unit6 life in the future教学目标和教学步骤,以及课本知识点(新课标版高一英语教案教学设计)

发布时间:2016-2-18 编辑:互联网 手机版

The First Period (Warming up)

I. 教学内容分析:

“热身”部分一开始就提出问题“What will life be like in the future?”为了启发学生思考教材设计了通讯语言、职业等方面的话题,并设计了四幅关于交通、城市建设、外星人、人类健康的图片,供学生参考讨论,以引起学生对未来人类生活的幻想和想象。

II. 教学目标:

1. Encourage Ss to use their imagination to talk about life in future.

2. Improve Ss’ speaking ability by practising making predictions.

III. 教学步骤:(另教师可参看教参书P129内容):

1. Now let’s first have a discussion about the future of one of the areas. After a while, I’ll ask one of you to report the results.

2. T: Who’d like to tell me how people will communicate in the future?

S: People will communicate with each other with computer, which are set in the watches.

T: Where will people work in the future? What kind of jobs will they have?

S: People will work at home. The only thing that people do is to control the robots by pressing the buttons on the computer and let them work for us.

T: How will people do business in the future? What kind of money will they use?

S: By the year 2100, shops will no longer exist. Computers will have replaced them, and people will order goods from home. Instead of paper money, they will use credit cards.

T: What about languages?

S: Instead of any language, people will use code to talk with each other. If they use a language to communicate, I think they will speak Chinese. Because our country will be the strongest one.

T: What will school be like in the future? What subjects will people study?

S: Schools will be set up on the Internet, Ss can stay at home and use computers to study. We can also download some information. We’ll study social sciences, natural sciences and so on. Schooling will be much more interesting and effective.

T: In spite of all these changes, man in the future will have a lot in common with us. They will have thoughts and emotions similar to ours. Anyhow, they will be human beings.

IV. 随堂练习:

Fill in the blanks with the words in the box (will, may, likely, possible, impossible, possibly):

1. It is likely that the housing conditions ________ be improved in the next few years.

2. If you wear sunglasses, he ______ not recognize you.

3. It is ________ that your request will be refused.

4. I can’t ________ force them to carry out such a plan.

5. I dare say it is ________ to persuade him to merry your niece.

6. They are not _________ to give up the chance of taking part in the competition.

Key: 1. will 2. may 3. possible 4. possibly 5. impossible 6. likely

The Second Period (listening and speaking)

I. 教材内容分析:



II. 教学目标:

1. Train Ss’ listening ability.

2. Improve Ss speaking ability by practising making predictions.

3. Learn and master the expressions: in future, in the future.

(1) predictions (predict) What … like? Below (under) happen (occur, take place) double (v.) exact(ly) communicate with sb.

(2) It would be wonderful if ….

No one can predict what/when ….

It would be bad for … if ….

Just imagine if ….

It’s possible/ impossible to predict ….

We can only guess ….

III. 教学重难点:

1. Let Ss give free rein to their imagination.

2. How to improve Ss ability of listening.

3. How to finish the task of speaking.

IV. 教学方法:

1. Listening-and-answering activity to help Ss go through listening.

2. Individual, pair or group work to make Ss work in class.

V. Listening:

T: You’re going to listen to a letter about Mekanika’s life. Listen carefully and pay attention to the year when she is living the place where she lives, the things that happened to the people on the earth and the reason why she is writing you the letter.

VI. Speaking:

T: There are two boys in the pictures. One boy is doing his homework. The other is palying piano. Can you find any different between them?

T: No, they aren’t twins. One of them is coned. Work in groups. Your group has to decide whether the new technology should be used.

Student A: 1. I could (have) let the double finish my homework.

2. because I would always have someone to talk to.

Student B: the double might steal sth or kill the person they hate and then people would think

you were a thief or killer.

Student C: 1. If I didn’t have time to watch an exciting football game, I would let the double

watch it. (the double could attend an important meeting)

2. you could let the double do whatever you want them to do instead of you if you

were ill

or: you could do two things at eh same time. My double could do my homework

and I could go swimming.

Student D: 1. And it wouldn’t be your brother or sister.

2. We wouldn’t know what to do with them. For example if my double steals sth,

who will be punished fo it?

Who is responsible for what it does?

The Third Period (Reading)

I. 教材内容分析:


II. 教材教学目的:

1. Useful expressions: in general, catch a glimpse of , keep in touch with, pay attention to , lead to , in store, combine … with

2. Improve Ss’ reading ability.

3. Let Ss know sth about the life in future.

III. 教学重点:Enable the students to understand the text better.

IV. 难点 as 的用法。

V. 教学步骤:

1. Leading-in: In the past, some people worked by hand. With the development of science and technology, our life has changed a lot. Some people are working with machines while some people are giving orders to robots to work for them. Can you imagine what life will be like in the future?

