unit 16 Scientists at work整个单元的教案(新课标版高一英语教案教学设计)

发布时间:2016-4-20 编辑:互联网 手机版

Period I

I Teaching material: Warming up & Listening ( including WB )

II Teaching aims: 1. Get Ss to have a superficial knowledge of science

2. To practise Ss’ listening ability

III Teaching focus: Listening & Speaking

IV Teaching difficulty: How to improve Ss’ listening and speaking abilities

V Teaching procedure:

Step 1 Greeting & Warming up

1. Show Ss some pictures about the latest scientific achievement in the world or some pictures of famous scientists and hold a free talk with Ss so as to present some scientific terms.

2. Get Ss to describe the four illustrations in groups then check the answers.

3. Teacher goes on with the free talk with Ss in order to finish Q2&3 of warming up.

Step 2 Listening ( textbook )

1. Pre-listening

1) Ask Ss the question “ What should we be careful with when doing an experiment? ”( Teacher should pay attention to the presentation of the new words in the listening text. )

2. While-listening

1) Get Ss to listen to the tape once and finish Part 1.

2) Get Ss to listen to the tape twice and finish Part 2.

3) Check the answers and play the tape for the fourth time if necessary.

Step 3 Listening ( WB )

1. Pre-listening

1) Give a brief introduction of London.

2. While-listening

1) Get Ss to listen to the tape once and finish Part 2.

2) Get Ss to listen to the tape again to finish Part 3.

3) Get Ss to listen to the tape for the third time and finish Part 1.

4) Check the answers and play the tape for the fourth time if necessary.

Step 4 Assignment

1. Preview Speaking.

2. Review the new words.

Period II

I Teaching material: Speaking & Talking

II Teaching aims: 1. To practise discussing and evaluating pros and cons.

2. To arouse Ss’ safety conciousness.

III Teaching focus: Speaking

IV Teaching difficulty: How to improve Ss’ speaking ability.

V Teaching procedure:

Step 1 Greeting & Warming up

1. Get Ss to describe the illustration on Page 23.

2. Get Ss to listen to the tape and answer the following question

“ What are the advantages and disadvantages of the high-speed maglev train? ”

Step 2 Speaking

1. Get Ss to read the Useful Expressions by themselves and try to keep them in mind.

2. Get Ss to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of Cloning, Nuclear energy, computer and Space flights in groups.

3. Choose some Ss to present their own ideas about Cloning, Nuclear energy and Space flights.

4. Choose “ Computer ” as the topic of the debate and hold a mini-debate in class.

Step 3 Talking ( WB )

1. Talk about the importance of safety.( free talk )

2. Each group is in charge of one situation and get Ss to discuss Dos and Don’ts in groups.

3. Choose about 2 representatives of each group to show their own ideas.

Step 4 Assignment

1. Pre-view Reading

Period III (Reading)

I Teaching Aims: 1. Improve the Ss’ reading ability

2.Read the passage and learn how the scientist Franklin found lighting and electricity are the same.

II Important Point:

Train the Ss to improve their reading comprehension.

III Difficult Point:

How to help the Ss understand the passage better.

IV Teaching Methods:

1. Question-and- answer method to make Ss interested in what they will learn.

2. Fast reading to get the general idea of the text.

3. Careful reading to answer some detailed questions.

4. Individual, pair or group work to make every student work in class.

V Procedures:

Step1: Greetings and Revision

1. Greet the whole class as usual.

2. Check the homework..


( Show an electric bulb)

Ask the Ss: What is it? ( An electric bulb) . Then ask: Do you know who invented the electric bulb? (Edison).

Then say :Yes. Edison was a great inventor. He invented many things. (Get the Ss to give some examples.) There are many famous scientists like him all over the world. They made many important inventions in many fields. Do you know the names of some famous scientists? What are they famous for?

Get the Ss to discuss in groups. Then collect their answers.

Step3: Pre-reading

OK. You’ve known much about some famous scientists and their important discoveries. But do you know something about Franklin? He discovered a secret. Do you know what the secret is? How did he discover the secret?

Now let’s read the passage on Page 24 and try to find out the answers.

Step4: Reading

Let the Ss read the passage quickly and answer the questions below.

(1).Was the experiment done in June 1752 successful?

(2) What did this experiment prove?

(Give the Ss a few minutes, then discuss in pairs, check the answers with the whole class.) Then get the Ss to read it carefully and do Post-reading Ex.1 True or False and Multiple choice on the Best Design.(Let them do alone first, then check the answers.) And then play the tape ,let the Ss listen and follow. Do Post-reading Ex.3.

Step5:Reading aloud and Consolidation

Play the tape for the Ss to listen and follow. Get them to pay attention to their pronunciation and intonation . After that ,get the Ss to read the text aloud. Then get them to look at the three questions on Page25 Ex.2. Go through the questions first, then let them discuss in groups. After a few minutes, get them to talk about their ideas.

Step6: Summary and Homework

In this class, we’ve read a passage about Franklin’s famous kite experiment and in his experiment he proved that the lightning and electricity were the same. After class, read the passage again and try to retell it.

Period IV (Reading)

I Aims:1.Learn and master the following words ,phrases and sentence patterns:

Words: conduct, charge, shock, prove, tear, fasten, explain, appear…

Phrases: do an experiment, a great deal of, tie…to, stop…from

Sentence Patterns: Having realized that I could use…,I decided to….

It is good (for sb)to do something.

2.Deal with some difficult sentences.

II Important point and difficult point:

How to make the Ss master the useful words ,expressions and sentence patterns.

III Procedures:


Review the text by retelling it.

