初三英语(人教版)Unit 2句型用法透视

发布时间:2016-1-12 编辑:互联网 手机版

一、no matter how/what/when/where ...无论如何/什么/什么时候/什么地方……

【考点说明】该词组引导让步状语从句,相当于however / whatever / whenever / wherever引导的让步状语从句。

  No matter where/Wherever I go, I'll not forget you.无论我去哪里都不会忘了你。

  No matter what/Whatever you do, you should do it well.无论你做什么,你都必须做好。

  No matter when/Whenever you come here, you should come to see me.无论你什么时候来这儿,都要来看我。

  二、have been to曾经到过某地


  He has been to Beijing many times. 他曾到过北京多次。

  How many times have you been to Shanghai? 你到过上海几次?

  【区别于】1.have gone to到某地去了,强调人在途中。

  -Where is he?


  -He has gone to the playground.


  He isn't in his office, perhaps he has gone to the playground.他不在办公室,可能到操场去了。

  2.have been in 在某地呆过,常和for引导的时间段连用,表曾在某地呆过一段时间。

  I have been in Nanjing for three months. 我曾在南京呆过三个月。

  How long have you been in Beijing? 你在北京呆过多长时间?

  三、What is...like?……怎么样?

  【考点说明】该句型询问外表或性格特点或特定情况。询问特定情况时可改成How is...?

  -What is he like?


  -Handsome/ Kind.


  What is the weather like in your hometown?

  =How is the weather in your hometown? 你家乡的气候怎么样?

  【区别于】What does...look like? ……看起来怎么样?询问外表。

  What does this building look like?这幢楼房看起来像什么?

  What does she look like? 她长得怎么样?

  四、How long have you...?你已经……多长时间了?


  -How long have you lived here?


  -Since the end of last year.


  -How long have you learned English?


  -For eight years.




  When to start is unknown to me.何时出发我不知道。

  I don't know where to spend my summer holidays.我不知道到哪儿过暑假。

  My question is where to find this kind of book.我想问的问题是到哪儿能找到这种书。