高一英语第八单元Mainly revision

发布时间:2016-11-5 编辑:互联网 手机版

科目 英语

年级 高一

文件 hihg1 unit8.doc


章节 第八单元

关键词 内容

一、 目的与要求



运用所学的食物名称及有关“就餐”的日常交际用语,完成教科书和练习册中规定的听、说、写的任务;阅读课文“Food around the world”,深刻理解,完成有关课文内容的练习,并进一步练习定语从句,被动语态及各种动词时态的用法。





①Hello/Hi. Nice to meet you.

②I’ll introduce you.

③Give one’s regards/best wishes/love to sb.

④I must go/be leaving now.


①Here are some do’s and don’ts.


③What about…?

④Make sure that…

⑤Do what he/she tells you to do.


①Would you please say that again more slowly?

②Pardon? I’m sorry I know only a little English.

③I don’t quite fllow you.

④How do you pronounce/spell…?

⑤I have some difficulty in doing…

⑥What does…mean?


①Have a good time.

②Good luck. Have a good tip.

③The same to you.


①Would you like another piece of beancurd?

②How about some more…?

③Just a little, please…

④No, thanks. I’ve had enough.

⑤Help yourself to…

⑥Let me give you…



1.--Would you like another piece of beancurd? --要不要再吃一块豆腐?

--Yes, please. --好的,谢谢。

在口语中Yes常与please连用,“Yes, please”意为“好吧”,与此相反的是“No, thinks”,如:

①--Would you like another glass of juice? --还要一杯果汗吗?

--No, thanks. --不用了,谢谢。

②--Have some more cake, please. --请再吃点蛋糕。

--No, thanks. I’m full/I’ve had enough. --不用了,我已经饱了。

2.What a delicious supper! 多么美味的晚餐啊!

一般情况下三餐前不用冠词,have breakfast, have lunch, have supper吃早、中、晚饭。但当三餐前有定语修饰时,要带冠词,如:

①After a quick breakfast, Mary hurried to school. 匆匆吃过早饭后,Mary赶去上学。

②What a nice dinner we had at your house! 你家的晚饭太可口了!

3.Take turns to offer each other the foods in Part 2 in pairs.


△Take turns to do表示轮流做某事。It’s one’s turn to do…表示轮到某人做某事,如:

①They took turns to keep watch. 他们轮流站岗。

②It’s your turn to recite the passage. 轮到你背这篇短文了。

△offer 提供 r.n.提供之物

①He offered 10,000 dollars to help the poor. 他拿出1万美元帮助穷人。

②Could you offer me a cup of coffee, please? 请给我一杯咖啡好吗?

③My sister was offered a good chance to go abroad for further study of English.


④Would you like to accept the offer? 你愿意接受这个帮助吗?

⑤Thank you for your kind offer of help. 感谢你所提供的帮助。

4.When Christopher Columbus and his friend…, they discovered the plant “corn” there.Discover vt. 发现,看出,指揭示久已存在但从未被人知晓的客观事实,如:

①Many years ago, electricity was discovered. The discovery made people’s life changed a lot. 许多年前人们发现了电,电的发现使人们的生活发生了巨大的变化。

②We have discovered that he is a quite careful in his word. 我们发现他工作很仔细。


①The computer was invented after electricity was discovered. It is one of the most

important inventions in the world.


②Electricity was not discovered by Edison, but he invented the electric light.


5.…there was not enough room for the population.



①There is no room left for the newcomer. 新到的人已经没地儿了。

②He took up too much room in our room. 他在我们的房间占了很大的地儿。

6.They needed a plant which didn’t need as much water as rice.


7.It is a very useful plant that can be prepared in many different ways.


1) prepare调制

How do you prepare the fish? 你怎么做这鱼?

2) prepare sth. Prepare to do sth. 准备……

①He is preparing his speech for tomorrow’s meeting. 他正在准备明天大会的演讲稿。

②I was about to prepare supper when the bell rang. 我正要做晚饭时门铃响了。

③What are you preparing to offer me? 你准备为我提供点什么?

④He is preparing to go abroad. 他正准备出国。

3) prepare sb. for sth. 使某人对某事有思想准备。

①The teacher is preparing the students for the coming examination.


②We must be prepared for failure again. 我们必须做好再次失败的心理准备。

4) be prepared to do sth. 乐于做某事。

①He’s not prepared to listen to your excuse. 他不乐意听你的解释。

②I’m prepared to help others. 我乐于助人。

8.Sometimes they cook it whole over an open fire.



①They cooked a duck whole over the fire and soon a delicious smell came out.


②The man ate an egg whole at a time. 那人一次吞下一整个鸡蛋。


the whole class(整个班) my whole life(我整个生命)

three whole days(三整天) all my books(我所有的书)

all the students(所有的考生) all three days(三整天)

9.In many parts of the world corn is made into powder.


1) be made into意为“原料被加工成了……”

①We can make glass into different kinds of things. 我们可以把玻璃制成各种东西。

2) be made of指“成品是由什么原料制成的”能看出原材料。be made from则看不出原材料。

①Gas is made from coal. 煤气是由煤产生的。

②This kind of wine is made from grape. 这种酒是葡萄制成的。

③The desks are made of wood. 桌子是木头做的。

④The cloth is made of cotton. 这种布是用棉花制成的。

3) be made up of“由…组成”

①The novel is made up of ten parts. 这部小说有十部分组成。

②The sports team is made up of eleven members. 这支队由11人组成。

10.A number of other plants were found in America. 在美洲还发现了许多其他的作物。

A number of表示“很多”,与a lot of用法相同,后面接复数名词,如:

①A number of birds come to KunMing for the winter eveay year.


②A number of students are playing on the playground. But I don’t know what the number is.


the number of表示“…的数目”,谓语动词用单数,如:

③The number of the students in our school has risen this year.