Step2:Deal with some difficult sentences

Let the Ss to find out some difficult sentences they don’t understand first, then let them solve by themselves. The teacher gives some help when necessary

e.g 1.Benjamim Franklin conducted a number of experiments [in which he showed (what electricity is)] 定语从句



2.Having realized that I could use a kite to attract lightning, I decided to do an experiment.

Having done是动词-ing形式的完成时,在句中作状语。它表示的动作先于句子谓语动词以前已经持续了若干时间或若干次。

E.g. Having answered the letter, she went on to listen to the radio.

Step3: Language Study.


do an experiment

make an experiment

perform an experiment

conduct an experiment

carry our an experiment

2、a number of +可数名词,谓语用复数“许多,大量的……”。the number of +可数名词,谓语用单数“……的数目”。


a great /good many

a large/great/ good number of +可数名词

a good few /quite a few

a great /good deal of

a great/large amount of +不可数名词

quite a little

a lot of /lots of +不可数名词或可数名词

plenty of

3、prove +n /pron./that+从句

prove sb./sth. (to be )+n./adj

4、charge vt (1)使…充满、饱含、(装)满(2)使承担(任务、责任)指示;(3)控告、指控;(4)索价、收费

e.g The cell phone is being charged.

He charged us $10 for mending this pair of shoes.

5、appear vi = seem

It appears /appeared that…

Appear to do

to be doing

to have done


课文tied to the string是过去分词作定语


prevent sb.(from)doing sth.

stop sb.(from)doing sth.

keep sb. From doing sth

8、It’s good (for sb.)to do sth. 其中it作形式主语,to do sth是不定式作真正主语。

e.g It’s good to see all my friends and teachers again.

Step 4 Homework

Teaching plan for Language Study & Grammar

( the 5th period)

Teaching materials : Language Study & Grammar on P26.

Teaching Aims: To develop the Ss’s ability of guessing the meaning of a word according to the passage or the sentence or the explanation they read .

Teaching procedures:

1. Ask the Ss to find out the following words from the passage Franklin’s Famous Kite Experiment : charge conduct cross sharp tear tie , then come to P26 ,let the Ss guess in which sentence the underlined word has the same meaning as it does in the reading text. And ask the Ss to guess what the underlined words mean in the other two sentences.

2. Practice: Guess what is the meaning of the underlined word in the followings:

1) Some ships carried cargo such as rice, wood, machines, but others carried only passengers. Here “ cargo” means________.

A.军队 B. 工业品 C . 农产品 D. 货物

2) The old woman was strange for she kept over 100 cats in her house. The villagers all called her an eccentric lady. Here “eccentric” means _______.

A. 勤劳的 B. 仁慈的 C. 孤独的 D. 古怪的

3) It seems to us that the earth stands quite still. But it is really moving all the time. It turns around a line through its center. We call this line the earth’s axis. The two ends of the earth’s axis are called its poles. It makes the earth twenty-four hours travel around its axis once.

The meaning of the word “ poles” is ________.

A. A tall piece of wood or metal that stands in the ground.

B. Either of the two ends of a line.

C. Either of two different ideas.

D. The north and the south points of the earth.

3. Deal with the exercises in Grammar on P26 and Ex-one on P90.

4. Do more practice: Guess the following words according to the explanations:

1) play+ground Part 1 Something you do in your free time. Part 2 What is under your feet

2) gate+keeper Part 1 The way into a park or a yard . Part 2 Someone keeping or taking care of something.

3) motor+ bike Part 1 Part of the car that makes the power to move Part2 Two wheels + a saddle + a bell

4) black + board Part 1 The opposite of white Part 2 A flat and smooth piece of wood

5) table+tennis Part 1 A piece of furniture with four legs Part 2 A game played by hitting a small ball over a net in a field of grass

5 .Deal with Ex-2 of Vocabulary on P 90.

6. Homework: Finish Ex- 1, 2, 3 on P91.

Teaching Plan for Integrating Skills

----Reading &Writing (6th period)

Teaching material: the passage : ANIMAL EXPERIMENTS on Page 27.

Teaching aims: To develop the Ss’s fast reading skills and writing skills.

Teaching procedures:


1. Ask the Ss to guess what is the passage about when they see the title Animal Experiments .( the Ss can express what they think .)

2. Then ask the Ss to go through the whole passage as quickly as they can, and find out what is the whole passage mainly about. ( A. How scientists do experiments on animals. B .the results of animal experiments. C. divergence(分歧) on animal experiments. D. the process( 进程) of animal experiments.)

Reading practice : Let the Ss read the passage again and find out :

1.Are 2.5 million animals killed for food every year in Britain ?

2.Have animal experiments been very important for the development of new medicine in the medical scientists’ opinions ? What about your opinion ?

3. What do the animal rights activists fight for ?

4. What’s a painkiller ? A. 杀手 B. 安慰剂 C. 止痛药 D. 救心丸

5. What’s the writer’s attitude towards animal testing ?

A. Indifferent B. Against C. Supportive D. Neutral

Discussion: How do you feel about animal experiments?

1). Does animal testing work ?

2). Do people have the right to use animals?

Language focus :

1 die in experiments to develop and test new medicines 11.learn… from doing sth

2. be allowed to use …for/allow doing /allow sb. to do 12.There is no doubt that.

6. It has been very important for… 13.have no right to do

7. be tested on animals 14. fight for/ against

8. Does animal testing work ? 15.human life

9. a better way of doing sth./to do 16. feel pain

10. much fewer animals 17. have the same rights as

11. work with sb. 18.break/obey the laws

12. the medicine against… 19. be used to/used to

13. ( more )skilled ( adj. )


1.Ask the Ss learn to write an essay to give their opinions about using animals in science experiments. But before the end of this period, explain how to write an argumentative essay to the Ss.( deal with Tips )

2.Read the passage on p27-28 again and again .

3. Do some exercises containing the language focus.