人教版初二下英语教案Lesson 62(网友来稿)

发布时间:2016-5-16 编辑:互联网 手机版


Lesson 62 ( The second period )

一、Teaching aims and demands.


二、 Organization. be omitted.

三、 Revision.


Ask sb. to play and act “A”、“B” on “Asking the way”.

(请四组八位同学表演A 问路、B答路;可提供部分地点名称,如“××大学”、“××电影院”等)

四、 Teaching of new lesson.

1.Listening. Listen to the tape for L62, then read after it aloud.

2.Language points. (用幻灯显示)

1)Liu Mei is on her way to the cinema…


on one’s way to…,意为“在某人往……的途中”。如果这个短语后面跟的是副词,如home,there,here等,则不用介词to。如:

I met an old friend on my way home yesterday.

2)What’s the matter? 出了什么事,怎么啦?

在句中matter是名词,作“麻烦事”“毛病”解。而在“It doesn’t matter.”句中它作动词使用,意为“有关系”、“要紧”。

3)He’s sick in hospital. 他生病住院了。

in hospital短语中hospital前不加冠词,类似的表达还有at work等。如表达“在(某家)医院里(工作)”等意思,则须加冠词the。如:

He works in the (a) hospital. 他在那家(一家)医院工作。

4)But I can’t find the address.

find意为“找到”、“发现”,强调“结果”;如果表示“寻找”、强调“过程”,则用look for。如:I’m looking for my pen but I can’t find it now.


5)Maybe you put it there. 也许你把它放在哪儿了。


Maybe you are right. 也许你是对的。

使用时要注意与“may be”区别,may be在句中作谓语。

6)How can I get there? 我怎么到那里呢?

…reach the end. 走到底。

get与reach、arrive表中可表示“到达”。其中reach是及物动词,它后面直接跟宾语;get作“到达”解时,与arrive一样是不及物动词,必须分别通过介词to(get to)或at、in(arrive at、arrive in)才能跟宾语表示“到过某个地方”。但后面如果是home、there等副词(作状语)时,不跟介词(如本句)

7)He may know. 他(指警察)可能知道。


He may go to Shanghai next week. 下周他可能去上海。

We may have a dictation tomorrow. 明天我们也许要听写。

8)It’ll take you about half an hour. 它将花费你大约半小时。


It’ll take you about half an hour to go to the hospital.

句型“It takes sb. some time to do sth.”意为“某人花了多少时间做某事”。句中it是形式主语,真正的主语是动词不定式短语to do sth.。take在句子意为“需要”。又如:

It takes us four hours to get there. 我们到那里要4小时。

It took him two hours to finish his work. 他花两个小时做完自己的活。


Can we go there by bus? 我们可以乘车去(那里)吗?

句中by bus表示“乘车”这种方式。与“on foot”,“by bike”这些短语一样,bus前不加冠词。

The No. 72 bus will take you there. 本句可译作“你可乘72路公共汽车去那里。”句子字面的意思是“72路汽车将载你到达那里。”因为只有乘72路才能到达,所以用了定冠词“the”。

此外,常见的句子还有“Is there a bus?”“有公车(乘)吗?”。这个句子泛指有没有任何一路、任何一辆的公车,所以用了不定冠词a。

课文中“We’d better catch a bus.” “我们最好乘车去。”句子中指乘72路的任何一辆汽车,所以也用了定冠词a。

10)They look around… 他们四周环顾……

look around= look round 意为“东张西望”。

五、Design for exercises.


熟读课文,巩固掌握常见常用“问路”、“乘车”的有关句型。完成Wb L62 Exx. 1-3.

2.Additional exercises.



1. 往左拐 2. 第二个路口

3. 沿着这条街走 4. 在街尾(尽头)

5. 二十分钟后 6. 一个半小时

7. 住院 8. 内衣袋

9. 四周探望 10. 回家的路上


1.Can you tell me how I can get to East Park?(改为同义句)

Can you tell me the East Park?

2.The hospital is not far. If you take a bus there, you’ll get there in thirty minutes.(同上)

It’ll take you to to the hospital.

3.The woman finds the husband in the hospital.(划线提问)

the woman her husband?

4.Let’s ask the policeman over there.(完成反意疑问句)

Let’s ask the policeman over there, ?

5.The man was very happy to see his wife.(改为感叹句)

the man was to see his wife!


1. 妈妈生病了住院了,我该怎么办?

Mother is ill . What I ?

2. 请问去第一中学怎么走?

me. is the No. 1 Middle School, please?

3. 走了这么长的路,你一定很累了。

You very a long walk.

1. 你可以在第二路口向左拐。

You on the left.


A. 1.turn left 2.the second turning 3.Walk along this street

4.at the end of the street 5.in twenty minutes 6.one and half hours

7.in hospital 8.inside pocket 9.look around 10.on one’s way home

B. 1.way, to 2.half an hour, get 3.Where, does, find

4.shall , we 5.How, happy

C. 1.in, hospital, shall, do 2.Excuse, Which, way, to

3.must, be, tired, after 4.can, take, the second, turning.