2. Pre-reading: (1) paragraph 3 (2) paragraph 2 (3) paragraph 5 (4) paragraph 1 and 6

3. (1) How to shop in the future: People can do online shopping (on the Internet) and they can also go to a pleasant mall using smart cards. Shopping will become a kind of entertainment.

(2) People will travel by buses, cars, trains and planes that don’t pollute the environment.

(3) Students can study at home by watching educators on TV or on a computer screen. There will be more opportunities for people to study.

(4) In general, the future will be safer and cleaner and more varied – there will be new ways of doing what we do today.

VI. Read it again and answer the following questions

1. What will happen in the field of health and medicine in the future?

2. Can you explain the meaning of e-learning (learning on the Internet)?

3. Why is it important to be lifelong learners? Because knowledge is changing, necessary and important.

4. What should we do to make sure we will have a bright future? We should try to learn to accept change and appreciate what is new and different. And we should learn more knowledge to fit in with the needs of the society.

VII. Explanation:

1. (1) in general 总得说来,通常 例如:

In general, I agree with you.

The climate in China is mild in general.

(2) general adj. 全面的,普遍的,大致的 例如:

Give me a general idea of the work.

2. forecast (1) 作动词+n/ pron/ that从句;(2) 作名词,预测 make a forecast 例如:(1) The weatherman forecast that it would rain the next day.

(2) He listens to the weather forecast on the radio every morning.

3. catch a glimpse of = see sb/ sth for a very short time 一眼瞥见,大致看 例如:

I caught a glimpse of her as she got into the car.

4. trend 趋势,倾向,趋向,时尚 例如:

The hills have a western trend.

Do you know the new trend in women’s dress?

5. contemporary (1) (人、作品等)同时代的,当代的 (2) 现代的(无比较级、

最高级) 例如:

(1) The president and the scientist are contemporary.

(2) Contemporary events 当代事件; contemporary fashions 当代款式

6. indicate (1) 指示、指出 point to/ out (2) 表明、暗示、象征 show sth

(1) The arrow indicates the way to the park.

(2) I asked him where the new school was and he indicated the road ahead.

(3) Snow indicates the coming of winter.

(4) A red sky at night indicates that the following day will be fine.

7. urban 都市的,只作定语,无比较级和最高级

rural 农村的 (1) rural problems (2) rural life

8. ensure 保证(成功等),确保(地位等)= make sure

(1) ensure +名词: His last jumping ensured the victory /champions/ fame.

(2) ensure + sb +名词: A good sleep will ensure you quicker recovery.

Her recommendation will ensure me a job.

(3) ensure + that 从句: They ensured that he would obtain the prize.

9. system: 系统;制度

(1) There is a big underground railway system in London.

(2) Our company is planning to introduce the five day week system.

10. consumer: 消费者 consumer right消费者权利; consumer protection 消费者保障

同义词:customer 反义词:producer

Consumers are encouraged to complain about faulty goods.

The customer is always right.

注:买东西顾客称 customer 银行律师的客户称 client

旅馆的旅客 guest 乘客 passenger

11. reform (1) 改革;改善 (2) 改过自新 (3) 改善、改进

(1) reform the law/ society

(2) The boy promised to reform if (he is) given another chance.

(3) She has completely reformed and is working hard.

12. keep in touch with sb 由它构成的词组

keep back; keep in mind; keep one’s balance; keep on; keep up with;

keep doing; keep sb/ sth doing; keep sb/ sth from doing

13. purchase v. 购买东西 = buy n. 常用复数purchases

He purchased a house for 20000 dollars.

Employees are encouraged to purchase shares in the firm.

14. tiny 极小的 He lived in a tiny cottage.

This is a tiny watch.

15. remain (1) 剩余、剩下、余留下来;(2) 逗留、留下;(3) 仍然是,保持不变

(1) We must take care to preserve the few liberties that remain to us.

(2) There remained a still more difficult and dangerous task.

(3) If you take away 3 from 8, 5 remains.

(4) A few apples remained on the tree.

(5) I didn’t remain long in that town.

(6) She will remain to accompany you.

(7) For a whole day the enemy remained inactive.

(8) His father couldn’t remain silent.

(9) She remains standing for an hour.

(10) The land reform question remained unresolved.

(11) We can remain friends.

(12) The affair remained a complete mystery.

(13) It remains a problem.

(14) The Indian people remain in deep poverty.

(15) She remained under his care.

remaining adj. 剩下的 The remaining students will clean it.

remainder n. (1) 剩下的人;(2) 余数

Twenty people came in and the remainder stayed outside.

