
发布时间:2016-9-12 编辑:互联网 手机版

Unit 1 In the library

一. Teaching Aims

词汇:CD player, several, shelf, already, used to, on, knowledge, yard, schoolyard, pay for (sth), put (sth) down, step, librarian, probably, sadly, come up with, mark, bookmark, think of, encourage, get…back, once, pick up, abroad, copy, as, screen, spoil


I have got a book. Excuse me, have you got ……? Yes, I have./ Sorry./ No, I have not.

You are welcome.

Have you ever done ……? Yes, I have once./ No, never. I have just done…….

语法: The Present Perfect Tense ( 一 )

现在完成时由“ 助动词 have ( has )+动词的过去分词”构成。要着重掌握现在完成时的陈述句形式、疑问句形式和简略答语。动词的过去式和过去分词(规则形式和不规则形式)


一. Analysing

<1.> New Words and Expressions

1 CD player ------- discman or CD walkman

2 several ----------- a few

3 shelf ----------- shelves a bookshelf / bookshelves on a shelf 在书架上。

4 already ---------用于现在完成时肯定句中。例如:I have already done my homework.

5 used to ----------过去常常 used to +动词原形 这一结构表示过去的习惯 ( 过去经常反复发生的动作 )或状态(现在已不复存在)。它只有一种形式:即过去时,用于所有人称,否定形式为used not to do ,疑问句为Used he to do……..?/Used you to do …….?

eg.I used to get up late. 我过去常常睡懒觉。注意:used to 的读音为/ju:stu/

6 on -------- about 关于…… eg. a book on history

7 knowledge-------- information 不可数名词 a man of ~一个有学问的人 eg. to get ~from sth.从……获得知识

My ~ of French is poor.我对法语一无所知。

8 yard --------front ~ 前院,back yard 后院 a shipyard 造船厂 a schoolyard 校园

9 put sth down-------把某物放下来。反义 lift sth.把-----举起

10 step------脚步;步伐 (n )eg.1 He took a step forward (backward)他向前跨了一步。Eg.2 I was too tired to walk a step.我累得一步也走不动了eg.3 He missed his step on the ladder and fell.他在梯子上失足摔了下来。Vi 走,踏入, 踩 He stepped into the room.他走进房间。

11 librarian--------a person whose job is to help in the library.

12 probably-------maybe, perhaps

13 pay------ to ~ sb for sth. pay for sth (paid,paid) eg.I paid ten yuan for the book.我花了十元买了这本书。

14 sadly------adv. sad+ly ,happy---happily

15 come up with ------- to find the answer to sth.

16 mark------ a mark on the wall墙上的记号 bookmark 书签 The bookmark is very nice.

17 think of -------想到,认为,{ to think of sth (sb)/ to think about sth.} eg. When I look at the photo, I always think of my mother.

18 encourage----- 1. to ~ sb to do sth . 2. to ~ sb with sth. Eg. The teacher ~ed me to go abroad.

19 get….back------- return 取回,归还

20 pick up ------- to ~ sth from……../to pick sth up from…..

21 once ------一次 (表示次数) twice (两次) three times four times etc.

22 abroad ------- to go ~, be ~ , to study ~.去国外学习。

23 copy ------- to ~ sth. 复制,拷贝 To ~ one’s example,重蹈某人的覆辙。

24 as---- prep(介词) 作为 eg. As a student, we should study hard all kinds of subjects.作为一名学生,我们应该努力学好各门功课。

25 screen----- n. 屏幕 a film ~ , a TV ~

26 spoil-----to ~ sth. Eg. Don’t ~ your book. Take care of it.别糟蹋了书,要爱护书。

< 2 > Language points of the unit 本单元语言点

Lesson 1

1.Have you got …….? 你有…..吗? have got = have eg. Have you got any brothers and sisters ?= Do you have any……? I’ve got a cell phone. 我有一个手机。

Lesson 2

1. She used to be a history teacher. 她过去是一位历史老师。“ used to + 动词原形”这一结构表示过去的习惯,过去经常反复发生的动作或状态(现在已不复存在),它只有一种形式 即“过去式” 用于所有人称。否定式为“ used not to ” 疑问式为“ Used you to……..? eg. I used to get up late in the morning.

2. Her hobby is reading. 她的爱好是读书。 reading 是一个动名词,在句中作表语。此句也可改成“Reading is her hobby.”类似的句子还有“My work is cleaning.我的工作是打扫卫生。 What I like best is fishing. 我最大的爱好是钓鱼。

3. She likes reading on many different subjects. 她喜欢读许多方面的书籍。 like doing sth / like to do sth 的区别 like doing sth 表示“喜欢做经常性的动作”而like to do sth 则表示喜欢做更具体的某一事情。另外,此句中的 “on” 和“about ” 的意思相近,是“有关” 或“关于” 的意思,on一般较正式。eg. Here is a book on history.这儿有一本关于历史的书。

4. They give me knowledge and make me happy.它们给我知识并使我快乐。此句中的they 是指的books, 句中的happy是宾语补足语。

5. She sometimes reads a few lines, puts down the book, walks a few steps and thinks for a while and then walks away with the book.有时,她读上几行,放下书,走几步, 思考一会儿,然后拿着书走开了。line= words that are beside each other on a page (字的行)eg. I read a few lines of it, but I couldn’t understand a word of it.我读了几行,但一个字也不懂。

6. ……..when she left for home,…. 当她启程回家时, leave for ….. 意为离开…..去….. eg. Mary left for Shanghai yesterday. 玛丽昨天启程去上海。

7. What was worse,….. 更为糟糕的是,….. eg. I lost my pen, what was worse, I didn’t have any money to buy a ticket home. 我丢了钢笔,更糟糕的是,我没钱买回家的票。

8. I’m afraid I’ll have to pay for the lost books.恐怕我得 赔偿丢失的书了。

9. One day the librarian came up with an idea.一天,图书馆管理员想出了一个主意。 come up with = to think out/ think of ( a plan, idea, answer); produce eg.He couldn’t come up with an answer when I asked him why he was late. 当我问他为什么迟到时,他无言对答。

Lesson 4 “Chicken ,Run”《小鸡,快跑》见教科书P200注释。

Some translations:

1. 我在学校书店买了这本书。

2. 你看见我的历史书了吗? 我刚才放在这儿的。

3. 我五分钟前看见老师在办公室的,现在肯定还在那


4. 李磊以前经常上课迟到。

5. 林涛的奶奶喜欢看不同题材的小说书。

6. 读书能给我们提供知识,使我们愉快。

7. 我和我父母亲每天傍晚在校园里散步。

8. 我的自行车坏了,更糟糕的是校车也已经开走了。

9. 王老师鼓励我们多做数学练习和英语练习。

10. 最后,二班的学生们终于找到了解决问题的办法。

三. Teaching Steps

Lesson 1

Step 1. Revision

1. Welcome the Ss by saying “ Welcome back to school.

2. Review “the past tense” by asking the Ss to work in pairs. Tell them to ask about “ What did he or she do in the summer holidays?

3. Review “ Do you have……?” by asking about school things like pen, pencil, eraser, ruler, etc. Use plural forms as well. Ask the Ss to practise the use of “some” and “any”

Step 2 Presentation

Tell the Ss “ Now, we are going to learn another way of saying “Do you have…..?” Listen carefully. Have you got a pencil ?Yes, I’ve got one.” Explain that “I’ve got= I have got and “ one” means “ a pencil”. It refers an object you mentioned just now. Give the model again. Ss listen and repeat. Ask and answer about other objects.

Step 3 Read and act

SB P1 Part 1 Practise the dialogues with the whole class then let the Ss work in pairs. Ask them to make up their own dialogues to act out.

Do WB Lesson 1 Ex 1 in pairs.

Step 4 Practice

SB P 1 Part 2 Read through the dialogue for the Ss to listen and repeat. Then let the Ss role-play the dialogue. one student being the librarian and the other being looking for a book. Tell them that they can add other words besides What’s in the box.

Do WB Lesson 1 Ex 2.

