定语从句的学习难点 (人教版高三英语下册教学论文)

发布时间:2016-12-7 编辑:互联网 手机版


所谓定语从句(THE ATTRABUTIVE CLAUSE)是指在主从复合句中修饰主句中的名词或代词的从句。定语从句在中学英语学习中是比较复杂却又是运用的比较广泛的一种从句形式,是历届高考英语必考的热点之一,也是参加高考的考生通常感到较难掌握的语言知识之一。而正确理解定语从句不仅在单项选择,而且在完形填空、阅读理解、短文改错以及书面表达中都非常重要,因为定语从句的掌握好坏直接影响到考生们对于复杂的符合句的理解能力。同学们务必认真分析历届高考中有关定语从句的语言难点、要点分布及命题轨迹,结合平时自己的薄弱环节及容易产生理解误区的内容进行归纳总结,特别需要注意以下起六个方面的学习难点:


关系代词和关系副词的选择是定语从句的学习重点和难点。在定语从句中关系代词与关系副词都代替先行词在从句中充当一定的成分。如果该从句缺少主语、表语、宾语或定语,须用关系代词who,whom,whose,which,that等来引导定语从句;如果从句缺少状语时, 就得选用关系副词when,where,why等来引导包含定语从句的主从复合句。切记:务必根据先行词在定语从句中所从当的成分及从句的句子结构或功能来选择相应的关系代词或关系副词。试比较:

(1)I still remember the days which we spent in London.(注:先行词days在从句中充当spent的宾语。)

(2)I still remember the days when we studied in London..(注:先行词days 在从句中充当时间状语。)

(3)I still remember the days in which we studied in the same class.(注:先行词days在从句中充当前置介词in的宾语。)




(4)That’s all that I know and I have nothing that I can tell you.

(5)There is still something which/that I can’t tell you at present.

2)指物的先行词被不定代词all,much,few,little,every,each,some,no或被the only,the very,the same等限定词所修饰时。例如:

(6)This is the only book that I really need.


(7)My father and his teacher talked a lot about the things and people that they could remember.


(8)China is no longer the one that it used to be.


(9)The first book that I read in English is Dickens’ novel.


(10)Which is the dictionary that he used yesterday?


1)先行词在定语从句中充当前置介词的宾语时,不能用that;指人时只能用whom 引导从句,指物时只能用which引导从句。例如:

(11)The man about whom you are talking is our headmaster.


(12)It was in the street last Sunday that I met a friend, who had just come from New York.

3)先行词为someone, anyone, everyone, anybody, somebody, nobody , these ,those等指人的不定代词时。例如:

(13)Anyone who breaks the law will be punished.


(14)I don’t like this magazine, and I like that which you sent me the day before yesterday.

温馨提醒:当way作先行瓷时, 定语从句常用in which,that引导定语从句或或省略关系代词。例如:

(15)I don’t like the way (in which/ that) you spoke to your mother.



(16)The book in which you are interested was sent by my uncle.( be interested in系固定动词词组。)

2、 前置介词的选择应于主句中先行词与介词的固定搭配相关。例如:

(17)I don’t like the way in which you speak to her.(1993年上海高考题,in …way系固定的搭配。)



(18).As we all know, Taiwan is part of China.

(19).Taiwan ,as we all know,is part of China。

(20)Taiwan is part of China,as we all know.

(21).Taiwan is part of China, which is taught at schools.

2、词义及与主句的联系上的区别:as引导的非限制性定语从句与主句之间关系密切,as 本身意含“正如”或“就像”之意。而which引导的非限制性定语从句与主句之间在逻辑意义上近似于并列关系,which本身表示“这”或“这一点”的意思。此外,as习惯上常于表示感知的动词或形容词(describe,do,tell,expect,point out,see,know,known;well-known,seen,understood)等连用。 例如:

(22)To shut your eyes to facts,as many of you do,is foolish.;

(23).Light travels faster than sound, which was taught by our physics teacher.

(24).Light travels faster than sound, as the teacher once pointed out.

3、当指物的先行词前已经被the same,such等表示同类的限定词所修饰时,定语从句常用as引导。例如:

(25)I won’t want such/the same coat as you you’ve got。

特别提醒:非限制性定语从句具有以下三大特点:1)不能用that引导从句; 2、关系代词或关系副词不能省略;3)只能用关系代词或关系副词引导非限制性定语从句。



(26)Kate is one of the girls who are able to sing and dance well.

(27)Kate is the only one of the girls who is able to sing and dance excellently.


(28)Where is the girl who offered me a lot of help just now,sir?



(29).Is this factory______ we visited last year?

(30).Is this the factory ______ we visited last year?

A.,which B.what C.where D.the one


2)。第二题的正确选项为 A项,因为先行词在从句中作宾语。


(31)改错:Excuse me, is this the train that we should take it,madame?



如果同学们希望进一步巩固和提高自己对于定语从句的运用能力, 请同学们自觉完成以下精选的配套巩固练习:



1.I've read all the books       you offered me.

