中考英语总复习八上Unit7 导学案(仁爱版英语中考复习)

发布时间:2016-9-5 编辑:互联网 手机版


imagine , soup , cheese , biscuit , pancake , western , Indian , Russian , pity , sale , supply , cut , oil , add , cooker , pork , immediately , advantage , cheap , butter , piece , polite , spoon , course , southern , lady , gentleman , satisfy , guest , menu , wine , bill , lemonade , salad , coke , worth ,effort


1. Do you know about Daniel lgali ?

A . know about sb know sb

2. I will turn to our teacher for help.

A . turn to sb for help

3.I will think over how we should organize the food festival .

A . think over

4.Let’s try our best to make it successful .

A. try one’s best to do sth make +adj

a.作为学生, 你应该尽力学习.

As a student , you must

b.They are going to have a sports meeting ,and they decide to make it .

A. succeed B. successful C. successfully

5. I have a sweet tooth and I think a lot of students would buy western food .

A. have a sweet tooth .

a. 小孩子喜欢吃糖,并不是好事.

It is not a good thing for children to

6. What’s more , I am sure that selling fried rice and dumplings will make a lot of money .

A.what’s more make a lot of money

7. Thank you for inviting me to you food festival .

A. thank you for doing sth


Thank you for me the matter .

b. Thank you for me your dictionary .

8. I am very pleased with what you are going to do for us .

A. be pleased with sth

a. 老师对你的作文很满意.

The teacher your composition .

9. Let’s make his dream come true .

A. come true

10. Help yourself to some soup .

A. help oneself to …

a. Help to some fruit , children .

A. yourself B. yourselves C. you

11. Do you know whether or not it’s polite to smoke during a meal in France ?

A. whether or not

a. I don’t know he will come here or not .

A. if B. whether C.weather

12. If you are going to a formal western dinner party for the first time , you had better know about western table manners .

A. for the first time had better do sth

a. 我是第一次见到你的父亲.

I saw your father

b. 你最好不要告诉他你考试不及格.

You’d better him that you failed the exam .

c. You’d better up smoking .

A. to give B. stop C. give

13. It is polite to finish eating everything on your plate , so don’t take more food than you need .

A. finish doing sth take more food than you need

a. 他上周就写完了他的小说了.

He his novel last week .

b. When did you finish (read ) this book ?

14. Remember not to drink too much .

A. remember not to do sth

a. The teacher told me to remember (not be) late again nest time .

15. If you can’t remember these rules , just do as other people do .

A. do as other people do

a. 如果你不知道怎么做,就像别人做的那样做.

If you don’t know ,please

16. People around the world have different eating habits .

A. people around the world eating habits

a. 我们城市的人.

b. 他们班里的学生.

c. 来自美国的老师.

d. 我们学校的老师都很友好.

are all friendly to us .

17. I hope everyone has a wonderful time .

A. have a wonderful time = have a good time .

18. Let’s wish the students success .

A. wish sb success

19. Enjoy yourselves .


The children in the park .

b. Did you enjoy (you) during the holiday .

20. We will send the food to you in twenty minutes.

A. in twenty minutes .

a. I will come back ten minutes .

A. in B. after C. for

b. He came back ten years .

A. in B. after C. for

c. They have lived here ten years .

A. in B. after C. for

21. It is very important for us to keep a balanced diet .

A. it is very important for sb to do sth

a. 和别人融洽相处是很重要的.

It is

b. It is difficult for us to remember all these new words in such a short time .

B. keep a balanced diet .

c. 保持饮食平衡是很重要.

It is very important for us to

22. We must realize that we should eat not only our favorite food but also healthy food .

A. realize sth not only …but also…

a. 他不但喜欢中国历史,而且还喜欢英国历史.

He is interested in China’s history the history of England.

b. Not only we but also his brother (like)playing football .

23. Jane cooked more carefully . I cooked the most carefully .

a. The students are doing their homework (care) now .

24. The more regularly we eat , the healthier we are .

A. The +比较级… ,the +比较级…

a. 你的书读得越多,你获得的知识就越多.

The books you read , knowledge you get .

b. 爬得越高,看得越远.

The you climb , you see .

25. May I have the bill ?

26. The results were worth the effort .

A. be worth sth be worth doing sth

a. This books is worth (read)



(1) 从句是陈述句,用连词 引导,它在从句中只起连接作用,不作句子成分,没有词义,在口语中往往可省略;

(2) 从句是一般疑问句,用连词 或 引导;

(3) 从句是特殊疑问句,用 作引导词。


(1) 如果主句用的是一般现在时态,从句则根据动作发生的实际情况来确定。

He says (that)he (have) a walk soon. (soon 指将来,从句用将来时)

I want to know who (come) here late this morning . (今早已过去,从句用过去时)


He wondered if I (will come).

She told me that her son (get) well .

She said that she (like) watching TV.

We thought Jim (be) wrong .

(3) 当从句如表示的是客观存在的事实或者是客观存在的真理时,就不用受到主句时态的限制,仍是用一般现在时态。

Mr. Li said the moon (be) smaller than the earth .

The teacher told us (that) the earth (move) around the sun .




How to make





After that