Step 5 Presentation

Write “ Have you got a book ?” ob the Bb. Point out the form of the Present Perfect Tense ( have /has + pp).Explain that every verb has a past participle form, if a verb is a regular one, it’s the same as the past form, but if a verb isn’t a regular one, it has irregular form.( see P255) This tense is used to indicate an action that happened in the past or just a moment ago when the resulting state is still present. The teacher can drop a pen on the floor ,say “ I’ve dropped my pen. You can see the pen on the floor.” Open the door. Say “ I’ve opened the door. Now the door is open.” etc.

Step 6 Read and act

SB P1 Part 3 I’ve lost my science book. Have you seen it ? He has found the book. Underline “ lost, seen ,found” They are the PP of the verbs: lose, see and find. Tell the Ss to read the dialogues silently. Ask 2 Ss to act out the dialogue A in P3. Play the tape for the Ss to listen and repeat. Then the Ss practice them in pairs. Get the Ss to act out the dialogues.

Step 7 WB

WB Lesson 1 Ex.3 done together in class. Ex.4 as one of the homework

Homework: 1. Learn the verb forms in Ex.3

2. Do Ex 2 in the exercise books.

3. Revise the dialogues of the Lesson.

Lesson 2 Teaching Steps

Step 1 Revision

1. Check the homework and revise the Present Perfect Tense by asking each other using “ Have you got…….?”

2. Revise the dialogues in SB.P1 Part 3

Step 2 Pre-reading

Have the Ss discuss the Qs in pairs. Then ask “ What kinds of books do you like to read ?” See how many Ss like reading English books, history books etc.

Step 3 Reading

SB Page 2 Part 2 Lesson2. Books closed! Tell the Ss to listen to the main idea of the story.( Grandma keeps losing library books ) Books open ! Play the tape again and have the Ss read while they listen. Teach the new words and phrases of the story.( already, used to, on, knowledge, yard, schoolyard, put down, step, librarian, pay, pay for, sadly, come up with, bookmark

Do WB Lesson 2 Ex 1.

Step 4 Practice

Reading is one kind of hobby. What other kinds of things are hobbies ? Ask the Ss to speak out their answers Examples: hiking, biking, painting, traveling, swimming, collecting stamps, collecting coins etc. Get the Ss to tell each other their own hobbies.

Step 5 WB

WB Lesson 2 Exx 2 and 3.Work in pairs. Ask them to find out sth interesting in Ex 2.

Look-looked-looked ( ABB) let-let-let ( AAA ) take-took-taken ( ABC) run-ran-run (ABA )


1. Write down Ex 2 in exercise books.

2. Revise the story and try to retell it.

Lesson 3 Teaching Steps

Step 1 Revision

1. A student on duty

2. Get the Ss to retell the story by asking Qs:” Who is the story about ? What does she often go to the library for?” etc.

Step 2 Reading

SB.P3.Part 1. Lesson 3 Show the picture before the Ss. Talk about it “ Who can you see ? What is happening ?” etc. Play the tape for the Ss to listen and repeat. Pay attention to their instruction.

Step 3 Acting

In groups of 3 , the Ss act out the story. One is the librarian, another is grandmother and another is grandson or granddaughter, ask a group to act it out in front of the class.

Step 4 Practice

WB Lesson 3 Ex 2 In pairs have the Ss practise the dialogues. Then ask several pairs to act them out.

Step 5 Presentation

Ask the Ss with these Qs:

A: Have you ever traveled to Hangzhou ?

B: Yes, I have. I went there in 2000.

A: Have you ever traveled to Wuhan ?

B: No, I haven’t. But I’ d like to go someday.

Practise the dialogue with the Ss. Ask about different places. In pairs, have them ask each other Qs like “ Have you ever seen pandas ? Have you ever made dumplings ?” etc.

Step 6 Ask and Answer

SB P3 Part 2 Go through the contents of the box. Point out the different answers. Ask some Ss to ask and answer Qs as a presentation.

Step 7 Practice

SB P3 Part 2 Practise the dialogue with the Ss. Practise the intonation of the phrase “ Really ? I did that hours ago.” Let the Ss work in pairs.

Step 8 WB

WB Lesson 3 Exx1 and 3. Ex 1 should be done in pairs. Ex 3 be done individually. Check the answers with the whole class.


1. If Ex 3 can’t be done in class. It can be done as homework.

2. Make up 6 sentences and answers from Ex 1.

Lesson 4 Teaching Steps

Step 1 Revision

1. A student on duty

2. Revise “ Have you ever ……?” structure and its meaning. Get the Ss to make up some more Qs.

Step 2 Listening

SB P4 Part 1. Lesson 4. WB Lesson 4 Ex 1 Play the tape through once and give the Ss a few minutes to mark the rooms and answer the Qs. Then play the tape again, let the Ss check their answers in pairs, then with the whole class. Play the tape again if there are any differences.

Step 3 Writing

SB P4 Part 2. Work in pairs. Suppose one is a student, the other is a librarian, have several groups to share their answers with the class.

Step 4 Word Stress

WB Ex 2 of Lesson 4. Say a word and have the Ss repeat it.

Step 5 Read and act

SB. P4 Part 3 Have the Ss read the dialogue in pairs. They can change “ a video tape” into another thing else, for example “ a book on travel” Then ask several pairs to act out the dialogue for the class.

Step 6 Look and learn

Read through the words and computer screen with the Ss. Point out the similarities and the differences between how the two display the information.

Step 7 Rhyme

SB P5 Part 5. Lesson 4. Play the tape for the Ss to listen and repeat. Have the Ss practise reading the rhyme. Ask for some Ss to say it for the class.

Step 8 Checkpoint

Go through Checkpoint 1. Revise the Present Perfect Tense. Get the Ss to ask the teacher about any other problems they have in the unit. Practise saying the “ Useful expressions.”

Step 9 WB

WB lesson 4 Exx3---7. Ex 8 may be done as a composition.


1. Finish off the wb exercises.

2. Write WB Ex 6 in the exercise books.

3. Ask the Ss to read and learn the verb forms in the irregular verb list at the end of the Ss’ book.

Unit 2 Water sports

一. Teaching Aims:

1. 词汇: surf, surfing, surfer, wave, beach, have a try, twice, none, describe, all over, especially, attract, large, members of, no matter, so-called, possible, both….and…., give up, since, ever since, part-time, although, fit, prize, competition, event, Olympic, the Olympic Games, such, fail, practice, business, so far, cross, channel, come true, mainland, slow, slow-down, journey, among, proud, be proud of , speak highly of, not only…… but also…. Pride, water-ski, canoe, unless, shot, truth

2. 日常交际用语:What’s the surfing like ? How long have you been …..? Since ….. Have you ever been to …..? Has anybody done….. before ? Would you like to have a try ? I don’t think I can….. How many …. Have you …..? I’ve been here for …… He has gone to ……

3. 语法: 现在完成时态 ( 二 )

现在完成时用来表示过去发生或已经完成的某一 动作对目前所产生的影响和结果。常常与already, just, yet 连用,也可与ever, never等连用。

4. 语音 : 单词重音

二. Analysing

< 1 > New words and expressions

1. surf------to go surfing 去参加冲浪运动。surfer : one who surfs eg. Bob is a surfer.

2. wave------ The waves are high today.

3. Hawaii-----夏威夷

4. beach ------ on the ~. eg. The children are playing on the beach. / They spent the whole afternoon on the beach.

5. have a try try n. eg. Would you have a try ?试一试好吗 ?

6. twice------两次,两倍 eg. I wash my clothes twice a week.

7. none 一个也没有。 all的否定式。eg. None of the students could answer the question. 没有一个学生能回答这个问题。None of us has ever been abroad. 我们中没有人出过国。注意: none of 之后的民厂名词前一定要加 the, this, my, your, etc. none of 之后的名词若为复数时,是指三个以上,若要表示两个则用neither。

8. water- ski -------滑水运动 water- skiing n.

9. canoe-----乘独木舟 in a ~ = by ~ canoeist ----驾独木舟者。

10. describe---- to ~ sth ( sb ) to sb. 向某人描述某物(某人)

11. all over ------ ~ the country 全国 ~ China 全中国 ~ the world 全世界

12. especially-----特别 adv. especial adj

13. attract -----吸引 to ~ sb to a place, to ~sb to sth. eg. What do you think attracts people to big cities ? 你认为把人吸引到城市的原因是什么?

