.Purple sediment ______________.

A. is not harmful B. can kill a small animal

C. can never be found D. is helpful to one's health

4.It you remains angry longer, you ______________.

A. will use less energy B. will use more energy

C. will use no energy D. will use all energy

5.From the reading we can know ______________.

A. one's breath is always colourful

B. scientists turn breath into liquid with ice and water

C. white sediment can be very dangerous

D. mood can affect people's health



1-5 BCAAD 6-10 BBCAC


1.C 2.C 3.B 4.B 5.D