
发布时间:2017-12-18 编辑:互联网 手机版

一、 Contents of the lesson:

Topic: Parts 1, 1.1, 1.2 of Lesson 9

Content: Book 3A, a picture, two new words, and two exercises

二、 Type of the lesson

A new lesson

三、 Aims of the lesson

1. To learn to talk about how people feel

2. To revise and extend the words that are used to express people’s feeling

四、 The key points of the lesson

The students can use the following words and expressions in communication:

1. tired, thirsty

2. How do they feel?

They feel hungry/tired. Etc

五、 The difficult points of the lesson

To express one’s feeling

六、 Procedures

1、 Revision (2 minutes)

Ask the Ss the following questions:

Can you still remember Annie’s letter in Unit2.

Can you talk something about the letter? What did Annie say? What was her feeling?

2、 Presentation (2 minutes)

Open the book and turn to page 24, look at the first picture in part 1.

Ask questions like:

What game are they playing?

Do you think they win the game or lose the game? (answer: win the game)

Why do you think so? (answer: they are smiling)

How do they feel?

3、 Language focus 1 (3 minutes)

To master the following expression:

“How do you feel?”

“I feel …”

4、 Practice (part 1.1, 1.3) (5 minutes)

Ask the students to write a word from the box below the correct picture, and then ask the students why they think so?

5、 Word study (10 minutes)

Distinguish “tired” and “tiring”

Extend the vocabulary about expressing people feelings. ( form: ask the students to write down as many words as the can)

Eg: hot, cold, sick, happy, asleep……

6、 Language focus 2 (10 minutes)

To master the following expressions: and sentence patterns

“What makes you feel like this?”

“Why do you feel like this?”

1) make / have/ let/ hear sb do sth,

那个故事使他大笑起来:The dog makes him laugh

2) feel like doing sth=want to do sth 

feel like sth= want sth 想要做某事

 我现在不想跳舞: I don’t feel like dancing now

  你想要一杯咖啡吗? Do you feel like a cup of coffee?

7、 Act (part 1.2) (8 minutes)

Present some pictures, ask the students to act out the picture and talk about how he feels and the reason.

8、 Summary (2 minutes)

Today we have mentioned some expressions:

“How do you feel?” “I feel …”

“What makes you feel like this?” “Why do you feel like this?”

9、 Homework assignment (1 minutes)

Write a passage to talk about one of your experiences and your feelings.

七、 Multi-media:

Book 3A, board, powerpoint