14. large numbers of +名词复数 ~ letters ,除了在numbers of 前加large 外,还可加 a great ~ of…..

15. no matter ------不论,后接 what, which, who, where, when, how eg. No matter what may happen, don’t be afraid. 不管发生什么,别害怕。

16. possible ----as soon as ~ = as soon as one can 尽可能快地 It’s ~ for sb to do sth./ eg. It’s ~ for you to answer the question. 反义 impossible 不可能的

17. both…..and….. 两者都….

18. give up ----- = drop 放弃 to ~ maths. to ~ sth, to ~ doing sth . eg. Please give up smoking. 请戒烟。

19. since----- 自从….以来 ~ 1990 ever ~ 从那时起

20. part-time a part-time job 零工 钟点工

21. although = though 不可与but 连用。 eg. 1.Although it ‘s snowing, it’s not very cold. eg2. Although he is quite old, he enjoys working every day.

22. fit----- adj 健康的 keep fit 保持健康。 keep sb fit , feel fit 感到身体好

23. prize ------ to get /receive a ~ from sb. To win the first prize,赢得头奖。 ~ money 奖金

24. competition ----- be in ~ with each other for sth 互相竞争。 compete v competitor 竞争者

25. event ----大事,一般是指重要的事情

26. such --- ~ a question 这样的问题。 such books

27. fail-----not pass eg. I failed the math exam.

28. practice--- n. do some ~ 做一些练习。

29. business---- to go to a place on ~ 出差。 ~ letters 商业信件。

30. so far ----到目前为止。eg. We have learned 1000 new words so far.

31. cross---- to ~ the sea/the river/ the ocean/ a bridge/ a road/ a desert etc.

32. channel -----海峡 English Channel 英吉利海峡。

33. come true-----实现 eg. At last, his dream came true. 最后,他的梦想实现了。

34. mainland----本土, 大陆

35. slow down ----放慢,减速。 反义: speed up

36. journey---- trip a long train ~ 长途火车旅行。a ~ on foot ( by plane, train, bus, etc.)

37. among--- 在….当中, prep. 与between 的比较。 (among 用于三者之间,between 用于两者之间。) eg. The teacher is sitting among the Ss.

38. proud ----adj a ~ cock 一只骄傲的公鸡。 be ~ of sth. 以….而自豪。 be ~ to do sth.因做….而自豪。 be ~ + that 从句。 eg. He felt ~ that he got good mark. 他得了好成绩感到很自豪。

39. speak highly of 称赞 to ~ of sth ( sb )

40. not only ….but also…固定搭配 可修饰不同的成分。Eg. He isn’t only a good son but also a good father./ He can not only swim but also skate.

41. pride------ proud的名词 the pride of sb.某人的骄傲。

42. unless------ = if not 除非,若非 eg. I have a swim every day unless bad weather.除了天不好,我每天都游泳。

43. shot------ n. 努力 尝试 = try, go to have a shot at sth. 试试 见P202 注释4

44. truth------ true 的名词 指真理,事实。 The truth of science 科学的真理。

< 2 > Language Points of the Unit

Lesson 5

1. canoe 皮划艇运动 P201注释6

2. surfing ,Hawaii, Bondi Beach, Cape Town, Newquay 见P200注释1-----5

Lesson 6

1. Surfing is one of the world’s most popular water sports .冲浪是世界上最流行的水上运动之一。

2. Hawaii is famous for its beautiful beaches.夏威夷 有美丽的海滩而闻名。 be famous for = be well known for ……以…..而闻名。 eg. Hangzhou is famous for its West Lake.

3. It’s neither too hot nor too cold all the year round.这里一年四季既不太热也不太冷。all the year round = throughout the year 一年到头。

4. No matter what the weather is like, you can always find surfers out riding the waves. 不管天气怎样,你总会发现冲浪运动员外出no matter how/what/when/where/whether/who 不管怎样/什么/何时/哪里/是否/ 谁…. Eg. No matter what he says, I don’t believe him.不管他说什么,我都不相信。

5. There is a big difference between serious surfers and the so-called “ beach boys”真正的冲浪运动员和所谓的“沙滩冲浪小伙儿”之间区别很大。

6. They live to surf. 他们以冲浪为生。 动词不定式 to surf 表示目的。 eg. He worded hard to support her large family.他为了养活他的一大家子而拼命干活。

7. They surf three times a day if possible. In both winter and summer. 无论冬夏, 只要有可能他们一天冲浪三次。 If possible = if it’s possible.

8. For example, Jack Booth, a 21-year-old man gave up his job in……….例如杰克布恩,一个21岁的男子,一年前放弃了在旧金山图书馆的工作。

9. He has been in Honolulu ever since.此后他 一直在火奴鲁鲁。ever since 此后,一直

10. In the morning he works as a part-time assistant in a surf shop. 早上,他在一家出售与冲浪有关的商店打零工。 part-time / full- time

11. He hasn’t had a night off for two months.他两个月来晚上从不休息。

12. …..surfing makes me very fit……冲浪使我身体健康。 to keep fit/to feel fit/ to make sb fit

Lesson 7

1. Have you just been to the computer room ? 你刚才去过计算机房了吗 have/has been to 和have/has gone to的区别 have/ has been to 表示“去了某地”,have /has gone to 表示“去过某地” 比较:Where has he been ? Where has he gone ? She has been to Shanghai. She has gone to Shanghai.


1. the youngest swimmer to cross Channel, 横渡海峡最年轻的人。 to cross channel 不定式作定语,修饰swimmer

2. Then he slowed down as the wind became stronger and the waves higher.后来,当风越来越大,浪越来越高的时候,他放慢了速度。 slow down 慢下来 eg. The truck slowed down as it came into the gate.

3. His teacher Mr. Feng, spoke highly of his student.他的老师冯老师高度赞扬了他的学生。

4. You give it your best shot.= You do the best you can.

< 3 > Teaching Steps

Lesson 5

Step 1 Revision

1. A student on duty

2. Revise” Have you ever …….” by asking some Qs. Ask student A “ Have you ever been to Qingdao ?” Ask student B about student A “ Has he/ she ever been to …..”

Step 2 Presentation

Ask the Ss “ Who likes to do water sports ?” “ What does the phrase water sports mean ?” “What kind of water sports do you know/ do?” Have the Ss work in small groups to give a list of kinds of water sports. They can use Chinese if they don’t know English words

Step 3 Read and act

SB Page 6 Part 1 Lesson 5. Play the tape and have the Ss read while they listen. Let the Ss guess the meaning of the new words and expressions from the context (上下文) Take a map of the world, and show them where Hawaii is on the map. Let the Ss practise the dialogues in pairs. Get several to act it out.

Step 4 Ask and answer

SB Page 6 Part 2 First, read over the Qs and answers with the Ss. If have some pictures of someone water-skiing or canoeing, show them to the Ss. Also can use a map of the world to show where “ Bondi Beach, Australia, Cape Town, South Africa and Newquay, United Kingdome” are located.

Note: 1. Bondi Beach is one of the most famous beaches in Australia. It’s located in the east of Sydney. The beach is about a kilometer long.

2. Cape Town , South Africa has several beaches that are good for both beginners and advanced sufers. It’s located on the southern most tip of the continent of Africa. 在非洲最南端的大陆。

3. Newquay is located in Cornwall, England. The beach is good for beginners to professional sufers. There are many surfing schools along the beach where one can learn how to surf. Get the Ss to ask and answer the Qs in pairs. Make small groups of 4, have them ask each other the Qs again.

4. learn from sb.向某人学习。 与learn 构成的短语,to learn sth by heart, to learn sth from sth , to learn the news this morning.

Step 5 WB

WB Lesson 5 EXX 1 and 2


Write down the dialogues from WB Lesson 5 Ex 2.