说 明 例 句

限制性定语从句 限定了先行词的范围和意思,这类从句不能省去。 I’ve found a man who can help you.


Autumn in Beijing is the season which is neither hot not cold.


The factory where he worked was built in 1940.


Is this school the one you visited yesterday?


非限制性定语从句 只是对附加词进行补充说明,在意思上相当于一个并列的分句,如果省略,剩下的主句意思仍然清楚。书写时,从句和主句之间要用逗号分开,不能用that引导。 I knocked at the door of the chemist’s, which immediately opened.


She has a sister, who is a musician.


They set up a school, where there were lots of students studying.




关系代词 用 法 例 句

that 做从句的主语或宾语,先行词可以是人也可以是物。 The table that stands over there is made of wood.


The book I gave you is well worth reading.


The man that is talking to my father is my English teacher.


which 做从句的主语或宾语,先行词是表示物的名词或代词。 The school (which) we visited is a famous one in Beijing.


She hasn’t got enough money with which to buy the ring. 他没带够买戒指的钱。


whom 做从句的主语、宾语,其先行语为表示人的名词或代词。 Do you know the man who often makes speeches here?


Who’s the woman (whom) you just referred to?


whose 做从句的定语,先行词可以是人也可以是物。 LiMin is the boy whose father is an engineer.


I live in the house whose windows face north.




关系副词 基本用法 例 句

when 在从句中做时间状语,其先行词为表示时间的名词或代词。 I still remember the day when I joined the Youth League. 我仍然记着入团的那一天。

I’ll never forget the time when we worked on the farm.


when 在从句中做地点状语,先行词为表示地点的名词和代词。 This is the bridge where you took photos.


why 在从句中做原因状语常与reason连用。 I know the reason why she was angry.



▲被修饰的先行词为不定代词,all, much, something, everything, nothing, anything, none, the one等时,如:

We should do all that is useful to the people. 我们应该做一切有益于人民的事。

Do you mean the one that I bought yesterday? 你指的是我昨天买的吗?

▲先行词被only, any, few, little, no, one of, just, very等修饰时,如:

The only thing that we could do was to wait. 我们唯一能做的是等待。

The is the right person that I’m waiting for. 他就是我等的人。


When we talk about WuXi, the first that comes to mind is Tai lake.


This is the third film that has been shown in our school this term. 这是我校本学期放映的第三部片子。


The must important thing that should be done is how to stop him from going on.


This book is the best one that I’ve read. 这本书是我看过的最好一本。


Edison built up a factory which produced things that had never been seen before.




A zoo is a park in which many kinds of animals are kept for exhibition.


Is this the room in which Mr White lives?



The street hasn’t been cleaned for weeks, which makes it very dirty.


He takes exercises everyday, which has done a lot of good to his health.




1.--Who do you know the electricity?

--I don’t know who did it. But I know that Thomas Edison the electric lamp.

A. invented; invented B. discovered; invented C. found; found D. discovered; found

2.-- beancurd you’ve cooked!

--It’s very kind of you to say so.

A. How a nice B. What a nice C. How nice D. What nice

3.Wood can be made a great number of things. Look, this kind of paper is madewood.

A. into; of B. into; from C. from; into D. of; from

4.--Would you like another piece of cake?

-- .

A. Yes, please B. Yes, thanks C. No, please D. Yes, if you like

5.-- .

--Thank you.

A. Make yourself at home, Eat some fish B. You can eat some more fish by yourself

C. You’re free to eat some fish D. Help yourself to some fish

6.The farmers do their best to the market with enough vegetables.

A. supply B. feed C. prepare D. offer

7. students is more than two thousand in this school.

A. The number of B. A good many C. A number of D. plenty of

8.The car was too 6 people.

A. crowded with B. full of C. filled with D. small to

9.After the new technique introduced, the factory produced tractors in 1988 as the year before.

A. as twice many B. as many twice C. twice as many D. twice many as

10.--Do you think I could borrow your dictionary?

-- .

A. Yes, you may borrow B. Yes, you could C. Yes, go on D. Yes, help youself

答案:1--5.B、D、B、A、D 6--10.A、A、A、C、D

8.这辆车坐6个人太挤了,be crowded with意为“拥挤”


10.“help yourself ” 除了有“自用食物”的意思外还有“自己动手做”的意思



1.Finally came the day he had to begin his study for the next term.

A. till B. when C. since D. which

2.The train she was travelling was late.

A. by which B. on that C. on which D. /

3.Is some German friends visited last week.

A. this school where B. this school one C. this the school D. this school

4.Is there anyone in your class home is in the country?

A. who’s B. his C. whose D. that

5.He talked about the people and things interested him greatly during his stay here.

A. which B. that C. who D. they

6.This is the only verb can be used in this sentence.

A. that B. which C. it D. /

7.This is just the place I’m longing to visit these days.

A. where B. to which C. / D. to where

8.The house he visited yesterday was the one the great writer lived many years ago.

A. where; where B. which; which C. where; which D. which; where

9.The taxi a truck had knocked last night was destroyed.

A. which B. where C. at which D. into which

10.All is needed is a supply of oil.

A. the thing B. that C. what D. which

答案: 1--5.B、A、C、C、B 6--10.A、C、D、C、B

2.She was travelling by brain. 所以此题应选A。

3.此题考查对先行词的判断能力。“This is the school,” “school ”是先行词。如果没有“the”, “this school ”后面要加“the one ”代替先行词“school”, This school is the one that…



8.“The house ”在从句中做“visited ”的宾语,“the one ”在从句中做地点状语。


9.介词后用which. “knock at ”表示碰撞,昨天晚上一辆出租车被卡车撞坏了。

10.先行词是“All ”,关系代词只能用that。