 A.which    B.them    C.what    D.that

2.There isn't much       I can do for you.

 A.what    B.which    C.that    D.how

3.She keeps a record of everything      she had seen there.

 A.he    B.that    C.which    D.what

4.Please tell us about the people and the places        are different from ours.

 A.that    B.who    C.which    D.whom

5.Mr Smith said that Wenzhou was the first city      he had visited in China.

 A.that    B.where    C.which    D.what

6.The TV play I watched last night is the best one      I have watched this month.

 A.which      B.what    C.whose    D.that

7.Last Sunday they reached Qingdao,      a conference was to be held.

 A.which    B.that    C.when    D.where

8.Is this the museum    you visited the other day?

 A.that    B.where    C.in which    D.the one

9.I began to work in Beijing in the year      New China was founded.

 A.when    B.that    C.which    D.where

10.This is the very film      I've long wished to see.

 A.which    B.that    C.who    D.whom

11.There is no difficulty      can't be overcome in the world.

 A.that    B.which    C.who    D.what

12.Who is the person      is standing at the gate of Beijing Tourism Tower?

 A.who    B.that    C.which    D.whom

13.This was the supermarket      I bought this kind of tin.

 A.where    B.that    C.who    D.which

14.The house      the capitalist used to live in is now a nursery.

 A.that    B.where    C.what    D.when

15.This is the last time      I shall come here to help you.

 A.that    B.which    C.when    D.what

16.The house      we live is not big.

 A.in that    B.which    C.in which    D.that

17.My neighburs used to give me a hand in time of trouble,      was very kind of them.

 A.who    B.that    C.which    D.whom

18.All      glitters is not gold.

 A.that    B.which    C./    D.what

19.I now know why Mao impresses everyone who meets him the way    he does.

A.which    B.what    C./    D.now

20.Beijing,      is the capital of China,is a beautiful city.

A.that    B.it    C.which    D./

21.She was no longer the woman      she was.

 A.that    B.which    C.what    D.who

22.That's the hotel      last year.

 A.which we stayed       B.at that we stayed

 C.Where we stayed at      D.where we stayed

23.The doctor did all      to save the wounded boy.

 A.what he could B.he could

C.everything which he could D.for which he could do

24.Anyone      this opinion may speak out.

 A.that againsts      B.that against

 C.who is against      D.who are against

25.The place      you are standing used to be an old church.

 A.which    B.where    C.that    D.when

26.You've made the same mistake    you made last time.

 A.as    B.like    C.which    D.that

27.It is not such an interesting magazine      I thought.

 A.as    B.that    C.which    D./

28.     you know,he is a famous musician.

 A.As    B.which    C.That    D./

29.Mr Zhou,      native language was Chinese,could read and write several foreign languages.

 A.whose    B.his    C.which    D.that

30.Do you know the actor      you saw playing Hamlet is now doing King Lear?

 A.who       B.whom       C.whose       D.which

31.I took my friend to the Summer Palace,     we had some photos taken.

 A.where    B.which    C.that    D./

32.Do you remember the day      your sister was graduated as a Master of Arts?

 A.which    B.on which    C.about which    D./

33.The bus,     was already full,was surrounded by an angry crowd.

 A.which of most    B.most of which

 C.which of the most  D.most of that

34.We all remember the days      we studied together at school.

 A.which    B.that    C.when    D./

35.Do you know the reason      he didn't come?

 A.that    B.which    C.for    D.why

36.I showed the doctor the place      I felt the pain.

 A.that    B.which    C.where    D.when

37.He is the only one of the three      got the new idea.

 A.who have   B.whom have

 C.who has    D.whose had

38.I'm one of the students      well in English in my class.

 A.who does    B.who do    C.which does    D.who did

39.This is the baby      tomorrow.

 A.after whom I shall look B.whom I shall look after

 C.whose I shall look after D.after whom I shall look after

40.This is the fastest train      is going to Nanjing.

 A.that    B.what    C.where    D./ 

Ⅱ. 用定语从句连接下列每对句子.(5×2)

1.She was talking with a lady.Her son was ill.

2.You sent my sister a present.Thank you very much for it.

3.The clothes have been cleaned.I'm wearing them.

4.He is sitting in a chair.It is broken.

5.She is a person.Everyone likes to make friends with her.


Ⅰ.1.D   2.C    3.B    4.A    5.A    6.D

  7.D   8.A    9.A    10.B   11.A   12.B

  13.A  14.A    15.A   16.C   17.C   18.A

  19.C  20.C    21.A   22.D   23.B   24.C

  25.B  26.A    27.A   28.A   29.A   30.B

  31.A  32.B    33.B   34.C   35.D   36.C

  37.C  38.B    39.B   40.A    

Ⅱ.1.She was talking with a lady whose son was ill.

2.Thank you very much for the present which you sent to my sister.

3.I'm wearing the clothes which have been cleaned.

4.He is sitting in a chair which is broken.(The chair which he is sitting in is broken.)

5.She is a person whom everyone likes to make friends with.