Lesson 6

Step 1 Revision

1. Revise the Present Perfect Tense by asking the Ss “ Have you ever been to Urumuqi/Harbin ?”etc.

2. Revise the dialogues from WB Lesson 5. Ex 2.

Step 2 Pre-reading

SB. Page 7 Part 1 Say “ I like watching football/ basketball on TV. Once in a while I like to watch another kind of sport on TV.” Ask “ What kind of sports do you like to watch on TV?” Get the Ss to answer the pre-reading Qs. Have them discuss the pre-reading Qs in pairs. Share their answers with the whole class.

Step 3 Reading

SB Page 7 Part 2. lesson 6 Play the tape. Ask the Ss to listen and read the passage silently to themselves. Make sure that all the new vocabulary words are discussed and the definitions are correct. Ask the Ss which part of the United States, San Francisco and Honolulu are located, the north, south, east or west. Then show them on the map to the Ss.

Note: 1.San Francisco is in the northern part of the state of California. There is a big Chinese population there which has been there for over 100 years. The China Town(唐人街)of San Francisco is a famous place for tourists to visit. Waikiki is a beach on the island of Oahu.

2.Hawaii is located in the Pacific Ocean.(太平洋)It consists of a chain of 137 islands about 2400 miles from the west coast of the continental, United States.

3. The first Olympic Games were held in 776 B.C. They were so important that even wars were stopped when the games were being played. They were held every 4 years in the city of Olympia on the island of Greece. The main idea of the Games was to promote friendship and understanding among the different nations of the world. The first model Olympic Games were held in Athens(雅典),Greece. This is why the athletes all over the world enter the stadium during the Opening Ceremony.(开幕式)

Step 4

Do WB Lesson 6 Ex 1.

Step 5 WB

WB Lesson 6 Ex 2 Do Ex 2 together.

Ex 3 can be done by the Ss practicing the dialogue in pairs.


Revise the new words and the whole text.

Lesson 7

Step 1 Revision

1. Revise the story from SB Lesson 6 by asking two Ss to share their summaries with the class.

2. Revise the Present Perfect Tense by asking the Ss “ Have you ever been water-skiing/hiking/swimming/canoeing/ before?”

Step 2 Presentation

Ask the Ss “ What do you like to do so much that you do it again and again?” Collect a few answers and write them on the Bb. In pairs have the Ss talk about why they do sth over and over again. Then ask several Ss to share their answers.

Step 3 Read and act

SB Page 8. Part 1. Lesson 7 Books closed! Ask “ What does Bruce like to do again and again ?” Play the tape and check the answer.( surfing) Ask “ Why does Bruce go surfing again and again ?”( He thinks it’s such great fun.) Books open, get the Ss to practise the dialogue in pairs.

Step 4 Practice

BSB.Page8. Part 2 Ss ask and answer the Qs in pairs. Encourage the Ss to ask other Qs as well such as Where did you have your Chinese lesson ?/ When did you have your maths lesson ? Explain to the Ss the difference between “have/has gone to” and “have/ has been to

He has gone to school= He’s at school now.

He has just been to the library= He went to the library some time ago, but he is back now.

Step 5 WB

WB Lesson 7 Exx 1~ 7

Ex1 can be done in pairs

Ex2 can be done among the Ss

Ex3 can be done with the whole class.


Write down the answers to WB Lesson 7 Ex 1 in the exercise books.

Lesson 8

Step 1 Revision

1. Revise the Present Perfect Tense by asking Qs from SB. Lesson7 Part 2. eg. Have you had your Chinese lesson today? Have you Had your lunch ? Has Jim just been to the teachers’ office?

Step 2 Listening

SB Page 9. Part 1. Listening Cassette Lesson 8. While the Ss are listening to the tape, have them look at WB Lesson 8 Ex1 and fill in the form.

Step 3 Word puzzle

SB Page 9 Part 2 The answers are : Across: water-skiing, sports, swimming, skating, boat-racing Down : surfing, diving, wet

Step 4 Reading

SB Page 9 Part 3 Lesson 8 Have the Ss guess what the main idea of the text is by looking at the title and the picture. Have the Ss skim the text for the main idea. Check the answer ( Li lida’s journey swimming across the channel between Hainan Island and Guangdong) Play the tape, have the Ss read silently along. Ask a few Qs to check for comprehension such as :

1. Where did Li Lida start his swim ?

2. What time did he begin swimming ?

3. How long did it take from the time he first saw a building in Haikou until he finished his journey ?

4. What did his teacher speak of him ?

5. What did he say ?

Step 5 Writing

Have the Ss work in pairs

Step 6 A poem

Play the tape and then stop at each line

Step 7 Checkpoint

Go though Checkpoint 2.

Step 8 WB Exx 2~7


Finish off the exercises of WB

Unit 3 Make our world more beautiful

一. Teaching Aims

1. 词汇: pour, waste, dirty, be afraid of, member, join, environment ,harm, rubbish collect, whenever, produce, wherever, neighbourhood, litter, onto, public, spit, cut down, protect, tidy, dustbin, recycle, suppose, do well in, nearby, contribution, make a contribution to…. Riddle

2. 日常交际用语:

How long have you been …..? I’ve been …for….

What have you done since….? How long have you been at this…..? For….. How long has he/she worked there ? She’s / He’s worked there for…./ all her/his life.

3. 语法 : 现在完成时态 (三 )




4. 语音:单词重音和次重音

三. Analysing

<一>. New words and expressions

1. pour----- to ~ sth into sth. eg. to ~rubbish into a river

2. waste-----adj ~ things ~ water n. waste of time 浪费时间

3. dirty---- to make sth dirty 反义: clean

4. be afraid of------ 1. ~ sth. 2. ~ of doing sth. 3to do sth. 4. ~ +that 从句

5. member-----成员 a Perty ~ a League ~ ~s of a family家庭成员

6. join------ to. ~ the Party 入党 to join the League 入团

7. environment-----环境 natural ~ 自然环境

8. harm---- 1. n . There’s no harm in sth. 没有害处。 do sb. harm ,伤害某人。2. v. to ~ sb/ sth

9. rubbish---- 不可数名词 Don’t throw any ~ on the ground.

10. collect----- to ~ sth ~ stamps 集邮

11. whenever----无论何时 when+ever eg. Come to see me whenever you can.你什么时候有空就过来看看。相类似的构词: whoever无论是谁, wherever,无论何地 whatever,无论什么 however, 无论怎样

12. neighborhood-----四邻,邻里地区

13. litter-----n. waste things /rubbish v. Don’t litter the paper over the floor.不要在地板上乱丢纸。

14. onto-----到….上面 to jump onto the table 跳到桌上。

15. public------公共的,公众的 a ~ school, a ~ library

16. spit ---- to spit in sb’s face Don’t spit onto the ground.不要随地吐痰。

17. cut down---- to ~ the trees to cut ….down

18. protect----- to ~ sth from….., to ~ plants from the cold 保护植物不受冻。 to ~ the environment 保护环境

19. tidy---- clean and tidy a ~ room, a ~ handwriting

20. dustbin----- a container used for rubbish

21. recycle---- to collect sth for recycling

22. contribution---- to make a ~ to sth.为….作贡献

23. do well in ----be good at

24. nearby----- a ~ village The plane landed ~.飞机在附近着陆了。

<二>. Language points of the unit

Lesson 9

1. Do you think “Greener China” can do something? 你认为绿 色中国能做点儿有益的事吗?

2. I called you, but you ……..我打电话给你,但你。。。。call sb.=telephone sb.

3. I found that the factory was pouring waste water into the river near it.我发现这个工厂在向附近的河流倒脏水。注意:find/find out 的区别。

Lesson 10

1. Make our world more beautiful使我们的世界更美好。more beautiful 是宾语补足语。

2. Whenever someone throws in some rubbish, it produces a piece of music.每当有人扔进一些垃圾,它就放一段音乐。 与 whenever 相类似的词:wherever, whoever, whatever 等。

3. ……there was a truck collecting rubbish outside.外面有一辆收集垃圾的卡车。 这里的动词ing形式表示正在进行的动作。eg. There are some people talking outside the room. 外面有一些人在说话。

4. It’s a pleasant way to help keep our city clean and tidy. 那是一种有利于保持我们城市清洁的办法。

5. Taking care of our environment is very important. 保护我们的环境非常重要。此句=It’s very important to take care of our environment.

6. Wherever you live, you can do something around your neighborhood.不管你住在哪里,你都能在你的周围做一点事情。

7. It’s our duty to keep our environment clean and tidy.保持环境整洁是我们的责任。= Keeping our environment clean and tidy is our duty.