You can keep the remainder of the money.

remains n. 剩下的部分,残留物 Dad drank up the remains of her coffee.

His remains (遗体)are buried.

16. pay attention to You must pay attention to your pronunciation.

17. regularly Please take the medicine regularly.

I write to him regularly every other week.

18. cure (治疗、治愈、治疗的效果)+病 & treat +人

Physicians can cure more diseases/ the pain.

She was cured with a drug. & She was treated with a drug.

19. hopeful + of / about / that从句

We are hopeful of getting your support.

We are hopeful about their future.

She was hopeful that her job would bring in more money.

hopefully Mary said hopefully, “I’ll find it.” (怀着希望地)

Hopefully everything turn out well.

Hopefully we’ll arrive before dark. (如果顺利地话,但愿)

20. deal with 处理、对付、对待、涉及

(1) Here is some advice for dealing with common injuries.

(2) The book deals with the ancient history of China.

(3) Teachers should deal fairly with their students

do with 处理、处置、对待(某人)

He didn’t know what to do with the class.

21. environmentally friendly = not damaging the environment

environmentally friendly washing powder 环保洗衣粉

22. begin/ start to do / doing

(1) 谈及一项长期活动或开始一种习惯时,用doing。

(2) begin/ start用进行时态时后用不定式 I am beginning to get angry.

(3) 后接know, understand, realize时,用不定式 I begin to understand the truth.

(4) 物作主语时,用to do Ice began to melt.


(1)_____ you have done might do harm to other people . A That B What C Whether Dhow

(2 ) _ _____he said at the meeting astonished everybody present.

A what B that C the fact D the matter

(3)______we can’t get seems better than _____we have .

A what, what B what ,that C that ,that D that ,what

(4)It worried her a bit _____her hair was turning grey .

A while B that C if D for

(5) ____you don’t like him is none of my business.

A what B who C That D whether

(6)____the 2000 Olympic Games will be held in Beijing is not known yet .

A Whenever B if C whether D that

(7)____we ‘ll go camping tomorrow depends on the weather

A If B Whether C that D that

(8) ____leaves the room last ought too turn off the light .

A Anyone B the person C Whoever D Who

(9) It is generally considered unwise to get a child ____he or she wants .

A however B whatever C whichever D whenever

(10)Does ___matter if he can’t finish the job on time .

A This B that C .he D it

(11)_____is a fact that English is being accepted as an international language .

A there B this C That D it

(12)It is necessary that a college student ____at least a foreign language .

A masters B Should C Mastered D will master

(13) ______is known to everybody ,the moon travels round the earth once every month .

A It B AS C That D what

(14) _____ men have learned much from the behavior of animals is barely new.

A That B Those C What D Whether

(15) By success I don’t mean _____ usually thought of when that word is used.

A what is B that we C as you D all is

(16) The mere fact _____ most people believe nuclear war would be madness does not mean that it will not occur. A what B which C that D why

(17) Although Anne is happy with her success she wonders ______will happen to her private life. A this B it C what D that

(18) We agreed to accept _____ they thought was the best tourist guide.

A whichever B whoever C whatever D whomever

(19) There are signs _____restaurants are becoming more popular with families

A that B which C in which D whose

(20) The mother didn’t know who _____for the broken glass.

A blamed B to blame C be blamed D would blame

(21) I read about it in some book or other, does it matter _____it was?

A where B what C how D which

(22) They always give the extra seats to _____comes first.

(23) Does ____matter if he can’t finish the job on time.

A this B that C he D it

(24) It worried her a bit _____her hair was turning grey.

A Which B that C if D for

(25) _____is a fact that English is being accepted as an international language.

A There B this C that D It

(26) _____ what they told me really true?

A has B Is C does D Have

(27) It matters little _____a man dies, but _____matters much is ____he lives.

A how what how B how it how C why it why D that what that

(27) _____she couldn’t understand was _____fewer and fewer students showed interest in her

lessons. A what, why B That, what C What, because D Why, that

(28) It is pretty well understood ____controls the flow of carbon dioxide in and out the

atmosphere today.

(29) ____ fashion differs from country to country may reflect the cultural differences

from one aspect. A What B That C This D Which

(30) ----What made her parents so angry?

----_____she had failed in the examination. A As B Because C Since D That

(31) ____we’ll go camping tomorrow depends on the weather

.A If B whether C that D where

(32) It was a matter of ___ would take the position. A who B Whose C whom D whomever

(33) ____ are playing an important part is well known to us all.

A That ,who B Those ,who C who ,that D Who

(34) The news ____our team has won the match is unknown.

A whether B if C that D which