Unit 3-6 重点词组U5(人教版高二英语上册教案教学设计)

发布时间:2016-9-17 编辑:互联网 手机版

1.an advertising firm; advertise for 登广告征求、找寻

2.complain to sb of/ about sth; make complaints

3.persuade sb (not) to do sth说服了; persuade sb into/ out of doing sth

4.in order (of) 按(….的)顺序

5.take … into consideration

consider doing考虑 consider sb/ sth to be/ as 认为,看作

6.make/take notes of 做笔记

7.make a list of = list

8.in charge of管理-in the charge of 在…的管理下

charge要价,索价charge (me) 300 for a haircut

charge sb with doing sth 指控某人accuse sb of sth

9.be to blame 应受到责备 Who is to blame for the broken glass?

blame sb for sth; blame sth on sb 把某事怪到某人的头上

10.be concerned about关心,担忧

be concerned with 和..有关

concerned adj. 担忧的,担心的 concerned parents

有关的(后置定语)the people concerned

concerning 关于(介词) Concerning your request, I am pleased to inform you that…

11.take (full) advantage of 充分利用 have an advantage over sb 比…

12.on/ over the radio, by radio on the phone; over the phone; by phone

13.post张贴 poster海报 Please post up the notice.

14. react to起反应 (respond to); react on有影响,有作用

15.inform sb of sth通知 informed了解情况的,见闻广识的

16. critic n.批评者 criticize (vt.) criticism n.

critical adj. 批评性的;


at the critical moment

a matter of critical importance极为重要

a critical stage in his illness

17.associate …with联系 (NBA association)

结交Don’t associate with bad boys.

18.get across传播;被理解,让…听懂

19.appeal to投合(兴趣)The idea appeals to me.

呼吁,恳求I appeal to your sense of justice/ responsibility.

The government is appealing to everyone to save water.

求助于He appeals to me for help.

上诉 He appeals against the judge’s sentence.

n. His appeal for forgiveness went unanswered.恳求,呼吁

The game has lost its appeal.吸引力

上诉权the right of appeal

20.keep an eye out for 当心,警惕

keep an eye on照看,照料

21.attract one’s attention to

pay attention to

draw one’s attention to吸引

devote one’s attention to专心于

fix one’s attention on

22.we differ from/ with(和) them on/about/over (关于)the question.

We differ in interests.(在某方面)

make a/ no/ some difference 有影响,有关系

23. attach …to…

1) 使附属于,使参加(某个团体)

The school is attached to (ZNU) Zhejiang Normal University.

I got lost so I attached oneself to another agency.


He attaches great importance to study.


No blame attaches to him for the accident.

No blame can be attached to him…

be attached to喜欢,依恋

24.make a bargain with sb over sth关于sth和sb达成协议,做成交易

25.make sense有意义的 makes no sense 毫无意义

26.name sb as任命,指定

27.distinguish between A and B; distinguish A from B区别,辨别

distinguish oneself 表现突出

28.hand in hand 手拉手,密切关联的