8. If everyone makes a contribution to protecting the environment, the world will become much more beautiful. 假如每个人都为保护环境做出自己的贡献,世界就会变得更美好。make a contribution to 为。。。。。作贡献。

Lesson 11

1. He left it on my desk yesterday. Leave在此处为 not take away sth with you when you go away from a place. eg. I left my umbrella on the train. 我把伞丢在火车上了。

2. We should plant more trees to make our city greener.我们应该种更多的树来绿化我们的城市。

3. The more trees, the better.树种得越多越好。 句型:the + adj.比较级,the + adj.比较级,用来表示平行的增加。eg. The higher, the better. The more you read, the more you learn.

4. Don’t forget to tell me the time, I’d like to join you. join sb. sth. eg. We’ll have a party tomorrow. Please join us.

Lesson 12

1. …….make sure that all of the rubbish goes into the dustbin. 要确保把所有的垃圾都扔进垃圾箱。eg. 1. He makes sure that all the lights are off before he goes to bed. eg.2. I think there is a train at 7:30, but you ‘d better make sure.

本单元围绕“环境保护” 这一话题,继续学习和巩固现在完成时态的用法。在前一单元里学生进一步学习和掌握了一些现在完成时的态的用法,本单元侧重学习现在完成时态表示过去已经开始并持续到现在的动作和时态,可以和表示从过去某一时刻延续到现在的一段时间的状语连用的内容。


Unit 5 Have a good time

一. Teaching Aims

1. 词汇: kid, Internet, search, double, type, press, enter, button, capital, population, tomb, pretty, whether, edge, cool, cost, one-way, flight, book( v ), round-trip, instruction, straight, go straight along, whom, think about, chance, sound, coral reef, pool, outdoor

2. 日常交际用语:

1. Could we go scuba diving ?

2. Could you tell us how long we’re going to be away ?

3. Let’s try to find some information about it, OK ?

4. Could you please teach me how to search the Internet ?

5. Go straight along here.

6. Please go to Gate 12.

7. Please come this way.

8. Could you tell me what you think about Hainan Island ?

9. That sounds really cool.

3. 语法: 以连接代词或连接副词引导的宾语从句

<1>.Let’s see if we can find out some information about that city.

<2>. Could you tell me whether it’s a fast train or not ?

<3>.Could you tell us how much it costs to go to Hainan Island by air ?

<4>. Do you know where we can stay on the island ?

<5>. Do you know what time the plane leaves ?

<6>. Please tell me who ( whom ) we have to see.

4. 语音: 辅音连缀 / sp-/ /st- / /str- / /sk- / /sl- / /sm- / /sw- / /sn- /

二. Analysing

一.New words and expressions

1. search----- to ~ sth for…… eg. The policemen searched the forest for the lost child. He searched his pocket for a watch.

2. double------- do ~work. 做双份工作。 V. double left click双击左键。

3. type------to ~a letter. Type in the website.键入网址

4. press----- to ~ a button. 按一个键

5. capital----Beijing is the ~ of China.

6. population----- have a ~ of to find out the ~ of ….. eg. Haikou is a pretty city with the population of 7 million.海口是一个有七百万人口的城市。

7. tomb----- a ~ stone 墓碑

8. whether ----- if

9. edge----- the ~ of a table.桌边

10. cost------ at all costs 不惜任何代价 spend, pay, take 和cost 的区别。 <1> spend 作“花费” (时间。金钱 ) sb spends sometime / some money on sth./ in doing sth. eg. I spent ten yuan on the book.

<2>. pay 作“付钱” sb pay money for sth. eg. Mr Smith paid 100 yuan for the coat.

<3>. It takes sb sometime to do sth. eg. It took me an hour to finish my homework yesterday evening.

<4>. cost 作花费时间。金钱等。 sth cost sb some money eg. The computer cost me 500 yuan.

11. book---- to ~ a room/ a ticket

12. round-trip / one-way

13. instruction----- to follow…… ~

14. go straight along----- 沿着。。。。。 to go straight along the street/river/ beach

15. think about----- to ~ sb, to ~ sth. Are you thinking about your lesson ?

16. chance---- to have a chance to do sth ./to have a good chance to learn from sb.

17. sound------- sth ~ like….. eg. It sounds like the click of the rails./ The music sounds beautiful./ The idea sounds quite all right.

18. pool----- swimming pool / diving pool

19. outdoor / indoor exercise 室外(室内)锻炼。

二.Language points of the unit

Lesson 17

1.I’ll write down how you can do it, and you can do it by yourself.我来写下你应该如何操作,这样你就可以自己查询了。 by yourself= alone 单独 独自 eg. The little girl did it all by herself./ The old man was sitting in the corner of the room by himself.

Lesson 18

1. We can have a good time no matter if we go……. n o matter 无论。。。。后接疑问词 eg. We’ll finish the work no matter how different it is. 无论这项工作多么困难,我们都将完成它。

Lesson 19

1. Could you tell me how much it costs to fly to Hainan? 你能告诉我飞往海南多少钱吗?

2. I’d like to book four tickets, please. book v to ~ seats on a plane.订飞机票 to book a table in a restaurant.

3. Would you want one-way or round-trip ? 你要买单程票还是双程票? one-way, round-trip

4. Four tickets on November 26th to Haikou and returning to Beijing on December 8th . 预定四张11月26 日去海口,12月8 日回北京的票。

Lesson 20

1. Could you tell me what you think about Hainan Island? Our family is going on holiday soon, and we’re also thinking about going there.你能谈谈对海南的印象如何吗?我们全家很快也要去度假,并且也在考虑去那里。 What do you think about/ of …….用来表示询问对某事的看法; What do you think about the new film ?

2.It takes about 12 hours if you take the K37 train. 如果你乘坐K 37 次火车要用12 个小时。注意:句中take 前为“花费”,后为“乘”

3. That sounds really cool. 那听起来太棒了。 Sound 为系动词,后接形容词作表语。 类似还有: taste, smell, turn, look, seem etc .eg. The flowers smell sweet./The food tastes good./His face turned red when he heard it./ You looked tired./happy/well etc.

Unit 6 Mainly Revision

一.Teaching Aims:

1. 词汇: badly, allow, deep, undersea, amaze, be amazed at, however, colourful, dead, society, since, cover, earth, clean up ,ocean, pollute, group, terrific, as long as, sometime, deal, shark, on earth, alike, attack, Africa, South Africa, warn, appear, explore, explorer, watchtower

2. 日常交际用语:




4. 语音: 句子重音、意群、停顿

三. Analysing

<1>. New words

1. badly----adv. bad adj He was badly hurt

2. allow---- to allow sb to do sth.

3. deep---shallow 浅的 deeper, deepest be deep in sth.专心于。。。。。 eg. He is deep in his lessons.

4.explore---- to explore sth under the sea/ to explore sth with the help of the satellite

5. explorer---a person who explores sth.

6. undersea----adj.海底的 an undersea boat 潜水艇

7. be amazed at--- be amazed to do sth /be surprised at sth. be surprised to do sth.

8. however--- =but

9. colourful---- with many colours colorful life 多彩的人生 colorful pictures/colorful clouds

10. dead--- die- dying-dead-death He died in 1998. He has been dead for 4 years.

11. society--- societies human society人类社会 the old (new) society 新旧社会

12. since---because 由于,既然

13. cover--- to cover sth with sth. eg. I’ll cover the table with a piece of table cloth./ sth is covered by sth. eg. The road is covered by (with) snow.

14. earth---- the earth

15. clean up--- to make sth clean.

16. ocean--- an ocean of sand一望无际的沙漠

17. pollute ---- to pollute sth/ sth is polluted by sth. polluted adj. Pollution n. air pollution gas pollution water pollution

18. group--- team a group of Ss group by group 分组地

19. terrific--- great/excellent/ wonderful/very good

20. as long as---长达 as long as 3 hours

21. sometime--- sometimes, some time, some times

22. deal--- to deal with sth.

23. shark--- whale

24. alike ---look the same 只能作表语。

25. attack--- to attack sb. to make an attack on sb.

26. warn--- to warn sb sth /to warn sb about sth/to warn sb against sth/to warn sb not to do sth.

27. appear---show He appeared at the party./disappear消失 eg. The sound has disappeared.

<2>.Language points

Lesson 21

1. What’s happened ? = What has happened ?

Lesson 22

1. Not too long ago, people couldn’t go scuba diving on Hainan Island, or anywhere else.不太久之前,人们在海南岛或任何其它地方还不能戴水肺潜水。else 另外的 eg. I don’t know the answer, you’d better ask someone else.

2. In 1943,Jaques Cousteau and his friend made it possible by inventing the scuba machine.1943年 雅克库斯特和他的朋友发明了水下呼吸器,这才使人们长时间在水下呼吸成为可能。it在这里带替上文中的” breathe under water for a long time. by表示通过某种方式、手段等,后接动词的ing 形式。

3. As he explored the sea, he took pictures and videos of many things that people had never seen before,在探索海洋的过程中,他对许多鲜为人知的事物进行了拍摄和录象。He even made a TV show which ran for 8 years. 他甚至还做了电视节目,该节目连续上演了8年。这两句中都是含有定语从句的复合句。其中定语从句”that people had never seen before用来修饰“things”; which ran for 8 years 用来修饰“a TV show”

4. He was amazed at all the colors, and all the beautiful fish.他对海洋中的五颜六色的漂亮的鱼群感到惊叹不已。 be amazed at对。。。。感到惊讶。 eg. He is amazed at his result.

Lesson 23

1. I’ve been down as long as 2 hours. as long as …长达。。。。 eg. He has a table as long as 2 meters/ They walked as far as the foot of the mountain.

2. That’s a deal.好!就这么定了。

3. The waves at Makaha are terrific. 马卡哈的海浪好极了。

4. How long have you been surfing? 见P206注释

Lesson 24

1. Not all sharks are alike. 并非所有的鲨鱼都一样。 alike 只能作表语 eg. The two sisters are very much alike.这两个姐妹非常相像。

2. It eats plants from the sea, but many sharks feed on fish, other sea animals, smaller sharks and sometimes they eat people. feed on---以。。。。为食。eg. Sheep feed on grass.

3. They have attacked a numbers of people off the beaches of America. attack 袭击,其为动词, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa also have sharks attacks. 此句中的attack为名词。

4. In some places, there are watchtowers on the beaches to warn people about sharks in the water.在有些地方,海滩上有了望台,用来警告人们水中有鲨鱼。

to warn sb about sth/ to warn sb of sth /to warn sb not to do sth/ to warn sb + that 从句

eg. He warned us of danger there./ She warned her son not to go there.

Unit 7 A man who never gave up

一. Teaching Aims

1. 词汇: able, be able to, neatly, own, spirit, inventor ,try out, pupil, build, at the age of, track, frighten, frightened, rush, rush out, safety, telegraph, open up, invention, lifetime, graduate, turn down, healthily, clearly, print, frustrate, frustrated, wonder ,worth, confidence

2. 日常交际用语: I’m trying to ……. I’ll…….

Which of these would you like most to own ?

What do you want to……? I want to……/ I hope to ……/I plan to ……/ I’m going to …….

3. 语法

动词不定式:1.用作宾语 He wanted to be an inventor. 2.用作宾语补足语 Tell her to turn it


3. 用作状语 Later he left home to work in different cities.

语音: 辅音连缀/pr/br/kr/gr/fr/ r/

二. Analysing

<1> New words and expressions

1. able--- an able man be able to do sth / He is able to swim. be able to =can be able to 有各种时态, can 只有 can/could

2. neatly---- adv. neat adj The classroom is neat/clean and tidy. He writes his homework neatly.

3. own---- have What kind of books do you own ?

4. spirit--- the spirit of the time. 时代精神 in high/ great spirits, in poor/ low spirits

5. inventor-a person who invents something.

6. try out--- to try out sth/a new idea

7. pupil--- student

8. build---to build sth , to build a house/a building

9. at the age of ---- at the age of 5= when …was 5,

10. print--- to print sth. printer 印刷工

11. track---轨道,跑道

12. frighten--- to frighten sth away 把。。。吓跑 to frighten sb into doing sth/to frighten sb out of doing sth 使某人吓得做某事/使某人吓得不做某事

13. frightened---adj a frightened child be frightened of sth/sb 害怕某人某事。Frightful adj.可怕的, a frightful traffic accident 一次可怕的交通事故。

14. rush out--- more quickly

15. safety--- safe adj. to send sb to safety

16. telegraph--- to send a telegraph to sb.

17. invention---new things, inventions

18. open up----- to open up a new school.

19. lifetime----all one’s life / in one’s life= in one’s lifetime

20. graduate--- to graduate from/at a school. Graduation n.

21. turn down ---- turn up 调高/调低

22. healthily--- healthy adj/ health n.


23. clearly--- adv. clear, adj

24. frustrate---to frustrate sth/sb

25. frustrated---adj be frustrated in sth feel frustrated in sth 对。。。感到沮丧。

26. wonder--- to wonder at sth

27. worth-be worth doing sth The machine is worth 5000 yuan.

28. confidence --- to have confidence in sb./ be in sb’s confidence 被某人信任。 confident be confident of sth./be confident that…….

<2> Language points of the unit

Lesson 25

1.I think if I make a pen that has a machine in it, I’ll be able to write faster.我想,如果我能造出里面装有机器的钢笔,我就能写得快些。 that has a machine in it 为定语从句,修饰a pen 又如:Thomas Edison said he liked people who had ideas…… 次句也含有定语从句who had ideas,修饰people be able to 表示能力,注意与can/ could的区别。

2. We can come up with the answer together. 我们可以一起找答案。

3. We just need to keep working on it and not give up.我们需要坚持去做,而不放弃。 keep doing ……让。。。继续。 work on 从事, 搞。。。。 eg. The writer is working on a new machine. give up 认输,放弃 Don’t give up halfway.不要半途放弃。 give up sth/give up doing sth eg. He has given up smoking.他已戒烟。

Lesson 26

1. No matter how hard it was ,he never gave up.无论有多困难,他从不放弃。 no matter how/when/where/what/which/who 意为:无论如何/何时/何地/什么/哪一个/谁/ 用来引导让步状语从句。eg. Thomas Edison thought that no matter how difficult something seemed, he could find the answer. 爱迪生认为不管有多大的困难,他都能找到答案。

2. discover/invent的区别 discover 指发现早已存在,只是未被人们知道或看到的东西。 invent :指发明以前不存在的东西。eg. Columbus discovered America. 哥伦布发现了美国。 The scientist invented many things.

3. Tom’s mother taught him to read and write and she found him a very good pupil. to teach sb to do sth. to find sb +名词/形容词/副词作宾语补足语。Eg. I found the film very interesting./ We found her a clever girl./ They found the man dead.

4. When he was only ten ,he built a chemistry lab for himself. build/open up/put up/ set up/建立,建造 build a new house, build a new life 开创新生活。

5. At the age of 12, he started writing his own newspaper. at the age of 12 = when he was 12, 在说明“大约多大”时, 可用下列短语:nearly 20=close 20; over 20=above 20; below 20=under 20; in one’s twenties 在20几岁(20-29)

6. see sb doing/ see sb to do sth see sb doing 看见某人正在做某事,表示动作正在进行。 see sb to do sth 看见某人做过某事,动作的整个过程。 eg. I saw the man enter the room./ I saw the boy picking the flowers. 用于上述句式中的感官动词还有:hear, watch, notice, feel, find, etc.

7. A train was coming near quickly and the boy was too frightened to move. too….to…. 太。。。以至于不能。。。。 在表示否定概念时,此句型也可改写成 not enough to do…. 和 so…that…. eg. The boy is too young to go to school./ The boy isn’t old enough to go to school./ The boy is so young that he can’t go to school.

8. The boy’s father was so thankful that he taught Edison how to send messages by telegraph.这个男孩的父亲非常感激,于是他教爱迪生发电报的方法。 so…… that…… 如此。。。。以致于。。。。 eg. I ran so fast that I got a pain in my legs.

so + adj/adv so +adj + a(n) + n ( 单数 )

so + many/ few + 名词( 复数 ) so + much/little+名词(不可数)

9. frightened /afraid 共同点: 均为adj,都可作表语/ 不同点: frightened 可作定语,而afraid 只能作表语

10. rush out冲出去 /rush in 冲进来 / rush at/on upon 冲向

11. at that time 当时,那时 at the same time同时/ at a time 一次/ at no time 决不/ at this time 在这时/at all time 随时

12. With the money he made from some of his……. with (表示使用工具、手段等) 用。。。。。

13. During his lifetime, he had…… during…. 介词 在。。。。期间

14. keep doing 坚持做某事 He kept talking until the meeting was over.

15. Thomas Edison thought that no matter how different something seemed, he could find the answer. 托马斯.爱迪生 认为不管事情多么困难,他都能找到答案。 这是一个较为复杂的主从复合句。 主句为: Thomas Edison thought ………. that引导的是宾语从句。 No matter how 引导的是让步状语从句,在宾语从句中作状语。宾语从句中的主句为he could find the answer

16. He said that he thought more of a person who…….他说他对那个只有一种想法并能使其发挥作用的人的考虑,要胜过对那个有一千种想法但什么都不做的人。 这个句中有三个从句:一个是that 引导的宾语从句。/ 宾语从句中(more….than….)引导一个比较状语从句,从句省略了he thought / who 引导的定语从句修饰person, but 是并列连词,表示转折, 它连接谓语动词。doesn’t和has 是并列关系。

Unit 8 Merry Christmas

一. Teaching Aims:

1. 词汇: merry, decorate, put up ,angel, circle, eve, stocking, pet, as well, kind-hearted, chimney, single, base, base on, real, shy, hang, fireplace, dry, though ,even though, live on, relative, greet, western, traditional, once upon a time, special, at last, owner, give birth to

2. 日常交际用语:I’m so happy that…. I’m glad…. Me, too. Merry Christmas! Happy New Year!

3. 语法:动词不定式 ( 二 )

1, 和疑问句连用:I don’t know where to go.

2, 用作定语:They have little food to eat.

3, have ( has )been /have ( has ) gone的区别

4. 语音: /pl/ bl/ kl/ gl/ fl/ sl/ tw/ kw/

二. Analysing

1. New words and expressions:

1, merry _____ happy

2, decorate_____ to decorate sth / a room

3, put up _____ to hang

4, circle____ to circle the earth, circle/move around /go round / travel

5, eve____ New Year’s Eve/ Christmas Eve

6, stocking____ a pair of stockings

7, as well _____ also, too 注意位置 eg. He can speak English. He can speak Chinese as well./ He can speak English. He can speak Chinese, too./ He can speak English. He can also speak Japanese.

8,kind-hearted white-haired blue-eyed 复合形容词

9,chimney____ chimneys come though the chimney

10, single____ = a, one / double/triple/

11, base on ______以。。。。为根据

12, real____ really adv.

13, shy_____ adj be shy, Don’t be shy. shyness ( n )

14, hang ___hung ___hung = put up

15, dry _____ to dry sth

16, though____ = although 虽然,但是

17, live on = be alive/ last long

18, greet___ to greet sb / to say “hello” to sb

19, hug ____ to give sb a hug /to greet sb with a hug

20, western _____ a western country/ eastern/ southern/ northern/

21,traditional____ The Spring Festival is a traditional holiday in China.

22,once upon a time_____= long long ago

23,special______ pay special attention to sb/sth. special/ordinary usual/unusual

24,at last_____ in the end/ finally

25, owner____ a person who owns sth.

26, give birth to____give birth to a boy/ a girl

27,shepherd_____ a person who looks after sheep

2.Language points of the unit

Lesson 29

1, To be here at Christmas time is a dream that has come true. 动词不定式作主语 该句等于 The dream that to be here at Christmas time has come true./ The dream that has come true is to be here at Christmas time.

2, What do you mean by “decorate the tree “?装扮圣诞树是什么意思? mean 后可接名词( 短语 ),也可接宾语从句。 I mean we have to put up the lights and Christmas balls.

Lesson 30

1. Some people even put up stockings for their pets as well. put up / hang 有些人甚至也为他们的宠物挂上袜子。

2. It’s said that one day he climbed to the top of a house and dropped some money down a chimney. it is said that….据说。。。。 = people said that….

3. even though Father Christmas is no longer living, his spirit of generosity lives on today.尽管圣诞老人不复存在,但今天慷慨的精神依然长存。 even though “即使” eg. Even though I fail I’ll keep on trying.

Lesson 32

1. Once upon a time, a man told people of the coming of a boy.从前有个人向人们讲述一个男孩即将诞生的事。 once upon a time = long long ago tell sb of sth = tell sb about sth

2. Every year, parents would tell their children about the boy who would save his people.每年,当父母的都要对孩子们讲那个能拯救人民的男孩的故事。

3. That night Mary gave birth to this special boy.那天晚上,玛丽生下了这个特殊的男孩。 give birth to…. 生孩子 eg. She gave birth to a healthy boy that night.


(1) 用语:Happy New Year! Merry Christmas !Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I wish you a very merry Christmas.

(2) 答语 : Thanks. The same to you. Thanks and I wish you the same. A Happy New Year to you too. A Merry Christmas to you too. Thank you for your kind wishes.

Unit 9 What is it made of ?

一. Teaching Aims:

1. 词汇: be made of, be made in , brush, writing brush, bamboo, be used for, pan, jacket, metal, stamp, wool, wood, lock, store, widely, Britain, set, a TV set ,Germany, Frenchman, traveler, cotton, silk, camera, digital, ordinary, aeroplane, satellite, rocket

2. 日常交际用语: What’s this called in English ?

What’s it made of ? It’s made of …….

What’s it used for ? It’s used for ……

English is widely used for business letters.

It’s one of the world’s most important languages as it is so widely used.

Where is /are……grown/produced/made?

3. 语法:主动语态和被动语态

主动语态:Many people speak English.

被动语态:English is spoken by many people.

被动句陈述句形式:It’s produced in China.

被动句疑问句形式:Is it produced in China ?

二. Analysing

一. New words

1. be made in -----be made in Beijing 北京制造

2. be made of ----- be made of +原材料be made of wood

3. be made from----- (化学变化)

4. brush -----tooth brush shoebrush

5. writing brush----be used for writing

6. bamboo -----Bamboo Garden 个园 The writing brush is made of bamboo.

7. be used for -----be used for sth eg. Knife is used for cutting things.

8. jacket ---- The jacket cost him 100 yuan.

9. metal ---- Bike is made of metal.

10. stamp ---- to collect stamps to send stamps to sb. to put a stamp on an evelope

11. wood ----(不可数) We can get wood in a forest.

12. wool ---- The sweater is made of wool./We can get wool from sheep

13. lock --- Don’t forget to lock the door when you leave.

14. store ---- to store sth in a place

15. widely ----to use sth widely in the world eg. English is widely used all over the world.

16. Britain ----England /Englishman /Englishmen

17. Germany –German /Germans

18. Frenchman / Frenchmen / French / France

19. traveler --- V travel + ler = n.

20. cotton ----The clothes is made of cotton.

21. silk ---- The blouse is made of silk.

22. ordinary ---- special ordinary people

23. aeroplane ----plane

24. satellite -----man-made satellite 人造卫星

25. rocket ---- to send up a rocket into space

三. Language points

Lesson 33 本单元围绕“谈论物品名称、制作、产地和语言的运用”,从中引出本单元重点语法项目---被动语态,使学生正确理解被动语态的概念,区别主动语态与被动语态的不同之处,正确掌握被动语态的谓语动词的基本结构以及一般现在时的被动语态的谓语动词形式,正确掌握被动语态的陈述句形式和疑问句形式。Lesson 33 通过谈论毛笔的名称、制作材料和用途,引出本单元的几个动词的被动语态的基本句型,后面又提供了做替换练习的副词, 第二部分问答练习,学生需要根据提供的图和句式完成对话。

1. It’s made of bamboo and animal’s hair.它(指毛笔)是用竹子和动物毛作成的。Be made of/be made from This kind of glass is made of paper./ The old bridge is made of stone.

2. It’s used for writing. 它是用来写字的。介词for 在此处表示用途,后接名词或动名词。 The box can be used for a table.

Lesson 34

阅读课文 English is widely used 使学生了解英语是世界上使用最广泛的语言。通过本篇文章的学习,是学生明确学习英语的目的,调动学生学习英语的主动性和积极性。

1. Which language is spoken by the largest number of people in the world ? 哪一种语言在世界上使用最广泛?

2. But it’s also used very widely as a foreign language in many other countries of the world. Be used as ….把。。。当作。。。用

3. Look at something else, for example, a TV set 看看其它的东西, 例如一台电视机。Else作为形容词总是在不定代词或疑问词之后。 Eg. I don’t think there is anything else we need to do tonight./ Don’t lend it to anybody else./ What else did he say ?

4. English is the first language in none of these countries.这些国家都不把英语作为第一语言。None 是代词,意为“没有一个,一个也不。。。” eg. All of the students in Class 4 went to see the film,but none of them could understand it. none和none of 作主语时,谓语动词既可用单数也可用复数。

5. English is very widely used for business between different countries. be used for …用于。。。。。

6. It’s used by travelers and business people over the world. He has traveled all over Europe.

7. It’s one of the world’s most important languages as it is so widely used.

Lesson 36

1. This is a digital camera.这是一台数码相机。

2. I’ll take this one.我就买这一架。

Some exercises


1. We speak English every day.

2. I give him a book.

3. He writes a letter to his mother once a week.

4. The workers make cars on the factory.

5. The farmers grow rice in the fields.

6. I buy a nice present for my father.

7. We plant trees along the river every spring.

8. People pollute the rivers、lakes、seas and oceans.

Unit 10 When was it built ?

一. Teaching Aims:

1. 词汇: on show, display, on display, natural, guide, underground, desert, Gobi Desert, human being, disappear, disappearance,discover,found,entrance,exit,park,parking,danger,pause,teapot,bowl,serve,fill,befilled with, object feather

2. 日常交际用语:

I saw many old inventions on show.

Entrance, Exit Push, Pull, No Parking, No Smoking, No Photos, Fragile, This side up, Danger, Business Hours Play, Stop, Pause, On, Off

3. 语法:一般过去时的被动语态的构成及用法

The camera was made in China.

The toys were made of wood.

Where was it made ? Was it made in China ?

What were they used for ?

4. 语音: 辅音连缀/-tn/-dn/-sn/-zn/-fn/-vn/

二. Analysing

<1> 教学内容分析: 本单元主要围绕“观看博物馆” 这个话题开展各项活动,主要的日常交际用语是“常见标志语”(some signs)。 语法项目是一般过去时的被动语态。本单元的语法要点是一般过去时的被动语态,是以往所学知识的加深和扩展,而本单元的语言结构与词汇之间又存在着紧密自然的联系。 本单元的特点:词汇、语法、日常交际用语教学内容相对容易,教学量也不大。 应注意本单元与前几单元的联系,并适当地扩展教学内容,加大难度。

Lesson 37 Part One引出本单元的话题“Visiting the museum”其中许多谈话内容将在下面的课文中得到扩展。Part Two的问答 填表活动进一步深化这个话题的内容,为以下的教学作了铺垫。 Lesson 38阅读课文 “ A visit to the Museum of Natural History”介绍了一群学生参观自然历史博物馆的故事,引出了恐龙----学生普遍感兴趣的动物。有利于开展听、说、读、写的活动。Lesson 39 Part One 问答练习操练一般过去时的被动语态,给学生展示了一般过去时的被动语态的基本特征和构成。Part Two用图文结合的方法介绍了一些常见标志,教学生应用英语的能力。Lesson 40出现的对话、听力练习和问答练习均围绕被动语态的用法,最后的写作练习是本单元的巩固练习,配合问答练习完成。

<2> New words and expressions

1. on show---- be on show/ on display/ be on display

2. natural----nature n. naturally adv. by nature本性

3. guide---V. to guide sb to do sth. to guide sb to a place guide book旅游指南

4. underground----an underground railway 地铁 (英) subway (美)

5. fossil---to look for fossils/to search/ to hunt fossils

6. desert----a place without people to live. in a desert eg. The camels are walking in the deserts.

7. human being---- people/person/mankind/

8. disappear--- without seeing disappearance n. eg. The car drove away quickly and disappeared soon.

9. discover----to discover sth/ to discover that…. eg. We have discovered that he is quite careful in his work.

10. feather---a feather feathers lighter than a feather 轻于鸿毛 Birds of a feather flock together.物以类聚,人以群分。

11. found----to build/to set up/ Our Party was founded on July 1st 1921. When was the new city founded?

12. entrance /exit entrance free 免费入场 an entrance exam 入学考试

13. park---- V. Can I park the car here ? There is a sign “No Parking” on the wall.

14. danger---- n. in danger adj. dangerous be danger to do sth

15. pause----- during the pause在暂停期间 eg. He came to a pause and then went on reading. without pause不停地。。。。。。

16. teapot-----a container keeping hot water

17. bowl--- a container keeping rice and food

18. serve-----V. to serve at table/ to be a waiter/ to serve wine/ to serve dishes

19. fill ---- to fill sth with sth to fill a glass with hot water/ sth is filled with sth The room is filled with students.

<3> Language points of the unit

Lesson 37

1. I saw many old inventions on show./Have you ever seen dinosaurs on display in a museum ? on show/ on display 同义。“展出,展览” The students’ works were on show in the library

Lesson 38

1. A visit to the Museum of Natural History 参观自然历史博物馆

2. Dinosaurs lived on the earth for more than 150 millions years and then disappeared about 65 million years ago.恐龙在地球上生活了一亿五千万年以上,后来大约在6千5百万年前消失。

3. So these eggs were laid long long ago by dinosaurs. lay eggs 下蛋lay/laid/laid

4. Miss Li showed them a picture of the feathered dinosaur…… feathered adj.类似的句子:The broken cup is on the floor now./ The frightened child hid behind the door.

5. I say it is special because the dinosaur was covered with feathers.我说它特殊是因为这种恐龙身上长着羽毛。

6. Then we can see many dinosaurs discovered by you in the museum. Discovered by……是定语从句“which were discovered by you”省略而来。 eg. Lessons learned easily are soon forgotten./ The car stolen the other day isn’t found yet.

Lesson 39

1. League--- the Communist Youth League of China 中国共产主义青年团

2. PLA-----the Chinese People’s Liberation Army 的简称

3. PRC---the People’s Republic of China 中华人民共和国

4. Party--- the Communist Party of China 中国共产党

Lesson 40

1. The big bowl was used for keeping tea hot after it was made.这个罐子是在泡茶后保温用的。 This coat will keep you warm./ The window was kept closed.这窗户一直关着。

Unit 11 Planting trees

一. Teaching Aims

1. Vocabulary 词汇: dig, make sure, so that, hear of, run away, drought, drop, soil, directly, leaf ,in this way,flood,prevent,northern,wide,blow,sand,towards,farmland,point,point to, far away, thanks to, the more, the better, correct, hand in, grand, hall, notice, audience, slipper, height, beeper, keep off

2. 日常交际用语:1. The ground must be just right……

2. It’s best to plant trees in spring

3. The hole should not be too deep.

4. The Great Green Wall is 7000 kilometres long and between 400 and 1700 kilometers wide.

5. The more, the better.

6. More or less !

3. 语法:1, 含有情态动词的被动语态的构成和用法:More trees must be planted.

2, measurement( 计量 )It’s ten meters/kilometers long/wide/high/tall/deep/thick

4. 语音: 句子的重音及意群

二. Anal